What if...(Part 3)

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Part three! Thanks for suggesting. Let me know if you want a part four or if you have other suggestions!

It wasn't that late when you arrived at your apartment. Nobody was home, which made you both nervous and hopeful. Maybe Daisy and Jemma had found a way out of this mind prison, or maybe they were caught by HYDRA on their way here. Only one way to find out.

You sat down on your bed, opening the work laptop and browsing the database. There was nothing about Daisy or you, only the warrant concerning Jemma that was already out. No new pictures or data from this night. 

It was a long night, one where you didn't sleep as you hoped somebody would come home. That didn't happen however, so you spent it researching Simmons, Coulson and the other names Daisy had given you. 

Your phone burned in your pocket the whole night, begging you to call your girlfriend to know if she was okay. But it was too much of a risk still. Hell, walking into HQ tomorrow like nothing had happened was a big risk. What if someone had spotted you in aiding Jemma?

You grabbed the keys from Daisy's car, two cars was more practical than one, and drove back to HQ. It was around half past seven in the morning, but that wasn't an unusual time to go to work. Working at HYDRA wasn't a nine to five job, in fact, it wasn't uncommon for you to pull an all-nighter if a case intrigued you too much to back away.

To your relief, no alarms went off and no weird looks were thrown your way as you made the journey from the front door, through the lobby, to your desk. When you almost made it, a unit of highly trained agents walked past in the hallway, going the opposite way. That was quite normal, but everything put you on edge.

You rushed to your computer, looking for the order that was put through last. The order for this specific unit.

Your heart stopped. 

They were picking up Phil Coulson, the teacher Jemma had visited and was apparently your leader. You thought back to Daisy's words, that anyone who would die in here, would die in real life. 

Your hands shook when you finally pulled the phone out of your pocket, diving into a quiet part of HQ where you knew the cameras recorded no audio. You hoped Daisy was still in the Framework, otherwise it would be only you against HYDRA, protecting a teacher, a man you didn't know. 

Daisy answered on the third ring, her voice relieved. ''Y/N. Are you okay?''

Originally you were going to ask what version of your girlfriend you were talking to, the one from real life or the Framework one, but the relief in her voice was enough to identify her. 

''I'm okay,'' you whispered into the phone. The cameras might not catch your voice, but the nosy ears of passers-by did. ''I'm at work but something is wrong. They're sending a unit to pick up Phil Coulson.''

It was silent on the other side of the line before Daisy muttered something to someone. ''You're gonna need a substitute.''

''Wait. You're with him?'' You ducked further into the corner of the hallway, trying to hide the anxiety from your co-workers. ''You have to get out of there right now.'' You ordered, scared they would find her with him. ''Go back to the apartment, I'll text you a place and time to meet one of my contacts. Please go there, don't try to do something stupid. I'll stay here, keep an eye on things. ''

Without waiting for her answer, knowing she would try and protest again, you ended the call. It was highly suspicious how you had reacted on the phone. But then again, conversations at HYDRA got heated more often.

Not even an hour later however, Daisy marched into the workspace, clearly on a mission. You spotted her immediately, as if you had a sixth sense for her presence. Trying not to be too obvious, you stalked over, hanging over her desk chair. 

''What are you doing here? It is not safe.'' you muttered under your breath, making it look like you were just debating something work related. However, it was far from it.

Daisy didn't even spare you a glance as she typed away on the keyboard, going into Madame Hydra's restricted files. ''I got a lead on someone who could take down this whole place.''

''Who?'' The computer answered that question for you, when the profile of a man you knew all too well came up. 

Holden Radcliffe. The scientist working for HYDRA. How could he help bring this place down?

Daisy typed the coordinates, probably to Radcliffe's home, in her phone, sent the text to Jemma and stood up, walking out just as swiftly as she came in. ''Let's go,'' she said anxiously. 

Something was wrong and it wouldn't end well. Call it a gut feeling maybe, because as you descended the grand stairs in the lobby, down to the front door and the giant Hydra statue, nobody looked at you or made a move to stop you. Almost, almost you made it out the building when May's loud voice rang out behind you. ''Hold it!''

Stopping dead in your tracks, both you and Daisy turned around slowly. ''You need to come with us,'' May said sternly. There was no way for negotiation, the two agents with her ready for a fight.

Daisy nodded, acting as normal as possible. You smiled too, turning to her to make it look as if you were saying goodbye. You whispered in her ear. ''I'll take May, you take the others. When we get to the door-''

But she wasn't planning on running. Instead, she was ready to walk right into the lion's den. With a kiss on your cheek, she cut you off, hiding her face from May. ''Simmons knows what to do. We have to buy her time.''

