Chapter 38. Grumpy Little Luna

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Alright so as many of you may notice I deleted chapter 39 because I didn't like it but trust me everything will work out! Sorry I changed the ending to this chapter

Idk if it was a crappy chapter or not . .  but I didn't get that many votes which sort of shocked me cuz my other book that only has 30k reads got more votes on its latest chapter than this one which kinda surprised me so not sure if you guys didn't like it but . .

Raven's POV***

"What do you mean?" I asked through the phone.

"We'll be fine, you don't have to worry," Tyler assured me.

"But what if this didn't just happen? What if Brent and his pack of psycho mutts did this?" I questioned.

"Raven, the flight just got delayed. Believe it or not, not everyone is against us," He replied with a chuckle. I sighed, sitting down in his leather office chair.

"You don't know that," I muttered.

"HEY! Is that your mate? Is it Raven?! Lemme talk to her uncle Tyler! Pleassssssssssse!" I heard someone in the background whimper. A smile spread itself on my face. Ro was my niece . . . did Tyler ever tell her?

"Hey Raven!" Ro bursted on the other line. I laughed at her excited burst.

"Hello Ro," I replied.

"Whatcha doiiiin?" She asked.

"J chillin in an office." I replied with a giggle.

"Sweet. So, you have a crazy brother who claims he's my dad?" She suddenly asked, and I felt my stomach fall. 

Believe it or not, I was still keeping it under wraps about much it hurt that my brother betrayed me. I don't see him in years, and when I discover he's actually alive, he doesn't even care about me. It was like the old Brent really did die in that lake. And I'd do anything to have him back. Yet, it seems like it's too late for that. And it makes my heart shatter.


"Well awesome sauce. Does he want to kill me?" She asked, sounding like it bothered her none.

"Er, I don't think so?" I replied.

"Ok whatevs, Tyler wants to talk to you," And with that, I could hear her hand the phone to my mate.

"We'll be on our way back tomorrow morning, ok?" He said gently.

"Yeah," I replied with annoyance.

"Don't be upset angel," He said, and I could almost see a smile creeping up on his face over the phone.

"I'm not upset! Stay there for all I care," I scoffed.

"Yeah huh, I'm excited to come home," He growled. My wolf lurched at his wolf side showing through the phone.

"Yeah well, hurry back or you won't get to see what I bought," I murmured.

"And what would that be?"

"Maybe another night," I smirked before hanging up. I sighed before melting back into my seat. I couldn't help but close my eyes.


"Raven? Hellerrr? Sleepy?" I heard someone. I groaned, forcing my eyes to open. 

"Wha?" I grumbled. Connor laughed as I got up from the comfortable chair.

 "Clearly someone isn't sleeping enough, so they had to resort to an office chair," He said meekly. I wiped my mouth, assuing myself there was no slobber or drool. Standing up, I let out a yawn.

"What are you doin today?" He asked. I sighed and thought about it. Now that I wasn't too busy out running evil brothers, getting memories back, running through crazy flower fields, nor flirting with Tyler, then what was there to do? Was that really how hectic my world was? That's depressing.

Dylan seemed busy, what with her and Asher going on a date to escape from all the pack problems. Anna was busy securing boarders in her wolf form along with Mike, Cayde and Blake. And there was no way in hell I was going to kick it with Vampire bitch Seraphina. Seraphina . . . she was from the prison originally. Maybe I could go to Anna and Mike's little diner to see the prison finally!

"I was gonna stop by the little store that Anna and Mike own," I played it off cooly as I exited the room and went into the hallway.

Connor shot me an inquisitive look.

"Mind if I come?" He asked. I gave him a flat stare. "Yes."

"Listen, Alpha Tyler would have my ass if-"

"If I got hurt bla bla bla and bla. Whatever, come along, stay, whatever," I replied. He rolled his eyes before smirking.

Before we went, I took a shower, scrubbing myself to perfection. I dressed myself in dark skinny jeans, a white tanktop along with a denim jacket and my combat boots. 

