The New Deal (Part 2)

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Thank you so much @wonderluthor for requesting a part two!  Let me know if you want a part 3 too :) If you would like to request a chapter, feel free to DM me.

Somehow, you had made it to some kind of safe house, at least it was safe according to Daisy and you trusted her. It had turned dark by now, so it was easier to hide on the dark streets.

There was a small, heavy guy shouting at the three of you as you burst through the door. Coulson ignored him and laid the woman he was carrying, on the bar. Then he grabbed a cloth from behind the bar and handed it to you. ''Can you put pressure on her wound for me?''

You nodded, placing your small bag on a chair and taking your gloves off to prevent getting blood on them. Whatever they needed your help with, you were down. You knew him and Daisy needed to have a conversation about Freddy and whatever was up with him. 

''He's a target. Give me a reason.'' Coulson sounded frustrated with not knowing why not Roosevelt but Freddy was now the target, although his last name had probably something to do with that.

Without taking your eyes off of your hands, you chimed in. ''They're not after his father's money. When old man Malick jumped out that window, his debts were paid.'' 

Coulson stood next to you. ''His full name. What is it?''

You were confused on why that mattered, but answered him anyway. ''Wilfred Malick. Why?''

Daisy turned to Coulson, realization dawning on her. ''As in father of Gideon Malick? Future head of Hydra in America?''

''If the Chronicoms kill Malick, then Hydra is stamped out before it ever takes hold and S.H.I.E.L.D. is never formed.''

''So you're saying, to save S.H.I.E.L.D...'' Daisy started. 

''We have to save Hydra.''

You had no idea what SHIELD and HYDRA was, but the sigh Daisy let out after Coulson's statement said enough. 

You felt the need to smile at her encouragingly, which you did after she sat down next to you. From what you gathered from the rest of the conversation you didn't focus on, there were more of their friends coming, one of them being a doctor. 

''I'm sorry, this must all be very confusing for you,'' Daisy apologized as she watched you taking care of the bleeding woman.

''Don't worry, I will catch up,'' you smiled. ''Time travelers, secret organizations and inhuman security guards... Yes, I might need a crash course.''

Daisy chuckled at you, the stress in her eyes momentarily disappearing. ''All you need to know for now is we're the good guys and HYDRA are the bad guys.''

You dared take your gaze off your hands to look in her eyes. From the moment you did that for the first time back in the club, you knew you could trust her. After all those years in politics, you knew exactly who to believe. ''I had already figured that out.'' Daisy's eyes widened in surprise. ''I have met enough of New York's shady businessmen to know who is trustworthy and who is not.''

Daisy studied you for a minute, thinking about the limits you must have encountered in your lifetime. ''Must not be easy for you, being a woman in this time.''

You shrugged as if it didn't bother you. ''It has it's challenges, but I know what my worth is, even if they do not see it. Is it better where you are from?'' you asked after a pause.

''It is, but there is still a long way to go.'' Daisy looked down at her long dress, plucking at the shiny fabric. ''At least we're wearing pants in 2020.''

2020? They were from 90 years in the future? You didn't know what you had expected, but they were a long way from home. 

''You look amazing in that dress.'' You froze and your cheeks burned when you realized how that sounded. ''I mean, you definitely fit in here.''

Daisy smiled at your flustered state, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach. She suddenly liked this dress a lot more. ''You don't look so bad yourself, sugar.'' She used your own pet name against you, which only caused you to blush more. A wave of relief fell over you when a knock on the door startled everyone.

The short man opened the door and two women came bursting in. The first one rushed straight to you and was no doubt the doctor. When she told you to remove your hands, you did without hesitation. 

''Wait, who's this?'' The second, Latina woman asked you with a faint Spanish accent. 

''Y/N Y/L/N, she's the daughter of one of this city's biggest politicians,'' Coulson explained to her and also to the doctor, if she was even listening.

Yo-Yo raised an eyebrow. ''What is she doing here?''

Daisy almost stepped in front of you, shielding you from the judging look on Yo-Yo's face. ''She's helping. Now where is Freddy?''

They dove into a conversation about Freddy, explaining to the two new women what they had found out about him, why they needed to keep him alive and protect him from these people they kept calling ''Chronicoms''. Apparently, Freddy would live to give birth to a terrible organization named HYDRA. They couldn't stop that from happening though, because history needed to play out the right way. 

''Can't we stay here awhile, uh, be a good influence for him, change his heart?'' 

You spoke up for the first time, your head hurting from all the information you tried to remember. ''Trust me, there is no changing a Malick heart. In fact, I am not sure he has one.''

The man you believed to be this illegal club owner, interrupted the conversation with bad news. ''You need to disappear. Word is out. Coppers are swarming every gin joint, looking for Freddy.''

Coulson picked the unconscious woman back up from the bar. But right before you all could leave and go back to whatever vehicle was called the 'Zephyr', sirens stopped in front of the building, blocking the only exit.

''Is there a back exit?'' Coulson asked anxiously. 

