Chapter One: The Personal Stress Doll

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Two Years Later...

A small dragonet raced through through the headquarters of the Sting, eager to please. The Sting was the most powerful gang in Sandwing Kingdom, and one of the many mantras drilled into the dragonet's head was that he was lucky to be apart of it. The dragonet was called Coal, a rare name for a Sandwing, but not unusual. Coal, although only a year and a half old, had many jobs in the headquarters. 

He had to light the fires when it got darker, make sure the windows were always locked, bring food to any official that might need some, water the desert lilies, and most importantly, listen and watch. He was young, so everyone spoke about anything around him, positive he wouldn't understand.

 But Coal did understand- he understood everything. And if he heard anything suspicious, he had to report it immediately, in case there was a spy in their mince. The jobs, although simple, were a source of terror for Coal. He was still growing and he was clumsy. That meant he messed up. And for every mistake, there was a severe punishment from his father. If a window was open, that was a beating with a switch. If someone went hungry, there's a beating with just plain fists and claws. Nothing to report meant a few slaps. And, worst of all, should the lilies forget to be watered.....

Coal shook himself, not wanting to think about that particular punishment. 

But even on the days he did everything right, there were still beatings. If he looked his father in the eye, and was just in his general area at the wrong time, there was some pain in store for him. Coal didn't know what he had done, but it had been something his father hated him for. Some days it was difficult to move, but the jobs still ad to be done. 

And, of course, the pain came from other dragons too. Whatever Coal's father did, his brother Prickle felt the need to copy. That mean he got beat twice as much. Some days it was like Drought had slapped a target on his back, and everyone who walked by had to kick him or claw him or something.

It was like he was the Sting's personal stress doll.

Besides his father, Cobra always hit him the worst, when she was there, that is. She barely showed up anymore after moving out of the headquarters. She had three dragonets, Coal knew that. But she didn't hit them. Not to his knowledge anyway. Coal's other brother, Fennec, insisted that Cobra hit him worse because she blamed him for her husband's death.

Now that didn't make any sense at all, Coal thought to himself. He'd never even met Cobra's husband.

On this particular day, Coal had forgotten about the lilies. Cobra had visited in the morning, and had clearly made time for his daily clawing. It had taken him hours before he could bear to move, his scales turning more vibrant colors with fresh bruises. Sometimes here were so many bruises and cuts on him, Coal wondered how anyone could tell he was a Sandwing. But he had gotten up, and now he was three hours behind on his chores.

And if he didn't get them all done by the time the sun went down...

Coal gulped at the thought. He didn't think he could handle another attack today. 

He rushed faster, the water for the flowers sloshing round in the tin pot he carried it in. He rounded a corner, focused on his task- not on who was in the hall. But then it was too late. Coal crashed into another dragon, the water splashing over the both as the tin pot crashed to the ground. The other dragon was bigger, so Coal bouncing off him and fell to the ground, wincing as the impact disturbed his bruises. He winced again as he noticed who he had run into. 

"Prickle," he whispered with wide eyes. "Please don't." His brother glared at him and grabbed him by the throat.

"And why would I do you a favor?" he demanded. Coal struggled against his grip, fighting back a whimper of dismay.

"I-I'll do anything you want!" he begged. "I'll clean your room, beat up a skunk and get sprayed, throw myself at a brick wall- anything!"

  "Hmmm," Prickle thought for a moment, studying his brother's terrified face. "No."

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