Prank wars

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Summary: you and Daisy have a prank war. I have never tried a chapter like this, but I hope it turned out okay. Thank you @Tremors196  for the idea!

It scared the shit out of you. 

Anyone who knew you only a little bit, know you were incredibly afraid of spiders. Not simply afraid in a way that your heart only stopped for a second, but afraid in the way you would scream, run out of the room and didn't go back in until someone else had killed the thing.

This morning, when your eyes were half-open and you had kept the light out in the bathroom to it would turn you blind, you had touched a hairy thing next to your toothpaste. Your heart stopped, you jumped back and flipped the light switch.

There, on the white sink, sat a spider. 

You screamed and ran out, pretty sure it was audible from the other side of the base. Carefully, you peeked around the door. It didn't move, the thing was fake.

You grumbled, silently cursing your girlfriend under her breath. She had left a couple minutes before, smiling mysteriously. Then, you didn't know why, but now it became clear.

Game on, Daisy.

You looked for her tablet, the thing she was always glued to. Luckily, it was still on the desk in your shared room. Apparently she didn't need it today. 

You took it to the kitchen, making sure no one was there, and wrapped it in so much tin foil, saran wrap and duct tape it was inches thicker by the time you were finished. Innocently, you placed it back in the exact same spot.

The fun of these prank wars was both of you knew exactly who was pranking you, but both of you acted as if nothing was wrong.

So you joined Daisy in her meeting with Coulson just as calm as always. She checked your face but you just smiled at her, not letting anything on. At one point, Coulson asked her to get her tablet so she could look for something. 

It took her ten minutes. What was normally a minute took her ten minutes now. By the time she walked back into the office, you raised an eyebrow. ''What took you so long?''

She refrained from narrowing her eyes at your smirk. ''Had some trouble with my tablet.''

Things would only turn worse after that. There was a silent agreement the pranks were never too scary or too embarrassing, they had to be fun, like the tablet wrapped was funny and didn't harm anyone. It wasn't fun if someone was scared to move out of the room.

Daisy retaliated by putting salt instead of sugar into your coffee. But you weren't weak, you drank the whole thing while looking her straight in the eye. She was genuinely impressed.

It did make you feel kinda sick, but it was worth it.

Somehow, you had managed to tape a note to the back of her leather jacket while she was in conversation with Mack, who had long figured out what was going on. He refused to take sides, but he loved seeing his partner get pranked so he was always secretly on your side, subtly whispering suggestions to you.

For the next couple hours, everyone who walked behind Daisy called her name and handed her something random. Something they found in their pockets or had in their hands. A coin, paperclip or empty water bottle. It took her hours to figure out why they did that, until she heard the paper rustling on her back. 

''Give me something random :)''  was written on the sticky note, taped to the leather with duct tape. 

Every Agent knew about your prank wars so everyone knew it was your writing and happily joined in.

She smiled to herself, shaking her head. She already had another prank planned but couldn't do it until you had made your move. Now the ball was in her court again.

She had printed out dozens of photos of herself and placed them literally everywhere. Under your pillow, in your favorite mug only you used, between your closed laptop, in the pockets of your jeans, the drawers of your closet and the insides of your shoes. 

You would find pictures of her for weeks after that. Not that that bothered you, it was just really funny when you absentmindedly put your hands in your jeans' pocket and came up with two pictures of Daisy's face. They were quite beautiful pictures too so you didn't mind finding them. Not at all.

However, you did retaliate by interrupting her favorite TV shows. She would watch them at night while you were still busy and couldn't yet chill with her. She wasn't the only one who knew how to work a computer so you had connected your laptop to hers and randomly kept pausing the shows. 

It got her worked up until she couldn't take it anymore. Finally she groaned in annoyance after you paused it for the tenth time in the hour. 

''What's wrong, babe?'' you asked innocently, turning halfway around in your chair so you could look at her. 

You chuckled when her eyes narrowed on you. ''You're ruining my show.''  

''Do you give up?'' You leaned back smugly, raising an eyebrow.

''Never,'' she shook her head stubbornly. ''But I'm tired, so fine, you win this round.'' To her dismay, you laughed, leaving your work for what it was for tonight and plopping on the bed next to her to watch the rest of the episode with her. 

''The one where I was everyone's trash can was hilarious,'' Daisy chuckled as you settled against the pillows with your head on her shoulder. 

''I liked that one too,'' you chuckled. Her face had been priceless every time someone called her name and dropped something random in her hand. ''Did you remember where you put all the pictures of your beautiful face, or will I be finding them for weeks?''

She rolled your eyes at your flattery. ''I don't remember what we had for lunch yesterday, so...''

You laughed lightly. ''We should join forces next time because it will be a while before I'm over that spider.''

''It took me ten minutes to unwrap that tablet, I almost threw it at the wall in frustration.'' Daisy almost growled in frustration thinking back to the tablet. It took a lot of scissors and knives to cut it free without damaging the screen. 

After your laughter died down, a plan began to form in your head. You sat up so you were able to look at her properly. ''Hey, do you still know how to print a hundred photos?'' you asked, a mischievous smile on your lips. 

Daisy mirrored your smirk, liking where this was going. ''What are you thinking?''

So the next morning, the base woke up to pictures of Mack everywhere. On the fridge, all the cabinets throughout the entire base, the back of computers and laptops, doors, walls, lockers, chairs. 

He laughed very hard about it, shaking his head. Mack was someone who could appreciate a good prank. Besides, it made everyone laugh, a nice change from the usual serious tone in the base. 

It was a miracle he hadn't woken up from you and Daisy's laughter in the night. Your stomach still hurt from all the laughing while trying to be silent. 

Mack took his sweet time planning revenge, the suspense making the entire thing worse. 

It was a week later you wanted to step out of your bedroom, distracted by the tablet in your hands, you almost didn't notice the plastic cups on the floor in front of you. When you finally did though, you laughed out loud, calling Daisy over your shoulder.

Mack stood a couple feet away, filming the whole thing. Dozens of red plastic cups were placed in front of the door, closely to each other so there wouldn't be any place to step between them. They were filled with water, preventing you from just kicking them away. 

Daisy laughed just as hard when she saw the traditional prank. ''Well, looks like we'll be staying in today,'' she said loud enough for the others to hear, pulling you back into the room by your collar and shutting the door.

The pranks didn't end that week until someone made the mistake of pranking May. She didn't seem to take it well so everyone stopped after that, until one night around three A.M. the alarm went off, signaling there was an urgent mission. Everyone rushed to Coulson's office to find nothing, only each other. That was until May walked in with a smirk on her face, saying nothing but her face enough to speak for a thousand words.

No one pranked anyone for a couple months after that. 

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