Ch. 11: An Exciting First Day

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"Ready for this, kid?" Eda asked.

"Ready, waiting, and eager to celebrate." Luz said with confidence, "When you succeed, we'll head to a bar."

"Sweet. Then you're paying." Luz said with a grin.

"Hey now, you're the one who's gonna pay for your own drinks." Eda said with her hands up.

"Not if I drink you under the table." Luz said with a chuckle.

"That a challenge, Missy?" Eda asked.

"You bet your ass it is." Luz said.

"You're on! Now go win so I can beat you later!" Eda said, pushing Luz forward.

Luz walked out on stage and smiled.

"Luz Noceda, ready and waiting!" Luz shouted confidently.

Before her, in the auditorium of Hexside, Principal Bump was sitting in the front row with a clipboard in his hands.

"Yes, well, I truly hope you don't burn the building down." Bump said.

"Don't worry, I won't. I'm interested in THIS school, it'd be a waste to burn it down. Plus all my friends would die." Luz said.

Luz put her hands together and let out a breath, allowing shadows to crawl over her and form a shadow goblin.

'I spent days learning this spell, it better work.' Luz thought.

"RooooooH!" Luz roared as the shadow goblin.

Bump was impressed.

"Interesting. I have never seen a creature such as this before." Bump said before writing this down as "transformation magic" with a check mark.

Luz dispelled the shadow and let out a stream of fire. Blowing right from her mouth and bending it for a show while also making sure not to burn anything around the auditorium. She let the fire go out, and then waited.

"Impressive, but is it enough to gain access to Hexside?" Bump asked.

Luz, thinking quickly, snapped her head to the side, revealing the bone.

"I can do this."

Luz grabbed the bones and pulled it out, revealing her spinal cord but extended like a whip. With a quick healing and her head snapping back into place, Luz began to used the bone whip like a pro. Almost like a deadly ribbon dance.

"Yes, I think I've seen enough." Bump said, slowly turning green.

Luz stopped her display before eating/returning her spine to her body.

"HUGH!" Bump let out to stop himself from vomiting, "I will let you in regardless of what you score, if you promise to never do that in front of me again."

"Hehehehe, okay. I promise. You know I thought you'd be more use to carnage like this." Luz said, wiping her lips clean. "You know that old saying? The only thing you need to know about an old person is that they've lived longer and experienced worse than you."

"Maybe so but even I have my limit." Bump said as he pulled out a pamphlet. "Luz Noceda, welcome to Hexside School of Magic and Demonics."

"Sweet!" Luz said.

Luz snatched the pamphlet and rushed back to Eda, showing it to her like a badge of honor!

"Let's go get shitfaced!" Luz shouted.

"Yeah!" Eda said.

The demon and witch left the school, heading straight for the nearest bar and ordering their strongest booze they had. There was an age limit, although a bit low at 16, but no one was going to deny Luz liquor if she asked... despite people being friends with her, if you didn't know her, you're still afraid of her. The next day, Eda was hungover, and Luz was just smirking.

"Wipe that damn smirk off your face." Eda said.

"Jealous that I beat you last night?" Luz asked, "Not my fault you can't hold your liquor."

"I can hold it, you're just dead! Your brain probably didn't even feel it!" Eda said before hissing in pain. "Damn it, I shouldn't have screamed."

"Hey, just let me know the next time you want me to drink you under the table." Luz said, "Now let's go, I don't want to be late."

"Go by yourself. Mama needs to rest off this hangover." Eda said.

"Really? You can't just power through it?" Luz asked.

Eda pushed Luz out the door.

"No. You know the way and don't cause too much trouble unless you need to." Eda said to her.

"Look who you're talking to." Luz said.

Eda just grunts to her before shutting the door, leaving Luz to roll her eyes as she opens her demon book.

'Whatever. Better get to school.' Luz thought.

She felt a bit sad that the Blights won't be there, but she knows today will be fun no matter what. At least her other friends would be there, one big and soon to be chummy group.

"Here it is." Luz said before chanting demonically.

Rising from the ground, a red flaming Pegasus with a black main and matching wings neighed as it galloped in place.

