~ 6 ~

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"Why am I here?" I asked suddenly. I'd disregarded the fact that he'd said 'Peter Pan' and 'Neverland' with the utmost conviction, like it was real. The rain had let up and outside I could see the puddles being dried into heavy, low lying fog. Pater Pan was watching the change in weather and turned back to me, a frown upon his face.

"Because you're dangerous out there." He replied. His answer was vague.

"Danger varies to the two people on either side of the weapon." I replied wisely, I glared at Pan, a frown upon my face.

"But you are not just hurting one person, you're hurting a whole island and the inhabitants on it."

"Neverland?" I asked incredulously then laughed dryly, "Neverland isn't real, I don't understand why-"

I was cut off by the squawk of birds. Pan's head shot up at the sound and he glared at me furiously as cries outside began. They sounded like boys screeching, I frowned, trying to avoid Pan's glare of, I told you so. The sky outside grew dark and the grass around my feet died. Pan let me crawl to the entrance to see the commotion. When I stood, he grabbed my elbow and smirked, "Precautions." I rolled my eyes and looked back up to the sky.

It was like a large swirling portal. Swirls of purple, green and black were the most prominent colours. Pan hunched over in pain, a little trail of green wisp floated around me then up to the sky. I noticed that thousands of other wisps joined his. They were all sorts of colours; green, blue, red, orange, I saw golden sparkles in there too. They all joined the giant mass, causing it to expand. When I thought it couldn't get any larger it suddenly sucked upwards, like a vacuum, then it was gone.

I looked at the surrounding area, Pan's eyes seemed a little colder, the fire appeared a little dimmer, the trees looked like they were washed out.

"What was that?" I asked to Peter and instantly regretted it. He slammed a hand against my mouth and pushed me up against a pole. He used his thumb to hold my nose so that my air supply was completely cut off.

"Now you may not have a lot of time now, but I want you to listen close." My eyes were wide and my hands trembled, thunder and lightning clashed outside. "Your emotions, your thoughts have a very big impact on Neverland, see the weird weather? That's you, and don't deny the existence of what's right in front of your or I swear I'll slit your throat."

I began to struggle for air, Pan's voice hardened. "Listen carefully," He snarled. "Your emotions affect the state of Neverland and if you can't control them, I will kill you before Neverland kills us. Understand?" I nodded, becoming dizzy.

He pushed me to the ground and I struggled for air, retching. "What happened?" I asked as I regained my breath. "How did these powers happen to me?"

"You better make yourself comfortable." Peter's voice was hard. He stayed facing outside, I couldn't see his emotions play across his face. "There was a Nymph named Ria, she was extremely powerful, practicing dark magic whenever she pleased and whoever she pleased on. But she fundamentally raised Neverland from the ground up, so she was respected among its inhabitants. Ria and I... Fell for one another, my love for her made me blind and I couldn't see the damage that she was doing. So after a battle between us and her, she died. Her connection to the island though, was passed on, to a random girl that was worthy of it. She had the ability to control the island's state."

"Which was me." I whispered, catching on.

"Which is why when your scared, lightning flashes across the island, when your angry, it'll hail, wherever you walk, nature responds." Peter pointed at my feet where grass and flowers grew, they weren't there a little while ago. "The island is connected to you Ria."

"I'm not Ria," I shook my head, "My name's Maria, not Ria, I won't be the dead girl that you once loved, that almost destroyed your island."

Peter raised his eyebrow as almost in a challenge.

"But what about the others? The other girls? Was Wendy one?" I didn't notice Peter's increase in discomfort. "Is that why you fell for her?"

"Shut up Maria! Just shut up!" Peter cried, I froze, my eyes wide, thunder clashed overhead. The lightning pulled Peter out his faze, he stepped back a couple of times. "Do not leave, I will only find you later," He growled, slamming the flap of the tent shut and barking orders to the shapes outside.

I crawled up into a ball as rain began to descend on the canvas. Even without the clouds, I cloud tell that the sun was setting outside. Crickets buzzed from their leaves, the air temperature dropped.

This is your time to escape. I thought to myself. I shook my head and rolled over, I'd do it later, maybe when he was asleep and those shapes weren't so mysterious. Maybe I could get help from the Indians, they lived on Neverland didn't they?

I crawled onto my bed, letting the patter of the rain, lull me to sleep.

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