I have loved you for a while

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Summary request: Daisy loses Lincoln and mourns him. Unable to deal with the grief, she leaves, not knowing it breaks your heart because you have secretly been in love with her for months. When she finally comes back to SHIELD after months of being on her own, you tell her how you feel, completely surprising her. You have powers a bit like Wanda's, but without the mind tricks. So a kind of telekinesis.

Hope this was something like you imagined :) Loved writing this, which you can probably see from the length of this chapter haha.

Things had gone downhill ever since Lincoln had come to live on the base and be a SHIELD Agent. Not for the team or the organization, no for you. Because he had the one thing you had wanted for months: Daisy Johnson.

Not that she was anyone's possession, but he was the one who got to kiss her and call her their girlfriend. You could punch yourself for waiting too long to tell her how you felt and then he came and swept her right off her feet. 

You had never seen her happier, which only hurt more. And the worst thing of all was, he was nice and very hard to be mean to. And you weren't that bitch who would ignore him and hate him because you were jealous, although it did sting and you kept your distance.

When they were training together and you only noticed when you walked into the gym, you made a full turn and came back an hour later when they were gone. You couldn't sit down and enjoy your evening with friends if they were both there. You would laugh and smile along and it would be fine as long as they didn't show any affection or PDA. 

Daisy had started to notice fairly quickly and one day caught up with you when you left the Friday evening gathering early again. She had called your name, a frown on her face as you turned around, trying to act normal. You had always used the same excuse: you were tired or didn't feel well. 

Whenever Lincoln was not around and it was just you and her, those were the best moment of the day. Even if the both of you were going through files in silence or she was busy with her laptop while you were writing reports. It was always easy with her, the joking, the conversations and you were the one she came to when something was bothering her or she needed help with something.

So you were absolutely devastated when she got swayed by HIVE and disappeared for weeks. You worked tirelessly trying to find her, since Lincoln was in quarantine too and was unable to help because of his weakened immune system. He had tested a cure for Inhumans, the same cure that had made Daisy so furious. Despite the difficulties you had had with your powers in the beginning, you had to side with her on this one, it was not a disease.

But if you thought those days were bad, then you hadn't prepared for this moment.

You ran into the control center of the Zephyr a little later than the others, having to finish off a couple of HIVE's disgusting pig-like bald slaves, only to see the rest of the team frozen in their places and a broken voice come from somewhere you didn't see.

''Lincoln, I can't take it if you-'' A shaky breath and a small sob. ''You can't do this.'' 

And that's when you understood who was in the Quinjet that just took off. Without waiting for the rest to move, you sprinted towards the controls and tried to get the jet to turn back. Losing Lincoln would break Daisy, shatter her heart in a million pieces right after it grew the happiest it had ever been.

''I wouldn't have thought so either, but here I am.''

You tried everything to connect with the Quinjet while your heart broke with every word Daisy mumbled into the radio. ''No, you ca- you ca- you can't do this. Not like this. I can't just ... I can't just say goodbye. I ... I have too much I want to say.''

''Me, too. Come to think of it, I just did. I mean, I tried, and we didn't even realize it.''

The connection got worse and worse and it wouldn't be long until it disappeared. 

''Realize what?'' Daisy choked out while you threaded your hands in your hair. There was no way to get the Quinjet back online. Lincoln must have fried the manual override. It was obviously a private moment between them, so you watched helplessly as the woman you had been in love with for months, fell apart on the Zephyr's floor.

''A moment ago. The first time I said I love y-''

Exactly there, the radio cut out and Lincoln was gone. 

Daisy called his name a couple times as everyone's hearts fell, dropping their heads to the floor, silently mourning the loss of an Agent and friend. But the brunette wasn't giving up so easily. She scrambled to her feet and, with the tears falling down her cheeks, stumbled to Coulson, begging him to help. ''Turn it back. Turn it back. Turn it back.''

''Can't. Remote access is offline,'' he said calmly, eyebrows pulled together in pure sadness and pity. 

''You have to. You have to. Help me, Coulson,'' Daisy pleaded. Tears in your own eyes were starting to spill over. You were hurting for her. 

