The plan (Chapter 1)

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Wassup, guys. Yup, new fanfic. Enjoy. Also, prepare for a long chapter. 

* Tweet, tweet!*
Poppy's eyes flickered open. A bird was tweeting by her window, it was a beautiful tune. Attracted to the sound she made her way to the window.

" Oh,"
Right outside her window was a grayish bird, more specifically a nightingale.

" Awww!"

Even though it's not so colorful outside, It still had a beautiful singing voice. Poppy took some time to admire the little creature until she decided to get dressed and begin her day.

Poppy, as usual, headed towards her father's room to see if he was awake, but she barely reached the door to his room before hearing the masculine voice of her father from inside the living room.

" No need to wake me up sweetie, I'm already awake."

Poppy smiled to herself. She loved her father dearly every day was a party with him.

" Great, Dad!"
Poppy headed to the living room where her father was sitting by the table.

" Good morning, sweetheart."

" Good morning, Dad!"

She sat down by the table beside her father and ate some breakfast.

" I'm planning a party which is going to be held on valentrollsday."
Peppy announced.

Poppy looked up from her food.

" Dad, that's great!"

" At the party, you can celebrate with your loved ones."

" But dad isn't that what valentrollsday is about already?"
Poppy asked confused.

" It is, but that doesn't mean we can't do that at a party as well."

Poppy nodded understanding.

" Speaking of loved ones, do you have a boyfriend, Poppy?"

Poppy looked up from her food once again.

" No, besides don't you think that I would tell you about those things?"

Her father shrugged.
" Just asking..."

" But it's ok, you don't necessarily boyfriend at that party."
He smiled.

Poppy shrugged and smiled.
" Anyway, a party without you would be boring. I love you, dad."

" I love you too, Poppy."

" Oh, by the way, I'm going to hang out with my friends today."
Poppy informed.

" That's great, Poppy. Just go and hang out with your friends and have fun."
The orange troll smiled.

Poppy got up from the chair she was sitting on and headed out of the door.
" See you later, dad!"
she waved and headed to a silver and sparkly pod nearby and knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal a troll covered in glitter from the bottom to the top.

" Hi, Poppy!"

" Hi, Guy Diamond!"
Poppy smiled.

The two trolls hugged each other happily.

" Come on in! everybody isn't here yet, but Dj suki, Smidge, and Cooper are here."
Guy diamond told her.

Poppy stepped inside and was immediately greeted by her friends.

" Hi, Poppy!"
Dj suki exclaimed and went to hug her friend.

" Hi, Dj!"
Poppy returned the hug. afterward, the two sat down on a couch beside Smidge and Cooper.

" Is anything going on at the moment?"
Smidge asked Poppy.

" I mean anything new from your father? Any new parties?"

" Actually,"
Poppy began.

" My dad is planning on a party."

" Ooooh, when?"
Dj asked.

" On valentrollsday."

" Did I hear party?"
Satin and Chenille said in unison as they came inside.

" You sure did!"
Cooper exclaimed.

" Wait, A party?"
A dark blue troll who was slightly bigger than everyone else asked as he came inside as well.
It was Biggie. He held a yellow glowworm in his arms. It's- well, his name was Mr. Dinkles he was Biggie's most treasured possession. 

" Mew"
Mr. Dinkles said.

" Yes, you heard that right Biggie!"
Dj answered.

" On valentrollsday, huh?"
Dj raised a brow.

" Yeah."
The princess answered.

" So I suppose it has something to do with love??"

Poppy nodded.

" Do you have a boyfriend, Poppy?"
Smidge suddenly asked.

" No, I don't"
Poppy laid back on the couch in a relaxing manner.

" Why?"

" Oh, Just asking..."

" Do you want a boyfriend?"
Chenille asked.

Poppy shrugged and thought for a minute.
" Maybe."

" I have thought about it"
She added.

" We can help you. Well, if you want to"
Smidge offered. 

Poppy thought about it for a moment. She was really happy to have them as her friends. 

" that's really kind of you, but how?" 

" Hmmm... Do you have a crush on anyone?"
Smidge asked.

" Nope."

There was silence for a minute.

" Hmmm... We could throw a little party, maybe, And there you could get the chance to meet some guys from the village.."
Dj explained.

Poppy shrugged.

Smidge elbowed her playfully.

" Hey, it's a party. Trolls just wanna have fun right?" She giggled.

" Well, I think it sounds like a good idea so... Let's do it?" Poppy smiled still unsure.