"Hey girl." Luz said.

The fire Pegasus turned to Luz and neighed happily, moving closer and nuzzling her head.

"I missed you too." Luz said.

She got on the back.

"Now, I have to go to school." Luz said.

"NEEEEEEEEH!" The Pegasus neighed before running and jumping into the air.

A trail of flames was behind her as Luz guided her towards Hexside. She landed and got a LOT of attention. Mainly from the fact she can in on a FLAMING PEGASUS WITH BLACK WINGS! It was also due to the fact that... no one knew she was going to be going here.

"Thanks for the ride, Lava Cakes!" Luz said as she got off her saddle. "I'll see you later."

"Neeeeeh." Lava Cakes said sadly.

"I know, I'll miss you too. But I promise, this afternoon, I'll brush your mane." Luz said.

Luz pulled away and opened a portal for Lava Cakes to return before looking at everyone.

"...Hi." Luz said with a wave.

Everyone was scared, except for a person that walked up behind Luz.

"Sup, girl." Skara said.

"Hey, Skara." Luz said.

They shared a high five before walking towards the school, where Willow, Gus, Boscha, Amelia, and Cat were waiting for her.

"We heard the news! Congratulations!" Willow said with a smile.

"Yeah! We knew you could do it!" Gus said before making an illusion banner.

The banner said, "Better luck next time" which resulted in Boscha punching his shoulder.

"Thanks, Gus, feel loved." Luz said, "Now, if you don't mind, I have to go to Bump to get my schedule."

Luz tossed a cat treat in the air, and Cat caught it in her mouth. Luz then scratched her behind the ear.

"Good, Kitty." Luz said, before walking into the school.

The girls looked at Cat with raised eyebrows.

"... Don't look at me like that." Cat said, "Not my fault her treats are delicious."

Skara felt jealous. Inside, Luz arrived at the principals office.

She opened the door and saw he was watching something on a crystal ball.

"Ha! Take that, Glandus! Looks like this year, our Grudgby match will be victory by forfeit." He said with a grin.

Luz cleared her throat, getting his attention.

"What's up, Princy B? Can I call you that?" Luz asked.

"Please don't. It sounds unprofessional." He said, turning off the crystal ball. "Now about your classes, seeing as you are a VERY special case, I think I am going to shove tradition out of the way and let you study as many magic tracks as you wish."

"You're afraid I would light you on fire if you didn't, aren't you?" Luz asked, smirking.

"I will neither confirm, nor deny that." Bump said, "Now, make your decisions."

Luz looked at all of the colorful banners and knew exactly what she wanted.

"All of them." Luz said.

"Pardon me?" Bump asked.

"I said I want to study all of them." Luz said with a grin.

"You... are certainly ambitious." Bump said.

"Just one of the many words used to describe me." Luz said, "Along with monster, evil, murderer, and a few others."

"Please stop. I do not need to fear you more than I already do." Bump said as he drew a spell circle and changed Luz's uniform.

"Well, I better get to class." Luz said, "Bye, Principal Bump."

"Goodbye and please, do not cause trouble. An inspector is coming and the school could use a good review for funds." Bump said, drawing a spell circle and giving Luz a randomized schedule.

"Don't worry. I'll actually be on my best behavior." Luz comments, "Cross my heart and hope to live."

'I am going to ignore that.' Bump thought, going back to his paperwork.

Luz walked through the halls, getting many looks. Most of them knew who she was and what she was but they were shocked, EXTREMELY so, when they saw her school uniform had multiple colors on it instead of just one.

"How did you accomplish that?" Amelia asked, walking up to Luz.

"I just walked in and Principal Bump suggested it." Luz said with a grin. "Said I was a special case."

"But ALL of the tracks? I'd say you're crazy but I know that doesn't scratch the surface." Amelia said, shaking her head. "Can you even handle that much school work?"

"Mel, the entire fate of Humanity, rest on my shoulders... I think I can handle school." Luz said, "Now can you show me where the Plant room is? I have Intro to plant magic first period."

"Oh, you're in my class." Amelia said, "Come on, I'll walk you there."