''Babe...'' You didn't know what you were going to say, but she didn't want to hear it anyway. 

''We'll be fine. Come on.'' Again, just like in the parking garage, she didn't look back to see if you would follow her, not once as she followed May up the stairs. 

You couldn't stare at her for too long without it becoming too obvious, so eventually you ripped your eyes away and quickly caught up with her. 

Five minutes tops you got to talk to her freely and in person. Five minutes in which you had her right there with you, before she was in danger again. The only thing you could do was hope they weren't on to you and follow May's orders in the meantime, hoping Jemma would come with a solution soon.


''Is this gonna take long?'' Daisy asked impatiently as you followed Agent May through the hallways of the building. You threw her a warning glance behind May's back, silently telling her to be more subtle and less obvious she had something else to do.

''We have a mission,'' May answered as monotone as ever. ''Madame Hydra's office requested you specifically.''

You shared a nervous look with Daisy. ''Why us?'' you asked, although you had a very good idea why. You must have been spotted, or at least one of you. It calmed you slightly they hadn't pulled the two of you apart. Whatever this mission was, it must be something to get you to spill your secrets, to break you. HYDRA's sick and twisted ways went so far.

May didn't answer, instead she pushed the door to the briefing room open, where a team of six highly trained agents were already listening to the Doctor explain the mission. Daisy faltered in her steps when she saw him, but masked it well, taking a seat at the table opposite May.

''The target was spotted via drone yesterday. She's been reaching out to leaders of the Resistance and is planning a major attack.'' Both you and Daisy stiffened. Jemma's picture filled the screen on the wall. ''Capture any subversives found on site, but do not underestimate this woman. Lethal force is authorized, if necessary.''

''Did you know about this?'' Daisy whispered to May, distraught about the whole situation. Again, May only threw her a glare. The woman didn't understand Daisy's questions and the sudden shift in personality and believes. 

''And believe me,'' the Doctor continued, pulling May's attention away from Daisy, ''we will defeat these terrorists, and we will make our society great again.''

''Hail Hydra.'' All the people in the room said it at the same time. You knew Daisy wouldn't know to do this, so you spoke a little louder to mask her silence. It made you cringe inside every time you said it, but it was necessary to blend in. 


You were ushered into the back of a large truck, the six soldiers from the briefing now all suited up with thick protective armor and big weapons. They didn't scare you as much as May's sharp and watchful eye. That woman saw everything and between the chaos and her constant presence, you hadn't been able to tell Daisy to act normal. She was raising too much suspicion and you were worried if she kept it up, she would be imprisoned or worse.

''All this because of one subversive?'' Daisy started again, ending the tense silence and your train of thought. ''Seems a little extreme.'' 

You smothered your groan as May shot her her signature glare. ''Be quiet. Do your job.'' The cocking of her gun felt like a threat. Once again, you shot Daisy a warning look when May wasn't paying attention. 

It wasn't her fault she was thrown into this world, forced to hunt down and kill her own kind, but it was what she had to deal with. Both of you had to keep up the act to figure a way out. How you had made it in HYDRA for so long without breaking down was a true miracle. It helped you were doing it for the resistance, being a mole. 

The truck pulled up at a house in a suburban area, ending the choking tension. Three agents jumped out, readying their weapons. You just followed them with your gun in your hands, even if you weren't planning on using it. This blindly following orders and busting into innocent people's homes got on your last nerve.

Daisy walked beside you with the same feeling in her chest, an unwillingness to set another step. Preferably, she would turn around right now, grab your hand and run away, away from the house and from HYDRA. But it was too much of a risk.

The agents kicked in the back door of the house, guns raised, and were quick to shove the resident against the wall of his living room. A little girl yelled at them to let him go, but she was grabbed and pulled back by Agent May. 

To you, this wasn't abnormal. You were used to the raids by now, almost numb to the screaming for spouses and children. HYDRA did raids like this more often, even with a little kid inside. They didn't care how old the potential Inhumans were. Age didn't change your DNA. 

So you were less concerned about the whole situation but more about Daisy, who had frozen after stepping into the house, her mouth open in shock and hands clenched into fists. She was staring at the resident, a tall, broad and strong man, as if she had seen a ghost.

''Hey.'' You tried to shake her out of her trance, softly calling her name a couple times, but she only snapped out of it when you touched her shoulder. You suspected the reason for this. ''We know him?''

