Ch. 13: Feel the Fear

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Several days later, Luz arrived at school, very confused.

"Why is everything all decorated?"

Luz looked around to see various and demonic decorations around the hallways of the school. Some of them even had a strange word on them than seemed like "Grim" but had one letter off. She snapped her fingers and Boscha appeared next to her.

"What the-how did you do that!?" Boscha yelled.

"It's because I own your soul, I can summon you or Amelia at will."

"And you couldn't have mentioned this before? What if I was on the toilet?" Boscha asked, her hands in her hips.

"I won't use it ALL the time. Just for emergencies, like right now." Luz said before gesturing to everything around them. "Like what's going with these decorations?"

Boscha gave her a confused look, until she remembered that Luz hasn't been here for it.

"Oh, right, I forgot, you've never been here for Grom." Boscha said, "It's this dance that the grom royalty has to fight this fear demon."

"... Cool."

"Cool? That's all you have to say?" Boscha asked, actually surprised by this reaction.

"Are you surprised at this point?"

"Ah...actually no. Now that I think about it, you're sort of a shoe in to be chosen for Grom Royalty and kick Grom's ass at the dance." Boscha said, pointing to Luz.

"Yeah, that seem right, I am fearless." Luz said, smirking.

"Really?" Boscha asked.

"I am the daughter of the devil. I was BORN fearless." Luz said, walking ahead with confidence.

"Oh, I'm sure." Boscha said, before noticing a girl with a leg in a cast, "Hey, Amity, nice to see you back."

Hearing this name, Luz smile wider as she turned around to greet her favorite teasing victim/future queen.

"Hey, Amity." Luz said.

"What part are you kissing this time?" Amity asked.

"Not sure, still thinking." Luz said.

"And that is my cue to exit. Don't need to be an audience to this flirting." Boscha said before leaving.

"So, did I miss anything while I was bedridden?" Amity asked.

Luz snapped her fingers and summoned Boscha back, before snapping her neck.

"Ow! Give a girl a little warning!" Boscha said, before realigning her neck.

Amity's mouth dropped.

"Yeah, I own Boscha and Amelia's souls." Luz said, "One was to save Amelia, the other other was because Boscha made a bet with me because she was stupid."

"Um, how is she still alive?" Amity asked, staring at Boscha's "broken" neck.

"Well it turns out, by owning their souls, they become pseudo immortal with advanced healing and now live up to 200 years." Luz explained, "Found that out when she tried hanging herself."

Luz glared at Boscha.

"You what?!" Amity shouted, gazing at Boscha. "Why would you do that?!"

"I was freaking out, okay? I was curious to what was going on and wanted to test the limits." Boscha said, "So, yeah, I'm going to be alive by the time you become queen of hell."

Amity blushed at that comment.

"I like that future." Luz said.

"Do you like it, Amity?" Boscha asker, teasing with a grin.

" DON'T hate it." Amity said softly, still blushing.

"What was that? I can't hear you over the wedding bells!" Boscha added.

Luz snapped her fingers and Boscha was back to where ever Luz pulled her from.

"There, she won't be an issue now." Luz said, "Need help with your books?"

"No, I've got them." Amity said, struggling to hold her books in one hand while the crutch was in another.

"Mhmm." Luz hummed as she walked to Amity and took the books from her.

Though, a folded note fell to the ground and drew her attention.


Before Luz could finish her sentence, Amity grabbed the note.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" Amity shouted at Luz.

"Whoa! That was some fast reflexes for a slightly disabled person." Luz said with a grin, "Impressive."

Amity quickly calmed down as she realized what she did and looked away with a blush.

"Sorry, but...this isn't for you." Amity said, putting the note in her pocket.

'Not yet, anyway.' Amity thought.

That's when the PA system turned on.

"Attention and good morning, students. Before morning announcements, I would like to announce our Grom Royalty for this year." Bump said over the PA system.

'It's obviously me.' Luz thought.

'Please don't let it be Luz.' Amity thought.

"I am proud to bestow our highest grom honor to... Luz Noceda. Our Grom Queen."