"Lead the way, green giant." Luz said as she followed Amelia.

"Speaking of a "green giant," do you happen to know any size increasing spells?" Amelia asked.

"Oh you're one of those people, aren't you?" Luz asked, "I can look into it, but I'd rather not do that right now."

"Good. Thanks." Amelia said, remembering how cool it was to learn about the "green giant" from Luz.

One day, Amelia would be one too.

'I'm probably going to regret that... oh well.' Luz thought.

The two walked to the Plant room, where Amelia led Luz over to a free seat next to Amelia's spot.

"Do you mind?" Luz asked.

"Not at all." Amelia said with a smile.

Luz sat next to her.

The teacher came into the classroom with a coffee in hand before setting it on the front desk.

"Good morning, everyone." They said, "I see we have a new student. I would say introduce yourself, but I'm pretty sure everyone knows about you by now."

"Yeah but I would still like to introduce myself. You know my demon half but you don't know my human half yet." Luz said as she stood up. "Hello, everyone. My name is Luzifer Satania Noceda, but you can call me Luz, and I look forward for to learning about magic this semester, and maybe you won't be so scared of me if you get to know me. Right Green Giant?"

"Right, Luz." Amelia said with a finger gun.

'Green giant?' Willow thought, feeling jealous of Amelia's nickname.

Luz was still trying to come up with a nickname for the rest of her friends. Kitty for Cat, Green Giant for Amelia... Bitchy for Boscha?

'It's all in good fun. She won't mind.' Luz thought as she sat back down.

Luz sat back down and the teacher began class.

"Today, we'll review the parts of a meat eating plant." The teacher said, drawing a diagram on the board.

Luz smiled... they had similar plants in hell.

"Now, can anyone tell me what this is?" The teacher asked.

"It looks like a smaller version of Infernum viriditas." Luz said.

Everyone looked at Luz in surprise, especially Willow, Amelia, and the teacher.

"E-Excuse me?" They asked.

"We have a plant similar to that in hell in the human realm. We call it "Infernum viriditas."" Luz said.

Luz walked up to the board.

"It translate to Hell Weed." Luz said, "If they are possibly related, then if you get attacked, you have about a 7 second response time in order to destroy this root."

She took the chalk and circled a specific root.

"This is the weak point, or as I like to say, it's like kicking the plant in the ball."

Everyone was shocked.

"That's... correct." The teacher said, "Maybe not in those specific terms, but that's correct."

Luz smiled and nodded as she walked back to her seat.

'Wonder how that happened?' Luz thought, wondering how these demonic plants ended up here.

Just another thing Luz was curious about this world. Either it was coincidence or someone sent it to this realm, she would find out someday. But today she planned on enjoying her first day of school.

'Who are you?' Someone thought, keeping an eye on Luz.

A few hours later, Luz and Boscha were messing around in the gym. Luz did a handstand and hand walked across the gym and back.

"Top That." Luz said.

"Beat that? Easy!" Boscha said, rolling all three of her eyes.

"Oh boy, this is going to be a thing." Skara said to Amelia, Cat, and Willow.

Boscha started doing cartwheels across the gym.

"Won't this just make her dizzy?" Willow asked.

"Nope. Boscha has a strong stomach and three eyes actually increase her tolerance for dizziness." Amelia said, crossing her arms.

To finish it off, Boscha did a backflip.

"And topped." Boscha said.

"Okay, how about this?"

Luz walked over and lifted the bleachers... with one hand.

"Can you top this?" Luz asked.

Boscha faltered and glared at Luz.

"If I had a potion or a construction patch." Boscha muttered.

"But you don't." Luz said as she placed the bleachers down, "Now pay up."

Boscha groaned and held out a hand. Luz easily grabbed it and a white glow started to form. When it stopped, Luz held Boscha's soul in her hand.

"Don't worry, Boshca, I'll take good care of this." Luz said, putting it into a special container that she sent to a secure location, before leaning close and whispering, "You can have it back when you tell Amelia you love her."

Boscha went pink... er than usual.

"Whatever." Boscha said, walking away.


Boscha stopped against her will.

"Say it." Luz said.

