Regrettable Decisions (Part 2)

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As requested, a part two! Enjoy :)

''I would tell you my name, but you already know it,'' you smiled, the first real smile Daisy had seen you give. It was small but had a huge effect on her.

She couldn't help but mirror your smile and the teasing tone of your voice. ''Kinda hard not to, with half the criminals in the city scared of you and the other half wanting to kill you.''

Daisy's remark had had the opposite effect. Instead of trying to lighten the mood, it dampened it. For the first time since she had walked in, you broke eye contact, dropping your gaze to your uncomfortable hands. The shame and disappointment you felt about the things you had done and the person you had become getting too much. 

She watched your sad eyes, her heart sinking in her chest. She needed to speak, try and break this painful moment. ''Why me?'' she asked after a short silence, realizing you weren't going to respond.

You shrugged, finding the courage to look at her again. She was all ears, waiting patiently. ''SHIELD was getting too close. My father wanted to scare you off.''

''Yeah I get that. But why me?''

You furrowed your brows, confused she didn't understand why she was the target and why not any of the other agents. ''You're kidding, right?'' you asked sarcastically, but were met with an empty look. ''Quake is a superhero, a legend. If my old man could get to you, he could get to anyone.''

''Quake,'' Daisy repeated to herself. ''So it wasn't personal.''

Now you were the one who was confused, not understanding where she wanted to go with her comment. ''I'm afraid I don't understand your question.''

''Quake is a persona, a facade, she's different than Daisy. They're different people,'' she explained after a sigh. It was a tired sigh, maybe she had to explain this to people every day and was getting tired of them only seeing her as the hero and not the person behind it. ''I'm sure you can understand that.''

You stared at her, suspecting what she meant but you wanted to hear her say it. ''What are you saying?''

''I'm saying I think who you have become isn't who you really are. You have a good heart, poisoned by revenge, anger and pain.''

She spoke out of experience, her eyes slightly fogged over with a memory from another time. 

You scoffed, averting your gaze back to your hands. You normally weren't one to get restless or nervous easily, but the way Daisy saw you made you want to prove to her that she was right. Made you want to prove you were good and that scared you. ''You don't even know me.''

''I don't have to. I can feel it.''

You raised an eyebrow jokingly. ''I thought Inhumans only had one power?''

Daisy playfully rolled her eyes, appreciating your joke. ''You have already seen my powers up close.''

Her smile warmed your heart. ''And felt them,'' you reminded her, the stinging wounds on your hand proof of that. ''Thanks for that by the way.''

She shrugged, tapping and swiping on her tablet. Immediately you missed the opportunity to read her eyes. ''Shouldn't have tried to run.''

''Should have known better than to try and kill you. I see now that was pointless to begin with.'' You mumbled the last part to yourself, sliding down in your chair slightly. 

''So why did you?'' she asked distracted, still focused on the device. Her ability to multitask was impressive.

''I didn't exactly have a choice,'' you shrugged, acting as if it didn't bother you when in fact it did, there was just nothing you could do about it. ''Once you're in, there's no way out. No way that ends with your heart beating anyway.''

Finally Daisy looked up again, the smallest hint of pity on her face. ''But he's your dad.''

''So?'' You scoffed. ''We may be related by blood but he couldn't be farther from a father. He doesn't care about me. I was just a pawn.''

''He's not coming for you?'' She did feel sorry for you, although you didn't want it. 

''No. Too high of a risk.''

It was almost impossible to believe for her. After years of being with SHIELD and knowing they would have done everything in their power and beyond to get her back if she was captured, it was a slap back to reality that it wasn't a normality for a lot of people. 

The silence was filled with pity from her side and acceptance from your side. It wasn't a nice silence and Daisy knew you just wanted her to get onto the next topic, so she did.

''So what can you tell us about his operation?''

After ensuring your father and his minions wouldn't be killed, only knocked out and imprisoned, you told her everything. You wanted to, he needed to be stopped. The whole criminal circuit had to be stopped. There was so much death and loss, always a war going on. 

A lot of them had families, families that deserved better. Better than going to sleep every night, not knowing if their father, mother, son or daughter would be back in the morning.

Everything you gave her, Daisy checked on the tablet in her hand, showing you pictures to make sure it was the right person. You were shocked how good her skills were, finding them within seconds. 

''You're the IT woman.''

''I'm a hacker,'' Daisy corrected you immediately. When you raised your eyebrow, she sighed. ''Yeah I'm the IT woman.'' With the others listening in to the conversation, she knew she would never hear the end of this again.

''Cool.'' You watched her work, sure you could have done so for hours. There was something so fascinating about her when she was in her element. ''Can I ask you a question,'' you eventually asked when she didn't come with new ones, ''since you've been bombarding me all evening without giving me a break?''

Daisy hummed absentmindedly, tapping on her tablet. ''Shoot.''

''How long did it take you to forgive yourself?''