Everyone in the hall gasped as they turned to Luz, who didn't seem all that affected by their stares as she grinned a bit.

"Knew it." Luz comments.

She looked around.

"Why are you all looking at me? I'm fearless, I'm immortal, and I'm incredibly powerful, it will be easy." Luz said.

"Luz, do you know how many people have said that before they faced Grom?" Amity asked.

"Have you MET anyone like me before?" Luz asked, pulling out her demon tome. "I've got this."

Luz pulled out her tome.

"I have a book filled with years of demonic knowledge, weapons, and spells. I'll be fine."

"Even so, I think you need to know the full history of Grom. Follow me." Amity said, hobbling towards the gym. "Follow me."

Luz picked her up and carried her to the gym.

"Nah, I think this is better." Luz said.

Amity blushed as red as Skara's uniform.

'Why does she kept doing this.....and why did I miss it?!' Amity thought as her rational thoughts clashed with her bubbling emotions once again.

"You guys sure you're not dating?" Cat asked, peering her head around the corner.

"No!/Not yet." Amity and Luz said at the same time.

'Okay.....30 snails says these two kiss at Grom.' Cat thought, 'And I'm thinking to no one.'

Still, Cat decided to follow them just for fun as Luz went towards the gym with Amity. Aka her future Grom date if Amity found the guts to ask.

'Oh who am I kidding, it's Amity, she's not going to do it.' Cat thought.

Once they reached the gym, which was being decorated for the dance tonight.

"Alright, so what do you want to show me?" Luz asked, looking at Amity.

"That button, over there. Push it." Amity said, pointing to a podium with insect legs and a large red button.

"Ooooh, random button. I'm gonna push it." Luz said, walking to it.

It was stuff like that that had made Camila hope Luz never becomes president at some point. With one push of the button, two large stone walls rose up and showed a variety of weapons to the witch and the half demon.

"Oh! Weapons!" Luz said, putting Amity down and looking at all of the weapons in excitement.

"Huh, dad always wondered where this one went." Luz said, pulling a mace down, "One of his favorite sinners bashed someone's skull in with this during the middle ages."

Amity gagged a bit from that before focusing on why she wanted to be brought here.

"Luz, focus for a second and look down." Amity said.

"At what?" Luz asked before a walkway opened and led down to a pit under the gym floor. "Oh. At that."

"That's Grom, short for Gromethues, the fear bringer."

"You mean that little black sludge that's crawling around?" Luz asked as she saw said sludge slithering in the darkness.

"That "sludge" is no joke, Luz." Amity said before drawing a spell circle and showing Luz images. "Every year, Gromethus tries to break free and a select student/Grom Royalty has to defeat it in combat before it invades the town. If that happens, then Grom will use its ability to read minds and shape-shift everyone's worst fears. Laying waste to all and possibly destroying the Boiling Isles."

"Well, makes sense that I would be the one that was picked to fight it." Luz said, before giving a glance at Amity's broken leg.

'And better us than her.' Angel side comments.

'Yeah. Amity isn't dying until WE say she can die.' Devil side said.

'Oh for the love of grandpa, can you two fuck off?' Luz thought.

'News flash! We are apart of you, so NO!' Devil side shouted.

'She is right and besides, it never hurts to have a new perspective in things.' Angel Luz said.

'Dear grandpa, I am going to develop Dissociative Identity Disorder because of you two!' Luz thought.

Luz tuned them out to speak with Amity.

"As insightful that was, I still think I can handle it. I was born to bring the end of the world on Earth, I'm not going to lose to something that failed to do that here." Luz said confidently before looking at the weapons. "And with all these weapons, it gonna be fun to do it, too."

'A longsword, a broadsword, a fencing saber, dagger, 2 normal swords, a buster sword, two shields, a club, a mace with a giant eyeball, a scythe, a great axe, a flail, and a single gold knuckleduster. Impressive collection.' Luz thought.

"Just....please be careful, okay?" Amity said, almost begging.

"Amity, I can literally be reduced to a red mist and regrow my body from that." Luz said, "I've done it before."

Amity liked being with Luz, though she had to admit, her gag reflex enjoyed the break.