"Do I have too?" Boscha asked, before sighing, "Thank you, your unholiness, I look forward to serving you in the afterlife."

Cat came over with Skara.

"We said don't bet your soul." Skara said, as the trio walked away.

"Don't rub it in, please." Boscha said with a blush.

'This is not going to be easy.' Boscha thought, glancing back to see Willow and Amelia talking with Luz.

"I can't believe you can make bets to get people's souls." Willow said.

"More specifically deals, but bets are just less formal versions." Luz said with a shrug, "I'll give it back to her eventually. But anytime I ask her to do something, her body will follow that command, whether she wants to or not."

The bell screamed and her, Willow, and Amelia left the gym.

"See you guys later." Luz said, heading to her next class.

As she was walking, she was suddenly grabbed and pulled into a secret room.

"Mmm?" Luz's mouth was covered as someone was glaring at her, holding her against a wall as well.

Luz glared back.

'They have exactly three seconds to leave me the fuck alone before they lose a limb.' Luz thought.

One of them saw the glare Luz was giving and shivered in fear, his instincts screaming at him to let her go or else they will die!


They did let her go, and Luz stood up and dusted herself off.

"You're lucky I don't sense any sin, otherwise I would kill you." Luz said.

"Y-You're joking, right?" A tall boy asked.

"No. You basically kidnapped me, so killing you would be in self defense in a way." Luz said.

"Now who are you and what do you want?"

The leader of the trio, a girl with a spiked headband and a fish hook for an earring stepped forward.

'Oh, I like her earring.' Devil side said.

"We want answers about you. REAL ones instead of all the rumors we've been hearing." She said.

"Okay... you could've just come and asked you know." Luz said.

"Ruff ruff." The third member barked again.

"Barcus says that even if we could, we wouldn't be able to. In case you haven't noticed, our uniforms aren't exactly like yours." The tall one said, gesturing to his school uniform.

Luz took notice of them and was actually surprised by the color. They weren't red, they weren't orange, they weren't even light blue. They were gray, dull and lifeless gray.

"What the hell kind of track are you guys in?" Luz asked them.

"The one where you don't study ANYTHING and just sit in a locked room all day. The Detention Track." The girl said, crossing her arms.

"What kind of prison bullshit is that?" Luz asked.

"Ask Principal Bump. He's the one who put us here after we tried to do what you're doing." The girl said, glancing at her friends. "Barcus tried to mix potions with oracle magic and that ended bad."

"Yeah. Viney tried to make a griffin a good nurse for healing but Puddles just caused damage." The tall boy said, glancing at the girl. "And I tried mixing plants with abominations, they went out of control."

Luz laughed.

"Oh those all sound awesome!"

The trio were surprised by this but quickly shook it off.

"Glad that you think so, you're living our dream and studying whatever tracks you want. All Bump wants us to do is "focus." Ugh." Viney said, rolling her eyes. "But then Jerbo found this place and we've been studying in secret."

"Nice." Luz said, "What is this place?"

"Jerbo?" Viney asks with a small girl.

"Gladly." Jerbo said before clearing his throat and gesturing. "Welcome, Luz Noceda, to the Secret Room of Shortcuts!"

"Shortcuts! Shortcuts! Shortcuts!" An echo rang out.

Luz looked around.

"So this place is full of portals?" Luz asked.

"Sort of, they only lead to some place inside of the school or leading outside of the school." Viney said as she looked around. "It's how we study anything we want in secret."

"Secretive, I like it."

Luz walked towards a door and opened it, revealing the school hallway with Skara and Cat talking alone.

"Skara, what's going on? I can tell your mad about something." Cat said.

"I'm not mad I'm just... it doesn't matter."

"You're my oldest friend, of course it matters!" Cat said.

'It's better I don't watch this.' Luz thought, having a conscience... for once.

She closed it and turned back to the trio.

"Okay, so what did you want to ask me?" Luz asked, "Because you don't just kidnap someone and NOT ask them stuff."

"Well we were just being cautious cuz, you know?" Jerbo said, pointing at Luz. "Plus, Barcus has been getting mixed signals from your soul."

