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You think I care how you think of me?
You say I'm repulsive, bitch please. I am the definition of beauty. You are all just to blind to see.
All of these damn billboards and advertisements saying that the models shown are beauty. News flash they're the fakest bitches and asshole you will EVER meet. At least half of the shit on them is fake. From make up to body parts. You want to be perfect then go look in the fucking mirror. You're already perfect. Why can't anyone fucking see that. I'm pretty sure everyone who follows me knows of my story. Not all of it is true, but the bullies are. They have gotten worse and for once I'm sick of it. I may be a killer and I may be 'insane' but that doesn't mean I don't care. It's just harder for me to show it. If you want to be such a cool person and be popular like everyone else then do something no one has. Stand up for what you know is right. Don't cake your face with all that shitty make up. There's no point. Sure it hides marks and blemishes and whatever reason you girls wear it for, but do you honestly think a guy wants to kiss a cheek of some girl who has layers of makeup on? Honestly that shit taste nasty as hell. Even after wiping it off the taste still fucking lingers. You don't need make up. Sure you don't look like all the other girls but who Gives. A. Fuck. Be you. Don't be a copy.

The guys here you don't need muscles or any of that shit. Sure it's nice to have them but really who cares. Hell all we need to do is except how a girl looks. We're men, not computer programmers who's making a damn cyborg girlfriend. We have our flaws they have theres'. You don't need a big dick you just need to know how to use the damn thing right. Lower your standards assholes. She's over weight okay so? Honestly does her looks really matter? I for one like personalities....although everything looks a whole lot better when it looks like me...but that's not what we're talking about. I think.... My point for all this random ass gay shit is that I'm sick of hearing all these god damn standards that everyone is suppose to reach. Fuck! Why can't you just be yourself. You're not a god damn robot that needs to be updated every time a new software update comes out......ive been hanging out with elf dick to much....... be yourself people. Like seriously it's pointless trying to impress someone when you're doing something that's not you.

I swear on Zalgo's god damn stupidity if I find someone that's following me acting fake because they think they need to meet some shitty ass standard them Imma slap a bitch

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