"Please do not do that in the dance." Amity said, still smiling.

"No promises." Luz said before turning back to the Amity. "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Amity asked.

"Unless you come with me as my date." Luz said, grinning.

Amity turned red, and went stiff.

"Uh... Amity?" Luz asked, tapping her head, "You good?"

Willow walked in, picked Amity up. Amity was so stiff that if you picked up a posed mannequin, it would look similar to Amity.

"You can talk to her about this after school." Willow said, walking out of the gym.

"Oooooooookaaaaay?" Luz said before looking back to the walled weapons.

'I wonder if I could just keep some of these after the fight? I like that said with a dragon in the hilt.' Luz thought.

The bell rang, making her a bit annoyed.

"Ugh, come on class, really?" Luz asked.

She left the gym. Meanwhile, Willow slapped Amity back into the land of the living.

"WHO?! WHAT?! WHERE?!" Amity shouted, looking around.

"Feel better now?" Willow asked.

"Oh, hey." Amity said, a bit nervous, as she hasn't been near Willow by herself in years.

Willow gave her a glare.

"Save the that for someone else. We need to talk, class be DAMNED." Willow said, very firm.

"O-O-Okay." Amity said with a stutter, surprised by this.

"W-w-what do you want to talk about?" Amity asked.

"How you became so cozy with Luz." Willow said, jabbing a finger at Amity's chest, "I know you Blight, so while I'll put up with you and your little gang for Luz's sake, I know you're just a conniving witch."

"T-That's not true." Amity said, losing her stutter and pushing Willow's finger away.

"Isn't it? Doesn't your family ALWAYS look for ways to climb up socially or power wise?" Willow said, crossing her arms.

"You think that's what I care about with Luz? Her power and status?!" Amity asked, outraged.

"Hm, you were fighting her before you found out about her royal side, now you're all buddy buddy with her." Willow said.

"You don't know what happened after the duel!" Amity shouted.

"Yeah, but I do know you." Willow said, "If you do anything that breaks Luz's heart, I'll rip yours out."

Willow glared at Amity as her eyes glow with magic, the ground rumbling as plants slowly grew around them.

"You can threaten me all you want but when it comes to Luz, I'm not afraid. And if it comes down to hurting her and dying, I would GLADLY die." Amity said, showing incredibly loyalty to Luz.

Willow glared at her and stormed out of the room. Amity let out a sigh of relief, putting her back against a wall as she slid to the floor. She then realized.

"Ah damn it." She said, as she had no actual way to stand up without help.

In another part of the school, Luz was armwrestling the students in the construction class. Some of them had up to 9 power glyphs on, and Luz just sat there with a blank expression before slamming their hand on the table.

"Yo, teach, how many is that now?" Luz asked.

"You are currently 12-0." The teacher said.

"And I haven't even broken a sweat yet." Luz said, drinking a cup of water nearby. "So, does anybody else want to try? You can add more power glyphs if you think it will help you win."

No one wanted to do that, they had pretty much given up. Then there was a surprise entrant.

"I will."

Luz looked and saw a dual track student.


Amelia walked over, now with brown leggings that matched quiet well with her green sleeves.

"Surprised?" Amelia asked.

"A bit." Luz said, smirking, "So, you want to make this a bit more interesting?"

"Oh, what, you going to put your soul on the line?" Amelia asked.

"No, how about this... you win, I be your servant for a week. I win... I decide what your form in hell will be." Luz said.

"My form in hell?" Amelia repeated.

"Whether you're short, tall, fat, skinny, or even visible. Stuff like that." Luz said with a grin, "While my dad can't do it to normal sinners, the people who he has the souls of he can. So, you in?"

Amelia's eyes flashed red.

"Damn right I am." Amelia said.

The two lock hands, it was going to be an epic battle.

"Teach, count us off." Luz said.

"V-Very well. Let me just reinforce the table." He said, drawing a spell circle to consume the table in a shell of stone.

