Chapter 28. Training

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HI guys :D

I just wanted to say I love you guys so much. Legit.

Without you guys my book wouldn't have gotten anywhere, and to be honest, this wasn't a planned out book. One day I just got bored and was all like "LA DI DA DEE DAA"

But for only 28 chapters, my book is doing great. 

Thank you to all my readers.

Raven's POV***

Things were slowly getting back to normal. I was able to finally shift back into my regular form yesterday. It was somewhat painful, mostly because I've been in my wolf form for 4 days. It felt good to be walking on two legs, lemme just say.

However, I haven't gotten to see Tyler often. He won't stop investigating the knife that had been poisoned by God knows what/who. So lately, I've been hanging out with Dylan and Anna. It felt good to have people I could call friends. I had gotten to know each of them a lot lately.

Dylan has a younger brother, Cole, but apparantly he's in her old pack. Her mate, Asher, is super protective over her, yet he's kind of a jokester kind of guy. 

Anna and her mate Mike - whom I stll don't like from one of our earlier encounters - are doing well. Today, she's going to the doctor to see if she can ever have kids again. I feel horrible about the time I hit her with a rock, yet what Jarod did to her was worse. 

She has some bruises on her neck, but they're fading. Mike rarely leaves her side, and I don't really blame him. What's scary, is that Anna gets night terrors. Again, I don't blame her. She was beaten by a sadistic mother fucker, and that would mess me up too.

Although I'm safe from Jarod, there's that constant fear in my head. Was there someone else here that I couldn't trust? But what still forever haunts my memories is the women that were in that cellar. 

And yet another part of me mourns for Jarod. He had a mate - Madilyn - and she was killed by an illness or something like the sort. It was clear Jarod was very much in love with her. And today, I planned on talking to Connor. I've been wanting to for a while. Surely he must've met Madison at one point. After all, Jarod was his brother.

I sat down at the kitchen counter. Today was also the day that I started training officially. Since the chaos with me trying to join the pack, we're going to do that when everything calms down. So for now, I'm an unofficial member.

Excited, I picked up an orange and started to peel it. 

"Hey, Luna." Someone said. I turned to see Connor. I gave him a small smile. Just who I wanted to see.

"Hey, can we talk?" I asked him. He nodded before sitting on the stool next to me.

"I've been meaning to ask you about . . . um . . Madilyn." I muttered. His eyes widened for a split second as her name rolled off my tongue.

He let out a sigh, trying to calm himself. He rubbed his hand through blonde hair and seemed to be having a memory of some sort.

"Well, what do you want to know?" He asked silently, like a child.

"How did her and . . . your brother-"

"Jarod." He cut in, his eyes stony and hard. I nodded.

"Yeah, Jarod. How did they meet? And what was she like?" I asked. 

"Well, she was a lot like you for starters, and looked a lot like you as well." He started. But that much I already knew. I remember the day Jarod took me into the cellar, and revealed me to his past.

"Jarod was Beta, and Tyler was still the Alpha. It was maybe 3 or so years ago. Jarod and I were out securing our borders, putting up a fresh new scent on our trees, when all the sudden a gorgeous tawny wolf leaps onto our territory. She pinned me down within seconds, merely because I was shocked. We are a well known pack, no one would normally mess with us." He took a deep breath.

Wow, this sounded somewhat like my story.

"Ok." I pressed on, hoping he'd continue before I had to get going.

"I was going to snap back at her, like any wolf would. But Jarod tackled me as I got on top of her. The way he hovered over her, I could just tell. She knew it too. We took her to see Alpha Tyler, and he let her stay - despite her situation."

"Situation?" I asked.

He nodded. "She came from different kind of a pack. Rumor has it they're still around, but many of our kind think they dissapeared. They were known as the Blood Moon pack."

My eyes widened. That was an old folklore. A story you told your children to scare them into eating their vegetables. Immediately, I thought of my family.