Fitz shook his head. ''Even then, the Quinjet's not designed to maneuver in space, Daisy.''

Her eyes snapped to you and the moment you had dreaded, was here. Shuffling over, her broken voice prayed you could help her. ''Y/N, your powers, can't you do something, please.''

''They don't reach that far, I'm so sorry, D.'' Giving her the bad news hurt you more than she would ever know. You wanted nothing more than to help her and fix this, but you couldn't. 

You made a move to wrap her into a hug, but she stepped back quickly, not wanting to give in already. 

''No.'' She continued sobbing, moving back to Coulson. ''We have to at least try, Coul-''

Coulson told her what everyone thought but was unable to say themselves. ''He wouldn't want us to.''

''He's paying for my mistake,'' she whispered, unable to speak up.

''No,'' Coulson denied. ''He's paying for all our mistakes.''

Nobody knew what she would do next. Would she yell or run out or blast things over, instead she sunk to the ground in a similar way as before, unable to stand on her feet. This time, she did accept it when you dropped to your knees next to her and pulled her head into your chest, letting her sob into your shirt. 

''I'm so sorry,'' you repeated over and over again while she clung onto your arm like it was her lifeline. You wanted to tell her it would all be okay, but you knew it wouldn't be for a long time. With her falling apart, so did you.


''Please, don't.'' 

You knew this moment would come. You had been listening to Daisy sobbing into her pillow the past few days and had been unable to sleep, always listening for a door slamming shut, indicating she was leaving. 

So there you finally were, only three days after Lincoln had died. As soon as you heard her gather her stuff in her room next to yours, you were out of your bed.

Daisy stopped mid-step and silently cursed when she heard your soft voice behind her in the hallway. The others were asleep or on the other side of the base, she had timed her escape perfectly. ''Why do you care so much?'' Her voice was toneless and cracked from the tears.

Because I love you. 

''Because I do.'' You were grateful she stood with her back to you so she couldn't see the words on your face that you had swallowed. ''Do I need a reason for that now?''

She shook her head and continued her journey to the hangar. ''You'd be better off not caring or you'll end up dead too.'' Her answer was just loud enough for you to hear.

On your bare feet, you ran to pass her and block her way. When your eyes found her face, you wished you hadn't seen it at all. Her once lively and deep eyes were now dull and bloodshot. She refused to look at you. 

''Daisy, please. Running off isn't the solution, it isn't the way you get through this.'' You never used her full name with her.

She kept her eyes firmly on the ground, afraid if she'd look up, she'd give in. Without mercy, she pushed past you, gripping the small bag on her shoulder a little tighter. No doubt it held her laptop. ''No, but it is the way you will. You are better off without me.''

''I- We will never be better off without you. This is your family, D. And this family will never give up on you.'' She had almost reached the exit of the hanger now, leaving on foot so nobody could track her. You grew more desperate by the second and once again ran in front of her. ''I can force you to stay.'' You threw her an empty threat, begging her to stay and listen.

This time, she actually stopped, finally meeting your gaze. Both of you wished she wouldn't have, it only made this more difficult. ''You won't,'' she said confidently.

''Give me one reason.''

''Because I don't want you to.''

She pushed past you, her arm brushing past yours, and you watched her walk out the door, disappearing into the night, the tears of frustration running down your cheeks. You didn't have the right to force her to stay, she was old and wise enough to make her own decisions. But that didn't mean you wouldn't do everything to get her back. 

Ripping your eyes away from the door long after it closed, you were no longer able to contain your frustration and threw a couple crates through the hanger, a purple glow surrounding them. ''Damn it!''


You had never really liked fireworks, but they were nice to look at. A warehouse full of fireworks with a couple Watchdogs who didn't know how to use their guns? Not a very nice thought.

But you still stood there in the store, waiting for Robbie to find James and taking out any Watchdogs who dared to come down. 

When the first Watchdog came through the door, you had thrown him against the ceiling before Mack could fire his shotgun. It was nice, having powers that allowed you to fight over great distances, never once having to come into the line of fire. 

