Ace in the Hole

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Esmeralda stood by Ace as they slowly walked toward Gol D and Rouge. Even though Esmeralda wasn't the one in trouble, she felt nervous for Ace. She could tell that Ace was nervous and terrified. He told her that he was even more scared of his mother. She always taught him to be respectful and, if he couldn't wait, to always use protection. The two saw Rouge washing some dishes. "M-Mom."

Rouge stopped and looked at Ace. She smiled and turned off the sink. Rouge went to hug her son. "Oh, my baby! I was so worried about you! You haven't been returning our calls! I worried that something bad had happened to you!" Ace hugged her back, but Rouge felt his body trembling. "Ace, you're shaking. Are you okay? Are you sick? Are you hungry? When was the last time you ate?"

Ace let out a long sigh. "Where's dad? I-I need to talk to you two."

Rouge was surprised. She also noticed Esmeralda standing by her son's side. That was when she knew that something was wrong. "He's in our room preparing for the night. Tomorrow he and his brothers are going to the station to identify the body and to see if the agents have any leads. Also, your cousins, Starrk and Tsukishima, arrived; Jugram is missing."

"I-I know. I heard a lot while waiting for the meeting to be over. I-I really need to talk to you and dad. It's something urgent."

Rouge was starting to get nervous. "A-Alright. Let's go."

Esmeralda held onto Ace's arm, and he gently squeezed her hand. The two followed Rouge to their room. Rouge was surprised that Esmeralda was following; it was something serious. Ace probably needed her for support. Once inside, Gol D was in bed reading a book. He saw everyone entering and was confused but happy to see his son. He got off the bed and went to hug his son tightly. "Ace, you're okay!" He put Ace down and saw Esmeralda with him, which confused him.

"Honey, Ace said he has something important to tell us."

Ace took a deep breath and let it out. His trembling got worse. Esmeralda put her arms around him. "It's okay. I'm here." She looked at the couple. "What Ace will tell you will be a shock and bring mixed emotions. Please promise me that you two won't do anything that will hurt him."

The couple was confused and filled with anticipation. "Ace, what did you do?" asked Gol D. His face became stern; his hands were on his waist.

Ace and Esmeralda looked at one another and then at his parents. "I-I-I-I-I-" He was stuttering and couldn't speak.

Esmeralda sighed. "He got a woman pregnant."

It was dead silent in the room. Only the clock was heard. "Esmeralda, would you kindly leave the room?" asked Rouge.

The young woman noticed Rouge's smile, but it was no ordinary smile. Esmeralda looked at Ace, who slowly nodded his head. The young woman let him go. "I-I'm sorry a-and if you need anything, please t-tell me." Esmeralda slowly left the room, and once she closed the door, she heard it.


Esmeralda could hear some hitting noises, and she flinched. 


The young woman walked away and went to her room, and while getting there, she saw Sosuke standing outside. "I hear screaming. What's going on?" 

"It's not my place to tell you. You'll find out in the morning. Now come on, we shouldn't be nosy. Besides, don't you want the massage you like?"

Sosuke put on his innocent face. "Yes, please."


It was 5:00 am. The brothers woke up while their wives were still asleep. The brother got dressed and went to meet in the living room. Gol D was the last to arrive, and his brothers noticed the bags under Gol D's eyes. 

"Hey, Rogers, we heard you and Rouge yelling. What was that about?" asked Issa.

"It's none of our business, Issa. We shouldn't meddle," said Vlad.

"Ace got a woman pregnant."

The brothers stood in silence. "Well, I know it's not the right time or way, but congratulations, brother. You will be a grandfather," said Bradley. 

"Wow. Is he sure that the baby is his? Nowadays, many women lie," asked Issa.

"He did, and the child is his. The woman is eight years older than him and is a preschool teacher. He said that she would like to meet us. It sounds like this woman is respectful and mature." 

Bradley sighed. "How is Rouge? How did she take it?"

"She took it hard. We would have liked Ace to have been married or been in a long-term relationship to have a kid, but the way he did it was irresponsible. The good thing is that Ace will take care of the kid. He will still be in school and work to help provide for the kid."

Issa chuckled. "Well, look at the bright side. In a couple of years, you will be called 'grandpa.' You'll have a little hellraiser running on and about."

Gol D rolled his eyes. "Just wait until your daughters make you a grandpa. Isn't Moka dating that Tsukune kid? He's the son of a Japanese politician. Who knows, maybe your daughter will bring you the news soon."

"No! Not my baby girl! She is too young for the world!"

"Alright, that's quite enough. We have much on our plate now, and we need to bring this to an end. We have to meet with the agents to identify our father's remains and if they have any leads," said Bradley.

The brothers were silent again. They were nervous to see their father's remains. It had been many years since they had seen their father. Bradley led them out of the mansion and toward a Black SUV. 

As they drove off, they didn't realize that from afar, a car was parked far away, taking pictures.

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