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I was extremely claustrophobic.

Not just the kind where if I were in a small space, no, this one applied to almost anywhere. It slithered like a snake, curling around my leg, twisting and constricting, breaking, snapping bones. It crawls up my leg, wrapping itself around my torso, slowly constricting, crushing. Bones shattered and my lungs imploded in on themselves. I try to scream, to let my shrill of terror pass on samaritan ears, for them to come running and to help unwind me.

Claustrophobia was my biggest fear, not fire, not death, not drowning. But, to be fair, drowning would be a pretty chilling way to pass. To slowly have your lungs imploding on themselves, to try and let out that scream of help only to have them filled with the very water that all life depends upon. To have your lungs slowly filled like a glass under a tap. To try to choke out a final breath of dignity only to choke on a combination of your own scream and the water that was so tame in the shower or swimming pool.

However, I'm getting off topic. Claustrophobia. That was it. To have your world slowly implode upon you. To feel the walls crush in and bury you six feet under where nobody except the dead can hear your shrill screams for help. To slam your hands against the wood of the lid of your coffin until the wood breaks and splinters just like your own fingers. Until your bones break, nails bend and shatter and blood drips upon your face in thick rivets, filling your mouth until, not only are you suffocating for your hour of sale air is running out but your throat is filling with the same hot blood that sustains your very functioning.

Claustrophobia is a terrible fear, branching out into others. For me, claustrophobia was too common. I was claustrophobic in my household, in the cubicle toilets at school, under the desks during lockdowns, hell, I was even claustrophobic at the thought of the fact that the planet that we were currently on was the only temporarily sustainable one we even had. I was claustrophobic at the thought of all the air in our atmosphere running out, years from now and people slowly choking on the stupidity and rash decisions of the previous generations.

So an island on which I could never leave was rather a quick and chilling 'no' for me.

But I still managed to end up there.

This is my story, the story played and twisted by fate, dance, family, and most of all, love.

Dancing in Neverland, after all, isn't a forbidden thing.

Welcome to Dancing in Neverland. Some of the information that you might find interesting is below:

Updating Schedule: Since the chapters are short, in a perfect world, I would like to update every day or so. If worst comes to worst, eight days will be my longest time frame. If I haven't updates in that time, I'm either dead, MIA or have no internet. If I am any of these, I will post on my wall (or at lest my ghost will try to).

Length of Book: At this point in time, there is no set length of book. I am expecting it to exceed fifty chapters, but we'll just have to wait and see. Length of book is generally influenced by my motivation and the amount of support I am receiving.

Maturity of Content: Unlike my previous books, I am going to do my best to keep this available for a younger audience, if the situation calls for it I will not sacrifice a character's development for Maturity Rating. I will post a warning but I have not written the entire book so this section will needed to be expanded later. Until further notice, this book is not rated mature.

Sequel: At this point, there is no planned sequel as this book is planned to be quite long.

Speed of Plot: Character developments will not be overnight and slightly slow, however, we'll have much action in between to keep us entertained.


1) Each and every chapter is under 1000 words. Recently, I've been having trouble with keeping to a selected word count. This causes my books to get too long and they tend to drag out.

2) Maintain a publishing quality worthy to be featured in a Dean Kootz book. Kootz was firstly the author that inspired me to write and recently, I've been working too hard on the external drama for my characters rather than the potential within them. Don't worry though, I will do my best not to drag out internal character monologues.

3) Avoid the same old same old Peter Pan Fanfiction. Even though is book is influenced by the work of others, I have no intention of copying theirs because to do so, would be downright rude and insulting, even though they say, imitation is the best form of flattery. I'd like this book to have its own original storyline, however, I may need help to do so and so I ask for the help of all my readers on that one. Even little comments like, I want you to somehow make this character say this somewhere in the book, no matter how stupid, will probably actually inspire me.

4) Completely justify the character's emotions and actions. I don't want a character to go from fighting with another to riding into the sunset (unless they have bipolar) my characters need to obtain to a small selection of objectives to maintain their ultimate objective and not act irregularly, apologies if the characters get a little boring.

5) Avoid the OUAT storyline. If you want a time/place to put this story into, put it into pre-Emma and co. travelling to Neverland. This is when I was reading Peter Pan fanfic, I was always deterred by the OUAT storyline (because at that time I hadn't seen it), I'd like this to remain as open as possible for all readers to enjoy.

Numerical Goals;

1) Reach at least 100,000 views overall

2) A total of 1000 comments overall

3) Some 200 comments on any one chapter

4) Some 25,000 views on any one chapter

5) A voting percentage exceeding 50% of views

Have fun >:)

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