Dancing with a Stranger

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The party was full of people swing dancing and enjoying the night out in the town, but I was alone. Everyone but me was having fun, I thought silently. I side stepped to avoid a couple slow dancing and slid silently into the background where the shadows welcomed me as an old friend. I fiddled with my phone, trying hard to look busy, like I wasn't alone. People danced around me, moving together smoothly. A girl twirls by at her partner's invitation, he expertly spins her around him and they land in sync, continuing to dance. They created a perfect moment I wish I could replicate with my own clumsy body. I moved a little towards the edge of the dance floor, hoping I could catch someone's eye. A man walked over and made eye contact, My heart quickened, then shattered, for after gazing at me uninterested, he had already turned away to a prettier and more graceful girl. I sank back sadly, annoyed by my own silly hopes. I choked back a sob as I gazed forlornly at the floor filled with happy dancers. I continued to half-heartedly look up when a man would come over, only to be disappointed again. Then he came over. I had almost given up, and then he came, his eyes seeming to look only at me. His eyes were dark but kind and inviting. Whether out of pity or simple need of a partner, I didn't know, but was honored to be asked to dance. He extended his hand, and like a gentleman, helped me up onto my feet. He was strong, his grip sure but gentle as he led me to the center of the dance floor. I was reluctant at first, preferring to stay on the edge where I could stumble and fall and not get in anyone's way, but he sensed my discomfort and merely smiled reassuringly. We danced and he asked me questions, inviting conversation that I found easily flowed between the two of us. He was intelligent and witty, quite the charmer and the gentleman, and sincerity was clear in his eyes. Being taller than me and a very good dancer, it was easy for me to follow him. He gave me clear direction and I found myself dancing complex moves I did not know, but for his hand guiding me around. I felt happy that night, my smile unable to fade from my lips as we danced. When the music ended, it seemed we were both disappointed. He twirled me one last time in such a whirl I could barely think, then dropped me into a dip, his arms securely around my waist as I gracefully went down, then up. He bowed to me, telling me he had enjoyed dancing with me. He said he hoped he would have the pleasure of being my partner again. His words were eloquent and truthful and his manners outstanding. I never saw him again, but my heart remembers the wonderful evening I had. Thank you stranger, for making me remember there are still gentlemen in the world, for making me feel special for a night.

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