Unwanted Guests (Part 4)

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The grand finale! Already had this finished but just needed to read it over once so here you go, an extra chapter today. Really loved this mini-series. I'll do the requested sequels to the Framework storyline next :)

She did kick your ass, more than once. Not that that really bothered or surprised you in the least. Besides, she did cheat every now and then, using her powers to block the fist coming for her face. 

You loved spending time with her, and the fighting let you get closer to her both mentally and physically. Over the course of days, you noticed she would sit a little bit closer to you and kept touching you to grab your attention or if she was telling you something. Little touches on the shoulder and arms. It gave you the confidence to do the same while you grew more and more confident.

You didn't spend the entire days with her. Of course you both needed some time for yourself too and she was also busy working on other missions as well and keeping an eye out for new ones. It allowed you to understand better how SHIELD worked and where you could fit in. And Daisy was happy to show you the ropes, how missions were planned and what things they paid attention to.

It was fascinating to listen to her talk, you could do that for hours. You went to bed later and later every day, every time starting up a new movie after one had finished. You may or may not have finished Mack's stock of beer from the fridge. Over the course of days of course, not in one day.

You were constantly laughing because her humor was so dry and sarcastic and she could tell stories like no one else. Of course both of you were extremely anxious about the rest of the team. They hadn't checked in yet, but that wasn't abnormal. No news was good news, right?

Four days passed. On the fifth day, you did something you shouldn't have done. 

You left the base. 

You thought you could, that you would be fine for a couple minutes just to get some fresh air and pick up some snacks from the nearby corner store. You had snuck out without Daisy noticing. She was the one reponsible for you, since you weren't a SHIELD Agent officially, but she had probably never expected you to leave the safety of the building.

You had been smart enough to go after dark, when there would be less people. It was drizzling, the wind blowing the tiny raindrops into your face. Luckily, you were prepared, your jacket having a hood which you also used to stay more hidden. 

The bell ringed when the door opened, diverting your attention from the chocolate you were holding, to the three large guys walking in. They meant trouble, you saw immediately, but the front door they were blocking was the only way in or out. 

They had you surrounded within seconds and while you tried to fight your way out, they were way too strong and fast. The old lady in the store was panicking and was not much help, so eventually you got knocked out.


It was around eight when Daisy knocked on the door of your bedroom, where she thought you had gone after dinner, but nobody answered and when she pushed the door open, you weren't there. She didn't grow worried directly. There were lots of other places you could be. 

But when you didn't turn up anywhere. Not at the gym, the kitchen, Coulson's office or even May's room, she knew something was wrong. 

Luckily, it was easy enough for her to check the base's security feed. And when she saw you sneaking out about one and a half hours prior without returning, she knew it was bad. You wouldn't leave without taking anything with you, which meant you only went outside for a little air or to run an errand. 

She was thinking clearly enough to check the cameras on the street outside and followed you as you walked down the street, taking a left at the next intersection and moving two more blocks until walking into the store. Not even five minutes after you had went in, she saw four men enter the screen and the store, leaving a moment later with you dangling over one of the men's shoulder. 

A little gasp left her mouth when they threw you into the back of a truck and drove off. 

What was she going to do now? The team was gone, which meant she was on her own. It was important to work fast, to not waste any time, so the only option was to take some of the agents still present and track you down. 

Tracking the license plate was easy, but it didn't lead anywhere. They were too smart to repeat that mistake. But it was easy to follow the car via satellite imaging, it had stopped at an abandoned building in the middle of a nearby forest about ten minutes ago.

Now that it was clear where you were, Daisy rushed to her room, changing into her suit and gathering ten agents into a room. She told them what was going down, a quick version of it, and while she may not have the authority to order them to follow her, all of them did anyway. They didn't want to be the ones who let Agent May's daughter die.

The jet took them to the building in under five minutes, but all those five minutes, Daisy spent pacing. Back and forth through the jet while the ten agents around her glanced at her. They could see she was worried about you as more than just a friend. 

She snapped at everyone who talked too much or looked at her wrong. Her nails were a lot shorter by the time the jet landed and everyone spilled out. 


You came to in a dark, dusty room with water running down the walls. Why could it never be a nice room, one with large windows and a healthy atmosphere. 

