Chapter 32. Aftermath

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Well, it is what you've all been waiting for! Many were not happy with the ending but I say . . . MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!

I love you guys though <3

QOTD : Who is your personal favorite character?

"She won't like what we have to say."

 I kept my eyes closed, although opening them was my task at hand. They won't open. It takes too much energy. Yet, was I back home? Was I still at my brother's underground palace? I didn't know right now. 

"She isn't going to have a choice."

"Connor, she's waking up!" 

"Let's hope for the best."

"She'll be ok though, right?"

"I'm sure she will be, she's strong."

"But will he?"


I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut as I struggled to come back into real life. My senses were slowly coming back to me. Scent told me I was no longer at the palace, but . . . home!

Struggling furthermore, my eyes became narrowed slits. I blinked hard a few more times before my vision was finally working.

In front of me were a few different people.

Connor, Cayde, Dylan, Asher and Anna. 

I swallowed, my throat feeling dry and itchy.

"Anna, water," Connor commanded. Anna nodded before turning and grasping a water bottle from a counter. From what I could see, I was in a hospital cot.

I took the bottle from her, feeling incredibly weak. The bottle felt like it was 50 pounds at minimum.

Bringing it to my mouth, I took in the refreshing liquid. I gulped down a few sips before stopping, feeling somewhat more alive.

"Raven, how do you feel?" Dylan asked to my side. I looked over at her.

"Kind of shitty, how about you?" I asked.

"Kind of worried," She replied. I frowned. She had large bags under her chocolate brown eyes, and her hair had lost that once bright brown.

A thought hit me.

"Tyler, where's-"

"He's at home," Connor cut me off, his eyes meeting mine. Nobody in the room moved, but their eyes all traveled to the ground.

"What's going on?" I questioned slowly. Again, everyone remained silent. My eyes went to Asher, Dylan's mate. His hazel eyes refused to meet with mine. Then I switched to Connor. His blue eyes didn't seek mine out either. Neither did Anna's or Cayde's.

"What happened?!" I snapped. Their heads whipped up to stare at me before Cayde and Connor shared nervous glances.

"It's complicated . ." Anna muttered, beginning to nervously play with the ends of her blonde hair.

"What's complicated is discovering the square root of pi, so one of you better buck the hell up and explain to me more about my mate!" I hissed, getting annoyed. How could they not tell me? I felt my stomach drop as they continued to stay silent. Was it really that bad?

"Luna, you've been unconscious for two days since we got you back. Alpha Tyler hasn't showed any signs of waking up." Asher told me in a solemn voice. My worry sped up into full throttle.

"B-but, he's strong! He's stronger than I am, he'll wake up, he has too. I mean, he will  . . . right?" I grew into a whisper.

Dylan sighed before Connor spoke up.

"We have the pack nurse checking in on him every second of the day. You showed signs of waking up earlier this morning. Your breathing picked up, heartrace became normal, blood pressure - normal. Tyler isn't responding to anything so far." He explained, a clear sadness in his eyes. I felt for him. Tyler was his Alpha and together they had been through a lot - although he threw him out the window.

I gulped.

"I want you all to leave me, all except Connor and Dylan right now." I murmured. Everbody else nodded in respect before dipping their heads. I forced out a smile at their respect before they left the small white room, leaving me with the two.

"Dylan, I know you'll give it to me straight. How bad is he?" I whispered, staring at my hands as they played with the sheets covering my body. She sucked in a sharp breath as Connor merely stared at her.

"Bad. He lost a lot more blood than you - which is over 50%. 8 out of his rib bones have broken, his left lung was penetrated with a glass shard that stayed there, and a bacterial infrection began to fester into both his lungs." She explained, keeping her eyes trained on me as Connor listened. 

I dropped my head, holding it up with my hands as my hair draped over me. The chances of my mate surviving were slim. Small. Close to zilch. 

My wolf was so devastated I could sense her crawl into a ball, bury her nose into her tail, and refuse to move until she could feel his wolf's presence. I bit my lip as the tears formed in my eyes.

The most precious thing I had, was dying. The one who taught me how to forgive myself. How to love myself, and others. He was my savior; gaurdian angel, lover, and basically my everything. I never realized the effect love had on a person. I always thought it was about protecting myself, and making sure nobody knew of my past. But I was wrong. For so many years I'd been wrong. Tyler showed me what was right. He showed me how to live. How to love. I owe him everything. 

"How can I thank him if he's gone?" I whimpered.

And then I broke.

My sobs were echoing off the walls as I placed my face in my hands. Soothing words of Connor and Dylan did nothing for me. Connor was rubbing circles on my back whilst Dylan was on the bed hugging me to her side, rocking us back and forth.

But tears flew out no matter what they were doing. I let out everything I'd been holding in. I cried out my frustration in how unfair the world was. I would have much rather preferred to lose my life than have him lose his. And now, the last time I thought of my Tyler, my memories would be of how he dangled from Tanner and Michael's arms, desperately holding onto life.

Everyone reaches a breaking point in their life. Everyone comes to that one obstacle they can't over come, and they get stuck. They snap. It's inevitable. However, growing up, I never thought I'd have that moment. No one really thinks about it nor realizes it. It just happens. And it's big. It hits home. Like a stab to the heart. And that is what happened to me. It hit home - and it hit big.

Those hours turned to days, and those days transformed into weeks.