" Parteeey!"
A voice suddenly auto-tuned. Guy Diamond went out of the kitchen with a tray of cupcakes in his hand. He had heard the entire conversation from inside the kitchen. He too thought it was a good idea.

" Yeah!"
The twins said in unison.

" And you know what, Poppy?"
Chenille turned to Poppy.

" We could-"
Satin continued.

" Make you a new dress for the party!"
The two of them exclaimed in unison.

Poppy agreed happily.

The rest of their hangout went good and after their hangout, they decided to put invites up for the party around the village. Poppy and the twins then went to find Poppy her new dress.

Afterward Poppy decided to take a stroll through the village since her friends were busy. She sighed and looked at the nature around her and slowly began to sing.

"🎶I have a dream a song to sing to help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairytale🎶"

"🎶You can take the future even if you fail🎶"

The princess stopped for a minute. What if this was going wrong? She though. This whole thing about boyfriends was kinda unknown to her. What if it all came crashing down? She rolled her eyes and smiled. I might as well try it out. She thought.

"🎶 I believe in angels something good in everything I see🎶"

"🎶I believe in angels when I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream I have a dream🎶"

Poppy found herself in the middle of the forest somehow she had managed to go out of the village without even noticing. There was a small river nearby. She giggled. This was a very beautiful place.

"🎶 I have a dream a fantasy to help me through reality and my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile🎶"

She decided to walk across the river her feet, of course, getting wet in the process. She didn't care though.

"🎶 I believe in angels something good in everything I see I believe in angels when I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream I have a drea-"

Before she could finish she suddenly bumped into something or rather someone.

A gray troll.

He had black hair and two icy blue eyes. He seemed pretty annoyed.

" Uh, sorry!"
Was all she could get out.

Who was this troll? She thought too caught up at gazing at him. Why haven't I seen him before? Was he a bad person? Could he hurt her? She was confused. Why was he gray?

" It's ok..."
The gray male said slightly cold.
He wasn't the one to socialize. He didn't even know anyone from the village since he spends most of his time hiding in his bunker or gathering supplies.

He would normally have been even more cold and rude to people if he ever met someone, but this time it was different. He wasn't sure why. This is so weird. He thought. Why don't you even bother to give her a rude comment and walk off and afterward like nothing ever happened?!

The pink female looked at him and smiled.

" My name's Poppy. What's yours?"

He hesitated for a moment.

" Branch..."

Branch slowly began walking away.

" Hey, where are you going?"
Poppy asked curiously.

" Home."

" Can I come with you?"
She asked excitedly.

Did I really think he was going to get away with her that easy? Boy, I was wrong. Branch thought to himself and groaned.

" No."


" Sorry, but no means no."
Branch turned around to leave again.

" Ugh, why can't I come with you?" Poppy suddenly almost yelled.

"Because my bunker isn't a place for girls like you."

Poppy raised a brow.
" Girls like me, huh?"

She might be a princess but that didn't mean she wasn't ready for new and exciting things. Did he even know she was a princess? He didn't seem to know her at all.

" Yeah, girls like you."

" Hey, it may look like I'm just a girl who can't handle anything, but that's not true. I'm always ready for new things." She crossed her arms.

" Ok, fine..."
Branch gave in.

" Just don't get hur- I mean don't make a mess or sneak around looking at private things."

Branch mentally slapped himself in the face. What was he saying? Why was he saying this? He knew people had respect for other people's privacy.

" Okie Dokie!"
Poppy replied oblivious to the first part of his sentence.

Branch rolled eyes.
"Follow me."

Poppy was almost about to grab his hand but stopped hesitantly. What if he felt uncomfortable about that? She shrugged and went after him.

Poppy looked around. She found the place oddly familiar. She looked up at a tree nearby. On that tree was a pink pod. It was not just any pod. It was her pod.

" Oh, look. There's my pod!"
She pointed at the tree.

" Do you live nearby?"

Branch shrugged leaning against a large boulder just beside the tree.

"Well, my bunker is right here."
Branch pointed at the ground where he was standing.

Poppy's eyes widened.

" Wait, does that make us neighbors?"

" I guess..."
Brand replied.

Poppy smiled and looked around.

" Where's the door?"

Branch snickered. Branch had opened a trapdoor on the ground.
"What door?"

Poppy looked down at the trapdoor in realization.
" Oh, hehe"

Branch gestured to the trapdoor.
" Ladies first."