''This is the only way in or out. But you could hide in my secret office.''

The whole group filed into a storage room filled with boxes and booze behind a secret wall in his office. Daisy grabbed your hand and pulled you quickly with her to ensure the cops wouldn't see you. After all, they had seen you in the club before and knew you were with the time travelers.

The front door got kicked in right as the office door was shut behind you. There were heavy footsteps from two people audible, just like the rambling of the club owner. He was desperately trying to get the cops to leave. You almost didn't dare breath when you remembered your bag and gloves were still on the bar. You just had to prey they didn't tie those to you.

While you listened to the commotion happening in the other room, you kept your gaze on Daisy, who was anxiously biting her nails. You took her hand in yours, squeezing it to try and calm her nerves. She smiled at you gratefully, but you could feel her hand shake in yours.

Because everyone was so distracted with what was happening outside, nobody saw the previously unconscious woman inside the room wake up. The doctor was just in time to cover the woman's mouth with her hand before she went screaming. Daisy dropped your hand and tried shush her, but nothing helped. 

Her trashing around caused her foot to hit a crate, and from there on, it was a slow motion moment. Everybody saw the bottle falling, but nobody registered it before it was too late. It fell on the ground loudly, glass shards tinkling on the concrete floor. Everybody held their breath, thinking this was the moment they were going to get busted.

But that didn't happen when one cops called out to the two inside. ''I found the getaway car!''

Slowly but surely, the footsteps disappeared until the door falling into its lock signaled they had left altogether.

Coulson opened the door of your secret hiding spot and ushered everyone back into the bar. Daisy and the doctor picked up the woman and dragged her to a chair, where she sat groaning in pain from being shot.

Daisy crouched down in front of her. ''Hey. Hey, look at me. We're gonna get you to a hospital, but we need some answers first.''

But the woman wasn't looking at her, she was looking at you standing behind the brunette. Of course she knew who you were. Everyone followed her gaze to you, probably expecting you to take over from Daisy now.

''Y/N? What are you doing with these people? Your father is looking for you.'' You had never been that close to your father and your mother had passed away years ago, but there was still a sting in your heart at the thought of leaving your him alone. However, knowing that would have happened this night anyway, made it a lot easier.

''Will you just answer her questions, please.'' You gestured to Daisy, who looked up at you expectantly. ''I know this does not make sense, but I promise we are just trying to help.''

The woman nodded hesitantly, but did what you asked. There was nothing she told Daisy that you didn't already know however. It looked like another dead end for the team, until the doctor spotted something on the woman's shoes. She asked for a knife and scraped off a grain of green material not unlike the color of Daisy's dress.

''What is it, Jemma?'' Coulson asked her. 

Jemma walked over to the bar, starting to collect things. You watched with fascination as she worked, knowing exactly what to do. ''Let's hope it's not what I fear.''

While Jemma cooked up some sort of way to find out what material was on the shoes, Daisy contacted this man named 'Enoch' back on the Zephyr. You remembered to ask what this vehicle was, although you had a strong feeling you would see it fast enough.

''Any luck reaching the boys?'' Daisy asked into the small device that worked just like a telephone, only without it being connected to anything. Her worry about her friends warmed your heart and you hoped there was more you could do for her. But without knowing anything about the mission, you weren't of much help.

''Negative. These primitive analogue communication devices are quite... primitive. It will take some time,'' was Enoch's answer. You raised your brows, offended by the word 'primitive', mouthing the same word to Daisy while she listened to him. 

Despite her worry, she laughed at your face. 

''We may not have much,'' she answered Enoch. ''They should have found a way to contact us by now, unless... unless Malick did something to them.''

Enoch answered calmly, almost robotically. ''I will keep working. There is no puzzle I cannot solve.''

With a sigh, Daisy placed the radio back on the table, sitting down into one of the worn-out chairs. You pulled up a chair as well, feeling she needed some comfort. 

Daisy couldn't help but admire your elegance as you picked up your dress a bit and slowly took place in the chair, your feet firmly placed on the ground. It was clear you were well-mannered and had a good upbringing. 

You took her hand again, something you were suddenly very confident with, getting her to focus on you. ''Listen, I don't know your friends, but the tall, strong one...I think he'll be fine. The other one though, I'm not so sure,'' you lightly joked. 

''Deke,'' Daisy chuckled, a sound which was no doubt your favorite in the world. ''Yeah he's an idiot.''

''Deke? That is a weird name,'' you remarked, which earned you more laughs. ''No but honestly, if they are half the fighters you are, they will be fine against Freddy. He may be a Malick but he is a coward.''

Daisy nodded her head in thanks, feeling a little bit better. She looked around the room wondering how the hell they got here, 90 years in the past, saving the person leading to the start of HYDRA. 

You watched her before finally deciding to ask the question that had been on your mind since that fight in the club. ''May I ask you a question?''

Daisy pulled her gaze away from her friends and back to you. ''Sure.''

''Those... abilities of yours, how did you get them?''

