Chapter 22. A Week or Weak?

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I'm so pleased with the comments from last chapter!

I'm lucky to have at least 4 comments. Thank you so much! I LOOOOOOVE reading them Anywhore . . . here ya go!

It's been two days.

Two days of waiting.

Two days of my heart shattering to smaller pieces. Two days of my wolf howling in agony from the mating bond slowly breaking. Two days of no eating, sleeping or drinking. I could tell it was taking a toll on my body. My body felt heavier when ever I got up to use the bathroom, because that's really all I get up for.  I haven't gone outside this guest room, and although Connor has tried to come inside, I yell at him that I don't want anyone inside.

I buried my head in the sheets further. Why did I have to come to Oakwood forest pack? Why couldn't I have gone else where? I'd rather have waltzed into this pack known as Red Claw pack. They were horrible and blood thirsty. But that alone would be better than sitting here, knowing I've just ruined what little chances I ever had at having a mate.

Yet . . . for someone like me I deserve this. This was something that was bound to happen. I just knew it was within a matter of time. My wolf knew deep down too that we couldn't keep this a secret for too long. Who would want a mate who can't control her anger, and killed her parents all within a matter of minutes? What kind of Luna would I be? What kind of Luna kills her family? A Luna should be a strong she-wolf who grew up within a pack that has pride, dignity will do anything for the pack.

[I want our mate!! It's killing me to just sit here....] My wolf suddenly spoke. I forced more tears to stay in my eyes. I was so sick of crying, yet here I was just lettin loose all the dumb water works. Some rogue I am.

[I obviously want him  back too. It kills me to know what we've done and how it affects our mate. But you must remember . . . we deserve what we're getting.] I whimpered. I could feel her sorrow seep through my body.

[But it wasn't your fault . . . it was mine. I lost control and so I took over and I killed mom, dad . .  Brent.] My wolf revealed in a strained voice. I gasped.

[No! We're one. We're just as strong and weak as eachother. I let you have control. I didn't even try to fight it. It's not just you, it was both of us.] I told her. I knew it wasn't my wolf's fault. It was me too. I knew that much. If I really didn't want to drive us off the bridge . . . I would've stopped her.

I spent another night, keeping conversation only with my wolf. I could feel our connection waning as well. We haven't felt the need for food or water. We just shower, use the bathroom, and lay in bed. That's how it's been for three days straight. I haven't heard a word from Tyler. It's almost like he's dissapeared from my life and I'm just sitting here wondering what I'm doing. 

I closed my eyes and drifted off into a meaningless sleep. 

"GET UP!!" a voice screamed from behind the door. My eyes shot open as I stared at the door.

"Go away Connor." I  groaned as I flung the sheets over my head.

"NO! You haven't eaten or had anything to drink in a week!" He yelled. My eyes shot open again. It's been a week?! I must've lost count of the days. It's been a week and Tyler still isn't talking to me. Then that's it. He does not want me. It's official. I felt a stinging begin in my chest as I felt the mate bond grow weaker and weaker.

"I'll come down in a bit!" I shouted weakly. My voice was more raspy than I recalled. I cleared my throat as it seemed uneasily scratchy. 

"You better or else I'm breaking down the damn door!" He shouted before footsteps walked away. I sighed hesitantly. I wasn't leaving the room. I was just wanting him to leave the room so I could be miserable by myself.  

Connor's POV***

It's been a whole week and my best friend still hasn't left her room. I have no idea why she's being so distant. She's been closed off all week and is always asleep. Her door is always locked and she's been staying in the guest room.

She isn't the only one who seems distant. Alpha Tyler has been acting strange as well. On runs he's always moody, or in a daze. Something definitely happened between those two. Every time I try to talk to Tyler, he always asks "what?" After the first thing I ask him, and when he IS in a daze I try and talk to him but he snaps at me.

