A peek into the start

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I'm always watching people all around me. They all make the same mistakes as one another yet they constantly tell themselves that they will not be like a specific person. Yet they do either way. It is an endless cycle in which no one seems to understand. We are all just wondering around on this rock in the middle of the universe. We keep from reaching out farther because of the fear that stops us
What is fear?
Fear is but an emotion we think is our subconscious. It helps keep us safe but it also keeps us from expanding farther. What is the point to it if all you do is fear every little thing? Some are driven to insanity because they van not get over their fears.
What is insanity? What is sanity?
Both are the same word but yet different meanings. Sanity is this false feeling of security. It is something humans trick themselves into feeling. That way they can pretend they have a grasp on everything that is around them. Yet they do not. All the do it have a small string laying with in their hands as they keep the entire spinal of that thread behind them. That way the do not need to worry of such a thing. They say those who are crazy or insane are not to be trusted. Here's the shocker. They know more then the sanest person among the world. Those who have snapped has more knowledge of the world because they have been through both good and bad and have seen the world for what is really is. Yet we are labeled insane and locked into cages as if we were some kind of animals. All because no one understands what we have been through and what we have seen. If they have then they would understand that this world is a lot darker then they think. There are more secrets then anyone can know of or believe. It's easy to see them. All you have to do is open your eyes and look carfeully
Insanity is but the truth to this world. The sooner humans except that the better off this world will be
You all think you must be perfect but human existence is but a joke.  We do not truly exist.  Time is nothing but an illusion.  After so much goes last we are all forgotten in the end.  It does not matter what you have done or what you have changed or created.  Sooner or later it will be forgotten.  There is not everlasting and this is no forever.  We are all here to just occupy a space that was once empty.  We are mere pawns to a larger game.  We may win or we may lose.  It depends all on our thoughts and cooperation.  Will we work together or will we fuck everything over and destroy the one planet we have lived on for many years.  Just think we could have been whipped out just like everything before.  Sadly it won't be as easy.  We are slowly destroying ourselves.  Nature does not need to step in to help.  Humanity is doing all the work.  We will cause our own distraction and extinction.  Ironic hkw such a thing happens.  We speak of the apocalypse and how it comes about.  Yet we do not find a way to stop it. You only feel others minds with these thoughts.  It will be our demise.  How long will we all last? We do not change and only repeat previous mistakes and failures. You all never seem to learn.  What will you do when everything you care for and live finally disappears.  Will you cry over such loses or will you shove it off? Either way.  You will all end up the same.  You all shall become insane from your own thoughts and distractions.  It can not be avoided.  So here I am and I welcome all new 'crazies' to this lovely placeTake a seat

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