Chapter 4. Leave

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qotd : Fav band?


I stayed up in Tyler's room all day after I grabbed something to eat. I did not get up, I did not utter a single word. I'd heard knocks on the door every 30 minutes, but I said nothing. Tyler had been sending one of his packmates, by the name of Connor to check in on me often. I was just sitting on the bed, staring at the wall. Thinking, remembering.

"Raven, dammit, you've been acting like this all day. Open the door before I break it!" I heard a husky voice shout. I said nothing. I knew he'd break the door down or get incredibly close. Anticipating this, I got up and walked into his bathroom, locked the door and turned the shower on. I sat on the floor, rubbing my temples. I needed to be alone, to think. 

The knocks subsided eventually. I brought my knees up to my chest and stared at the ceiling. I harshly squeezed my eyes shut. Memories kept coming back into my mind from my past. They were hard to keep away and they kept haunting me ever since I had come here. 

[Let our mate comfort us!] My wolf chastized. [No! I don't want him to get close to us. You know what we've done . . . you know what he'll say] I whispered the last part sadly to her. She whimpered before leaving me alone.

It wasn't exactly the fact that I had a mate that irked me. I didn't have anything against them, but I knew Tyler's pack was a strong one, one with great numbers and resources and allies. I was sure Tyler would be a great mate, but the question was, was I?

Suddenly, a loud crash caused me to turn my heads towards the door. Or where it should have been. "What are you doing?" Tyler asked, making me shiver. I glanced behind him, seeing the door on the ground. I laughed in my head.

"That door is going to be expensive." I said dully, no emotion in my voice.

"Raven, that door is the least of my worries. You don't seem to realize that I'd break a million doors all to get to you." He replied, making my heart melt at his words. I frowned, and pushed away the warm feeling.

I let out a humorless chuckle. I really didn't deserve Tyler. Why couldn't someone have been his mate? I could tell he was a good person, a person who needed a good mate. 

"Tyler, I  . . I'm leaving." I said, my heart clenching at my own words. "Like hell you are." He growled before flinging me into his arms, bridal style. I was too tired to squirm. He carried me to the bed and gently laid us down. To my surprise and my wolf's dismay, he pulled me into his brawny chest and started to run his fingers through my hair. I wanted to move away, but my wolf would have my head if I did.

"I wish you would just let me in." Tyler whispered as he dug his nose into my neck. It felt so right, him being here, but I knew I couldn't let it continue.

"So do I." I whispered before falling asleep.

Tyler's POV***

"So do I." She replied sadly. She had been cooping herself in here all day, and it had been killing me and my wolf to know it might have been our fault. 

As if on instinct, I started to play with her long brown hair. Each strand was silky soft and I enjoyed every feel of it. 

[She's hiding something from us.] My wolf said whilst purring.

[Don't you think I know that? I just wish she didn't always have her guard up around us.] I replied sadly.

[Clearly she wants us. Her past must be an awful one for her to be so . . the way she is. She's so perfect yet so damaged. I will stop at nothing to make her ours.] My wolf growled. I smiled lightly. She was ours and wasn't going anywhere. I barely knew this girl, but the fact my wolf and instincts yearned for her presence, there was something different about her. I wanted to know her, know about what she liked, disliked. I studied her peaceful figure, the way her chest would rise every so often with each soft breath she took. She looked so much more vulnerable when she slept when in reality she was a fierce, snapping mate.

I so badly wanted to claim her right now, but she was in a fragile state. Or so my wolf had reminded me. Her chest rose and fell with grace. I took a deep whiff of her strawberry and lemon scent, enjoying it with every fiber of my being.

My wolf was right though. She had a past and I was determined to figure out what had made her so rebellious and closed up.

[Alpha, rogues on the border!] My Beta, Jared, informed me through the mind link. I mentally nodded. I hated to leave my mate and every cell in my body wanted to be here, comforting her. But I was an Alpha, and I had pesky duties. I slowly got up and stared at her gorgeous figure before leaving the room. I made it my goal to get to know her.

Raven's POV***

{The feeling of water crashing through the windows was enough to send all of us in a frenzy of screams. Brent was sitting with me in the back, water sloshing around. I tried to open his door, but the water's force was too strong for him. My mother let out a sob then glanced  me and Brent.

I stared at my fathers form in the front seat, blood smothering his face. I blinked . . and suddenly I was gone. I was sitting on the highway. A voice called to me, making me turn to face my mate, Tyler. His smile was contagious and a grin appeared on my face. I felt serene, and not a single part of my brain wanted me to run.

I walked towards him as he held his hand out for me to take. I reached out and just as I touched it, red appeared on his face. Blood! He was still smiling, but blood was now drenching out his form. I screamed and reached for him, terrified of the outcome. I reached for him but he disappeared . . .}

I screamed and reached for Tyler, but he wasn't there. I sighed angrily. I didn't need his comfort! I'm a ruthless rogue! I rubbed my temples and got up, thinking about my  nightmare. Pushing it to the back of my mind, I  quickly, I brushed my hair and put on a tank top I had found on the counter along with some short basketball shorts.

I mentally cursed as I thought about something.

My backpack!!!! I put my long brown hair into a pony tail and raced down the stairs. I had to go find that thing.

"Woah, easy Luna." Someone said as I neared the door.  I studied him, noticing his presence. He was the younger boyish one that had been both knocking on my door all yesterday, and the one who was trying to get me to leave his pack a few days ago. Wait, what did he just call me? Jeeze, news must have spread fast in this pack.

I rolled my eyes at his formality. "It's Raven." I said before opening the door.

"Sorry, Lu- . .  er . . Raven, but Alpha said not to let you out of the house." He replied. I growled. "Another reason why I hate pack life! You have to listen to some hard headed stubborn ass-face and you have no say in it!" I screamed while slamming the door. The pack member seemed appalled that I spoke about my mate and his Alpha like that.

"Alpha's orders." He said sternly. I could tell there was no way I was getting out of here without causing a huge scene. I sighed and reached the kitchen, needing food to calm my nerves. I needed that backpack. 

Tyler's POV***

I was running in my jet black wolf. We'd dealt with the Rogues. They didn't leave and  were asking for a fight . . so we had no choice but to do what had to be done.

I stopped once a small trail of Raven's scent hit me. I stopped running and informed the others  not to wait for me. I followed the scent to where I had found Raven two days ago.

I got closer to the stale scent and found a small green backpack on the floor. I was shocked yet feeling sneaky. I approached it, hoping I could get something about Raven's past. 

Sitting down, I pressed my paw on the side of the bag and pulled the zipper open with my jaws. After it opened, I dumped everything out. There was a brush, feminine products, a notebook and . .  a picture.

It was her and three other people. Next to her was a boy about a year younger than her with spiked up hair. He was smiling so large and his eyes were closed as he leaned into the picture. Next to him was my gorgeous mate. She was sticking her tongue out and going cross eyed while putting bunny ears against the boys head.

Behind them were an older couple that I'm betting was her father and mother. Her mother had soft eyes and soft brown hair. In the picture she was rolling her eyes and they were staring at the top of the frame. Her father was laughing in the picture, I could tell. His eyes were closed and his mouth was wide open. 

I stared at it and assumed it was her family. Only question . . where were they?





Pic of Raven's mom on the side! ---->

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