Her fingers froze on the screen. You scoffed at her surprised face, wondering how you had figured her out so quickly. ''Please, you're not the only one wears the smell of loss and guilt as perfume.''

There was a sadness around her that for some reason you wanted to force away. It hurt you that she was hurting.

''I still haven't. I don't think I ever will,'' Daisy answered honestly after collecting her feelings and thoughts.

''Great,'' you answered sarcastically.

''But working with SHIELD, preventing catastrophes before they happen, it helps.''

You nodded, processing her answer. The idea of waking up every day with a heavy chest sucked, but at the same time you deserved it. Deserved it for everything you have done. If you wanted any chance to better yourself, you needed to do that here, with SHIELD. If they decided to lock you up and sent you away, hope was lost for you. A desire to stay here, stay with SHIELD and help them, arose. 

''What will happen to me?''

''I said one question,'' Daisy teased, but the seriousness on your face made her drop the tone. ''That depends on whether the information you gave us leads to anything and if you're worth the risk of keeping here.'' 

Once again, the nerves flared up, something her professional eye saw. ''But don't worry, SHIELD has a history of taking in strays with questionable pasts.'' You nodded but her words hadn't made you feel any better.

''How about we call it quits for today and we continue in the morning? You look like you could use some sleep.''

She was right, although you didn't mind sitting there with her for another three hours. However, the day had been long and at this point you were awake for almost 24 hours. They had caught you somewhere a little after midnight, the trip back to the base had also taken some time, followed by this really long conversation.

It was probably somewhere around three or four in the morning, meaning you had skipped the night, something you normally couldn't handle well.

After Daisy had unlocked the chain keeping you chained to the table, she gestured for you to follow her out of the room and into the hallway behind. 

Immediately, all eyes were on you again, but Daisy didn't pay any attention to them, which made you feel a lot better. She made you feel protected actually, almost convinced she would fight the next person who would say something mean or look at you wrongly. 

''These are really not necessary,'' you said softly to her once you were in a quieter hallway, raising your hands to show her the handcuffs. ''I don't know how to fight and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't make it further than a couple feet.''

Daisy half-turned to you in surprise and confusion, feet never faltering in their steps to your cell. ''You know how to assassinate people from rooftops but not how to fight?''

''I had a limited amount of time to learn, okay?'' you chuckled, defended yourself, slightly thrown off by her intense gaze on you. Something about her brown eyes was so fierce, they looked straight into your soul. It wasn't uncomfortable, it was new. No one had ever really looked at you and actually seen you. 

''We'll have to change that then.''

Now it was you who turned to her in surprise and shock. Her words made it sound final that you would be staying here. She knew damn well what effect it would have on you, proven by the tiny smirk on her lips.

The dark hallways were a big contrast to the heavenly white room revealing itself behind the heavy door Daisy opened with a code. 

It was so bright you had to avert your eyes to give them time to adjust. ''Did you really need to make it bright white? Everything?'' 

Your footsteps were muffled on the ground, undoubtedly made of the same material on the walls and the ceiling. Must be some sort of absorption material, probably to keep stronger people in here, people with powers. 

Daisy chuckled behind you, watching you examine the room carefully, hands awkwardly held in front of you. ''Hey, I didn't design it, but I see where you're coming from.''

She interrupted your staring by moving around you, carefully grabbing the cuffs around your wrist. She didn't say anything as she unlocked them and you were happy she didn't. This was the closest she had ever been to you and the occasional brush of her fingertips on your skin lit it on fire. The same was the case with your cheeks that must be bright red by now. 

She was even more beautiful up close, in the harsh LED lighting instead of the soft moonlight outside. That had made her look like an angel, but now you realized she was far from that. She was a warrior, a fighter, strong but with a big heart.

What you didn't know, was Daisy was feeling the exact same. Your breath over her face made her incredibly nervous and she hoped it wasn't too obvious it took a little longer than usual to get the cuffs off. There was also a rush of guilt when she saw the cuts on your hands, caused by her blowing you over on the roof. 

''I will send someone to look at those.'' All the playfulness of the conversation earlier had made place for nervous words, which normally wasn't her. Daisy always knew what to say, no one could throw her off.

''That's really not necessary.'' You said honestly, but she was already starting to turn around. ''Daisy, I'm fine.'' Out of instinct and without thinking, you laid your hand on her arm to stop her. You realized your mistake when she froze and stared at your hand on her dark jacket, dropping it quickly with a light blush on your cheeks.

Surprisingly, her first instinct wasn't to swat it away, not feeling threatened by it at all. Maybe it was also the way you had said her name, gentle as it it was something magical.

''Fine,'' she smiled, surprising you. You had half expected her to blow you across the room again. ''Let me at least get you some fresh clothes then.''

You sighed, narrowing your eyes at her. ''There's no saying no to that, is there?''

''Nope. Wait here.''