It was a risk to ask while May was in the same room, keeping a careful eye on everything, but you had to know. Somewhere deep inside your brain, in the back of your head, something itched. Memories maybe of this man, but nothing fully clicked.

Daisy's nod was the faintest she could have given, but it was there and it explained a lot.

The man didn't seem to share that sentiment. He threw the both of you the angriest and dirtiest look he could as they dragged him out, May pushing his daughter after him.

To be completely honest, you didn't know how to help Daisy. She was upset and angry and you knew you should be too, since he was apparently your friend in real life, but you felt no more angry than you always did on missions like these. The man was a complete stranger to you.

''I'm sorry we can't help him,'' you whispered when you were left alone in the house for a moment. Daisy was taking in the interior of the house sadly. ''Play along and hopefully this will end well.''

She shook her head, slightly growing annoyed with your toxic positivity. ''Does it ever?'' she asked harshly, walking away without looking back. It was useless and stupid to get mad at you, since you couldn't remember anything and none of it was your fault, but it was easier to blame everyone than to deal with her emotions.

The tension in the back of the truck was much worse than before. The man couldn't hold his daughter, since his hands were tied behind his back, which made him very nervous. To her credit, the girl wasn't crying, but she was afraid, deeply. You felt for her and tried to send her encouraging looks every time her eyes met yours.

Daisy was beyond restless. Her knee bouncing up and down and fingers playing with each other. A deep frown sat on her face as she grew more and more furious. The drive back to HQ shouldn't have taken much longer. She would have exploded.

With a lot of yelling from both parties, the man and his daughter were split up, placed in different rooms. May sent you and Daisy to talk to the girl while she spoke to the man alone. You didn't even want to know what could be going on there and you were glad to keep an eye on the girl. 

It must have been intimidating for her, one agent sitting opposite her and one leaning against the wall behind, giving the both of them some space, but the girl held her chin high and looked Daisy straight in the eye. 

Silently, the brunette slid a glass of water over to her. You could see her smile in the reflection of the one-way mirror.

''I'm Skye. That's Y/N,'' she started gently, gesturing over her shoulder to you. ''What's your name?''

The girl sized up both of you, determining if you were trustworthy, but gave her name eventually. ''Hope Mackenzie.'' Her hair was beautifully braided and she looked genuinely happy. Her father cared about her a lot, that much was clear.

Daisy's breath got stuck in her throat. ''Hope... You're the Hope that he lost,'' she breathed out, almost in shock. 

You had no idea what she was talking about, but that was a trend ever since you woke up yesterday morning. Everything you didn't understand, you blamed onto losing your memories from the real world. It was beyond frustrating.

''He didn't lose me,'' Hope countered forcefully. She wasn't afraid and you admired that. ''I was taken by you people. My Dad follows the rules. He's a good person.''

Daisy nodded sadly. Her emotions were all over the place and it hurt you to see her like this. ''I'm sure he is.'' All she wanted was to end this nightmare and get back to the real world where everything sucked too, but less than here.

''Then let us go home,'' Hope pleaded. And for the millionth time that day, your heart shattered. 

Daisy sighed, hanging her shoulders. You wanted to put your hand on them, to let her know she wasn't alone. But she needed space, both mentally and physically, to deal with it all. ''I wish it was that simple. It's not my call.'' 

''Dad warned me not to mess around with that drone, but I didn't listen. This is all my fault. I-''

With swift steps, you walked to Hope's chair and crouched down next to it. She looked down at you, somehow still not afraid by your sudden closeness. ''Hey, hey, it's okay,'' you reassured her, smiling as kindly as possible. ''Your dad's gonna be all right. I promise.'' 

Daisy's heart warmed. This was the you she knew, the real you, who cared just as much about people as she did.

Hope's gaze switched between you and Daisy, trying to find a lie. ''Please help my dad. Don't let anything happen to him. Please.''

Defeated, you hang your head as Daisy leaned back in her chair. It was so extremely sad Hope had to grow up like this. Afraid every day. She should have a careless childhood, not one where her friends disappeared and people were murdered in the streets. 

With loud scraping, Daisy pushed her chair back abruptly and walked out. She couldn't handle this anymore. It startled Hope, but you put her at ease before leaving her alone, that small body in that metal chair.

You almost ran into your girlfriend because she stopped right outside the door. She scrunched up her face, letting out a deep frustrated sigh. You didn't know how she'd react, but your hand found hers and gave it a quick squeeze. It was a small gesture and you let it go quickly, but it was just to let her know you were there.