The new construction/plant witch smirked at the demonic princess as the two started arm wrestling. It was very evenly matched, the two hadn't been able to move an inch. But the table was already cracking under their pressure, making everyone take a step back as the room began to shake widely! It was very intense, and the class began placing bets.

"I got 20 snails on Luz!"

"40 on Amelia!"

"I bet 100 it's a draw!"

'Oh what sweet greed.' Luz thought with a grin.

"I'm not even using a power glyph by the way... thanks for the power boost." Amelia said.

"You're welcome but let me ask you something." Luz said, still grinning. "Did you really think I was using my FULL power with everyone before you?"

Luz's eyes turned red and she actually tried now. Amelia's hand was slowly moving towards the table. She activated her power glyph and was trying to not lose her battle.

'I made a mistake, I don't want her to make me... a chair or something for all eternity!'

"Grrrrr!" Amelia grunts, putting more strength to push Luz back as the table cracks more again!

'Aw, it's so cute to see Mel try.'

Luz just put her other arm on the table and placed her face on it.

"Take your time, I've got all period." Luz said, teasing her.

"SHUT...UP!" Amelia shouted, putting her all and still barely pushing Luz's arm back.

Luz got tired of messing with her prey and slammed Amelia's hand on the table.

"AAAAH!" Amelia screamed, the table breaking to pieces as her hand was broken and bloody! "FUCK ME THAT HURTS!"

"Sorry not sorry." Luz said with a giggle, letting go of her hand. "But did a lot better than your classmates, so that's something."

Amelia took a large piece of the table out of her hand as it started healing. Thankfully, after getting her head split open by an axe, she's slowly began to get over seeing her own blood... other blood on the other hand, that depends on if the beast inside is hungry or not, because if not, she will... pass out if she sees blood.

"Great... so what is my form going to be?" Amelia asked.

"... I'm still thinking." Luz said, "Don't worry, you're my friend, I won't do something you hate."

"You promise?" Amelia said as her hand fully healed.

"Cross my non beating heart and hope to live." Luz said with a grin.

"Besides... you can trust this face... C̸̠͖͓̯̱̤̹̬̓͒͒̌͂̏ͅa̴͔̞͑̾n̵̡̛̘͕̋̽͋̈́̐̀͊̔̓͜͝'̷̙̟͕̰͖̞̫́̐͛̏̈̄̏̍͠͠t̷̨͖͔̙̘͕̙̖͖̾̍́̈͘̕ ̶̧̳̯̣́́̑̀͂̒̊͒̈́̇͆̎͝ý̴͇̻͈̱̗͎̺̫̭͍̋ớ̸̥̞̹̐̉̋̃̏͠u̵̧͉̼̹̩̬̜̲̯̬̦͓͙͊͋͂̓?"

Luz's eyes glowed red, her teeth sharpened, and red... something... came out of her mouth and ran down her chin.

"...I feel like I have to say yes or you'll rip my heart out and eat it." Amelia said blankly.

The rest of the class and the teacher were shaking in fear from this demonic transformation. Even by their standards, Luz was SCARY!

"Well, hearts are my favorite snack, but you'd just heal from that, so it won't matter." Luz said, tapping a finger on Amelia's nose.

"Please don't "boop" me." Amelia said.

"....Boop boop." Luz said, tapping Amelia's nose two more times before she got up.

"Titan you can be annoying." Amelia said.

"Yeah, well, you're stuck with me for all eternity." Luz said.

The bell screamed as class was now over, allowing the students and teacher to come out of their shock as Luz and Amelia were the first to leave.

"So, anyone you plan on asking to grom?" Luz asked, "Like... maybe a potionist with three eyes?"

"Luz, Boscha doesn't like me like that, we're just friends... even if I want to be more than friends." Amelia said, mumbling that last part.

Luz gave Amelia a look that said, 'Are you fucking blind'.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Amelia asked.

"Mel, it doesn't take a succubus to see that Boscha is pinning for you." Luz said blankly, "And before you ask, a succubus is a demon that feeds on love and lust. And if you were one... I'd fire you, because you suck at this."

"Hey!" Amelia said, offended by this. "I can ask out Boscha anytime I want! I just want to be ready!"