''I'm not really going anywhere!'' you called after her jokingly, the last word slipping through the open door before it was cut off by the lock clicking into place. 

You almost didn't dare sit on the sterile white bedsheets, but Daisy had been right before, you could really use some sleep. You twisted and rubbed your painful wrists, letting your eyes wander around the room. 

It was a nice accommodation, showing the true nature of the organization. It also didn't feel like a cell, it was more of a bedroom with a lock on the door. 

Almost immediately, you found the cameras in the corners of the ceiling. The others were more difficult to find, but they were undoubtedly there, watching you closely.

It wasn't long before Daisy came back, the beeping of the lock alerting you she was coming in. Subconsciously, your body straightened a little bit. 

''Here you go. I guessed we're about the same size, so I got you some things from my closet instead of the usual prison jumpsuit. Trust me, that one is not sexy.''

You smiled as she rambled, not realizing she was spewing words while handing you the stack of soft fabrics. 

''Thanks,'' you said genuinely. Daisy didn't have to be nice, had no reason to treat a prisoner and murderer this way, but she did it anyway.

She stared at you, the gears in her head turning, before abruptly turning around and walking out. ''I'll wake you up in a couple hours,'' she called over her shoulder, stopping by the exit. ''Oh and I asked them to turn down the lights. But don't try anything, the cameras can see as good in the dark as in the light.''

You shook your head, chuckling. ''Of course they do.''

For the last time that day, the door locked and you were alone again. This time however, a lot was different from the last time you were on your own. You were alone, but not on your own anymore. 

You didn't care who might be watching as you took your own clothes off and pulled Daisy's comfortable sweatpants up your legs and threw on her sweater. Of course they were black. You had a feeling that just like you, all the things in her closet were colorless, so it was comfortable to wear. 

Her smell hit you immediately, and you had to refrain yourself from smelling your shirt too obviously. It was such a calming scent, not too sweet but also not too heavy. Fresh but not too dark. 

You smiled to yourself when the lights turned off as you crept under the covers, a black blot against all the white. You had expected to stay awake and alert for at least an hour, but Daisy's perfume, mixed with the warmth of the covers and the exhaustion of the day was enough to lull you to sleep immediately, drifting off without any worries.

Your life was once again completely in the hands of someone else, but you trusted her hands.

''And?'' Coulson asked when Daisy walked into his office, the screen on the wall tuned in on the camera feed of the cell. 

She turned to him, pretending she had no idea what he was talking about.

''Oh come on, what do you think of her,'' Coulson gestured to the screen, steering her gaze back to it, ''does she deserve the benefit of the doubt?''

''You already know I am not exactly unbiased here,'' Daisy reminded him, feeling she couldn't exactly give him an objective opinion on you. 

From the tone of her voice, Coulson could read it anyway. ''So you think she does,'' he concluded.

She sighed, finally pulling her attention away from the screen and turning her back to it so she could concentrate on him only. ''I think she's just lost. She needs a goal, a purpose. Like you gave me.''

The man nodded, feeling how desperately she wanted you to stay there. ''Alright, but she needs to be screened thoroughly and you'll be the one training her.''

''What?'' Daisy exclaimed in shock. The screening part was logical, they needed to make sure you weren't secretly HYDRA or a spy with bad intentions. But that she would have to train you was a complete surprise. It made her incredibly nervous.

Coulson had to suppress his smug smirk, although he only succeeded in that partly. ''She clearly trusts you and let's be honest, you like her and she likes you.''

Daisy groaned, trying to hide her face in her hands. ''Fine,'' she grumbled. ''But I never want to hear you say anything like that ever again.''

''No promises, but I suggest you get some rest yourself, you start in the morning.''

''Me as an S.O., who would have thought that?'' Daisy joked, grabbing her tablet from the desk to start preparations. She had a feeling sleep wouldn't be on her agenda for tonight. 

''I have,'' Coulson said to her surprise, pulling her attention away from the tablet and back to him. ''I always knew you would find yourself in that position someday. You don't see it yourself but people want to follow you.''

Daisy raised an eyebrow, scoffing softly. ''Okay, enough ''analyzing Daisy'' for today, I'm leaving now.''

And so she did, leaving Coulson behind in his office, smiling to himself. She forced herself to take his advice and try to go to sleep. Right before she stepped into bed though, she couldn't stop herself from checking up on you. It may be a tad creepy but she needed reassurance you were still sleeping peacefully. 

As suspected, you were, the covers pulled up to your chin and hair fanned out on the pillow. 

Daisy couldn't stop the adoring smile growing on her lips. Knowing you were fine for a couple hours, she felt she could also turn in for today. Unlike you, she had trouble falling asleep, the conversation with you playing over and over in her head, your moonlit eyes staring up at her. 

Eventually she did fall asleep, only a couple hours before her alarm would go off and a new adventure for her and for you would begin. 

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