~ 12 ~

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"Bring it down with me?" I questioned as I sat down on on of the quilts, opposite Tiger-Lily. She nodded furiously, her beaded braids clanking against one another.

"You hold Mother Ria's spirit, do you not?" Tiger-Lily asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I'm told so." I said slowly.

"You must be very confused," her voice slowed down, I was about to retort but snapped my mouth shut as she continued to speak. "I apologise for the hastiness but Pan will speed up the Sun's movements so that we loose time."

"Wait, he can do that?" I asked, the kind of influential power the Pan had over the island worried me.

"Yes, he can." Tiger-Lily spoke, she pulled a tightly bound scroll from the folds in her robes. "Now Ria-"

"Ma-Ria," I corrected, "please."

Tiger-Lily nodded. "Very well, Maria, I would like you to know that first and foremost, you cannot trust Pan, whatever tricks or spells he pulls to make himself seem like the victimised one, is something you cannot trust. He has every intent of manipulation and trickery."

"Okay," I said slowly, "I gathered that."

Tiger-Lily nodded sullenly and began to unravel her scroll. "Stories passed down from generation to generation tell of Peter and Ria, the fundamental process of Neverland. They were complete opposites, but both extremely powerful and they loved one another. We were never told where Pan got his powers from, but some believe that Ria blessed him. Ria, was the most powerful sorceress of any known time, her powers came from the gods, however, she was not evil." Tiger-Lily spread out the scroll. On it, in the finest of paints were two figures; Pan, and another blonde-haired girl about my age; the infamous Ria. Below them, Neverland was situated. On their consecutive sides, a series of symbols were labelled. "Together, they built Neverland and divided its powers between one another. Pan, became the spirit of death and all things mortal, this included immaturity and playfulness, children and adventure. Normally, children and mortality were an odd mix but what is more mortal than childishness and all things that come with being a child?"

"Life?" I guessed sarcastically, Tiger-Lily's face fell into a really? look. "Please continue."

"Ria stood for life, growth and birth, movement, development, design, invention, art, all the things that made live worth living. She had tremendous power over the weather and growth and development over the island."

"Which was why I can control the weather." I said slowly, then frowned, "but I still don't understand, how is Pet- Pan dangerous?"

Tiger-Lily's voice grew dark, and her eyes smouldered with warning and fear. "Peter Pan is dangerous in every way, ever since Ria left, under the childish exterior, he's become cruel and cold, he exploits Neverland and everyone around him for his own, selfish desires. Wendy Darling saw this and she demanded Peter return her to her home. But the one thing he's never managed to fully control is Neverland itself. The island isn't in his control, it answers to you."

"I'm confused," I said, "what does having full control of the island entail?"

"Power, lots of it, you already have that power and Peter wants it, he cannot draw it from you because Ria's spirit prevents it, but he can manipulate you through so-called love and affection. He will do his best to play you."

"So how do I avoid it?" I asked, hushed.

"I don't know, your best bet would to be to return back home, but you've been missing for some time and the only one who knows a way out is Pan. My best advice would be to stay alert and do not become foolish and blind to Pan's games. Seek out the mermaids, they're not the viscous creatures you think they are, they hold many a knowledge under a thick layer of vanity."

We were interrupted by the entering of Hasin, he simply nodded to Tiger-Lily and she stood. "It is time for your departure, I was right, Pan has changed the movements of the Sun."

"How can he do something like that?" I asked incredulously.

"Power," Tiger-Lily replied grimly. "And his is barely a fraction of yours."

"A fraction?" I squeaked, my voice strained.

"Once you learn how to use it." Tiger-Lily nodded. "Believe, believe, believe and imagine."

"Right." I whispered, hushed, thinking about how I scorned Belle for her irrational faith. "I can do that."

"Until we meet again Mother Maria," Tiger-Lily said, walking around me and opening the ten flap for me to step outside. The treetop-cut horizon was reddening with hues of soft orange and pink, signalling my deadline.

"Mother Maria?" I questioned, "I'm not a mother but I am Maria."

Tiger-Lily laughed shortly like it was an inside joke. "Mother to the island, Ria was the mother, since you've inherited her spirit you are now mother to the island."

"Right." I muttered, exiting. Hasin began to lead me away and I turned to wave at Tiger-Lily, the last I saw of her was her closing the tent flap, a reddish glow cloaking her.

The aura thing. I thought to myself, the whole way back to the Lost Boy's camp.

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