"Achoo! (Your soul is a fluctuating Yin and Yang!)" Barcus said.

"Yeah, well that happens when you have both angel and demon in you." Luz said.

"You can understand Barcus?" Jerbo asked.

"Duh, I'm half demon. I speak with demonic animals all the time back home." Luz said, walking to Barcus and scratching his chin.

"Aw, you're so cute." Luz said.

'I wonder if he'll get along with Cat.' Luz thought.

Barcus tried to resist but he couldn't help but wag his tall from how GOOD her chin scratching was.

'How did she know my weakness?' Barcus thought.

"So, tell me more about this place, how'd you guys find it?" Luz asked.

"We sort of stumbled upon it by accident but ever since, it's been sort of our secret club house inside of the school." Viney said before gesturing to the side. "And we weren't the only ones to use this place."

Luz looked to see a portrait of someone on the wall, covered in graffiti and people's names around it.

"Behold! Lord Calamity! The founder of the Room of Shortcuts!" Jerbo said, walking and bowing to the picture.

"Do you know who they were?" Luz asked.

"No idea. We're afraid if we try to clean the portrait, we'd ruin the original image." Viney said as Barcus nodded.

"Well, maybe I can help with that." Luz said, walking towards the portrait.

She didn't get the chance to do anything, as they heard screaming from the hall.

'What was that?' Luz thought.

Viney opened one of the portals and saw a giant creature sucking magic out of one of the students.

'Oh shit!' Viney thought as she slammed the door shut, putting her back against it!

"BASILISK!" She screamed.

"Basilisk?!/Rooow?!" Jerbo and Barcus shouted/barked.

"Basilisk?" Luz asked, confused.

"What's a basilisk?"

"An extinct creature that feeds on the magic of witches!" Viney said, "I just saw it drain from that girl with green hair in the plant track."

Luz went pale.

"Wait... Amelia!?" Luz said, rushing to a portal, only to be held back, "Let me go! That's my friend in danger!"

"We can't! Or else you'll get your magic drained as well!" Jerbo said to her.

"My magic isn't like yours! I can handle it!" Luz shouted, "Now let go!"

She was worried, probably for the first time in her life, because for the first time in her life, she had actual friends, and they were in trouble.

"Ruff ruff ruff ruff! (You can't go out without a plan! It's suicide!)" Barcus shouted at Luz.

"Suicide is nothing but a hobby to someone who's heart doesn't beat!" Luz said, finally breaking free and running to Amelia's limp form.

Thankfully, the basilisk was already around the corner by that time, and didn't see her.

"Amelia, come on, wake up!" Luz said, putting her ear to Amelia's chest, listening to her very slow heartbeat, "Don't die Amelia... please..."

Luz started crying uncontrollably. It was something no one thought possible, but the Anti-Christ was crying over her friend getting hurt.

"Please don't die... I don't want to lose the people I worked so hard to become friends with."

Her tears began to puddle on Amelia's chest, making the plant witch groan from the feeling before she slowly opened her eyes.

"W-What?" Amelia mumbled, showing she was alive but very weak.

"AMELIA!" Luz yelled, seeing her move.

Luz picked her up and brought her into the secret room of shortcuts.

"Viney! Help!" Luz screamed for her. "Please!"

The detention trio rushed over to check on Amelia, their medical "expert" looking over Amelia and checking her vitals.

"I... I don't know what to do with her." Viney said, "Her vitals are slow, and are getting slower."

"We have to do something!" Luz said, "I... I can't lose her... She's my friend."

"L-L-Luz... make...a deal." Amelia said, holding out a hand, "Please."

"A deal?" Luz asked in surprise.

'That's it! We can save her if we collect her soul in a deal!' Devil side said.

Luz didn't waste time, she grabbed Amelia's hand.

"In exchange for saving your life, I am asking for your soul." Luz said, wiping the tears away, "Do you accept these terms?"

"I... I do." Amelia said, before her eyes got heavy.

A light appeared around Amelia before it condense and formed a small green ball between hers and Luz's hands.

This was her soul.