"NO way daddy!" I shrieked. Brent walked into the room with her super hero pajamas as I sat in my night gown.

"If you don't go to sleep, the Blood Moon pack will get you!" Brent teased.

I forced my eyes shut, although I knew I couldn't sleep.

"Brent," My dad warned. He laughed before he jumped into his bed.

"Are they real daddy?" I asked, burying my head into his arms.

"Well, I don't know. I've never seen them. But I don't think so sweetheart. And if they do, when you are older, you will have a mate to protect you. But don't fret. They only come if you don't eat your vegetables!" My dad said, raising his arms.

"No!" I shouted in fear.

My mother soon walked in with a scowl.

"Are you telling her bad stories again?"

Brent laughed as he smirked at dad, who was now sweating.

"What? No honey I would never."

He looked back at me and winked before shutting the door.

End of Flashback___

"So it is real." I murmered.

"Well, it was back then, so I can only bet it is now. But they went into hiding. That's what my personal theory is. Anyway," He started to get back to the story,"The pack was supposed to be known as brutal. Training pups at the age of 7. And they lived their lives like savages. Madilyn revealed that instead of normally staying in their human forms like we do most the time, they stay in their wolves. 

"She would always walk around the house as a wolf. It irked some packmembers, but Jarod would give them orders to leave her alone. She slowly started to become more like us, but then . . then she got pregnant." He announced, rubbing his face.


I gasped in immediate shock.

"She was about to give birth, and the pack couldn't have been any more supportive of him. She stayed strong through it all. But, she got sick during labor. Something attacked her immune system, and before you know it she was losing weight within hours. The baby couldn't come out. They tried a C-section, but she was too weak."

He stared at the tile floor blankly.

"She was my idol. She was caring, warm, and had that quality of a future Luna. Everyone wanted to be in her presence. She was just a bright ray of sunshine. Jarod was crushed. He stopped talking to people. After her burial, he just, kept to himself. Acted strangely. Always gone." He stopped talking.

I brought my hand to his shoulder.

"I'm really sorry Connor." I whispered. His sad eyes found mine, and he soon let out a small smile.

"Thank you. "

We sat there for a little while, making small talk and such before I decided it was time for me to start training.

I walked outside to see many packmembers sparring. I smiled ear to ear. This was going to be so fun.

I turned my head as Tyler soon walked out of the house, and in my direction. My wolf lit up with excitement. I really did miss Tyler. He's so hung up on finding out who tried to kill me, rather than spend time with me, which did hurt, I'm not going to lie.

"Hey." I said plainly.

"Hey." He replied tersely. Was he ok? He seemed a little stressed. Bags under his eyes, and a small stubble on his chin.

[Go to him. He needs our touch.] My wolf said to me. I nodded to myself before I grabbed his hand. The shocks and warmth didn't hesitate to make their way down my arms and into my palms. I had missed this so much the past few days. I looked up at Tyler, to see his eyes slowly becoming dark orbs.

Without hesitation, he pulled me into his large arms, and I collided into his rock hard chest. I melted in his embrace, and took a deep breath of his minty scent. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck. God, I wish we weren't outside in front of everyone right now.

"I miss you." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. His hand rubbed small circles on my lower back, and he soon placed a light kiss on my mouth.

But nope. I wanted more. No, I needed more. I don't care if the president of China was watching, I was going to kiss my mate.

Before he could pull away, I deepened the kiss - earning a slight growl of approval from him. The tingles were everywhere now as I rubbed my fingers through his silky dark brown hair. His tongue lightly grazed my bottom lip, yet I gave in despite our previous make outs.

I didn't fight for dominance.

I let him take control.

And God, did I love it. Before it could get to us ripping each other's clothes off, he pulled apart, panting.

He looked behind me before growling in his throat. I turned in confusion. There was a guy, staring at my legs, which these shorts didn't cover.

As a loud snarl left Tyler's lips, the guy left, but not before baring his neck in submission.

