Chapter 2: the devil vs the bat

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Damian P.O.V.

I heard from Barbs that Jason might be in trouble. So she asked me to head to the location to lend a hand because Batman found out that Red Hood shot Penguin. Dammit Jason, if you're gonna kill the short bastard at least do it somewhere private and not in front of live television. I finally made it but I was too late and I'm not the only one here.

3rd Person

Batman was wailing on Red Hood mercilessly beating him in anger. "No more jokes, No more excuses, NO MORE RED HOOD." Batman screams as he is about to deliver the final blow. A Billy club hit him in the back of the head.

"How Bout No more BEATING YOUR SON." Daredevil shouted in anger as he jumped down and kicked Batman in the face. "I dealt with a lot of you shit father. I have seen all of your discipline but this, this is too far even for you." he stood in front of Red Hood protecting him from the man who was supposed to be our father. Daredevil couldn't believe that his father was almost beating Jason to death. Does he really want to go this far to keep everyone in line?

"Daredevil, This doesn't involve you, Walk away NOW." Batman demanded.

"It involved me as soon as you were beating my brother almost to death." Daredevil shouted as he charged at batman. Batman threw some batarangs at him but Daredevil deflected them and spin kicked him in the face. Batman got up and tried to punch him but Daredevil caught his fist twisted it, delivered a couple blows to the stomach, cracked his knee then ended with an uppercut. "Stay down Batman or else."

"You should have just walked away, Devil."

"Why so you can beat hood some more, you sick bastard?"

"He killed the Penguin!"

"if I hadn't stopped you would have killed him!" Daredevil shouts as he delivers a kick to the jaw.

"Daredevil we have codes to follow, we do not kill no matter what." Batman said, rubbing his jaw.

"QUIT JUSTIFYING WHAT YOU DONE, If I hadn't stopped you would have broken your oh so wonderful code. Trust me when I say this father I can heartbeats and right I'm almost hearing only three right now." Daredevil said, shocking batman. "Nightwing, Arsenal go ahead and check, tell me if I'm wrong. Please let me be wrong."

Nightwing and Arsenal came down, Nightwing looked for a pulse there was one but weakened. "oh god his pulse is weakening it is going down!" Nightwing said in shock.

"Goddamit you two quickly get him to the manor." Daredevil shouted.

"Nightwing, stand down now!" Batman ordered but was hit with a Billy Club again. "YOU ASSHOLE THAT YOUR FUCKING SON DYING." Daredevil said. he and Batman began to fight. Batman thought he had the upper hand until Daredevil snapped his arm.

"AAAARRGGHH" Batman screams in pain. Daredevil wasn't finished yet he started wailing on Batman just like he did with Red hood.

"Doesn't feel good huh" He said while he kept punching. "Huh




"answer me you son of a bitch"

"DD...D...DDamian" Batman tried to say.

"No, you don't get to talk not after what you did. this is a lesson and that is don't ever let me catch you doing this to any of our family again." Daredevil said. He grabs Batman's arm gauntlet then activates the Batmobile. He dragged Batman in it then set course to home.

At the Manor

Everyone who heard what happened to Jason came to check on him. Talia, Selene, Kate, Stephine, Barbbra, the Birds of prey, Duke, Cassandra Cain, the outlaws old and new.

While everyone was tending to Jason's injuries they heard the Batmobile coming, Everyone except Tim and Alfred wanted to give a piece of their mind. Alfred not because he was too busy tending to Jason's injuries, Tim not because he doesn't know what was happening. The Batmobile came to a halt then opened the hatch the whole Batfam saw Daredevil and bloodied bruised Batman.

"Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell happen to him?" Tim asked to pull Batman out and take him to the medical bay. Alfred was neither shocked or surprised who did it and why.

"I Happen." Daredevil answered by taking off his mask and gloves.

"what the hell you damned demon." Tim sneered.


Tim was knocked down, the floor lip bleeding a bit. Casey went to help but stopped, scared from a dark glare from Damian.

"Let get something straight it Devil not demon, and I was giving that bastard a taste of his own medicine. Taught him a lesson as well." Damian stated.

"What lesson is that?" Stephine asked, as she helped Tim up without giving an angry look first.

"We are family, dysfunctional as hell but still family and sure as hell beats another to the point of death like some goddamn animal. And I don't care how pissed you are, we do not brutalize a family member like." Damian said.

"I Have to agree with Damián, what I saw on tv was Horrific you guys." Barbara confess

"She was right, what I saw was not the man I loved and I'm not sure if I want my baby living here." Selena said, holding her stomach.

"Guys this batman we are talking about, come on he got a little carried away." Casey tried to defend her father.

"Grace does not defend him. What he did was inexcusable. We may brutalize bad guys but we do not brutalize family members not unless we're not in control. Batman was in control, Batman chose to beat Jason to death."

"Maybe there is a reason for it." Tim said. Everyone looked at him in disbelief that he said that.

"Tim, I agree with Damian and I sure as hell wish I was there to help beat some sense into Bruce. Because what he did was wrong we may not kill but he sure as hell did cross the line." Dick said.

"I agree with my son, that not the man I loved first he blind my child then mercilessly beat another one. what happened to the man who had honor." Talia said as she hugged Damian. Everyone agreed Bruce went too far.

"When father and Jason both wake up we need to talk and set some new ground rules. We vow not to kill but not give anyone the right to beat another person almost to death. We save that to those who truly deserve it. We are not only a team, we're a GODDAMN FAMILY SO EVER LET ME CATCH YOU DOING THIS OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL PUT THE FEAR OF THE DEVIL IN EACH AND EVERYONE YOU." Damian vowed. 

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