Luz closed her eyes and sent it next to Boscha's soul in the secure location. Amelia looked somewhat better, still gray and weak, but alive and sleeping.

"She'll live... but we need to stop that thing." Luz said, "If we hurry, we might be able to restore everyone's magic and save them."

"But how? The only way to get her magic back is to LITERALLY make that Basilisk throw it up. How are we gonna pull that off?" Viney asked, having doubts.

"All we do is cause trouble. It would just make things worse." Jerbo said, showing his doubts and fears.

Barcus nods in agreement, hating but accepting that his mixing magic could lead to trouble. Seeing this, Luz walked over to them and gave them much needed slapping them all in the face.

"Are you crazy!?" Luz asked, "People are in trouble, so why not fight fire with fire?"

"But what-"

"Stop thinking about the bad things and think about the good! You all have the potential to become great witches, you saw it in yourselves when you studied more than one track! It's time to show it!" Luz said, pointing to the doorway. "Prove Bump wrong and show him what you can do!"

In the hall, the Basilisk was draining magic from another witch.

"Hmmm, delicious. I haven't had magic this good since I was at Glandus." She said, dropping the student. "Now where is my next meal?"

"Hey, bitch!"

The basilisk dropped the witch and turned around, seeing that Luz was standing behind her down the hall.

"How about you try draining me?" Luz said, holding a fire ball in her hand.

"Ooooh, fire magic." The basilisk said before sniffing the air. "Hmm? This is a unique magic. I've never smelt anything like it before. What a delicacy!"

She tried to drain Luz, but Luz cartwheeled away from the draining, and threw the fireball at the side of the basilisk.

"GAAAAH!" The basilisk screamed from the burning attack! "Oh! So you want to play like that?! Fine! I enjoy the hunt!"

She rushed after Luz, crashing against the walls and lockers in her rush.

'I really hope this plan works.' Luz thought.

Luz kept sending fireballs to both attack and leave a trail of breadcrumbs for the large basilisk to follow her.

'That's it, follow the anti-christ.' Luz thought.

Turning down a corner, Luz found herself at a dead end and "trapped" as the large basilisk caught up with her!

"Nowhere to run, little morsel!" She said, licking her lips.

"You'd think so." Luz said, before whistling.

Puddles flew around the corner and got into a fight with the basilisk.

"AAAAAH!" She screamed in pain, being clawed and pecked by the griffin.

"Viney, you're up!" Luz yelled.

From another corner, Viney opened a door and rushed out!

"Let's see how you like this!" Viney said, drawing a spell circle and blasting the basilisk!

"What is that?! W-Why do I f-feel so weak?" The basilisk asked, losing strength and feeling dizzy.

"Anesthesia blast! Enjoy it while it lasts!" She said with a grin.

"Now!" Viney yelled.

Barcus and Jerbo opened one of the portals that ended up making the basilisk fall through the secret room. Luz opened her book and her eyes began to glow red.

"Soulful intriclala gratino!" She shouted, teleporting to the ground floor of the secret room.

She opened the portal and it fell into the auditorium.

"Must...find help." Bump said, groaning and getting up from the floor.

A crash was heard as the basilisk hit the stage, making him stumble back to the floor in shock.

"Jerbo, now!" Luz shouted from the upper portal door.

"On it!" Jerbo said, using plants and abomination mass to tie down the basilisk.

Barcus came down and poured a potion on the Basilisk's palm... specifically so Luz could make a joke. Barcus began reading the basilisk's palm.

"W-w-what are you doing!?" It asked.

"Reading your palm, and your future looks bleak." Luz said, smirking.

A plant abomination held a rope connected to sandbags, and Puddles used her beak to cut it.

"Huh?" The basilisk said as she looked up.

A large bundle of sandbags fell down, slamming into her stomach and making her gag! She vomited up the magic she swallowed. Hundreds of orbs flew out of her mouth, flying all over the school to return to the people they came from. More of them even flying outside of Hexside to return to people all over or beyond Bonesborough.

"Well, I would say that we just saved the school." Luz said, proud of herself and the others.

"Yeah, we did. We actually did!" Jerbo said as everyone assembled near Luz.