Luz snapped her fingers and Boscha appeared.

"Would... you... stop... doing that!?" Boscha asked.

"No, Amelia has to talk to you." Luz said.

Boscha blushed and so did Amelia.

"I... uh... I gotta go!" Amelia said, running away.

"What a fucking pussy." Luz said, "You have to ask her to Grom, she wants to go out with you, and you want to go out with her, you two just have to tell each other!"

"She wants to what now?" Boscha asked, blushing yet extremely happy at the same time.

"Okay. Let me explain it SLOWLY." Luz said before gesturing with her hands. "You. Amelia. Grom dance. Date. KISS. Couple. GO!"

Luz snapped her fingers and made Boscha teleport right in front of Amelia. The two went stiff at this sudden appearance.

"Uh... I... I have to get to class." Boscha said, chickening out.

"Y-y-yeah, me too... see you at Grom." Amelia said, before the two of them walked away.

"Oh grandpa, they're impossible." Luz said, "Ugh... I'll worry about that later."

Luz left to continue her school day, thinking about Grom and what she would do to kill it...also thinking about taking Amity to the dance.

On her walk home, she came up with the perfect way to do it! After she humiliates Grom, she goes over to her and give her the best kiss Amity has ever had.

'I'm gonna need the perfect outfit to impress and intimidate. Maybe a little battle armor for extra flare.' Luz thought.

Luz then had an idea and opened her book.

"Maybe instead of a dress..." Luz said before turning to a specific chapter. "Demonic Clothing, stylish and deadly. Let's see what I've got."

Turning some more page, Luz stopped the perfect one as she nodded with a grin.

"Oh yeah, this one is perfect." Luz said before summoning the outfit out of the book.

A sharp, designer suit made of the finest materials in hell. Not only does it look good but it's layered with thin durable armor in the jacket, vest, and pants.

"Yeah, nice dark purple." Luz said.

Luz shut her book and made the suit float beside her, continue back to the owl house as she thought of hair styles to go with it.

'Slicked back hair, perfect.' She thought.

Then she smelt Eda's blood and got a bit nervous.


Luz ran up the stairs and into Eda's room where... she was getting a suit tailored?

"Be careful with those pins." Eda said to King.

"Why am I doing this I rarely even wear clothes!" King said.

"What the Home?" Luz asked.

"Luz, you're home! I need your help with this!" King said, gesturing to Eda's suit.


Luz made her suit float to the side and hang in the wall before walking over to Eda, looking around her and examining her suit.

"It's... okay... needs a demonic touch." Luz said.

"I know, that's why I have King here." Eda said.

"Nope. You have her now." King said, taking off the tailoring stuff and jumping off the stool.

"Yeah, why not just ask me?" Luz asked, holding up her book, "I have the ancient book that could do literally anything."

"Well, you weren't here." Eda said.

"Well, I am now." Luz said, flipping through the book, "Now let's see... ah, here we go!"

Luz held a hand out and her hand started glowing. Eda closed her eyes and waited.

"Done!" Luz said.

Eda opened her eyes and looked in the mirror... it was a potato sack.

"LUZ!" Eda said.

Luz couldn't keep it together anymore and started laughing uncontrollably.

"If it make you feel better... you totally rock that." Luz said, wiping a tear from her eye.

"And it's because of that, that I don't stab you." Eda said, "Now get me something nice, would you?"

"Okay, okay, I'm serious now." Luz said before turning the page in her book. "Let's see if I can find something that makes you look good. Maybe not too good but good."

A few page flips and... she found it.

"Perfect." Luz said before turning to Eda and snapping her fingers.

Eda was instantly covered in a black dress with openings on the hips, gold jewelry across the chest and waist, and a red overcoat.

"Damn kid, can I get one of those books?" Eda asked.

"Absolutely not." Luz said, closing her tome, "Only one of these books exist, dad had it made specifically for the anti-christ, over ten thousand years ago. It has the history of heaven, hell, and earth, along with the ability to summon weapons, and houses every demonic spell in existence. Without it, I have no way to open a portal to hell, which means I would be cut off until I get home."

