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Esmeralda sat in silence as Bradley looked out the window. Outside, he saw his wife, Selim, Sosuke, and Ace. "What happened after your mother's death? You said police stated it was suicide."

"They did, but my grandfather and I knew my father paid the police and the justice system to remain quiet about the situation. My grandfather was afraid for my brothers and me, so he ordered Walter to hide in the United States until everything calmed down." Bradley let out a sigh. "My grandfather did everything in his power to prove that my father killed my mother, but it was pointless since my father came from a wealthy and influential family, even more than the Hellsing. Ultimately, my grandfather died knowing my father got away with murder."

Esmeralda could feel Bradley's sadness. She could tell that Bradley truly loved his mother. Esmeralda couldn't blame Integra for wanting to leave Alucard. She was lied to, and Alucard wasn't fully mentally stable, but there was something that she was curious about. "If I may ask, what happened to your father?"

Bradley held his hands behind his back and slowly looked at Esmeralda. "He died out of natural causes, or that is what the police say, but my brothers and I think Yhwach had something to do with it."

This caught the young woman off guard. "What do you mean?"

"We believe Yhwach killed our father."


Bradley sat on his seat as he served himself some bourbon. "After my father killed my mother, my father became mentally unstable and abusive towards his actual wife and Yhwach. Carmilla told him that it was Yhwach's fault, and she left only to have died from pills days later. I think otherwise. Anyway, Yhwach was left alone and mostly beaten. Sometimes, Yhwach almost lost his life because of the abuse."

Esmeralda felt her heart shatter for Yhwach. She never thought that he had gone through such a traumatic childhood. Yhwach never knew love from either of his parents; he was alone all his life. "So, you're saying that Yhwach killed his father in self-defense? He wouldn't be at fault; he was only defending himself."

"Yhwach went through the abuse until he was eighteen. My father also put him into an arranged marriage with his current wife, Unohana. It was my father's revenge. I believe Yhwach killed him out of vengeance. I can't blame him either." He let out a sigh. "I also feel a sense of blame."


"When I discovered the truth and that I had a brother, I asked my grandfather if I could see him or if Yhwach could stay with us. My grandfather refused, especially since he didn't want my brothers and me to be discovered." Bradley took a sip of his drink. "You now know more about our dysfunctional family and why we never wanted you to be alone with Yhwach."

Esmeralda put her hands together and was silent. "I thought I had it bad; no matter if one is rich or poor, people can suffer tragic lives."

Bradley nodded. "I can tell you pity him, and I understand, but he's more dangerous than you think. As I told you, he desires you, and I fear the worst."

This made the young woman nervous. "Why?"

"Yhwach never knew love or a sense of stability; you are the first. A person like my brother would get drawn to it so much that it would become an obsession like my father."

"Are you saying that I'm in danger? Can't I say that I'm not interested? He could be understanding to that."

Bradley let out a small, sad smile. "Oh dear child, if it were that simple. I'm afraid my nephew and I drew you into our world so deep that you can't escape it. My brother is not the type for rejection, especially for women. He's quite the misogynist. I'll be blunt; your beauty and innocence draw him to you. It's something he's not used to, and he desires to possess you. He will not take rejection lightly. I'm afraid of what will happen if you do, so my nephews brought you to me."

Esmeralda was about to respond when her phone rang. She looked at the caller id; her eyes were wide open. "It's Yhwach. What should I do, Mr. Bradley?"

"Answer him, put it on speaker, but don't tell him you're here."

The young woman nodded, answered the phone, and put it on speaker. "Hello, Mr. Yhwach."

"Esmeralda, apologies for calling. I wanted to make sure that you arrived at the hotel safely."

"Y-Yes, Mr. Yhwach. I'm with my buddies, Sosuke and Ace."

"I see. Well, I'm calling to remind you to think of my offer. I know you will need time to think about it, so I will give you until tomorrow. I want to meet you in person for your response."

Esmeralda almost felt her heart drop. "Oh, well, I can call you about my response. I-"

"Did Ace and Sosuke tell you it's not a good idea? Have I made you uncomfortable?"

Bradley sat in silence as he listened to the conversation. He knew that his brother was using manipulative tactics. Esmeralda looked at him and motioned her to speak with him.

"No, you haven't, sir. It's just that I'm uncomfortable with the fact that I'm causing problems within your family. It seems that you and Sosuke don't have a good relationship."