"Ruff./(Fate has given us a wonderful hand this day.)" Barcus said with a smile.

Principal Bump stood up, and boy he was not happy.

"You three are in so much trouble!" He shouted at them.

"Trouble?! For saving the school from this magic sucker!?" Luz shouted, pointing to the basilisk.

"They're in trouble for leaving the detention room, mixing magic, and having a secret hideout INSIDE of my school!" Bump shouted, pointing to the door portal on the ceiling.

Oh, Luz was NOT in the mood, and she showed it.

'No, you're not doing this to the people that just saved your ass.' Luz thought.

She marched up to Bump, shadows began to climb up the walls, her eyes began glowing, and she was about to show Bump what true fear is.

"Listen here... they just saved everyone, who gives a flying fuck that they disobeyed a crooked system!?" Luz said, her voice slowly becoming more demonic sounding, "Why don't you tell me how that beast got in here to begin with!? Aren't you supposed to keep students safe!?"

Bump lost his anger and shook in place, cowering before the demon princess as he slowly rose a finger.

"I-Um-Well, yo-you see. B-Basilisks also ha-have the ability to shapeshift, s-so it used this ability to trick me into thinking she was an i-inspector from the Emperor's Coven." He said with multiple stutters.

Luz was mere inches from his face, smiling a bit, revealing some VERY sharp teeth.

"So YOU managed to get tricked, YOU caused this, YOU are the reason everyone almost died." Luz said, "That's a LOT of death that could've been on your soul... but I'm willing to overlook that... if you let them study the tracks they want."


Luz held her hand out in front of Bump's face, with her claws coming out in an instant.

"I think more special cases like myself should be made. After all Princy B, what's worse than squandering such potential?" Luz said, being "friendly" with Bump, "And if you do... I think I can find a way to increase your budget. What do you say?"

Scared yet also curious, Principal Bump glanced at Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus to see their hopeful eyes. Eyes he had not seen in a LONG time, mostly because of his actions.

'Maybe it's just the fear but...perhaps I should bend the rules more for certain students.' Bump thought, calming down a bit.

"I're right, Ms. Noceda." He said, easing his fear enough to smile. "Consider it done. Now, what Tracks would you like to study?"

The detention trio gasped at this, looking as happy as children on Christmas as Luz turned to them.

"Go on, guys. Tell him." Luz said, returning to normal.

"Healing and Beast Keeping!" Viney screams with a smile.

"Plants and Abominations!" Jerbo said proudly.

"Ruff ruff ruff!/(Potions and Oracle.)" Barcus said.

"Then so be it." Bump said, making a spell circle and changing their uniform colors.

Their trio saw their changed uniforms, their pants legs and sleeves different colors as they looked over themselves.

"But please, try not to cause any incidents that make me regret this." Bump said to them before glancing at Luz.

'Or that makes her wish to kill me for punishing you.' He thought, still afraid of Luz.

"Glad we could come to an agreement." Luz said, "By the way, you've been here a while, do you know who Lord Calamity is? It's been bugging me since I saw the picture."

"Lord Calamity? And what picture?" Bump asked.

"Yeah. The picture that's hanging inside of the secret room." Luz said before jumping back up to the room.

She quickly grabbed the portrait from the wall and jumped back into the auditorium to show Bump.

"This." She said, holding the portrait to him.

"Ah, I was wondering where she hid it." Bump said, "She was the only student in the past that wanted to study all tracks, unfortunately she didn't have the chance."

He wiped the graffiti off. Looking at the photo, Luz gasped as her jaw dropped so fast it got dislocated!

'I-It's Eda!' Luz thought.

In the portrait, it was a 14 year old Eda with her arms crossed and a mischievous grin on her lips. Her hair was bright orange red while she stood in a yellow Hexside uniform for the Potions track.

'Damn... I bet we'd be great friends.' Luz thought.

The rest of the school day was nothing too difficult for Luz, it was actually kind of boring compared to taking on a Basilisk with three new friends. Speaking of friends, Luz would have to check on Amelia after making that deal to safe her after she had her magic drained. Little did she know, that one friend was having a breakdown... all because of Luz.

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