A groan escaped your mouth, alerting the guards by the door you were awake. At least, you thought it did because the room was spinning. At first you thought it was because you were drugged or something, but a painful ache in the back of your head told you there was a big wound. You probably had a concussion. 

Lucky for you, you could heal that. 

It took a bit longer than usual because it was so hard to focus, but the wound on your head closed, leaving only the blood on your hair as evidence it had once been there. You felt good. Ready for whatever was coming. 

You hoped Daisy had noticed by now that you were gone, not in your room like you promised her you'd be. 

Through the door walked a man, interrupting you from trying to wiggle your way out of the restraints. ''Ah, she is awake, and already healed I see. You have a very powerful gift, Y/N May.'' 

You knew better than to respond. Instead you waited and begged Daisy to hurry up. You might have been trained and all, but not for situations like this. The whole ''damsel in distress'' thing left you feeling embarrassed and helpless. You hated being helpless and having to wait for others. 

The man circled around you slowly, like an animal sizing up his prey, his hands clasped behind his back. ''You don't look surprised I know who you are. Or should I say, what you are.''

You clenched your teeth, trying to ignore the anger that always surfaced when people talked badly about Inhumans. ''You were bound to find out some day. It just took you a while.''

''And she has the same smart mouth as her mother.'' He stopped, leaning forward close to your face. ''Consider me shocked.''

He wasn't your typical thug, although he did look like an asshole. Expensive suit, definitely earned by ruining other peoples lives and taking their money. Cleanly shaven, between fifty and sixty years old, slightly overweight. You could easily take him if he were alone, but the two guards who were previously outside the door were now on the inside, keeping a sharp eye on you with their loaded guns.

''What do you want?'' you growled lowly. He got on your nerves, although he didn't scare you one bit.

He took a deep breath, stepping back and pacing back and forth. ''For starters, you. But since I have you already, I am waiting for the second May to show up. Both of you working for me would be a real treat.''

You had to bite your tongue not to laugh. Neither Melinda or you would ever work for him. 

''SHIELD. They can protect you as long as you are safely inside their base, but outside-'' He stopped mid-sentence when fast footsteps entered the room. They belonged to a young woman around the same age as you. She wasn't wearing any protective clothing and wasn't carrying any weapons. Probably and Inhuman.

She threw you a dirty glare you didn't understand and whispered something in the man's ear. While she did that, a smirk grew on his face. You could feel your face pale. If he smiled, it couldn't be good.

He turned to you when the woman stepped back, standing directly behind him proudly. The way she behaved made you believe she could be family or something similar. ''Yes, you and Melinda are interesting, but Quake, now that is the grand prize.''

The way he said it, without fear and with actual excitement, sent shivers down your spine. Daisy was here, but she better not do something stupid and go in alone. 

Of course you showed the man none of these emotions, the woman's piercing eyes scanning you shamelessly. 

''Dearest,'' he spoke over his shoulder, confirming to you he valued her, ''go take care of Agent Johnson, but keep her alive. We could use her.''

You gritted your teeth when she turned around with a content smile, excited to try and take Daisy down. The anger and fear you felt were overwhelming and you really wished you could do more. Maybe keeping this man here was smart. He couldn't order his troops around if he was talking to you.

''Why?'' Your voice rang out while further on in the base, the shooting started. It made you cringe inwardly, but you tried to focus on him instead.

He turned around halfway to the door, taking a couple steps back towards you. ''Why what, darling? You need to be a little more specific.''

His petname for you made bile rise in your throat. ''Why me? Why Agent May? Why Daisy?''

You cursed inwardly when your voice faltered at her name, but kept a straight face on the outside.

''You care about her,'' he concluded. It was written over your face more clearly than you thought. Could the others read you this easily too? You thought your feelings for Daisy had been more subtle.

You went for a half answer, hoping he would take it and leave the topic alone. ''I care about all of them.''

He hummed knowingly. ''You worry about her more.''

You threw him an angry look. That damn smile on his face didn't sit right with you. For some reason it made you angry, how he talked about her. ''Don't underestimate her. She's a lot more powerful than you think she is.''

''So is my Iris.''

He left you behind with those words. His confidence only made you worry more. What if Daisy couldn't beat the woman? What if she had powers even Daisy's couldn't handle. She was without her team, without the speed of Elena or the strength of Mack, without Coulson's fast thinking and May's skills. 