"This is a lame song," I growled. Connor was blasting crazy annoying scream-o music that made me want to rip off my ears.

He turend it up louder, my eardrums nearly bursting.

"This song is the shit!" He yelled over the screamers. I slunked back in my seat. 

"What's your deal lately? You've been acting grumpy," He said, finally turning the volume down. I groaned, allowing the Jeep's open windows air to blow in my face.

"I don't know," I muttered.

"Not good enough," He replied, turning the wheel.

"What more do you want from me?" I hissed.

"I'm just wanting to know what's got you off your game lately, that's all. You seem so fizzy, tired, grumpy and over all a little mopey. Is this because of Tyler being gone?" He asked at the stoplight. I growled. My wolf was annoyed too.

"It's nothing," I lied through my teeth.

"Cut the shit, we both know you are lying," He growled strongly.

"Who said I had to tell you anyway?" I seethed.

"I'm the only one here right now! See?!" He hissed, waving his arms in the air.

"See what?" I matched his high tone.

"This! The Raven I know wouldn't be doing this! Wouldn't be yelling at her friend who's only trying to help!"

"I didn't ask for your help!"

"Yeah I can see that!"

"Oh can you? If you can, why don't you try and leave me alone?!" I spat as the light turned green.

"Why are you acting so bitchy?!" He shouted.

"Oh jee wiz, I don't know! Maybe it's cuz I haven't shifted into my wolf in forever, because I'm too damn busy making sure my past mistakes don't endanger the pack! Maybe it's because for the past years I've been alone and dependent on my self! And then I meet some bozo who I end up falling for that I single handedly manage to put in danger! Or maybe it's because I thought my brother was dead for 6 years, and he's actually alive and here! Or it's because when I did see him, he didn't give a shit about me about me despite all the guilt I carried! So excuse the motherfucking shit out of me if I'm not feeling all that chipper!" I yelled. I felt exhasperated. I screamed out all I had been holding in for the past months.

Connor's angry eyes swiveled back into their baby blue, softening his face. I let out a huge huff of air, leaning my head against my hand, elbow resting on the window.

I've never felt so vulnerable or so dependent. I used to get shit done on my own. I didn't need help from anyone else. Yet here I was relying on this pack. Relying on Tyler to get Ro. Relying on Connor to watch after me so Tyler wouldn't get upset. 

"I'm not going to act like I know what your going through. But I know that I'm here. I'm here for you Raven and I have been ever since I first met you while we watched Toddlers and Tiaras, and even when I got thrown out of a window. You need to realize it's ok to depend and rely on other people."

"I relied on my parents. Look at where they are. Or rather where they aren't." I replied bitterly.

"You know what?" Connor asked, pulling over to the side of the road.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"We're going for a run before we go to the diner. We both have pent up frustration. There's loner territory a little off of the trail. We'll be fine there."

My wolf paced with excitement, whimpering in happiness.

"Whatever," I replied. Connor nodded before we got out of his jeep, and made our way into the burnt grass fields. We walked in silence as we came to the opening of the woods. It was gorgeous. It was golden, like it was always autumn. As we walked down a slope, a red and orange leaf danced their way down the air, twirling around each other.  

"It's gorgeous here, isn't it?" Connor said as we meandered through the forest of golds, reds, yellows and oranges. 

"Yeah . ." I murmured, transfixed on the scenery.

"It's called East Autumn Forest. I come here a lot when I need a good run. It's always beautiful here. Not a leaf dies." He explained. I nodded before waltzing behind a tree large enough to hide myself. Stripping off my clothes, I laid them in a pile before covering them with a couple leaves.

I closed my eyes, a relieved smile taking place on my face. I felt my bones glide into new positions that hadn't been there in forever. I felt fur sprout from my face, and finally I was on all four paws in my brown and white wolf.

I quickly trotted behind the tree to see Connor's large sandy colored wolf with four white paws. I twitched my left ear, signifying I was ready to run. He nodded, taking large steps before bounding off. I growled in excitement before I pounced off my back paws.