Before you could do the second one, Coulson fired his ICER into the man's chest, putting down the sixth Watchdog you had ran into. 

''That makes six,'' Mack announced while he grabbed the assailants' guns and threw them to the side in case they woke up earlier than expected. ''They're like cockroaches, these guys.''

The Watchdogs continued to target Inhumans, taking them out without mercy because they were ''the bad guys'' and ''dangerous for society''. It made your blood boil. Not only because you were one yourself, but because it was unfair to take the example of a couple bad Inhumans and place that idea on every one of them. 

A soft rumbling from behind another side door snapped everyone back into action, both men raising their guns while you readied your powers. The door flew open and everyone was ready to shoot, until you realized it was Jemma. You had not expected her here.

''Oh, Coulson,'' she breathed in relief, all of you letting out a deep breath and relaxing your bodies now that she was safe and Robbie had done his job.

Mack furrowed his brows, asking her what everyone thought. ''What the hell are you doing here?''

''We came to find James,'' she answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. ''We thought he may be targeted by the Watchdogs, but-''

 You held up your hand as a sign for her to stop talking, forcing the small flame of hope in your chest to stay down. ''Wait, "We"?''

The little bell jingled again when the same door opened, and out came the one person you had to force out of your brain after the new Director had stopped the search for her. The one person who had taken a piece of your heart with her when she left, leaving you incomplete. The one person you had prayed to see again, begging for her to come back.

She looked... broken. That was the only way you could describe her as time seemed to stop and you could only stare, your mind freezing and spinning at full speed at the same time. It was only then you realized how much you had really missed her.

''Daisy.'' Your voice wasn't even a whisper, it wasn't even a breath. It was so silent you were mouthing it. 

Her dark eyes had never looked darker than there and then. The black eyeshadow and eyeliner making it hard for you to find her irises. But she had no trouble finding yours, only to look away in shame and sadness. Seeing you again brought her both happiness and pain, thinking back to that moment in the hanger, when she had left everything behind while you were pleading her to stay.

Mack interrupted the awkward silence and you were thankful for that, since you couldn't focus on anything anymore. ''That's exactly why we're here. His GPS signal went out, so we came to his last recorded location and found it overrun with these guys.''

More Watchdogs tried to come in, but you ripped the guns from their hands and forced them down to the ground without ever moving anything but your arm. The feelings you felt were confusing. On one hand you were over the moon that she was back, but on the other had you were mad. Mad at her for leaving even though she couldn't help it.

''James turned on us. He's working with the Watchdogs,'' Simmons announced, partly shocked by the way you had taken the enemy out. You weren't a violent person at all.  

Nobody seemed too surprised by her words. James had always had a criminal air around him. Someone who would betray his closest friends and family just to save his own ass. 

''Then it's a good thing we brought Robbie Reyes. Fight fire with fire. That's a saying, isn't it?'' Coulson tried to joke, but nobody smiled. You had finally managed to rip your eyes off of Daisy, ignoring how there was a stab in your chest every time the cast and sling around her arm shone in the faint light. 

But maybe bringing Robbie along into a firework shop wasn't the best idea, because he and James fell through the wall into the warehouse, lighting just one piece of fireworks but that would set off the entire stock. 

''Did two fire dudes just drop into a warehouse full of fireworks?'' Mack asked dryly. 

''You had to see that coming,'' Coulson joked, but he was quick to rush everyone out. ''Let's go! Go, go, go, go!''

You sped out, turning around halfway to throw up a forcefield around the store, containing the explosions. And there were a lot of them. They pounded against your field but didn't get out, protecting the surrounding stores and also the people behind you, who were surprised by the strength of your power. 

You only let it down when Robbie came out, dragging an unconscious James behind him. 


Time, you needed time. Time to adjust to Daisy being back. So you were distant, avoiding her as much as possible, which was quite easy since she kept her distance from all of you, too. She sat in the Quinjet most of the time, refusing to sit anywhere else except when you needed the jet. 

So you didn't go in there either, until you mentally kicked yourself. Months you had waited to see her again and here she was, back within the safety of SHIELD and you didn't talk to her at all, not knowing what to say. 