He doesn't look very good either. He hasn't shaved in a while and he isn't as fast as he used to be when we run in our wolves. Something is definitely fishy between them. In fact, I don't think Tyler has even gone up to check on Raven. Something about that made my blood boil. She was my close friend and she was my Luna so I was pretty protective of her. 

I wandered down stairs in search of Tyler. I was his Beta so either way I had a right to question him. If he hurt Raven then he's not gonna be happy with what I'll do to him. Granted he's Alpha and has some power, but I am second in command so I have power as well.

I went up to some warriors named Asher and Dylan. "Where's Alpha Tyler?" I growled. They each seemed shock at my sudden outburst of demands.

"Uh . . outside." Dylan anwered, shaking her blonde hair. Asher growled protectively as he wrapped an arm around his mate. She rolled her eyes with a smirk. I nodded and left the two. They were once apart of the search for Raven when my brother took her, that's what I heard.

I ran out of the house, my wolf growling in anger as we hastily looked for Tyler. I turned to see him talking to my cousin, Cade. I stomped over there, determination written all over my face. Tyler turned around to face me, as did Cade.

"Cade, could you give us a minute?" I asked him. Cade hesitantly looked up at Tyler. He nodded, leaving Cade to go off to wherever.

 "Yes?" He asked, clearly annoyed. I took the time to look at the bags under his eyes and dull look he wore.

"Where's our Luna?" I asked, as though I didn't know she's been cooped up upstairs in the guest room for an entire week. I saw his eyes narrow.

"Why're you asking?" He asked, in a darker voice. I growled.

"Because I haven't seen her in a week."

"Stop worrying about my mate when you still have your own to find." He snapped, his eyes turning to an all black swirl. I growled before my clothes shredded and my ginger and yellow wolf surfaced. I landed on all fours with a raw snarl. I wasn't the only one who shifted.Tyler morphed into his all black large wolf before growling. 

I ran at him full force and aimed for his leg. I bit down but he clamped his jaws down on my scruff and threw me back. I flew in the air, promptly landing on my furry back. I got up, more than angry. My wolf was pissed. He knew something was wrong and Tyler was acting like he knew nothing about it.

By now, I could sense a crowd around us. Suddenly, a wolf landed on top of me. I looked up to see a grey wolf. It was Dylan. I craned my neck to see her mate in his dark chocolate wolf biting down on Tyler's tail to hold him back. I couldn't help it. I pushed Dylan to the side and scurried to Tyler. Asher saw and forgot about Tyler, seeing as he was completely knocked off to the side and we scurried to each other, desperate to claw at eachothers pelts.

"S . . tooop!" Someone yelled in a weak voice. It was a familiar voice. I stopped in my tracks as I was about to attack Tyler and turned my head. 

In front of us was Raven with someone helping her down the small steps and onto the ground. She shoved them off her, of course, stubborn. She was holding onto the railing of the stairs. 

Not to sound rude, but she looked horrible. There were large bags under her eyes, her hair was no longer sleek and shiny, but rather dull and in a rats nest. Her arms and legs were seemingly bony and through her shirt I could see her ribcage. She staggered down the stairs, shaking ever so slightly but trying to pull it together. My heart clenched at the sight of her looking so frail and vulnerable. 

Raven's POV***

I was still asleep until something sounded off outside. The faint noise of a snarl reached my ears. It sounded familar but I chose to ignore it. I closed my eyes and laid my head down on the pillow for the umpteenth time all week and tried to force sleep to come back to me.

Another growl sounded off and that's when my body jerked in pain. It was Tyler's howl. I haven't heard, smelt or seen him, so my body is going to react strangely to him. After all, we're mates and we haven't had anything to do with eachother in a week, so our bond was painfully weak and starting to take tolls on our bodies. 

Just hearing something as distant as a growl was enough to set spikes on my body. I forced myself to get up, fully knowing that it was most likely Connor attacking Tyler. The thought of either of them getting hurt was enough to send my wolf into over drive. Despite my obvious weakness, I forced myself to walk to the door.