I turned, but Tyler slammed his lips onto mine. It took me by surprise, but I don't deny not liking it.

I broke away after a second, and stared at him.

"They need  to know you are mine." He growled in a husky voice. I nodded.

"You know, everyone is watching." I pointed out. He shrugged.

"And, I should be training." I added. He nodded and pulled away, but not before grasping my hand in his.

He pulled me towards a group of people our age, and soon a guy, about in his 40's, came up to us.

"Craig, this is Raven, and she's ready for you." Tyler said. 

Greg had a bald head, and was a big dude. One I would be terrified to make enemies with.

He held his brawny hand out for me to shake, and so I shook it.

"We'll get started right away." He announced. Tyler nodded.

"I want to see the first spar before I have to get to work."

"Alright. Kennedy Parker!" Craig with the bald head called. A girl with blonde hair in a braid on her side, with large ass boobs, and a face full of make up appeared. She stopped in front of him, but her eyes wandered to my mate.

Immediately, I wanted to rip off her face.

That was MY mate. Get your own blondie! My wolf wasn't happy either. It didn't help that she would not stop eyeing him! Like seriously, at least be discreet!

"Alright, try to stay in your human forms as long as possible, and it's till you have the other in submission." Craig stated. Blonde Beeyotch looked at me, and scanned me with disgust. Jesus who spit her Cheerios this morning?!

"Kennedy." She said, putting out her fake tanned hand to mine. I merely looked at it before hesitantly shaking it.

"Raven." I said in monotone. Before we got ready in the small area, she gave one last glance to my mate. 

Ok, she was totally asking for an ass kicking.

"Whenever you guys are ready." Craig said, crossing his arms and watching us. Kennedy raised her arms, and only managed to look like a retarded chicken and she watched me. I didn't move. 

Her left arm is higher than her right, so she's left handed. The way her right foot is planted in a horizontal line tells me she can jump around, and is merely only agile. Yet she's leaving her other foot behind, as though it has no purpose.

She got tired of me just standing before she ran towards me, lifting her left fist. I side stepped last second as she swung and missed. I raised my eyebrows and looked at her. She seemed angry that I dodged her with so much ease.

She came at me again, trying to kick me, but I ducked, and grasped her by her left foot, swinging her over my head and onto the hard grass. She landed with a scream, but soon got back up.

This was like fighting a child. She had no skills. I again waited for her to make a move.

And she did. She managed to scratch the shit out of my face with her long ass nails, and that was when she pissed me off. She gave a small glance at my mate, and by then I was done.

She tried to uppercut me with her weak right arm. Yet I grabbed it midair, and her blue eyes widened in fear. I let out smirk before twirling her around, and grasping her by her arms behind her back, twisting them.

She struggled but couldn't do anything. Until she dropped down, and kicked my feet from under me. I fell on my ass. Irritated, I pinned her down before she could get up, and placed my hand over her neck, cutting off her air circulation. She tried to claw at me with those long nails, but I held it down with my other hand. 

She kicked me in the stomach, which didn't hurt but was enought to get me off. I fell to the side, and as she was about to punch me in the face, I rolled to the side and kicked her feet from under her, but I didn't stop there.

She was in the air, falling. While she was midair, I grasped her neck and slammed her down. She didn't move, and bared her neck while huffing and whimpering. I leaned down to her ear as she continued to struggle.

"Don't ever eye my mate again or I'll make you suffer."

I got up and left her on the ground before walking to Craig's side.

"Very well done. However," He stopped, unsure if he should say it. Tyler said nothing, just looking at me with . . . pride?

I tried to hide my happy smile.

"You're cocky. And that could cost you if you aren't careful." Craig announced. I nodded, although I didn't care about that of my fighting skills. It's just how I fought. Confident.

Tyler left me with a kiss, as he went back to his office, and I spent the rest of the day doing personal training with Craig.


Vote :D

Pic of Greg to the side --->

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