Poppy raised a brow.
" So what exactly am I supposed to do? Just jump right down?"

" Pfft. Yeah, just jump and let's see what happens." He said sarcastically.

" No, there's a lift." He added.

" Oh, "
Poppy shrugged and jumped into the lift. She mentally slapped her self in the face. Why didn't she think there was a lift in the first place?

Branch jumped on as well and the lift began lowering into the ground.

" So before we get in here-"
Branch began but only to get interrupted by his pink companion.

" I just wanted to say: This bunker is really different from a pod and-"

" you might as well think it's a little creepy in here..."
The two of them said in unison.

Branch looked at Poppy in shock. And Poppy raised a brow in confusion.

" Wait, what?"
They both asked in confusion.

" I-"
The two said in unison once again.

" Ugh." Branch groaned.
" This day sure gets weirder and weirder."

Poppy nodded in agreement.

The lift came to a stop and hit the ground gently. The two of them stepped off the lift.

" Welcome to the place of boredom:"
Branch gestured to their surroundings.

" My bunker."

Poppy looked around.

" The place of boredom, huh?"

The bunker seemed pretty cozy and organized. She didn't really see why it would be the so-called place of boredom.

" Well, can you show me around?"

" Sure."

Branch patiently showed Poppy around in the Big bunker of his. There was surely a lot of space where you could do anything. Well, some of the rooms were stuffed with supplies. w
Which was kinda cool in Poppy's eyes.

" Wow, you have so many things."

She said as she looked around in one of the rooms with supplies.

Branch shrugged and lead her to the next stop.

After the tour, the two of them decided to sit down on a couch.

There was silence for a moment.

" Let's play a little game," Poppy announced.

" So we can get to know each other better!"

" Uhhh, no."
Branch said.

" I don't play games."

" You don't? Well, you might as well try."
Poppy tried.

" No, didn't I tell you? This is the place of boredom. I might as well be the prince of boredom."

Poppy raised a brow.
" the prince of boredom, huh?"

" Yup. What you said."

" Well, then I'm the princess of fun!"

" Sure."
Branch said and rolled eyes.

" No, seriously I am the princess of fun."

" What do you mean?"
Branch looked at her confused.

" You're a princess?"

" Well, yeah."
Poppy scratched the back of her neck.

" Prove it."
Branch crossed his arms not believing her.

" Well, my dad is King Peppy..."

Branch's eyes widened.
" So you are the princess..."

Poppy shrugged.
" Yeah, but you don't need to call me 'princess Poppy' or anything. Just call me Poppy."

This was the answer to the question she had earlier. He didn't know about her at all.

Branch sighed.
" So what exactly do princesses do?"

Poppy shrugged again.
" Well, nothing much. They're just there until they become queen."

" So you don't really have anything special to do as a princess?"

" Not really. Well, I usually do the morning song."
Poppy told him.

Branch rolled eyes not too impressed.

" What does someone like you do?"
She asked the gray troll beside her.

" A lot of things: survive, collect sticks, stuck up supplies, and stay inside doing nothing at all.."
Branch leaned back on the couch.

" Really?"
Poppy asked confused.

Branch nodded.

" But you have so much room in here you could do anything at this crazy place."
Poppy insisted.

" Anything?"

" Well, yeah. Anything!"
Poppy looked him in the eyes."

" There are so many things you can do here with so much room. You wouldn't even get me started on that list."

" If you say so."
Branch shrugged.

Suddenly Poppy's hugtimewatch chimed.

Poppy gasped.

" Uh, no. No hugs."
Branch told her.

Poppy shook her head.
" I kinda have to go now..."

" or else I'll be late for the party..."

Poppy didn't want to leave but she kinda had to. She was having an interesting conversation going with Branch it kinda seemed weird to leave.

Branch nodded understanding.

" Well, then go. "

" But-"
Poppy insisted.

" Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'm used to being alone."

Poppy stood up from the couch about to walk away.

" I've had a great time, Branch. See you!"

She smiled warmly.

Branch shrugged and stood up from the couch as well to lead her out of the door.

" I guess I had a good time too..."

He wouldn't really say it out loud, but he actually had a very good time. He hasn't had anyone to talk to in years. It was kinda boring him a lot.

He looked at the pink troll who was heading out of the trapdoor.

" Have a great party."

" Thank you, Branch. Have a good evening as well."
She smiled and waved as she went away.

There you go. The first chapter of Dancing Queen. Hope you like it.

Word count: 2500


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