 It was difficult to turn the nob with my shaky hands, but eventually I got that stupid thing to open. I walked to . . . or more wabbeled . .  to the end of the hall and to the stair case, but my legs gave out from under me, ending on me falling flat on my ass. I growled in annoyance, although the sound came out as more of a wheezy cough.

"Luna! Are you alright?" Someone asked before helping me stand. I reluctantly pulled on the girl before coming face to face with her.

"Whitesnout??" I suddenly asked the blonde girl. Her face twisted into confusion.

"Uh  . . ." She said unsure.

"I hit you in the stomach with a rock, right?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Yeah, that's me. I'm Anna." She announced. I forced a smile back, although it was painful.

"Call me Raven, please. I'm not into that Luna shit at the moment." I said before coughing.

"Lu . . um .  Raven . . you don't look or so sound so good, pardon me for saying. I could call the pack nurse, Ez?" She offered. I shook my head.

"No no, there will be no calling of this Ez person." I said as I took a wobbly step forward.

"Can I help you in any way?" She asked.

"I don't need your help!!" I snapped. She recoiled and looked saddened by my rather harsh tone. I gulped. Some mate and Luna I'm really proving to be.

"Sorry Anna . . . it's just that I'm not really used to needing um . . help." I spooke the words uncomfortable on my tongue. Her sad expression faded into happiness.

"No big deal. I have an idea anyway." And with that, she turned around and squated down.

"Wait . . I thought I heard you were like um . . preggo." I said weirdly. She sighed.

"Not anymore .  . . thanks to Jarod." She replied sadly. Immediately I felt horrible at my choice of words.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have . . I shouldn't.." I searched for the right words.

"No no! It's ok. Here, hop on my back." She said, totally changing the subject and making me happy as hell. Well, hey, if someone offers you a piggy back ride, then obviously you say yes.

I struggled as I climbed onto her back.

"Hold on, I'll take you to Tyler and Connor. They're sort of . . . well I 'll let you see for yourself." She added and like that, she was buzzing down the stairs and it made me kind of nauseas. Finally, we arrived at the bottom of the stairs in a frenzy. I forced the bile rising from my throat.

"Thanks . . . I can go by myself now." I told her as she let me down. She nodded but still led me to the door. I gave her a light growl but she didn't let up.

"You are my Luna, and it's my job to make sure you're safe, as it's yours to protect us." She suddenly told me as she opened the door. I bit my lip and took her words into account. I opened the door to reveal two wolves fighting and two wolves trying to hold them back.

I think one was like Dylan, and the other was Ashton? Asher? Something like that. I've heard their names called a few times.

I was now running short of  breath, and found myself getting light headed. I took a shaky step off the stairs and nearly tumbled to my death. 

Imagine that. The Slip falling due to a slip. How ironic. That'd be in the history books for forever.

I saw Ash (cuz I can't finish his last syllables), and that Dylan girl get pushed off by Tyler and Connor. Connor's wolf was a ginger and yellow, while Tyler's was dark. From here, I could smell his powerful scent. God, I had missed it. I took in a deep breath, which also proved to be a challenge. I gripped onto the side railing of the stairs that led to the back yard as I staggered to get down.

"S . . stop!!" I shouted weakly. The two couldn't hear me, seeing as they were glaring at each other. Before I knew it, they both started to run at each other really fast. I forced all my power and remaining strength I had left in my last yell.

"S .  TOOOOP!!!" I screamed. Anna left my side, seeing as I was ready to attack someone if my mate and best friend didn't stop fighting.

They seemed to have heard me, for they each turned to face me with wide eyes. I took a breath of relief. I hurried and moved one foot down, followed by the other, but I was seeing two of one of the steps.

I blinked hard and placed my foot down on the one to the left. Great, wrong one. My foot fell through the air and my head was lighter than a piece of paper. My breathing was uneven and I felt all strength leave my body. I swayed left and soon, the ground got closer and closer, but I don't remember what happened because all the colors around me faded into black.

Pic of of Whitesnout (AKA ANNA) --->


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