thirteen - the case of the missing lifeguard

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"Hey Babe, I'm going to head to work okay?" Steve gently shook Imogen who was still asleep, since the night prior, he slept over because of their discovery, and Dustin ended up as well in her room, with all of them discussing their plans.

Imogen only let out a small noise of approval feeling a kiss her cheek," Dustin is going with me okay?" She hummed as he smiled running a hand through her hair." I love you"

"I love you too...see you later," She said under her breath, and soon enough all she heard last was her room door closing.


"You see anything?" Dustin peeked over to Steve who was looking through his binoculars, both hoping to find their Evil Russians insight.

"Uh, I guess I don't totally know what I'm looking for" Steve mumbled looking around

Dustin held back the urge to groan, and just resulted in sighing "Evil Russians"

"Yeah, exactly. I don't know what an evil Russian looks like" Steve grumbled with attitude

"Tall, blond, not smiling," Dustin said blankly

"Mm-hmm" Steve kept his eyes on the binoculars," Also, look for earpieces, camo, duffel bags, that sort of thing"

"Right, okay, duffel bags" Steve mumbled and then stopped seeing Imogen frowning as he saw Mark Lewinsky trying to flirt with her.

"Aw you got to be kidding me" Steve let out a groan

"What?!" Dustin raised his head

"That meathead Mark Lewinsky is trying to flirt with Imogen"

"She'll be fine, she'll kick his ass" Dustin waved it off," Dude you're the worst spy in history, you now that?"

Dustin took the binoculars from Steve and focused it back to Imogen, despite him being confident his sister could handle herself. He grinned seeing her shove the guy back and flip him off as she stomped away," See she got it handled"

"What'd she do?"

"Shove him and flip him off"

"Ah, the usual Imogen rejection" Steve chuckled

Dustin lowered the binoculars and raised an eyebrow," The usual? Wait—" He smirked at Steve," Did my sister use that method on you before?"

Steve cough as his eyes widened making him turn his head away quickly," N-No"

"Oh my god, she did" Dustin laughed raiding the binoculars back to his face," When did she give in?"

"After the 10th try" Both of the boys nearly jumped at the voice behind them both turning to Imogen who was standing there with her arms folded," You know, the fact that I could see you both from up there, tells me you both are amateurs at spycraft"


"The week is long. The Silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly" Imogen repeated the words, as she leaned on Robin.

"Tread lightly?" Imogen let out an exhalation, as Robin raised the Dictionary and scanned through it. Their attention was both averted to the back door as someone knocked.

"Delivery for you" Imogen continued to look at the book, as Robin went to handle the delivery.

"Thank you," She noticed Robin linger at the same spot after saying those words, making Imogen hop off the counter, and walk over as the Lynx worker just stood there awkwardly "Have a nice day"

"Yeah, you too" The worker walked down the hall, and before Imogen could ask Robin what's wrong, she saw her step out and stare at the descending employer.

"Hey what's wrong Rob?" She stepped out next to her, as Robin leaned over still staring," Silver cat" she whispered. Imogen's eyes trailed to the back of the Lynx worker's uniform and raise her eyebrows gaping.

"Oh my god" The girls both shared looks and then ran back in the Scoops backroom.

"Immy, Robin—You're not gonna believe who Dustin thought was a Russian" Steve mocked as the girls out the back "You did too!!"

"No, I did not" Robin and Imogen pushed past them making the two boys confused. Both of the girls ran out to the center of the mall hand in hand, as they jumped on the center seating.

"A trip to China sounds nice" Imogen mumbled along with Robin as they both looking around, not giving any care if they looked insane.

"Imperial Panda" Imogen nodded her head," If you tread lightly" Robin read the next words in a few seconds of both females scanning the mall, Robin nudged her elbow directing Imogen to look at," Kaufman Shoes"

"When blue and yellow meet in the west" Both of their eyes landed on the big clock on the wall, one hand yellow and the other blue. Robin looked at Imogen and smiled.

"Robin, Imogen" Steve called out to them, making them shift their gaze to the two males looking up at them.

"What are you guys going?" He asked and Robin kept her smirk as Imogen jumped down, helping her.

"We cracked it" Robin started

"Cracked what?" Steve peered at them

"We cracked the code" Imogen finished


Imogen looked down to her watch that read Nine o'clock PM. She adjusted Steve's jacket hoodie over her head.

"Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman Shoes" Robin spoke over the heavy rain and thunder roaring in the back of them.

Dustin adjusted his binoculars," They're with that whistling guy, ten o'clock"

"What do you think's in there?"

"Gun, bombs?" Dustin answered

"Chemical weapons" Imogen spoke up wiping the rain off Steve's face," You know we could have found a way to share the jacket" He looked at her," No Babe, I don't want you getting sick"

"You are too sweet Harrington" He chuckled kissing her cheek," I know, but only to you"

"Whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth," Dustin told them

"Great" Steve whined having to wipe his face again since the rain was only getting heavier," That's great"

They watched the guy open the door, and Robin leaned forward," Hey, what's in there?"

"It's just more boxes" Dustin answered

"Let me check it out" Steve reached over to the binoculars

"No, I'm still looking!" Dustin and Steve started to have a tug-o-war with the object," Lemme see it"

"Kids" Robin mumbled making Imogen chuckle," Tell me about it"

"Remind me why you're dating him?" She teased

Imogen looked at them still fighting," I ask myself the same thing each day"

The binoculars in Steve's grip slipped out because of the rain, making it hit the railing of the roof they were on.

"Shit!" Imogen tugged her brother and Steve down at the loud noise it made, Robin following with a gasp.

"I think it's time we ditched" Imogen whispered yelled," Because I am not about to be target practice for those psycho's!"

They all nodded as they crawled away from the side to the roof door and down the back halls of the shops.

"Well, I think we found your Russians" Robin looked at the three of them. Imogen felt her neck get chills making her raise her hand to it.

"Yeah, I guess we did" She muttered

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