She smiled thankfully. At least she still had you here with her, even if it wasn't the you she truly knew. 

You and Daisy straightened up automatically when the door next to you flew open, revealing May. With that stern face of hers, she stepped towards you. ''Get anything from the girl?''

Daisy looked her straight in the eye, a lot more pulled together than before. ''She's scared. What about her dad?''

''I haven't broken him,'' May said annoyed, ''yet.'' She brushed past you, disappearing around the corner.

You knew exactly what Daisy was going to go when her eyes narrowed in on the door May had exited. Apparently the differences between this Daisy and the one from the Framework weren't that different. However, this time, you didn't stop her. There was no stopping her once she had her mind made up. The only thing you could do was be there with her to try and prevent worse.

So you were right behind her when the man looked up, hunched over the table where his hands lay, bound together by handcuffs. The only word you could find to describe him was fragile, broken, and it wasn't hard to figure out why he was like that.

It was stupid to come in here, knowing Daisy was so attached to this person, but maybe he had another piece of the puzzle you desperately needed to find your way out. 

Hopeful, the man looked up, waiting for any news. ''I was just with Hope. She's safe,'' Daisy said kindly, still standing by the door. The man hang his head in relief, letting out a shaky breath. ''That's one special girl.''

''Thank you.'' Something in his eyes changed after he was sure his daughter was safe. Desperation made place for determination. But there was also something else, something that caused an alarm to go off in your head. ''Listen, we need to talk,'' he said.

Daisy stared at him with wide eyes. You were afraid she had heard more behind that sentence than there really was. Hopeful, she took a seat opposite him. ''Do you know who I am?''

''You're Daisy Johnson.'' His gaze landed on you. ''You're Y/N Y/L/N. We're S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.'' He spoke it as confidently as possible, but it wasn't convincing. At least not to you. But you had a more objective view of this, while Daisy heard what she wanted to.

Beyond relief and happiness, she let out a laugh. ''Yes. Yes. Oh, thank God. Okay.''

But the man didn't look happy or relieved at all. In fact, he looked as if he had committed a murder. Something was wrong and it put you on edge. He didn't remember her or you, he acted like he did.

''Daisy,'' you tried to catch her attention, to try and let her see he was just acting, but she was too busy rambling while you grew more and more anxious.

''We need to get you out of here, reconnect with Coulson and Simmons.'' Daisy was jumping up and down in her seat, speaking full enthusiasm and hope. 

But the man was still bend over the table, no recognition on his face as she named two people he should know. ''Definitely.''

''Daisy.'' Your voice was more pressing, begging her to stop talking. But she was deaf to your pleas.

''Yo-Yo is with us on the outside. She's safe. You have no idea how worried she is about you.'' That's when the man made a mistake. His eyes shot left and right because he heard a name he hadn't heard before while in fact, it must have been a very important one. At least that's what you got from the way Daisy said her name to him.

Now she realized too. She may have been slightly blinded by hope, but she was still a good Agent, one who could read body language like no other. So she stopped abruptly, her smile falling.

''You don't... know who she is.'' It was a statement, not a question. There was no doubt in her voice. It lost all its color when dread and realization settled in. ''And me? Do you know me?''

''I'm sorry.'' The man shook his head in regret and shame, revealing a bug in his hands. ''That's what the other agent told me to say.'' 

Just like Daisy, you were suddenly on high alert, more than you already were. She looked to the door in a panic, knowing someone would come in at any second. She had spilled your secret, that you and she weren't HYDRA. 

May had played this perfectly. Somehow, she had known Daisy knew the man from the real world, which meant someone in HYDRA knew about it. Knew this reality was fake. Your money was on the Doctor and Madame Hydra. 

They had known how to break her. Use one of her friends and let her believe he knew her, causing her to let her guard down and spill everything to him in trust, not knowing HYDRA would be listening in. 

This was everything you had tried to avoid. It looked so easy: act as if nothing was wrong while Jemma and Coulson did everything they could to find a way out. The only thing you and Daisy needed to do was keep a low profile and do your jobs. That was all blown now and you knew HYDRA would never let you two go, to prevent this whole place would be taken down.

''Go, go, go.'' You pushed Daisy out of the room first, your hand on her lower back. Neither one of you looked back at the broken man.

Daisy looked left and right in the hallway. May came from her right, rage written all over her face. To avoid dealing with her, Daisy went left. You followed her blindly, trusting her to get you out. 