"Sosuke and I don't have a good relationship, but what he did wasn't very respectful. I want to meet you in person tomorrow. I will pick you up, and we will have lunch tomorrow. I will not take no for an answer. I will see you then." With that, Yhwach hung up, leaving Esmeralda speechless.

"It's more serious than I have imagined."

"Mr. Bradley, what should I do? I don't want to accept the job, but I'm afraid of what will happen if I refuse."

Bradley stood up from his seat and went to her. "Don't worry; I won't let Yhwach harm you."

"Uh, this is all too much. I don't know what to think anymore. Wait, my papa. I almost forgot about him. He will be too worried!"

"Don't worry, my brother and I will help him move closer here. You can use our small hotel as a home until things calm down. I will call him, but I can't tell him the entire truth, or it will bring more attention to you. As for Yhwach, I will have Ace and Sosuke follow you secretly. I don't want Yhwach to suspect something to be amiss. I suspect that he will take you to his home again." The older man got a hold of Esmeralda's hands in a fatherly manner. "Don't worry; I will not let Yhwach harm you or your father. You will be safe with us. You have my word."

Esmeralda let out a small smile, and then she hugged Bradley. "Thank you, Mr. Bradley." She then walked out of the office to meet with the others outside.

Bradley stood in silence. He would never have imagined that everything was slowly going to hell. He didn't want to tell Esmeralda how much danger she was in. He didn't want to scare the young woman. Esmeralda was too pure, innocent, and naive to be in his family's world. The young woman made him view her as a daughter he never had but always wanted. It made him very protective of her. What scared him the most was the possibility that Esmeralda might have the same fate as his mother, Integra. 


Esmeralda was invited to stay for dinner, Bradley called her band friends, and they would be taken home early in the morning. Of course, they asked if there was something wrong, especially John. Esmeralda also informed them that she had a job opportunity and had to stay for an interview. Bradley also told her friends that they got some offers and that he would speak with them. Bradley would contact Esmeralda's friends to see if they would be interested. This quieted them down; they agreed without any more argument.

Bradley told Ace and Sosuke of his plan; Ace agreed, but Sosuke felt it was too dangerous. He didn't want to risk putting her in danger. Esmeralda reassured him that everything would be fine and that she agreed. Sosuke knew that he couldn't argue any longer. Selim was picked up by his father, Roy. Esmeralda and Roy were reintroduced; Roy knew about the situation and even volunteered to assist, but Bradley didn't want more people to get involved.

Bradley felt it was more of his and Sosuke's responsibility. Roy, however, was open to assisting whenever the time was needed.

At the moment, Bradley, Amelia, Sosuke, Ace, and Esmeralda stayed for dinner. It was silent between them; Esmeralda could feel tension and nervousness; she wanted to break it. "I look forward to seeing you more, Ms. Amelia."

Amelia smiled. "Why, thank you. I tell my husband not to worry about me, but he insists on staying. Although, it is nice to have another woman here. Bradley and I had pure sons, no daughters, and no granddaughter. It would be wonderful to have a girl talk."

"I'm curious. How did you both meet?"

Bradley, taking a sip of his wine, almost spit it out. Sosuke and Ace chuckled.

Amelia giggled. "Oh, my love, it's nothing to be embarrassed about." She then looked at her nephews, who looked at her but looked away. "Maybe you two can learn from your uncle. Anyway, we both met at Oxford. It was Bradley's last year, and I was in my third year. Bradley was very popular with women, but I focused on my studies. I heard about him but never knew what he looked like. Well, one day, I was in the library, and guess who happened to be there."

Esmeralda was engrossed with the story but noticed Bradley's blush as he put his hand over his lips, looking away.

"Bradley tried to seduce me, and that's when I knew it was him, but I didn't pay attention to him much and rejected his advances. My dear love couldn't accept the fact that he was being ignored. He followed me throughout the day. I still refused his advances until he..." She eyed Bradley, who looked away in embarrassment. "He grabbed my behind. I was so angry that I slapped him. I then beat him up in front of everyone."

Esmeralda let out a gasp as Ace and Sosuke let out a laugh. "Mr. Bradley, you did that?"

Bradley didn't answer.

Amelia giggled. "The day after the beating, he came to me and apologized. He asked me out, but I still refused. Bradley wouldn't give up until I gave him one chance. I eventually accepted, and we've been together since."