"Relax, we have a portal to the human realm, so it won't be that bad." Eda said.

"Me losing this book is the worst possible thing ever!" Luz said, "My dad trusts me with it, do you have any idea what happened to the last person that broke his trust?"

"No... I've never met him."

"His skeleton is used as a coat rack, his skin is used as a rug, his meat was used as food for Rex." Luz said, before pulling out her katana, "And his soul was used to make this sword."

Eda and King stared at Luz, the book, and the katana in shock. Both talking a single step back as they looked very wary of the book and it's magic now.

"....Despite being scared of that book now, I still want one." King said.

Luz held it out, begging for King to try. He reached out and the book shocked him.

"Yeah, Wrath was able to touch it, and ever since I have had a spell on it to stop anyone but me from using it." Luz said, before feeling something on the back of her head.

Reaching back, Luz grabbed a large spider out of her hair and looked at it.

"HIIIIIIIIIISH!" It hissed at her.

Luz gave an unimpressed look and bit it in half.

'Mmmm, not bad' Luz thought before looking at Eda and King, who looked a little disturbed.

"Hmm?" Luz hummed, offering the half eaten spider like it was a snack.

"We're good." Eda said, "Why don't you... go get ready for Grom."

Luz nodded as she finished the spider and walked out of the room, gulping as she looks at her hellishly stylish suit again.

'I'm gonna be turning heads tonight.' Luz thought.

Eda on the other hand, was thinking about what Luz said.

'I don't have a good feeling.' Eda thought.

Later, at the school, Grom was on full swing, people were dancing, happy, and things were going well... except for Amity... she was out of the gym, standing there with her crutches. She looked at the note in her hand, nervous.

'She basically said yes without even knowing, so why are you so nervous?!' Amity thought to herself, clenching the note in hand.

"What's cooking, good looking?" Luz asked, walking up to Amity.

Amity hid the note behind her back.

"NO...thing." Amity said, pausing in awe of Luz.

Luz was in her dark purple suit, having a black cane with a large red diamond on top, a black ermine cape with a slightly lighter black fur along the edge and shoulders, and a black crown on her head.

"Like what you see?" Luz asked.

"Y-Y-You l-look amazing." Amity said, blushing and stuttering.

"Thanks. It's one of my better suits but I haven't worn it in a while. I'm glad it still fits." Luz said before looking over Amity. "And I have to say, "good looking" doesn't do you justice."

Amity's outfit was a light purple undershirt with puffed sleeves, a darker purple vest over the top, and a knee-length skirt somewhere in between as she wore short heeled shoes on her feet.

While the other one had her cast.

"So... are you ready to face Grom?" Amity asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Luz said, spinning her cane and tapping the ground. "Don't worry, Grom won't know what hit him."

"I get that but careful. Please?" Amity asked, gazing at Luz with worry in her eyes.

Luz smiled, actually smiled not that smirk she usually has, at Amity.

"Here." Luz put her cane in Amity's hand, "I'll need that back when I get done whipping ass."

Luz walked into the gym, making her cape and crown disappear in a flash of fire. A spotlight shines down in her, making Luz cover her eyes a bit as everyone cheered and clapped for her. Luz pulled out her book and looked for the perfect weapon to use. Something dangerous, something fast, and most importantly... something that made her look epic.

'Hmmm what to pick? Maybe something cool from a video game like Sephiroth's Masamune or something practical like a spear made of sharpened bones?' Luz thought, 'Or maybe... oh yeah, that'll work.'

Luz pulled out two long handled swords, before connecting the handles and making a dual edged sword. She spun it in her hand, warming up a bit as she walked down to the arena.

"I don't think any introductions are needed but give it up for our Grom Queen! Luz Noceda!" Gus shouted from a Stage into a winged mic.

He was the MC for the dance.

"Come on, Gromy, I want to see what you got." Luz said.

Behind her, Grom rose from the ground. Luz smiled before jumping over Grom and using her blade to slice through it.

"Come on, surely you can do better than that!" Luz said.