You had made that mistake before, not telling her stuff. So you actually forced yourself to walk to the Quinjet, knowing she would be there after not seeing her for hours. It was only a couple seconds walk, but it felt like a lifetime. 

The liquid in the mugs you were carrying, shook with your hands. Why were you nervous to talk to your friend? It's not like you were going to spill your feelings for her, you simply wanted to talk to her. 

Taking a deep breath, you rounded the last corner and slowly walked up the ramp of the jet, smiling as convincing as you could. ''Don't throw me out, I come bearing gifts.''

Daisy looked away from her laptop in surprise. Since you had avoided her for days, she was sure you never wanted to talk to her again. But here you were, with that same smile on her face she had gotten used to. She wanted to brush off your worry and concern for her, but the guilt of the night she left was too big, so she accepted the hot coffee you handed her. 

Cross-legged, you sat down on the floor in front of her. She didn't push her laptop off her lap, but did close it to focus on you. You blew in your drink to waste some time, giving you the time you needed to think. This was as far as you had come, so now you didn't know what to say. 

But her eyes were on your face, making it harder to think. With a startle you realized why she sat in the jet so much. It was the last place she had seen Lincoln. She felt closest to him here. That realization was enough to make you want to stand up and leave her alone to mourn, but you kept sitting there.

''You got more powerful.''

Her soft voice surprised you so much you almost choked on your coffee. Blushing slightly because of the awkward reaction, you nodded slowly, staring at the brown drink in your hands.

''Have been training a lot. Didn't want to fail again.'' You couldn't save Lincoln because your powers didn't reach that far, and you never wanted to go through that again. So you trained harder and harder to expand your powers and make them stronger.

Her dark eyes softened when she saw how much you blamed yourself for that, even though none of that was your fault. Daisy had never realized how she wasn't the only one blaming herself for that. ''Y/N, you didn't fail.''

Your head snapped up on its own accord, directing the frustration you felt for yourself, onto her. ''Then why does it feel like that? I not only lost a team mate that day, but also you.''

She furrowed her eyebrows, stunned by your outburst. Apparently this sat very deep. ''You didn't lose me, I'm right here.''

You shook your head, all the energy and frustration leaving your body like a defusing balloon. ''You know that's not what I meant.''

An awkward and tense silence followed where both of you didn't know what to say next. You thought maybe it would be best to walk away, but you were here to confront her, not to give her the satisfaction of walking away from a difficult situation again. 

You didn't look at her, but from the corner of your eye you could see she was struggling to wrap her head around all of it. It hurt to see how less she thought of herself. To you, she was amazing, even after all the mistakes she had made lately. If only she saw that herself.

''I told you to stop caring,'' she finally whispered, as if that was so simple. 

Something within you snapped. It was all too much. Her hating herself, the 'I told you so'. ''You don't get to choose who cares about you.'' Your voice was way more harsh and sharp than you meant it to be, and in response, she mirrored it. 

''Why do you care so much?'' She said the exact same words from that night. And for some reason, you couldn't stop the voice in your head to speak out loud this time, maybe forcing you to make the biggest mistake of your life.

''Because I love you!'' You took in a deep, shaky breath, avoiding her eyes at all cost. ''There, I said it. I wasn't going to because I know you are still mourning, but I have loved you for a while.''

'Shocked' wasn't the right way to describe how Daisy felt. This was a reveal she had never, ever expected to come out of your mouth. How could she have been so blind? ''What?'' she asked dumbfounded, finally finding her voice again. 

You hung your head, forcing the tears back. ''You shattered my heart when you left, D. And I tried to be angry with you, but I couldn't.'' You scrambled to your feet, unable to deal with this now and also feeling incredibly guilty for throwing this on her. You were so selfish, burdening her with this on top of the wreck she was. ''I'm sorry for throwing this on you, I'll leave you and stay away from now on.''

Without waiting for an answer, you walked out, leaving her a confused mess on the floor.

''No, wait. Y/N,'' she tried calling after you, but you didn't stop or turn back.


