Bonus Chapter - I

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Rowan And The Little Lost Girl

Game Over. The game screen flashed.

I kicked the game booth hard and fought battles with the gun clenched beneath my fingers. My instincts told me to smash the screen with it, but I decided against it. The last thing I wanted was for my father to pay for it and feel ashamed because of me. So instead of blowing off the roof and damaging public property, I pressed the red button on the booth for a game restart. Turned out, I'd run out of turns.

I let out a frustrated sigh; my gaming swap card was still loaded with cash and I could swap it again and start over, but then the bored looking dude glaring at me would have to wait again for his turn. I sure as hell knew he'd pound my head through the screen. I didn't have a problem with that, but shit! I didn't want to start a brawl over some stupid game, considering, he would be the one being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance blaring a siren.

"Are you done here?" The guy asked me sharply, he didn't seem too old, probably a year older than me. If I could guess correct, fifteen or maybe sixteen give or take.

I smiled at him despite his unfriendliness. "All yours." I hoisted the gun back in the place and backed away.

I scanned the crowded gaming parlour, and began to feel the nostalgia settle in slowly. I hated crowds like I hated broccoli soup. But what I hated more was accompanying Dwight and Drew when they were obviously having study sessions in the restaurant, one floor down. I didn't see the point in tagging along during their busy weekend but seeing as my choices remained limited, I wasn't up for another round of momma and daddy's drilling about being a bad boy.

Another interesting booth caught my eye at the far end of the parlour; all the other booths were already occupied so I made my way towards it. There were three levels, and annoying little ducks moving in line. I had to basically use the rubber balls to hit them. A game for the brats.

Oh well, I was just killing time anyway. As I swapped the card, the booth came to life and the ducks began quacking and moving. I picked up the little rubber ball from the slot and hit the first duck down, then second, third. I missed a few and didn't even realize when I started to enjoy and have fun. This was better than those bike and shooting games.

I started to pick up another ball from the slot, when a small petite hand reached to it first. A little girl in baby blue sailor dress stared at me with her gooey chestnut eyes. Her hair was the same shade as her eyes, beautiful and striking which were shoulder length. A little stuffed tiger face bag-pack hung on her little shoulders.

I nodded towards the little girl. She smiled, heaving the ball at the ducks in full force, unable to take any one of them down. Then reached for another one and did the same, this time she successfully got a hit. Unfortunately for her, it was the last ball. Her face fell instantly when she reached for the slot and found it empty. She pursed her lips in annoyance.

"Hey, how about we play one more turn?" I asked her.

There was a brilliantine gleam in her eyes as she grinned at me in sheer glee, like I'd suggested we buy an entire chocolate factory.

I swapped the card and the game started again. She was doing a good job with the game, mostly targeting the bottom line. The two at the top were out of her reach. I wondered if she came here often. I wouldn't know if she did, since I didn't live in Ridgewell, it was my first visit in this little quaint town.

The game was over. She continued to stare at the booth and back at me. I knew exactly what she was suggesting.

"You really did a good job, knocking all those ducks down. I couldn't do that myself." I complimented her. I liked teasing little children, mostly if it caused an adorable reaction.

Her nose went higher in triumph. "Yeah. I know, guess it must be the spinach I eat every day." she responded in a serious tone. Her voice was like music to my ears, soft and calm.

"How old are you?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'm going to be six in two months."

She was just ashamed to admit she was five. I smiled to myself. "You're five."

"And what are you?" she asked. The girl had a smart mouth even for a kid.

"I'm fourteen."

She wriggled her nose, admitting defeat. "Mommy told me not to talk to strangers."

She had too much sass for a five year old.

"Then why are you talking to me?"

She batted her beautiful long lashes. I knew she'd be a babe when she grew up, breaking a million hearts. Such innocence now. "You seem like a nice boy."

"Thanks girly." I said. The last thing I wanted was for her parents to think I'd kidnapped their kid. "It was nice meeting you."

I waved at her and I strode over to another game booth, the one that included guns and cars. I swapped the card and the game started. A few minutes later, when I was in the midst of winning a round, I felt a harsh tug on my denims. The little sailor girl from earlier, pointed at another game booth. "Let's play that."

Clingy little brat, I was going to have a hard time running from this chick. "I'll finish this game fir.."

Game Over. The recording blared.

"Fuck this shit!" I cursed loud enough for her to hear.

Her mouth became a wide O, she clicked her tongue and stared at me in horror. I felt like a culprit all at once. "You said the 'F' word and the 'S' word."

She was acting like I'd suggested we loot a bank.

"I'm sorry." I should have known better than to utter words like that in front of a kid.

"What does it mean?"

That caught me off guard. "What?"

"Fuck?" she asked simply, it almost felt like a sin, coming from her mouth. "What does that word mean?" she shifted from one foot to another, not a trace of discomfort crossing her features.

I shrugged. "You should never use it, okay?"


Ask me why the sky is blue and I'd answer. "Because it's a bad word, you're too little to understand."

She climbed on the little red stool just beside her; her head hardly surpassed my shoulders. She tilted her little head, "How about now? I'm tall. Tell me."

That got a good laugh out of me; a group of teenagers stared at me suspiciously. That was the cutest thing I'd ever heard, even cuter than Claire's little hamster. I picked the girl up and set her down.

"You don't have to learn about such things, pretend you didn't hear anything, okay?" I lowered myself to her level, "Who did you come here with?"

"My mom." She answered.