Daisy knew this question would come and was surprised you hadn't asked it earlier. To be honest, she was surprised you were so cool with everything. Her presence alone would have shocked her, knowing she was actually from 2020, but you looked unshakable. 

''Long story short, my DNA is part alien.'' Even those words didn't shock you. ''It was activated by an ancient ritual, transforming me into something more than a human. Inhumans is what we call ourselves. Every inhuman has different powers, mine are vibrations.'' Daisy looked at her free hand that lay on the wooden table. With the smallest effort, she made the furniture shake slightly. ''I can feel them, control them. Like you saw in that hallway.''

You smiled widely, big eyes staring at the shaking table before it stopped. ''That's amazing.'' You had never seen such weird things but strangely enough, you weren't scared. You were actually entranced and fascinated. ''So that's where Quake comes from. Should have figured that one out.'' Daisy loved how that name sounded on your lips, just like her real name did. 

''I didn't choose it.''

You shook your head. ''No but it suits you.''

Daisy had no idea how she had managed to find the warm feeling flooding her heart and chest 90 years in the past. How she had found that again with a woman out of her time who would have been publicly shamed and disowned for even looking at her like she did now. Two completely different worlds and yet there was this unfaltering connection. Like time and space didn't matter anymore. 

''I know what it is.'' Jemma interrupted your conversation and you hurried over to her like the others did. 

You could talk to Daisy for hours, asking her a million questions about herself and SHIELD, but that would have to wait.

''The compound is part of a formula that first appeared in Germany during World War Two.''

You looked around confused. ''Wait, World War Two?'' The world was just done pulling itself together after the World War and now they were telling you there would be a second one. ''Why am I not surprised.''

Everyone smiled at your comment, even Jemma who said a sentence that would probably mean a lot in 2020, but meant nothing to you. ''Freddy Malick is about to deliver the key ingredient used to create the Super Soldier Serum.''

The team burst into another discussion, something they seemed to do a lot, about whether they had to stop Malick, although they had previously established they shouldn't. Even with your limited knowledge, you knew messing with events here would lead to changes in the future. 

In a second of silence, you took the opportunity to speak your mind. ''If I may speak, I would like to offer my opinion.'' It was a sentence you rarely dared to speak, especially between men, but since you were part of this team now, you felt you could.

Daisy nodded to you encouragingly. She knew it would take some time for you to get used to the twenty-first century culture where you were free to speak your mind.

''I do not know anything about the horrors you say Freddy will cause, but the fact that you all are standing here, coming from a time where HYDRA was defeated, should be enough. Every time a criminal gets defeated, a bigger one takes his place. If you were to return to 2020, the world will be so much worse than when you left it. Casualties may be a thousand times higher. My father always told me: ''Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small''.''

Everyone stared at you blankly, impressed by what just came out of your mouth. Daisy smiled at you proudly. All the confidence you felt while talking washed away as soon as you stopped and you were quick to step backwards. 

''The lady makes an excellent point,'' Jemma said impressed.

You nodded at her gratefully. The discussion seemed to be over for now, everyone deciding they would have to safe Freddy and they were running out of time. 

Daisy stalked over to the wounded woman, taking the cloth from her mouth they had used to keep her quiet. ''Now that I know what you are, I will ask you one more time. Where is Freddy gonna end up?''

''You can go to Hell.''

Something clicked in your mind when she said that. You stepped forward, standing next to Daisy in front of the tied-up woman. ''Wait, I know where that is. I've been there.''

Daisy looked at you questioningly. ''Hell?''

''Hell's Harbor.'' You turned to the others, explaining what you meant. ''Where the double-crossers go to double-cross the double-crossers. But we will never make it there unless we can fly. There's no trains fast enough.''

''We can fly,'' Coulson said hopefully. ''Tell us how to find it.''

''I'll tell you on the way.''

That was the signal for the others to finally move out of the illegal bar. You left the owner behind with the hostage, knowing she could ruin your plans if you let her walk now. 

''Does this mean I will finally see this Zephyr everyone keeps talking about?'' You muttered to Daisy as you followed her out the building and into the car.

She chuckled as she climbed into the back, pulling you in with her. You blushed at her closeness, your bodies pushed against each other by the lack of space in the car. ''I promise you'll like it.''

Coulson drove the car into a quiet, empty part of town, where he pushed a button on a device. Daisy watched you closely as the Zephyr materialized, the cloaking turning off. A gasp left your lips when you saw the huge airplane and she couldn't help but laugh at it. You looked absolutely adorable.

''An airplane?'' You had seen airplanes before, but this one was huge and way more advanced. 

''It is also a time machine now. Told you we could fly,'' Daisy teased you, smiling widely.

You couldn't keep your eyes off of the plane as you kept coming closer and closer and it grew bigger by the second. ''That is insane.''

''You know,'' Daisy pulled your attention towards her finally, some doubt in her eyes and also guilt, ''as soon as you step into there, there is no going back. Are you sure you want to leave everything behind?''

You nodded without hesitation as another spark shot up your arm where it touched hers. ''I have everything I need right here.''

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