Your hands were sweaty and your heartbeat erratic. You were sure you could get out of the ropes around your wrists, feet and waist if you wanted to, but the two guards at the door would just shoot you instantly. Of course you could heal, but that wouldn't stop the bullet from piercing your head or heart. Some injuries were simply not fixable.


Daisy was met with heavy force before she even set one foot inside the facility. From the woods, dozens of agents came, but they were no match for her. Not when she was so motivated to get in. 

The SHIELD agents behind her took care of them so she could go inside. It became clear the agents in the woods were just a distraction and were never meant to stop her, just slow down the rest of her team, when she ran into the facility. In the middle of the first hallway she set foot in, a blonde woman stood.

She had an almost disgusted, nasty look in her eyes, as if the sight of Daisy alone made her nauseous and angry. Her fists were clenched, a silent threat she wasn't joking.

''Quake,'' she smiled manically.

Daisy raised an unimpressed eyebrow, tilting her head to the side while sizing her up. ''Am I supposed to know who you are?''

The woman was blocking the way to you and all she wanted was to get past. She didn't care about who the blonde was or what she wanted, but she was an obvious threat.

''No, but I know who you are. You're the one father wants. The one he always wanted me to be but I could never match up to.'' The hate was deep, the jealousy of the woman she always got compared to and therefore hated with all her being. 

Daisy was far from impressed. The woman hadn't shown any display of power and only made her impatient. ''Yeah sorry I don't have time for your daddy issues. If you don't mind, I'll just get my friend and leave.''

She shot a blast at the blonde, but instead of hitting her and blowing her away, it hit something that could only be described as an ice wall. It had appeared out of nowhere, growing up from the ground within a second.

It melted just as fast, leaving a big puddle in the middle of the floor. It was quite impressive, Daisy had to admit, but she could take water and ice.


You smiled when a black shadow emerged in the doorway, knocking the two guards at the door out without problem and swiftly walking over to you. 

''You're late,'' you joked, although you could cry from happiness at the sight of her.

In the dark it was hard to see her eyeroll, but it must have been there. ''You have only been here twenty minutes at most.''

''I had expected you twenty minutes ago,'' you teased her, which earned you a glare. Only when she came closer and started to untie the ropes at your feet, you saw her hair. ''Why are you drenched?''

''That water witch was a bitch,'' she muttered annoyed, moving to your hands next.

You made a surprised sound. ''So water was her power? Huh.''

Daisy stepped away from you so you could untie the ropes around your waist yourself, throwing worried glances at the door. ''We gotta go before there will be more.'' 

When you stood up, she moved towards the exit to get you both out of there, but you had something you wanted to do first. ''Daisy.'' You grabbed her wrist, spinning her around. 

Before she really comprehended what was happening, you had placed your hands on the sides of her neck, just below her ears, and brought your face closer to hers. For just a moment, you let your eyes trail up to hers, away from her lips, to silently give her the opportunity to step away if she wanted to. But when she only stared at you in anticipation, you closed the gap.

Her wet hair tickled your fingers and you felt her shiver from either the cold or the kiss. All the events from the past few hours fell away, leaving only you two in this moment. There was nothing else you thought about but how she felt and tasted.

''I've wanted to do that for days,'' you muttered as you pulled back soon, aware you were still in danger and could finish this somewhere after you were safe.

''Me too.'' She smiled, gently grabbing your waist and kissing you again. Her smile was even wider afterwards and you could swear she was giddy as she grabbed your hand and pulled you to the door, making sure to keep you behind her.

Without too many problems - the other SHIELD agents had cleared the entire building - you made it back to the Quinjet, where the pilot alerted Daisy immediately of a call that had come in while she was gone. So when she stood in front of the screen in the corner, Coulson's face popped up. 

He was mad, but the worry overruled it for now. ''Daisy, are you okay? We heard what happened. Where's Y/N?'' He must be back at the base with the rest of the time. Good that they were home, but little too late.

Daisy glanced to her right, where you sat on one of the benches, healing the cuts and grazes the ropes had given you. ''I'm fine and so is Y/N. We'll be back in five.''

''You have some explaining to do. May's not happy and then I'm putting it mildly.'' Without giving her a chance to answer, he ended the call, causing her to sigh.