Grom roared at Luz and that made Luz smirk. She spun her sword and charged at Grom. She used her sword and cut through the tendrils that Grom sent at her. Once the tendrils were sliced, Luz jumped up and stabbed Grom in the... well she didn't really know what to call it since it didn't have a head, but she would call it that since that's where its mouth is. Anyway, she stabbed it in the head, making it roar before backflipping off with her sword and then slicing upwards at it. Grom stumbled backwards and growled at her.

"Come on, I wanted a challenge." Luz said, pointing her sword at it, "Bring it."

Grom sent a fast tendril at her, knocking the sword from Luz's hand.

"Okay... fine." Luz said, before holding her hands out and summoning fire.

Luz raised her hands and threw the fire to the ground, sending a wave of flames around her and to Grom!

"HUUUUUUUH!" It roared in pain.

Luz used that to grab her sword and split them into the two separate blades. She charged at Grom and jumped in the air, spinning fast, making the blades into a vicious cyclone of damage. She hit Grom with it, cutting right through it.

"RUUUUUUUUH!" Grom screamed as its pieces were scattered around.

"YEAH! WOOOOO! KILL IT!" The people cheered for Luz, amazed and entranced by her skills.

Nobody had ever pushed Grom back like this, and they loved seeing it! Luz cracked her neck, ready to finish this. She put her swords up, ready to finish this, when Grom suddenly whips around and stabbed Luz. Luz's eyes started glowing and Grom started changing. The tendril came out of Luz and she started healing. She got mad.

"Okay, now I'm-"

Luz looked up and took a step back. Her eyes went wide and she dropped her swords. To everyone else, Grom took the shape of a person, but it clearly looked like Grom, they couldn't see any of the actual details, as only the person who's fear it is can see it... to Luz though... it looked like only one person.

"D-d-dad?" Luz asked, stumbling back.

Grom took a step forward, making Luz take a step back.

"What's the matter, Luz?" Grom asked, "Can't handle facing your father?"


Luz was hit by a backhand from Grom, knocking her to the ground.

"What a miserable failure you are." Grom said, "You were meant to end humanity, yet you can barely even face me."

"Please... I can't-"

"I'm so disappointed in you." Grom said.

"Dad, please, just let me-"

"No, I don't want to hear it." Grom said, "You're not my daughter, you're nothing but another soul to steal."

Luz couldn't take it anymore... this was her fear... her dad being disappointed in her. The crowd was so confused on what was going on, but they then watched as Luz turned and ran out of the gym, with Grom following her.

"Luz is running away after Grom takes a strange appearance?!" Gus comments, watching it happen.

Eda ran after her.

"King! Let's go!" Eda shouted at him.

"Okay, I'm coming!" King shouted as he ran after Eda.

Willow, Gus, and some of their friend group ran after her. Amity watched on horrified... broken leg or not she was going to go help. Thankfully, she knew a way to transport herself there. She snapped her fingers and abomination goo covered her, before she seemingly disappeared into the floor. With Luz, she was running through the woods on all fours, trying to get away from Grom... it wasn't going well.

"Do you think you can run from me, young lady?!" Grom shouted, running behind her.

"You're not real! You're just a faker!" Luz shouted, turning and throwing a fireball.

Grom just batted it away before grabbing Luz by the leg and holding her up!

"Fake?! Does this feel FAKE?!" Grom said before bashing Luz against tree after tree after tree, "Come on, show father your inner demon!"

Grom threw Luz to the ground, with her landing just next to a cliff side. Luz spit blood onto the ground. Grom walked over and stepped on Luz's head, pushing her into the dirt.

"Such a shame, you are meant to be one of the strongest beings in all of creation." Grom said, "But here you are, like a beaten dog at the feet of its abuser. Broken and pathetic."

Grom was hit by a fire blast to the back of the head.


Luz gasped at this voice, looking behind her "father" as Grom turned around to see who hit it.

"Amity?" Luz asked.

Grom turned its attention to her, before stomping Luz's head into the ground.

"Fine then, this will be easy." Grom said, grabbing Amity.

Amity, having a broken leg, was struggling to get away. Grom became her worst fear. Amity looked up and saw... a familiar face. It was about this time the others arrived.

