Chapter 33. They're Not Done Yet

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Hello my lovelies. I decided to update a little bit earlier than I would have liked. 

Granted it will be a short chapter.

So the last few chapters have been kind of crazy haha.

I'm a little sad though - not really about  the book right now.

I had to end things with the guy I used to really like. It's just not the same and  it really sucks but I had to do it. We can't go through another year of highschool and hold each other back. Ugh - sadness. It wasn't a relationship but more of a flirtationship, but we knew we liked each other but now its different.

QOTD : Is anyone in a relationship?

Raven's POV***

As soon as the words came out Anna's mouth, I ran straight back to packhouse, her trailing behind. My thoughts were racing as I leaped over logs, and bushes. Tyler, awake? 

My hopes were soaring out of control, before a though hit me. I stopped running, and came to a halt.

"Hey," Anna said, coming to my side. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"What's the matter?" She asked tenderly, rubbing circles on my back.

"Anna, what if he doesn't remember me? What if he's upset with me? He was being tormented for a day - and I didn't even know! He probably wishes he had some other mate who wasn't such a problematic girl. I'm the worst mate," I sighed, turning to face her.  Anna grabbed my hands in hers.

"Luna Raven Dark - my Luna and friend, my packmate and leader. You're the perfect match for Alpha Tyler. I love Mike so much, but, the way Tyler talks about you, or even looks at you - it's hard to miss the the love in his voice or eyes. You two would go through great lengths to make eachother happy. I have never seen mates travel to anther state to help retrieve one another's memories. And I've never seen a mate go through what he did - all to get his Luna back to safety."

Her words warmed my heart, but there was still doubt in my mind. I've put him through so much. I've been so much trouble. 

"And," She started. I looked up at her as she continued," If you honestly think you aren't good enough for him - you're not the luna I know you are." She added with a smile. I grinned at her words.

"Let's go," I said with a small smile, and together, we raced back home. As I neared the large pack house, many stared at me as I prepared myself for what was to come.  I was incredibly nervous, anxious, excited and dreadful. 

I stopped running and appeared graceful as I walked up the wood porch, my legs shaky and arms trembling. Anna, clearly sensing I was nervous, walked a step ahead of me and opened the door for us both. She looked back at me with an assuring face. I nodded, and went through.

"Where is he?" My voice came out smaller than I had intended. 

"Anna-" Someone called from the living room. I turned to see Mike coming towards us. I sensed him tense up, obviously remembering our encounter.

My eyes weakly traveled to his as I awaited his words.

"Alpha is in his room," he said slowly, his voice tender and gentle. I could see his was clearly trying to make amends. I nodded slowly, leaving them each behind and heading towards the stairs. 

Each time for the past couple weeks, walking up the stairs was like entering a world of confusion. Each step I'd wander if perhaps maybe it would be the last time I'd be walking up the steps. Without Tyler, I could never bring myself to be upstairs again. Tyler was written all over the upstairs. How could I possibly live up there, knowing there'd be no one for me to wake up next to?

And now, walking up them I was wondering if perhaps when I got to the top - I'd have wished I stayed at the bottom. Wished I stayed mateless. And seeing him in pain, much less imagining it, was enough to make me hate myself forever.

Before I knew it, I was at the top of the stairs. I gulped nervously.

I had to be bigger than this. I had to be leading by example and prove I'm strong. I had to put on my big girl panties and buck up. For the pack. And for Tyler.

I walked down the hallway - which seemed incredibly long. 

Step by step.

Stride after stride.

Right foot.

Left foot.


"Count to three," I muttered to myself.



2 and half . .


Open door.

I welcomed the room I had visited every night since Tyler's coma. My eyes landed on a figure on the bed, and suddenly that old scent I once knew eveloped me. I closed my eyes, sniffing as much as possible. I then opened my eyes, welcoming a pair of baby blue ones staring right back at me. 

"We'll give you both some privacy," Ez muttered to the side, dragging along Connor, Cayde and Dylan. They each murmured small words to Tyler, sent glances at me, then left without another word.

Tyler stayed quiet as I slowly walked over to him, my head in a thousand different places.

I kneeled down as I rested my hands on the railing of his bed. 

He was definitely different. The past few weeks he had been unusually pale for a werewolf, his temperature was higher than possible, bags rested under hig eyes, and his chest would just barely rise when he was breathing.

Yet now, he had more color in his cheeks, there was some more meat on his bones, and his chest was rising much more frequently. I glanced at the IV and water packet hanging from a metal rod, with a computer hanging above, beeping just as much as his heart would pump.

My eyes came back to his, and I just looked at him.

His hand weakly lifted from the sheets, with a plastic bracelet lightly shifting down his wrist.

He cupped my cheek, his rough thumb rubbing small circles. I leaned into his touch and very small jolts fluttered down my face. I never realized how much that small of a touch could make me feel.

"Hi," he whispered with a lazy smile. And at his frail and raspy voice, I began to tear up once more. The sound of his voice was heavenly. And I had missed so much. Being without it for weeks was painful.

"Hi," I croaked as a tear fell of my face.

His eyebrows furrowed in concern as he saw more tears follow suit. But I couldn't stop. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, seeing him with his eyes open; with words flowing out his mouth.

I slid his arm to my shoulder, lightly tugging it. I nodded and stood up before placing one leg on the bed, followed by the other. I got myself situated as I laid on the pillow next to him. I craved for his arms to be around me, yet he was in a very fragile state. So I sat there, with him rubbing my arms, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Sh," he whispered as I choked in a sob. His hand traveled to my nose, before it fell down to my lips, tracing them with ease.

"I missed you," he whispered. We were so close I felt his breath lightly brush on my nose.

He missed me? Did he not know how much I had missed him?!

"I missed you too," I said, wiping away my tear.

Before I could control it, Tyler swiftly turned me around with his arms, and pulled me into his side.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing? You're going to get yourself hurt!" I chastized as we were now in a spooning position.

"I'm an Alpha who simply wants to hold his Luna." He muttered into my hair.

"And I'm a Luna who almost lost her Alpha, and wants him to get better as soon as possible." I retorted flatly. He let out a chuckle.

"How are you?" I interjected.

"Well, my lungs are being assholes, but they're doing better. My ribs are 100% better and my infection  is starting to fade. But emotionally? I just don't feel like letting you go any time soon."

"Then don't."

And he didn't.

This isn't the ending btw.

Awe he back. He alive. He remember her.

So tell me what you think? 

Vote, comment?


Thoughts please!

Pic of Dylan to the side --->

QOTD : Is anyone in a relationship?

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