Right around the corner, two agents were waiting for you. Daisy ducked under the first one's punch and kicked the second one in his chest. She dealt with him while you took on the one who had missed her.

Grabbing his arm, you swung him around and slammed him head first -he wasn't wearing any head protection- into the wall, knocking him out successfully.

May's quick footsteps, accompanied by two other pairs of footsteps, echoed between the walls. She wasn't far behind and Daisy knew that. She picked up her pace but it was easy for you to follow. Every now and then you threw a glance over your shoulder, even though it slowed you down. May was an amazing shot so if you saw her gun, you'd know to run faster.

In front of you, a couple people just stepped out of an elevator. It gave Daisy an idea because she slipped in, pressed the button to the ground floor and snuck out again. It would make May think you had gone down while in fact, you were hiding in a room close by, with a view on the elevators.

Both of you were out of breath when your gazes met in the storage closet. You didn't dare speak, afraid May would hear it, but with the understanding you had of each other, you didn't have to. It was painfully clear you were both terrified. If you would get caught, it would certainly mean death.

There was no movie moment as you focused on each other. There didn't have to be. You knew she loved you and she knew you loved her. 

''Lock down the elevators. Find them!'' May's voice was muffled through the door, but it was just as threatening as always. 

Both of you waited a minute after their footsteps subsided. Then Daisy opened the door silently, peeking through carefully. There was no May. Instead, three agents and a man in a suit stepped in the elevator. This was your chance to get some weapons and protection.

Daisy threw the door open and stopped in front of the four very confused men. ''Going down?'' she asked casually. There was a beat of silence before she eventually jumped in and hit the first man in his face, starting the fight.

You rolled your eyes behind her, catching the man she pushed towards you just in time. They were no match for her anger and no match for your skills. It felt almost wrong to knock out the poor man in the suit who had shoved himself into the corner terrified. 

Both of you nodded satisfied when the four of them lay at your feet, the soft hum of the elevator blending together with your rapid breathing.

''This isn't the time for a really bad joke, is it?'' you smiled, reaching down to relieve one of the men of his bulletproof vest and his gun.

Daisy's long hair covered almost her entire face as she fastened the vest around her waist, but you swore she was laughing. ''Let me guess, it went something along the lines of: ''they fell for you''.''

You chuckled, pulling your hair from underneath the jacket. ''I was gonna say ''you're a real knock-out'', but I like yours better.''

She shook her head, laughing, handing you the gun she had grabbed from the floor. This one you were very familiar with, so you cocked it and held it at the ready. Nodding to her, you confirmed you were ready and she better be too.

One moment of peace you once again had. One moment where you could look her in the eyes, where you had her right beside you, just the two of you. That ended abruptly when the elevator doors opened on the ground floor and Daisy was out, trying to stay undetected jogging down the stairs. 

Your hands were sweaty and your heart pounded in your chest. Never had the grand stairs in the lobby looked so big. 

Your eyes shot through the hall, looking for anything suspicious or threatening. Only a couple more seconds until you were out in the open, the fresh air hitting your face, but those couple seconds were too long when May emerged at the bottom of the staircase, freezing both you and Daisy in place. 

''There's no way out!'' she yelled up. ''It's over.''

You wanted to turn back, but too many agents were already behind. 

Defeated, you sighed and dropped your weapon, Daisy doing the same. Your eyes met, even if it was only for a second. It would be the last time you would see them for a while, so you took a mental picture of them, of her face. She looked beautiful today, just as always. Maybe it could be something to hold on to, because there would be bad things to come.

''Don't move,'' an Agent ordered you both. 

You didn't know what you had expected, you should have expected everything, but still you exploded when one of them kicked Daisy in the ribs and punched her in the cheek hard. 

Your struggling and yelling for them to back off and leave her alone only ended up with you getting beaten up even more than her. Both of you were on the ground now, curled up trying to protect your head and stomach while they kept kicking. None of the passers-by looked up.

You had never been one to cry quickly, especially at work, but that was all you wanted to do now. Not a sad kind of crying, but a frustrated, angry, powerless kind of crying. A crying so helpless it hurt. 

All you could do is lie there. Lie there and beg and pray you'd pass out quickly. It all hurt too much, blocking your ability to think about anything else. An alarming silence came from Daisy, which only frightened you more. You prayed more for her than for yourself. 

She was the last thing you thought about before everything turned black, her brown eyes slowly fading away, leaving an imprint behind in your eyelids. 

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