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Everyone was having dinner after a long day. Bradley announced that Starrk and Tsukushima were arriving tomorrow. Also, Bradley and his brothers would identify their father's remains and his portrait. It could become a lead to put Yhwach for the murder. If it is found that Yhwach killed his father, then his accusing Sosuke would be less believable. 

Sosuke sat next to his wife, who wasn't eating slowly. He also noticed that his aunts were also quiet. "Is everyone alright? I'm noticing that you all are quiet."

Amelia cleared her throat, and Bradley noticed. "Amelia, do you need your medication?"

"No, darling. I'm alright. It's nothing." Amelia noticed how nervous Esmeralda was, as did Bradley. "Esmeralda, what's wrong? Please don't keep any secrets from us. Anything could be vital."

Esmeralda bit her lower lip. 

"Esmeralda, I think you should tell Sosuke first. It's between you two." Bradley looked at his wife, but Amelia put her hand over his. "Trust me. You will know."

The young woman nodded and motioned Sosuke to stand. The two walked out of the dining room and entered one of the many rooms, and Sosuke closed the door. "Esmeralda, what's wrong? Are you sick?"

Esmeralda held his right hand. "No, I'm fine and healthy. It's just that...well..."

"Esmeralda, please tell me. The suspense is killing me."

The young woman then motioned her husband's hand over her womb. "I'm pregnant." It was silent between the couple. Sosuke was trying to comprehend what Esmeralda told him. His wife is pregnant with their child. So many thoughts were going through his head. "I-I know it's not the right time, but I-" Esmeralda couldn't finish her statement as Sosuke put his lips onto hers.

"I can't believe it. We're going to have a baby." Sosuke kept his hand on Esmeralda's womb.

Esmeralda sighed in relief as she put her arms around Sosuke. "I thought you'd be angry."

"Why would I be angry? Our child here is a product of our love."

Esmeralda blushed. She heard Sosuke's heartbeat and enjoyed the sound. However, there was something else occupying her mind. "I'm also scared, Sosuke."

Sosuke then hugged his wife. He knew all too well why she was scared. "I am too. However, I won't let anything happen to you and our child. Hell would freeze over if I let Yhwach get close to you." He almost forgot about Yhwach, but now that Esmeralda was pregnant, the need to protect his family intensified. If Yhwach ever came to find out that Esmeralda was pregnant, he would become berserk. Sosuke feared what he would do to Esmeralda and their unborn child. "My aunts know about the pregnancy?"

"Yes, Lisa did the test on me, and it was positive."

"Well, it's best we tell my uncles."

The couple walked back to the dining room. The women smiled at the couple as they knew Sosuke's expression. The men looked at the couple. "So, what's going on? Is everything okay?" asked Gol D.

Esmeralda looked at Sosuke, who nodded. The young woman took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

Everything turned silent as the men tried to process the news. Bradley's eyes were wide with shock as he dropped his eating utensils. The women giggled; Ameilia couldn't contain her excitement. "Oh, this is so exciting! There will be another baby in the family! Darling, we're going to be grandparents again!"

Issa whistled. "Wow, Sosuke. You did it. Can't believe you have strong swimmers."

Esmeralda blushed. Gol D got Issa by the head and put him in a headlock. "Stop with your pervy comments, Issa!" 

While the two brothers were playfighting, the others congratulated them. Bradley was silent. He knew this should have been a joyous occasion but could only feel even more worry. An unborn child was now involved in a conflict. His thoughts were interrupted when Esmeralda put her hands on his shoulders. "I know you're worried, father. I am too. However, I know we will all overcome this together and have this nightmare put to an end." Esmeralda hugged her father figure.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the two. Sosuke was even surprised but said nothing. He knew that his uncle was worried as he was. However, the unborn baby was a bigger motivation to put Yhwach down. His uncles will go to the authorities tomorrow, and the investigation will soon begin. 

Bradley was surprised by Esmeralda's words and actions. He felt warm and protective. He and Amelia never had daughters; Esmeralda was his daughter-like figure. Now that Esmeralda was part of the family, he felt a higher need to be protective. Now, she's pregnant. Even though Sosuke is not his biological son, he still views him as such and views the unborn child as his grandchild. 

Esmeralda separated from the hug but still had her hands on Bradley's shoulders and looked at everyone and then at Sosuke. I have a feeling that this baby will be a boy. My heart tells me so."

"It can also be a girl! I hope it will be so! I have so many ideas for clothing to buy!" squealed Amelia.

Esmeralda smiled. "Father, Sosuke, if it is a boy. I want to name him Anselmo Bradley Hellsing. After two great fathers."

All eyes were on Bradley and Esmeralda. Sosuke was surprised. He noticed how shocked his uncle was. Sosuke saw Bradley's eyes soften; the older man bit his lower lip. Bradley massaged his eyes, but Sosuke knew his uncle was wiping away tears. Amelia smiled softly while looking at her husband. Amelia knew her husband to be a strong man, but this truly touched Bradley to have one of his grandchildren named after him.

Sosuke smiled. "I like that very much."

Issa, who was still in Gol D's headlock, pouted. "Aw, look how emotional Brad is. Hopefully, the kid won't have Brad's nose."

Gol D has suddenly pushed away, and Bradley now holds his youngest brother in a headlock. Bradley then gave a noogie on Issa's head. Issa tried to escape his brother's grip, but Bradley was stronger. Sosuke went to his wife's side as everyone watched Bradley getting a hold of his brother. Esmeralda giggled as she watched them. "Were you guys always like this?" she asked Vlad.

Vlad took a sip of wine. "Oh yes, but worse. Bradley is the oldest and tried to help our grandfather care for us. However, Issa never knew how to shut up and did pranks on all of us. Gol D even helped."

Gol D pouted. "Well, we needed to do something to pass the time. Brad here would give us noogies or whoop our butts whenever we misbehaved."

Vlad smirked. "I remember. You and Issa were always a pain."

Gol D raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You weren't always a saint. You were always competitive with Bradley. Remember when he beat you in a school contest in middle school? You got so mad that you pulled Bradley's pants down in front of Gramps Arthur and us."

Esmeralda put her hands over her lips. 

Sosuke raised his eyebrows. "You did that, uncle?"

Vlad choked on his wine as he tried to refrain from blushing. Bradley stopped but still held onto Issa's head. Lisa giggled, as did the other women. Bradley cleared his throat as the memories came to him of when he and his brothers were kids.

Gol D laughed. "He sure did! Of all of us, Vlad was considered the smartass in the family and competitive in academics. We were shocked when Vlad did what he did. Bradley got pissed and gave Vlad here a wedgie in return. Vlad couldn't sit straight for three days."

Esmeralda laughed as she heard the brothers' tales. They all had ups and downs but still cared for and loved one another. Gol D's phone rang, and he went to answer. "Hey, at least I was not the one who threw up on Grandpa Arthur! Gol D thought he could handle gramps' whiskey!" yelled Issa.

Gol D returned and looked at his brothers. Everyone stopped. "What's going on?" asked Bradley.

Ace called me. He is bringing Starrk and Tsukishima right now."

"Now? I thought they were coming tomorrow," said Bradley.

"That's not all." He looked at his nephew. "According to your brothers, Jugram is missing."

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