Phone Calls

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Summary: you're an Avenger and Daisy calls you after the Battle of Sokovia in a panic, not sure if you're still alive. Cute and short :)

The Quinjet took off from the Helicarrier, Tony piloting until auto pilot took over. 

All you wanted to do was shower and sleep. You haven't even had time to eat yet, or to even sit down. That's how busy you had been with aiding the wounded and talking to a very pissed off Fury. He was angry because of everything that had happened, but was also glad it ended the way it did. 

You finally had time to rest in the Quinjet that would take you back to the Tower when your phone rang. It had been ringing a couple times already, but you were too busy to answer. 

Now, with no distractions and nothing to do for an hour, you didn't have an excuse not to pick up.

It was completely silent in the jet, so the other Avengers all looked up to you when you sighed loudly at the name on your screen. Time to face the music.

''Hey babe.'' 

You had just enough time to say a greeting before Daisy dove into her rambling. You loved her but she was too worried sometimes.

''Oh my god, Y/N are you okay? I saw on the news what happened and then I tried calling you but you didn't pick up and I was so worried.''

Natasha, who sat opposite you, heard Daisy's torrent of words and sentences and chuckled lightly, shaking her head.

''I'm fine, D,'' you assured her after throwing Natasha a glare, very aware everyone was listening to the conversation. ''Little bruised but nothing broken I believe, so I'll be fine.''

But there was a certain tone in your voice Daisy didn't like. ''Are you sure? You sound tired.''

''Thanks for that,'' you teased her, laughing silently. ''I am tired. We just fought a bunch of robots.''

You could feel Daisy's doubt on the other end of the line and decided to shift the conversation away from you.

''We could have used you, you know. You could've Quaked them apart easily.''

You could almost see the light glare and eye roll she would have given you face-to-face.

''I wasn't invited, remember?''

You laughed at her answer. She was always one with a quick comeback. ''You should go to Steve with that complaint.''

Steve stared at you a questioning look, but you just shook your head.

Daisy enjoyed the way your laugh sounded and realized she missed hearing it more than she had thought. ''I miss you,'' she confessed after a while. 

The smile fell from your face when you heard how sad she mumbled it. ''I know honey. I miss you too. But I'll be back soon.''

''You better. We need you here.''

''The team or you?'' you teased her, trying to lighten the depressing mood. You didn't want her to be sad, you wanted her to be fine without you there for a couple days. 

''Both, although I don't think Mack misses hugging and kissing you,'' she added with a chuckle.

Your laugh filled the Quinjet once again. Although you were trying to keep the conversation quiet, you couldn't help but laugh at her. ''I hope not, or things will be awkward real fast.''

''No but I'm serious,'' Daisy said after both your laughter died down. ''Things are... things are bad and we need everyone on this problem.''

''Do you want to tell me about it?'' you asked her sincerely, knowing she also had Jemma and the rest of the team to talk to, but she had always told you she preferred talking to you. 

Daisy shook her head, although you couldn't see it. ''Sorry, not a secure line. That information can only be given in person.''

''Touché,'' you laughed.

''Just come home,'' she muttered quietly.

You looked at the ground of the jet, playing absentmindedly with the hemline of your shirt. ''I will. Tell Coulson he can expect a request for a Quinjet soon.''

When Daisy answered, she sounded a little more hopeful than before. ''I will. I love you.''

''Love you too,'' you answered the conversation, waiting for her to hang up and then pocketing your phone. 

It hurt how much you missed her when you were on mission with the Avengers, but you also knew she didn't need anyone and could do without you for a couple days. That didn't mean you couldn't wait to go home and fall right back into the mess that was SHIELD.

You were so lost in your head that you didn't notice the team members around you all smile at your conversation. They were happy you were happy.

''Gosh I only heard one side of that conversation and it has me nauseous of how mushy that was,'' Stark teased, pulling you back to reality.

You smiled at the billionaire. ''Jealous, Stark?''

Tony gestured to himself excessively, raising his eyebrows in question. ''Me? Absolutely not. Although I would really like to meet this mysterious girlfriend someday.''

''Why, so you can vet her?'' You chuckled, keeping yourself busy with checking your weapons and cleaning them. Your remark sent chuckles through the Quinjet, everyone knowing of Tony's playboy past and loving to tease him about it from time to time.

He sent you a dry look. ''No, I just want to see who has you all soft and blushing.''

''I am not blushing,'' you defended yourself. 

''You kinda were,'' Natasha teased, backing Tony.  

You looked at Clint, who was shrugging, and Steve who was smiling knowingly.

''Okay just shut up. All of you,'' you groaned, trying to hide your cheeks with your hair. ''Asses.''

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