Nobody was sure what would become of their beloved Alpha. While everyone was busy praying to the Moon Goddess, I had taken charge of the pack with the help of Connor and the rest of my friends. I held Cayde and Asher in charge of being pack treasurers together, and assigned Dylan and Connor to make sure the pack steered clear from going far into the forest.

During the day, I was Luna Raven Dark. 

At night, I was just a girl who refused to leave her dying mate's side.


"Connor! I need to speak with you in private!" I called over the packmates sparring outside in the clearing. He nodded, leaving behind Mike - his partner, and nearing me. He ran over, panting with his skin in a glistening sweat.

"Inside," I regarded, "I'm ready to hear about the night when you got me out of Blood Moon."

He nodded warily as I took the lead up the porch and into the pack house.

 We came into the kitchen, sitting on bar stools.

"I'm ready," I told him in confidence. Since I was taken back into my pack, I didn't want to hear a thing about the night where I almost married Damon - Tyler's brother.

"Right when Brent cut your wrist and allowed your blood to drop into the goblet, you began to get light headed. 50 packmembers and I had been waiting all around inside. We had members inside for at least an hour - awaiting the time to act. Asher and Dylan were able to sniff out the underground pack, leading us inside."

I nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Our first goal was you. Tyler informed us the day you dissapeared that you were our first priority - and that if we didn't retrieve you as soon as possible - if not first - then we'd not like the outcome. And we didn't. Tyler left to find you, leaving me in charge."

"You should have gotten him out first." I muttered.

"We tried. Blake, Mike, Anna, and Asher searched for Tyler while the rest of us crashed the wedding. The came in through the windows, believe it or not. By the time we grabbed Tyler from the torture room, we were able to sneak you out. But . . . Dylan found out information from a prisoner that proved importance." He revealed.

"What?" I asked.

"Blood Moon was meant to be ruled by a female to complete a sacred ritual in order to release them of a "curse", you could call it. They aren't normal werewolves. They were bitten, not born. During the night of a full moon, their nature forces them to phase. Their figure's aren't the same as a normal werewolf. They stand on their hind legs, and walk like humans, their arms are outstretched and their paws are more like hands," He explained. I gasped in shock at the revelation.

How could I have been so foolish to believe my brother really wanted me back? He left me for years.

"And what does that have anything to do with my role?" I asked.

He sighed, rubbing his temples.

"I've discovered your mother, was the queen they wished to seek out before you were born, and wanted to use her as a sacrifice. The blood of a female royal will cure this painful transition during the full moon - allowing them to shift when they please. Yet her mate helped her run, making your family a rogue."

This was happening to fast. I rubbed my forhead.

My family was a rogue, because my mother was trying to keep us from our royal heritage so that she wouldn't get sacrificed as a blood donor for crazy mutilated werewolves!? The peices were slowly beginning to come together.

"And since they couldn't use my mom in time . . . they found Brent, and Brent told them about me. But if I'm the queen or whatever, shouldn't they be like, my subjects or something?" I asked.

"That's what Dylan thought too. But Brent's been their ruler for years, and they've grown loyal. You were merely . .  just a pawn." He muttered. I felt my anger rise.

"Great, so now they have my blood and can be crazy fuckers whenever they want now?" I asked. my voice getting higher and higher.

He flinched at my outburst.

"The cup didn't fill up all the way, merely only a quarter at least. Yet it was a pretty big chalice and the amount of blood you lost made you pass out. For a while too. There are no signs of Damon, Brent or Preston, but we've been keeping a close watch on the pack." Connor revealed. I nodded solemnly.


Tyler's POV***

Why couldn't I move? Or wake up? I knew this was a dream. I've been having them for the past . . . however long I've been out. I've tried so hard to wake up. So hard to get back to my mate. I miss her so much, and I can feel our connection waning. I need her in my arms. I need her.

"Tyler, you don't have long!" 

It was that same voice. It was in all the dreams I've been having. I turned around desperately.

"For what?! Who is this?!" I cried out, but I was surrounding in darkness. It was the same thing each dream.

"They're coming back! It isn't over, they need more!" The voice began to fade out, and it sounded like we were underwater.

"Wait!" I called out, my voice echoing around me.

"Now," A strong voice came in, much clearer.

And so I opened my eyes.

Raven's POV***

I sighed at Connor's early talk with me this morning.

I didn't know what to make of anything at this point. I need clarity, but for what? Something still felt like it wasn't right. Like a piece of the puzzle wasn't put in the right spot.

I groaned and decided to go for a run - something I rarely did nowadays. My wolf and I felt like there was a rift between us. I walked outside, trying to clear my mind.


My paws thumped hard against the ground as I ran further and harder. I pushed myself to the limit. I'd been having some help with Craig the past weeks as well while Tyler remained in his coma, yet I felt like training alone today. And so I did.

I'd been way too stressed out. What with leading the pack and worrying if my mate would ever wake up. And lately, my hopes of that happening were slowly fading away. I came to a trot as I began to go back to the pack.

I walked behind a shrub, noting my clothing in a plastic bag. Making sure I was alone and not being watched, I shifted with ease and slipped on my clothes, walking back to the pack house. 

I heard rustling nearby, but I didn't feel the need to worry. The scent came from my pack.

"Anna?" I asked as she appeared in front of me, eyes wide as she panted.

"Hey, what's going on? Are you ok?" I asked, beginning to worry.

She put her hands on her knees, trying to breathe.

"He's . ."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"He's awake."


That just happened. 

Another cliffhanger cuz I love you guyyyyyyys xD






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