My thunderous paws pounded on the ground with every step I took, thrusting  me further into the golden forest. My ears splayed back  in delight. My whiskers swooshed back behind my muzzle as I leaped over fallen tree trunks, leaves rustling as I ran as fast as possible. Wind grazed through my fur, sending pleasurable tremors down my spine.

[We needed this so badly] My wolf purred as we hurled ourselves over a small pond. 

After a bit, I came to a small trot, wandering where Connor went. I paused, showing my canines and growling.

A sound from a crunched leave to my left, made turn in time to see Connor running at me with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. I growled, dropped on my back, and kicked his underbelly, sending him flying.

I sat up, licking my paw. 

Connor quickly stood up, growling in playfullness. I was so ready to play fight. I needed it so I did what I had to do.

I pounced.


"I feel better now," I remarked as we entered Connor's jeep.

"I thought you might," He replied.

"I'm sorry I've been not myself lately," I whispered.

He quickly brought his hand to my cheek, turning me to face him. His large eyes were round and filled with sorrow. And just like that, I realized what his problem was. 

"I know it's unfair of me, but . . I wish you were my mate," Connor said, his eyes darkening. I frowned sypmathetically.

"Connnor . ."

"No, let me finish. I realize your in love with Tyler, and I respect that. I mean, it's hard watching you guys look at each other the way I want to look at you. I guess, I want someone who will look at me the way I look at you. And as time drags on, it just doesn't feel like that's going to happen any time soon," He revealed, turning away from me as he pulled into the parking lot of the diner-prison.

I guess I always knew Connor liked me in that way, and maybe if there was no Tyler it would have happened. But I don't regret meeting Tyler. He's my everything now. And it hurt me to see my best friend so downtrodden.

"I didn't think I'd even get the chance to have a mate. Yours is going to come when you least expect it, that much I can promise you." I said rubbing his arm. He sent me a smile. I knew my words weren't comforting. Comfort was never one of my strong points...

"Yeah? She's taking her sweet time," He growled, starting the jeep after slamming the door with a lot of force. I cringed. 

"Hey, you aren't the only one suffering I'm sure. She's probably thinking the same thing, and wandering where her mate is. But honestly you have to be patient. I didn't even want a mate to start with. Hell, I didn't even want to be around people. But now that I have, my world literally changed. Despite all that's happened over the months, I regret nothing. I only regret not accepting him sooner. You may be upset that she hasn't come around, but trust me, she'll be there when you least expect it. It's not just you who's looking," I pointed out. My heart cracked at the realization that when I first came here I didn't even want a mate. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, wandering what life would be like if I never even met Tyler. I'd be an empty void, still avoiding my past, and those who wanted to be apart of my life. I'd be that same lonely girl.

"Thanks Raven."

I nodded silently.

"By the way . . . your never going to guess what I saw in the forest while we ran," He said with a smirk. I raised a brow, glad he changed the subject and was returning to his happier self.

"Two people from the pack were there gettin it on," He said, raising his eyebrows as he opened the door to get out. I got out as well.

"Oh ok? And this is interesting because . . .?"

"It was Blake and Cayde." He said flatly. I felt my face drop as we walked to the door. It always seemed as though the two were more like frenamies! 

"You're so shitting me right now!" 

"No shit involved. Those two have always had this sort of rivalry type thing. Always bickering ya know? Who knew they were mates? But I don't get why keep it under wraps?" He asked, opening the door.

"Well, maybe they're embarrassed that they're gay? I don't know. Either way, it's best to keep it to ourselves. They'll tell people when they are ready," I said with a shrug. He sighed

"Yeah yeah." He said.

I'm tired and I don't want school to start.

Did anyone ever suspect Cayde and Blake? I might to a separate chapter at the end dedicated to them. I actually wanna go more in depth with a few different couples



-Seraphina + _______ (I'll let you guess ;)

QOTD : Any shipping?

Thoughts please!
Comment yeeeeeees

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