"Where is she?"

She pointed in one particular direction; I turned towards the way she'd pointed in. I didn't see anyone who'd look at least mildly similar. I turned to face the girl again. "I don't see your mom."

She lowered her hand, confusion weaving through her expressions. She scanned her vicinity and declared with a straight face. "I'm..I'm lost."

I rubbed my temples. This was going to be tough. What if she started to wail uncontrollably? I wasn't so good with five year old kids. I cupped her face and willed her to look at me. "Don't cry, okay? I'll look for your mother."

Her brows furrowed, "I'm not crying." She folded her arms. "Can we go play now?"

Really? She just learned she was lost and she wasn't even crying. Who is this girl?

"Do you know your mom's or your dad's phone number?"

"96756..." she started and stopped all at once. "I forgot."

I gritted my teeth. "I'm going to have to take you to the main reception, your mom's going to be worried." I bet she was the one crying and looking for her.

She raised one finger. "One game."

"Okay, fine." under my breath I said, 'piece of work'.

Her soft little fingers got hold of my hand as she pulled me towards a bottle knock out booth. The winner received a large hello kitty plush toy. I watched as she stared at the stuffed animals in awe which could possibly be the same size as her.

"Do you want that?"

She pressed her lips together, gaze downcast, she nodded shyly. I picked her up and set her on the counter. A timid boy with springy red hair tucked inside a cap smiled at us gleefully, pointing at the little girl, he asked. "Your sister?"

I shrugged. "No."

He smiled nervously, handing me five balls. "Knock down three and the Hello Kitty is yours."

"You wanna try one?" I asked her.

Her fingers could barely wrap around the large ball, she heaved it with force. The bottle moved, circled and settled back again. She wiggled her nose.

I knocked down three in the remaining turns. The guy had obviously not expected it since those bottles were heavy. He had no idea how much practice I had in knocking down and breaking stuff, crystal antiques at that. He pulled down a hello kitty plush reluctantly and handed over to the girl.

She hugged the stuffed toy close, glanced up and passed me a warm heart melting smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

It was the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen.

"Listen, its fine that you came up to me and we talked and had fun but, next time, don't leave your mother and wander like that." I told her, the seriousness of the situation began to settle in. I continued in a whisper, "There are bad people, lurking around who might take you away."

Her lower lip quickened. "But, you didn't offer me candy."

"Bad people don't always offer candy; they might just steal you."

Her fingers drew circular patterns over the stuffed toy. "What will happen?"

Great! Now, I was scaring the kid.

"Just don't, okay? it's not safe."

She nodded. I picked her up and set her down on her feet. Her little fingers wound around mine. I stared at her hand and smiled, "Let's go find your mother."


"I have a lost child."

The woman on the reception glanced up and saw the kid clinging to my side. The name tag read 'Lisa.' She was a big woman, with a big mole on her face.

"What was the exact time you found her?"

"About an hour ago." I told her. "We were trying to look for her mother."

"What's your name, kid?"

I realized I hadn't asked her name, what was I thinking?

She pouted, looked at me for approval. I squeezed her hand and nodded. "Tell your name."


"Did you say Anna?" The woman asked.


"Okay." She said and asked for other details, then turned to the man who made announcements.

"Calling attention. A lost girl named Alana has been found in the gaming parlour, aged five. She's wearing a blue dress, blue cap and blue matching shoes. Parents are requested to report to the main reception. Calling attention..."

"Your mom will be here in sometime." I assured her. She was staring at the floor, her sailor cap covering her face.

She looked up, her striking eyes levelled with mine, there were tears glistening. "I don't wanna go home."

I pulled her up in my arms; my thumbs traced the tears away. "Why, baby?"

She hiccupped. "Mommy doesn't love meeee......"

My arm was gonna need some serious massaging when I got home. She was heavier than I had imagined.

"'s okay." I rubbed her back. "I'm sure your mom loves you. You're just imagining."

I swallowed. I was one to give her that explanation. She and I had things in common. My parents didn't care either.

She stopped crying after a few minutes, so I set her back down, handing her the toy. After about fifteen minutes, a tear stained woman strode over to the reception desk frantically. Lisa pointed at us, hurdled in a corner. The woman made a run towards us. "Alana, baby, where did you go?"

The woman who looked like the older version of Alana pulled the girl in her arms and rained her with kisses. "Don't you ever do this to me; do you know how worried I was?"

"Sorry, mom."

The woman looked at me, and took my hand in hers. "Thank you."

"No problem."

She looked at her daughter. "Where did you get that toy, sweety?"

The girl pointed at me, "He won it for me."

"Did you say 'thank you'?"

"uh—hmm." She nodded. "Can I say good-bye to him, mommy?"

"Sure, sweety."

She walked up to me, with little hands she indicated me to lower to her level. She whispered. "Secret."

I lowered my ear to her level. Her hands grasped my t-shirt collar and she planted a kiss on my cheek. "I like you."

She'd just rendered me speechless, I watched as she giggled shyly and hopped back to join her mother. She waved at me. "bye-bye."

I waved back and stayed until I saw as they made their way out of the shopping centre exit. It didn't matter what age girls were, even at five, they had an ability to do some serious shit with our hearts. I wondered if I'd ever see that little girl again.

At that time, I had no idea that the little angel would appear again almost thirteen years later, as my personal savoir, the girl who taught me how to believe in love, the girl who pulled me back from the darkness. She was the girl.

My soul-mate.

My savoir.



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