"Aw, that's so romantic! I guess Mr. Bradley was a pervert, even though he was so good-looking!"

Sosuke and Ace laughed harder. Amelia giggled as she held onto her husband's hand. "Either way, I wouldn't change it either way. Bradley is a wonderful man and husband."

Bradley looked at his wife; a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

Amelia then looked at her nephews. "I wouldn't recommend you boys to be like your uncle! Treat women with respect."

Ace rolled his eyes. "Oh, auntie, if you saw how women are nowadays, many don't even want respect." Then, Ace felt something slimy on his cheeks.

It was soup, and he noticed Esmeralda smiling at him. "Maybe because you go after these women and give them what they want, Ace. Don't be an instigator, be better than that."

Ace and Esmeralda spoke to one another. Bradley and Amelia watched with amusement but then looked at Sosuke, who sat silently, thinking to himself. Bradley took both his and Amelia's plate. He then walked to his nephew, motioning him to follow, which Sosuke did.

Both men got to the kitchen. "Sosuke, I know you're worried about Esmeralda, but this needs to be done. I can also tell you feel guilty."

Sosuke let out a sigh. "I should've talked her out of my father's proposition. I shouldn't have met her in the first place. I let my ego and urges get the best of me, uncle."

"I also have part of the blame, Sosuke. I dragged her much into our family. I also shouldn't have given her the job. Either way, your father would have gotten to her if we didn't intervene. Life works in cruel ways, Sosuke. All we can do is go on with it." Sosuke was silent a bit as he washed his dish. Bradley noticed his nephew's look. "I've raised you like my son and know you more than you know yourself. I can tell that you have feelings for Esmeralda."

Sosuke finished washing his plate. "It's not that, uncle."

"Oh, then what is it? I know you're scared of falling in love. I, along with your uncles, felt that way too. You're scared that you may not be the man for her and might hurt her. However, love is also about learning and suffering to be our better person." Bradley put down his plates and patted Sosuke on the shoulder. "It's okay to be afraid, Sosuke, but if you let your fear get the best of you, you might lose her forever. Go on now."

Sosuke slowly walked to the dining room, where Ace and Esmeralda cleaned up. Esmeralda caught sight of Sosuke. She gave him a soft smile. Sosuke saw this and felt his heart beating hard, his face felt warm, but he kept walking, hiding in a room. He slowly put his right hand over his heart. His heart felt warm.


Yhwach just finished his paperwork, and he had a migraine. He had paperwork; he wanted to hire an escort to let out his frustrations, but it was already late. However, tomorrow was the day that he would meet with Esmeralda. It motivated him to get through the day.

He closed his eyes to see if he could sleep. Then, he felt a soft hand touching his face. "Yhwach, have you been working hard again?"

"Yes," he said in a tired voice.

Yhwach opened his eyes and saw the image of Esmeralda in a white dress. She was smiling at him. "You shouldn't work too hard; it's bad for your health."

His eyes were wide open. "Is that you?"

The image of her smiled at him. "Yes, Yhwach. It's me. Are you okay, my love?"

Yhwach felt his heart beating rapidly as he went to reach her, but then, he saw everything turn dark around them. "What...?" He then saw a pair of hands behind Esmeralda. She still smiled at Yhwach; however, tears of blood dripped from her eyes. The team of hands got a hold of Esmeralda's neck and waist. Yhwach's eyes became more expansive as he saw the figure behind her. "F-Father!?" He saw Alucard holding Esmeralda in his arms. Alucard smirked as he licked her neck and took a bite. The young woman only cried more tears of blood.

Blood trailed down her neck.

"She's beautiful, Yhwach. A pity that beauty will never be yours. Remember what you did to mine?" asked Alucard.

Yhwach tried to get up but trembled from shock and fear. "H-How are y-you still alive?"

"You will always have a part of me, Yhwach. Remember what I told you before you killed me? You will become me; you will never be happy." 

"Don't touch her..." said Yhwach as he tried to reach out to Esmeralda.

The image of Esmeralda smiling at him as blood dripped from her eyes and neck. "Almost."

"Agh!" Yhwach woke up as he looked at his surroundings. His body was covered in sweat. His heart was beating rapidly. He wiped the sweat from his face as he glared at the fire. "No, I will never be like him. Never."

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