You didn't look up from your arms when you spoke. ''Don't worry about her too much, I'll take care of her. It was my fault after all and I'm sorry.'' You heard her footsteps come closer until she sat next to you. ''I thought I'd be good for ten minutes, but apparently I can get ambushed in five.''

''Yeah that was very stupid. You had me worried like hell.'' She said it light-heartedly, but the anxiety was still there.

''I'm really sorry.'' You couldn't apologize enough for what you did. It was stupid and you knew they would be mad, everyone. Then you suddenly remembered you hadn't asked her if she needed you to fix any injuries for her. ''Do you need any fixing?'' you asked, wiggling your fingers to show what you meant. It was weird to talk about your powers so openly. 

Daisy shook her head, chuckling slightly because of the way you asked it. ''I'm good. Cold, but good.'' Without hesitation, you shrugged off your jacket and gave it to her. After all, you weren't one whose clothes were all wet. 

She gratefully accepted it, putting it on quickly. It was still warm and your smell hung around it, calming her down.

''Shouldn't we wait for the others?'' you asked when the jet lifted off the ground. The two of you and the pilot were the only ones inside. 

''They'll stay and wait for the clean-up crew,'' she replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 


They were pissed when you came back. The anger was mostly focused on you, but they were also angry Daisy didn't wait for the others to come back before going after you, although she had the very good argument there was no time to lose and she didn't know when they'd be back.

''I didn't know when you'd be back! She could have been dead by then!'' Daisy was growing frustrated they were taking it all out on her and they didn't seem to understand the situation she had been in. 

It was her, you, May and Coulson in his office, although everyone who walked past could hear clearly what was being said inside. Voices were raised but it wasn't yelling yet. Nobody liked yelling. 

You had tried to intervene and tell them it was really your fault, but they seemed mostly interested in your brunette partner. 

That was until you couldn't take it anymore and stood up for her. ''Stop, okay?'' you said loudly, pulling everyone's focus away from Daisy and onto you. ''It was my fault. All of it. Please don't take this out on her. It was naive and incredibly stupid from me to leave the base. I thought I would be fine for a couple minutes but I underestimated the situation. I left without her noticing and come on, she isn't my babysitter. Don't take this out on her, please. Even if she blames herself. Yell at me, not her.''

Nobody had expected your little outburst, not after you have tried to interrupt more politely before. They all stared at you with different looks on their faces. May was mostly analyzing you, her gaze empty but also slightly angry still. Coulson was surprised but admired your honesty and the fact you came up for her. Daisy was also surprised and thankful you stood up for her and supported her in this. The adoration in her eyes made your heart warm.

May suddenly narrowed her eyes, looking back and forth between Daisy, who hadn't realized she was still wearing your jacket, and your wary eyes. You knew she knew exactly what was going on. 

''They made out.''

She looked at you but said it to Coulson, who nodded and smiled knowingly. He had felt and seen the connection between you too.

''Excuse me?'' you asked at the same time Daisy asked ''What?''

There was an actual smirk as May leaned against the desk, arms crossed smugly. ''Don't try to deny it, it's written on both your faces.'' That only made you grow more red. ''And you know what, I actually approve of this one.''

''I'm 27,'' you groaned, throwing your hands up in frustration, ''you don't need to approve of anyone anymore!''

''Still, I like to know who you're sleeping with.''

You grew even more red, looking everywhere but at the people around you. 

Daisy didn't know whether to be embarrassed or amused, but settled for both of them when you desperately tried to get out of this conversation. ''Okay, are we done here?'' You didn't give them a chance to respond. ''We are done here.''

''Hey, wait up,'' Daisy rushed out after you, trying to catch up. ''I'm going to take a shower first but how about I meet you in your room afterwards? We never finished that movie.''

A smile found its way on your lips, making you forget all about the embarrassment from before. ''Sounds good.''

''Alright, I'll be there in a half hour.'' 

There was a soft knock on your door exactly thirty minutes later, as if she had timed it. Daisy didn't care it was already past midnight and neither did you. It became clear she was very tired though because that night, halfway through the movie, she fell asleep on your shoulder. 

You didn't have the heart to wake her up so instead you fell asleep with her there, breathing in the smell of her shampoo. Right before you closed your eyes, you promised her and yourself you would stay, because where else did you want to be when you had already found this here?

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