"Amity, what have I told you about hanging out with those weaklings." Grom asked.

"W-W-Willow is not weak, mother." Amity said, trying to not look her in the eyes, "And... I won't let you threaten her anymore!"

Grom slapped Amity, knocking her down.

"Damn brat, who do you think you are, speaking to me that way?" Grom asked, raising its arm for another slap.

It went for the slap, and Amity closed her eyes, flinching a bit at it... but the slap never came. Amity opened her eyes and saw Grom's arm being held by one pissed off demon with glowing red eyes.

"Don't ever TOUCH HER." Luz growled, before throwing Grom over her and by the cliffside.

Grom stood up and shot a tendril at her, only for Luz to grab it.

"You wanted to see my inner demon? Fine." Luz said, before pulling the tendril and dragging Grom close.

Eda smirked watching this... this is what she was waiting for. Grom facing its worst fear. Luz pulled Grom close and grabbed it, before raising it in the air and slamming it on the ground with extreme force. Luz picked up Grom and looked at it.

"I'm letting you know right now, that if I ever hear about someone hurting her... I will be there, and I will kill anyone that even attempts to."

Grom roared at Luz, only for Luz to throw Grom away from her and summon her tome. She summoned two gauntlets, black with sharp claws at the end of the fingers. She held up her arms and they ignited with her signature red fire. Luz got on all fours and ran at Grom before jumping up and slicing Grom. Grom roared in pain and Luz didn't let up, slicing and burning Grom cutting it to pieces. Luz was seeing red... and no that's not a side effect of her eyes glowing red... she was mad.

'I hope that whoever that person that Amity is scared of doesn't actually abuse her... or else I will be eating good.' Luz thought.

Grom sent a tendril at Luz, impaling her chest. Grom tried to turn into her fear... but then coward before Luz.

"What's... what's Grom doing?" Willow asked, confused by what she was seeing.

"Luz's anger is over powering her fear. Grom can't find a fear to become." Eda said, "This is what Grom is afraid of, someone being fearless."

"Luz... really cares for Amity." Willow said quietly.

Luz grabbed Grom and clenched her fist. She delivered fist after fist to Grom, if Grom had blood, it would've looked like a horror scene with all the goo over the place. Grom began to pull it's goo back together, but Luz just pulled her tome out again.

"Oh no, you're done." Luz said, opening to a specific page.

She took off the gauntlets and put a hand up. She looked at the spell and smirked.

"Lito ossona verictica limna!" Luz said.

Grom's goo started floating and then was sealed inside the tome. Luz closed her book as the Grom tiara formed on her head.

"Heh... don't fuck with me bitch." Luz said.

"Luz?" Eda asked, "What did you do?"

"Remember how I said my dad used a sinners soul to form my katana?" Luz opened the book and pulled out an axe, made out of Grom, "I did the same thing to Grom."

Luz then had the axe turn into a sword, then a bow, before making it disappear back into the book. Eda smirked and punched Luz's shoulder.

"I expected nothing less." Eda said.

As they were talking, Willow went over to Amity. Amity was wiping the tears from her eyes before she saw a hand being reached towards her. She looked and saw Willow holding it out for her. Amity gave a scared look, but Willow gave a small smile.

"I'm ready to listen." Willow said.

Amity took the hand and was helped up. Willow supported Amity so she wouldn't hurt her leg anymore. Amity suddenly felt something being draped over her, and turned to see Luz putting her cape over her shoulders.

"You look like you need it." Luz said, "I'm sorry I dragged you into this."

"You didn't though, I helped, because you're my friend." Amity said.

"Get her back to the school." Luz said, "I'm going to stay here for a minute and get some air."

"But you don't breath." Gus said.

"You going to argue with me Gus?" Luz asked.

That got everyone else to head back to the school. Luz then pulled out the note she swiped from Amity when putting the cape on, and opened it. On it, said one thing...

Luz, will you go to Grom with me?- Amity

Luz closed her eyes... and lit the note on fire.

"I'm sorry, Amity." Luz said, "As much I want to... we can never be together."

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