eleven - suzie, do you copy?

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Imogen groaned at a heavy arm that made its way over the side of her stomach. She opened her eyes slowly cranky at being awoken by the same routine, whenever Steve stayed over.

They both were the last people you'd want to end up sharing a bed with since they both tended to kick along with hogging the blanket. So, in the middle of the night, it was a battle between the pair, and in the morning, one of them is woken up to being hit by either a foot or arm.

Imogen got up grabbing her pillow hitting Steve with it," Wake up you moron!!" She whispered yelled, for the courtesy of her Mom who was probably still asleep.

Steve let out a whine throwing the pillow to the side and grabbing her wrist yanking her on top of him," Good morning to you too babe" He slurred in the usual husky voice he had when waking up.

She sat up on him," You are so lucky, we both have work in 2 hours"

"I love you" He still had his eyes closed but said it sweetly making her roll her eyes," I love you too Harrington, but we need to work on our sleeping manners, my goodness, one day I am going to be punched in the face"

"I'll have a broken rib" He challenged opening one eye," Queen of kicking"

"Ha ha very funny, now get up, because I know you take an hour to fix your hair, despite it being useless with your hat" He leaning up letting out a playful growl pushing her to the side hovering above her, making Imogen squeal.

"Wanna switch workplaces?"

"Hell no" She quickly denied him," I work at a Lingerie shop, the last I need is a reason for you to have girls flirt with you" She smirked at him," Oh wait—you haven't had that either!" She let out a shriek as he poked her side," You and Robin are enjoying that whiteboard aren't you!"

"I mean five fails? Come on babe, you lost your touch"

"When can I stop the game?"

"When Summer is over, and we ditch this town" Imogen tapped his chest as he smiled," No changing our plans after summer"

She looked at him offended," Of course not, you saw our jars we have three full now, we have enough for a place to stay and buy two cars!" She looked at her desk with the said jars," Just a little longer"

"Yeah then back to schooling" Steve rolled his eyes laying next to her, draping an arm over her stomach

"You surprised me in getting in the same College as me, I guess all the studying sessions with Nancy and Jonathan helped"

"You did most of the work" Steve corrected her

"Well, I did help in one section particular," She said slowly running her hand on his shirtless chest as she smirked, he laughed pulling her over to him," I want to ditch work today"

"No" She pulled out of his arms quickly making her way to the edge of the bed," Get up pal, or else I'll make Tews come in here"

He shot up from the bed at those words making her laugh.


Imogen walked over to Scoops Ahoy, having finished her shift for the night, and grinned seeing Steve sneaking the boys and Max to the back again for the movies. She could do the same, but the boys refused to step a single foot in her workplace, Lovelace.

She specifically chose the job, because she knew working at a fast food place, or overpopulated retail shop, she'd lose her mind. She was a social butterfly, but she preferred enjoying her job relaxing.

Imogen walked over to the counter where Robin was reading a magmagazine quickly hitting the bell, making her jump and look up glaring," Goodness Gen! you scared the hell out of me" She whispered slapping the magazine on the counter.

"I love you too Rob"

"Hey, that is Steve exclusive only" Both girls turned up to Steve who pouted walking out of the back room.

"Oh, hey there handsome, do you know where I can find my boyfriend? he is about yay high, and has amazing hair?" Imogen leaned on the counter, as Robin went to make her original order, which was mint ice cream.

"Very funny," Steve said leaning on the wall," Off early?"

"Yeah, since Mom and I are picking up Duffin make in the morning, I switched my shift with one of the trainee's"

"Lucky you, I still got a few more hours"

"Don't worry buttercup" Robin handed over her ice cream snorting at the nickname," Totally a tally moment for that one" Imogen snickered high-fiving her," What am I on now?"

"10" Robin walked over to the board that both of the markings, of her and Steve's game.

"You'll run out eventually Babe" Steve walked over kissing her cheek.

"Woah there Fido, careful now, no PDA on the job" She poked his chest, "I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

He gazed at her lovingly, holding the urge to kiss her, when the lights suddenly went out, making Imogen freeze in place feeling suddenly cold, and goosebumps formed on her arms and most on the back of her neck.

She took in a breath hugging herself immediately. She had not been haunted by that feeling for a year now, and suddenly it was back frightening her.

She was snapped out of her daze by the nautical music that played in the ice cream shop, making her frigid. Steve noticed her posture and walked over to her quickly," Babe? Are you okay?" He whispered placing his hands on her shoulder

"The feeling is back," She said hesitant and he gulped hearing those words.

"After a whole year?" His voice cracked as she nodded slowly

"Will you be okay getting home? I can—" He peered at Robin who looked worried as well.

"No" Imogen shook her head," I'll be fine, Mom is picking me up"

"Okay" He rubbed her shoulders kissing her cheek," Stay safe, and I'll call when I get home, I love you"

"I love you too," She said back, leaving the shop walking out and throwing her ice cream in the trash since she lost her appetite.


"This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over." The Static from Dustin's radio felt deafening to Imogen who was sitting in the back seat. She was not able to have a good night's rest at all since the creeping feeling returned.

She needed to ask Will if he felt the same thing, or if it was just her imagination.

"This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over!" Dustin said louder making Imogen's headache worse. She held back her irritation, not wanting to get mad for no reason.

"I repeat: This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over." Imogen closed her eyes biting her lip

"I repeat: This is goddamn Gold Leader—"

"Dusty/Duffin" Both her and Claudia said at the same time


"Relax! For goodness' sake" Imogen leaning forward patting his shoulder.

"I'm in range. They should be answering" Dustin whined

"You've been away a whole month, honeybun. Maybe they just...forgot" Claudia tried to reassure him, and Imogen sighed leaning back, pinching the bridge of her nose pushing back her nausea.

She had given the key to Lucas and Max since they were all gathering there to surprise him, she just hoped they didn't make Eleven do something that could break anything. Claudia never got mad, but if any of her porcelain cats broke, they were going to experience hell.

When they arrived home, Imogen went straight to her room, and shrieked seeing the gang inside there," Okay, I love you guys, but seriously? Why not hide in the bathroom" She said in a hushed toned.

"Sorry" Max clasped her hands," We panicked"

She chuckled running a hand through her hair," Try not to break anything okay? Now go shoo, he's in his room" She pushed them out shutting her door and closing her eyes and threw herself on her bed.

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