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Sosuke, Ace, and the others were in one SUV, driving toward the destination Yhwach had written them to go to. They were silent. Bradley was driving, and his eyes were on the road. He noticed they were far from the city and more in the wilderness area. He knew they were all going into a trap, but their wives were in danger. Bradley knew his nephew and brothers would risk their lives so their wives could live.

However, he made a plan, and there were risks, but there was no other choice. Bradley made a left tone which led to a grassy and rocky path. The SUV trembled as it was being driven to it. Sosuke had his hands together and was afraid for Esmeralda. Yhwach had his wife, who was pregnant with their child. Ace patted his cousin on the shoulder. "Don't worry, cuz we will get Esmeralda and everyone back. We will end this once and for all."

"I'm scared, Ace. I will never forgive myself if something happens to my family and aunties."

"We're all scared, Sosuke. Don't feel that you are to blame for this. We all should have tried harder to make Yhwach into our family. Our father has the biggest blame for all of this. He made our brother's life a living hell; his mother abandoned him."

Issa glared at Gol D. "Are you saying we should feel sorry for him!? It's not an excuse for him to do what he did and become who he is!"

Gol D sighed. "I know, Issa. But you also have to understand that Yhwach was born into a family that never knew true love. Yhwach was abused horribly, and he almost died a couple of times. We cannot fully comprehend and understand the pain he endured. Our father lied to all of us and killed our mother. We were lucky that we had our grandfather and Walter. If we didn't, and we lived with our father, we wouldn't be different from him and Yhwach."

All were silent. Issa bit his lower lip but said nothing. Sosuke was surprised at his Uncle Gol D but hated admitting that he had a point. Esmeralda has an innocent heart and personality, and that's what Yhwach was drawn upon. All he wanted was a taste of happiness he had never had, but Esmeralda didn't love him. It made the situation dangerous. "Remember the plan, everyone. Sosuke, I know you fear for Esmeralda, but you will have to play it calmly. One mistake and everything can go downhill," said Bradley.

"Understood, Uncle."

Suddenly, they saw three SUVs in front of the road with their headlights on. There were men dressed in bullet gear with machine guns pointed at them. They knew that they had arrived. Bradley turned off the SUV; his brothers and nephews walked out of the vehicle and stepped out with their hands up. There were fifteen men, ten of whom went to the group to check for weapons when the coast was clear. The group was motioned to walk toward a path covered by dead trees. There were bumps here and there, but they got to their destination. To their horror, they saw Amelia, Akasha, Lisa, and Rouge tied up by trees with haystacks. Cloths covered their mouths.

The men were horrified to see their wives in their predicament. They felt helpless that they couldn't go to them and save them. The group was forced to kneel. The women were screaming for their husbands and nephews, and sons. Then, claps were heard, and Yhwach walked out from one of the broken houses. "I knew you all would arrive, trying to save your wives." Yhwach noticed Tsukishima and Starrk were among the group. "Ah, it's wonderful to see you two again. Have you done your mother and Kenpachi's funeral yet?"

Tsukishima and Starrk glared at their father. "You killed them, and for what!? Mother was going to be convinced to get a divorce from you! You could've had everything!"

Yhwach looked indifferent. "It didn't matter. She still needed to die. I had to end everything that made me miserable. Unohana was the bitter reminder of the misery I endured and you both."

"Yhwach, how could you say that!? They're your sons! As Jugram!" yelled Vlad.

"Jugram was my very first mistake that his mother should've aborted. Well, I did what she should have done."

Everyone was in shock. "H-How could you!? Your own son! Your flesh and blood!" yelled Bradley.

"Oh, Bradley, don't be such a hypocrite. How many children have you killed during your time in Gulf War? Did you tell your wife and children what you have really done? How much have you said to the therapist?" Bradley stilled for a moment; his eyes glared at Yhwach. Yhwach looked at Amelia. "Did your husband tell you the truth about the children he killed and their families? Why did you think he drank all the time?" 

Amelia had her hands and arms tied and her mouth covered. Amelia glared at Yhwach and looked at her husband. Bradley then looked at the ground. The older woman closed her eyes.

Yhwach then walked to Sosuke and kicked him across the face. Bradley tried to go and stop Yhwahc but was apprehended. Yhwach looked amused. He then kicked Sosuke in the stomach so hard that Sosuke groaned. "You call me a monster, but your uncle kept his past a secret because he didn't want you and his sons to view him as a monster. He became one once he first pulled the trigger."

Sosuke looked at his Uncle Bradley, who kept looking at the ground. He didn't know what his uncle did during the war. He did know that in war, one had to kill to survive. Sosuke remembered seeing his uncle drinking after returning from the Gulf War; he looked destroyed and became different.

"I am a monster, Yhwach. I don't deny what I did back in the war. I followed orders like a puppet, and what I did will always be a part of me. Many of the people and children I killed didn't deserve to die. However, I learned from my past and am slowly amending what I did. The difference between you and me is that you kill for your selfishness. I killed because I was a cowardly fool. You killed your wife, Jugram, just to frame your own son? His only crime was to love a woman who never loved you back." Bradley smiled. "You and I are truly brothers, but I never killed out of my own selfishness."

Yhwach kicked Bradley across the face making Bradley lose his balance. As Bradley was on the ground, Yhwach began to kick him more. Sosuke and the rest tried to stop this but were held up.

"Yhwach, please stop this!"

Everyone stilled and saw Esmeralda being forced to walk toward them. "Esmeralda!" 

Esmeralda was dropped to the ground with her hands and feet tied. A guard had a gun pointed at her. "Sosuke, everyone!" The young woman saw Yhwach kicking Bradley. "Please stop this, Yhwach! It's me you want! Leave him and everyone alone, please!" She had tears forming. "No more of this! I will go with you! I don't want anyone to die because of me!"

Yhwach stopped what he was doing but still had his foot on Bradley's beaten and bloody face. Esmeralda felt her heartbreak as she looked at her father figure. "This will all end, Esmeralda. You also have to blame for this! You betrayed and refused me! This is your punishment! Men, light the women up!"

The rest of the guards went to the SUVs and got flamethrowers. The men began to yell and tried to get to their wives. The other guards held onto them and had their guns on them, but the men didn't care. Esmeralda, Sosuke, Ace, Starrk, and Tsukishima yelled for them to stop. The women screamed as the guards were getting closer to them.

Then, the ground was slightly shaking, and there was a strong gust a wind.

A helicopter and footsteps were heard. "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" There were helicopters with the Hellsing emblem and a couple of soldiers. Not onl  that, there were helicopters with news brands on them. 

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