The past few weeks were... hard and awkward. Although that first part was for you and the latter was for everyone on the team. They felt the weird tension between you and Daisy. That didn't mean however, that you weren't happy for her when Mace reinstated her as an Agent of SHIELD in front of a bunch of cameras, something that didn't make her comfortable at all. 

It was best for her to be with SHIELD so everyone could keep an eye on her. So you could keep an eye on her. You two hadn't talked to each other after the conversation in the Quinjet. You knew she didn't feel the same way, which only made it more painful. And Daisy's head was a mess. She had been too engaged with Lincoln to even think about what she felt for you, both when he was alive and after he died.

To be honest, she had never seen you as anything other than a friend. But the more she looked into the past, the more she realized how there might have always been more than a friendship. She was always happiest talking to you, joking around with you and was more concerned about you on missions than the others. 

Small signs which she had put on the idea you were just her best friend. Who thought about others while being in a relationship, you know?

And during the weeks you didn't look at her or talked to her, those feelings only got stronger. They confused her, because how could she be mourning someone while falling for someone else? Did those things even go together? The answer to that was yes, you could love more than one person at the same time. 

The problem was, she didn't think you were worthy of her. She didn't want to cause you pain, but at the same time, she no longer wanted to ignore the signs.

''Do you have a second?''

The door of the very small conference room in the Zephyr slid open. You used the room often because it was soundproof and gave you peace in the chaos this plane could bring. You looked up from your tablet to see Daisy in the door opening, an insecure expression on her face. 

Thinking it was just another message she was delivering for Coulson or May, you looked back down. ''Can it wait? I'm tracking this asset we've been wanting to catch for a while.''

''Actually, no.'' To your surprise, she shook her head and walked in determined, pulling out the chair next to you. All your attention was on her now.

''What's going on?'' you asked concerned, afraid something had happened. Didn't matter if you were in a weird place, you would never stop worrying about her. 

Her whole chair was turned towards yours, her elbows on her knees, hands nervously fiddling with each other. ''I've been thinking about what you said,'' she finally blurted out. 

Your heart stopped, sweat jumping into your hands. Never in a million years had you expected to come back on that conversation in the jet. Not after so many weeks had passed. ''Okay?'' 

Finally she glanced up, catching your unsure eyes with hers. Something changed when that happened, doubt and insecurity within her turned into such fiery determination you hadn't seen in a long time. 

One second she stared at you and the next, her lips were on yours. She was careful, but there was no hesitation in the way she kissed you, one of her hands trailing to the back of your neck while the other rested on your knee.

You were way too surprised to kiss her back, so after she pulled back and you had mentally slapped yourself, you kissed her again, just to make sure she didn't get the wrong message and because it did such wonderful things to your heart that you could have kissed her for hours.

For the first time in a long time, the both of you were smiling.

''Are you sure?'' you asked her quietly, taking one of her hands in yours. ''I don't want you to think you owe me anything.''

Daisy had never been more sure of anything. Kissing you felt right in every way possible. And she did not feel bad or guilty afterwards for moving on. ''I'm very sure. Just... can we take this slow? I need time.''

''You are the one who kissed me,'' you laughed, feeling you could tease her again. It earned you a playful glare and the light-hearted banter you had missed so much. ''Only if you promise not to leave again, both physically and mentally,'' you added, really serious now. 

Daisy nodded, then smiled. ''I still think you shouldn't care.''

''Too late.'' You shook your head, chuckling. ''You kissed me, you can't go back.''

Both of you jumped when someone knocked on the glass of the big windows of the room. Coulson stood there with a very amused expression, but also tapped on the watch around his wrist. 

Daisy smiled sheepishly, turning back to you. ''Oh I forgot, we were supposed to be on the Quinjet a minute ago,'' she said casually.

''D,'' you groaned, knowing there must have been another reason for her to find you. You collected your stuff quickly, very aware of Coulson still standing there, smiling smugly. He knew damn well what had happened.

Daisy chuckled, shortly pulling on your hand before dropping it. ''Let's go.'' There was no way you were letting her go again now.

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