Ch. 4: Amity's Vengeance

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Class ended and Willow began to roll Luz out, but not before the teacher stopped her.

"Ms. Park, wait! Such a project as yours deserves the proper recognition! As of this day, I decree you the top student!" The teacher said to her.

"What?!" Willow asked in surprise.

"What?!" Amity shouted in shock, dropping her books as she left.

The teacher took the top student badge off Amity and put it onto Willow's uniform.

"Wow, I don't know what to say." Willow said, smiling at the badge.

"Just keep up the good work, Ms. Park." The teacher said before taking his leave.

Willow turned around and came face to face with a seething Amity. She was growling so much that it would make Luz look mortal.

'Oh, yeah, she's even hotter than before.' Luz thought.

"Spill it, I know your work and that is not your usual work. How did you make your abomination like that?" Amity asked, demanding answers from Willow.

"Oh! Well, you see I just.....strayed from the original recipe a TINY bit" Willow said, pinching her fingers close.

Amity grabbed Willow by the cowl and pushed her against the lockers.

"What did you do!?" Amity demanded.

Luz reached out of the pot and grabbed Amity. She threw her across the hall, and pulled her arm in before Amity could see her.

"UGH!" Amity let out, crashing against the lockers and sliding to the floor.

'Yeah, stay away.' Luz thought.

Willow on the other hand was panicking a bit, quickly grabbing the wheelbarrow and rushing away with Luz before Amity could recover.

'Titan, I knew this was a bad idea!' Willow though, despite getting a good grade.

'Woo! I've never felt more undead!' Luz thought.

Willow spent the next few periods avoid Amity, barely making it to lunch with Gus while still on the look out for Amity.

"So, can I ask her a couple thousand questions now?" Gus asked.

'Not a thousand but go on.' Luz thought, telepathically communicating with Gus.

That mere fact made him like this even more.

"Can you tell me what humans are like?" Gus asked.

'Their general description or their hidden dark side?' Luz thought to him.

"Maybe both?" Gus asked her.

'Well, humans are a very... interesting species. While other creatures go by instincts, humans are different, no one is like the other.'

"They don't go on instinct, interest." Gus said, pulling out a notebook to write this down.

'As a while, humanity has made mistakes and miracles. Some cause the other and some lead to the other, it's a mixed bag of both the good and the bad humanity can cause.' Luz thought, 'It's very interesting really. Something my Grandfather couldn't even see coming.'

"Really? Humankind is so interesting." Gus said, wiring it down. "What about human inventions?"

'Weapons or domestic?' Luz asked him.

"Domestic." Willow quickly said.

'Well, there's this thing called a car.'

"A car? What is a car?" Willow asked.

'It's like a metal carriage that can be driving from the inside and made of lots of moving parts.' Luz thought as she made an image pop into their heads. 'Like this.'

"Woah, that's awesome!" Gus said, "Hey, are you hungry? I have some food."

Luz's eyes peaked out from under the lid.

"What kind of food?" Luz asked.

"I have a PB&J sandwich... or you can have this heart I found on the ground on the way to school."

Luz's hand came out and grabbed the heart... she really loves eating hearts. The cauldron shook and they could hear Luz devouring the heart like a wild animal.

".....Are you sure she's half human?" Gus whispered in slight fear.

"No. No I am not." Willow said, fearful as well.

'How can someone look and be so friendly but seem so monstrous! She's like a giant fairy!' Willow thought.

Unfortunately, someone saw this... and jumped onto the table... despite the fact that it was almost 30 feet long.

"I SAW THAT!" Amity said.

Gus and Willow flinched from this as Luz stopped eating, using X-Ray to look through the cauldron to see Amity on the table.

'Now she looks crazy, and more attractive.' Luz thought with a smile.

"Abominations don't eat!" Amity said to Willow before glaring at the cauldron.

She tossed the lid off the cauldron and grabbed Luz, who quickly covered herself in abomination goo, just enough so that no one could see her skin, but not look like a real abomination.

"Who are you!? I want answers!" Amity said, shaking Luz.

Luz grabbed Amity by her wrists and pulled her close. She kissed Amity's nose and then threw her over the cauldron to the ground.

'Did that thing just kiss my nose?!' Amity thought, before she landed on the ground

Amity picked herself up and glared at Luz, who just waved and slid back into a cauldron.

She then glared at Willow, making the girl flinch as Amity marched towards her.

"I want answers and I want them," Amity said, slamming her hands on the table. "NOW."


Amity grabbed Willow by the cowl.


"What is going on here?!" The abomination teacher asked.

The trio of witches turned to see the abomination teacher standing before the table. He had a disappoint expression on his face, pointed towards Amity herself.

"Amity Blight, I had a feeling you would have a bit of jealousy, but to go this far?" The teacher said, "Report to the principal's office."


"Now!" The teacher said sternly.

Growling in embarrassment, Amity released Willow before marching out of the lunch as everyone looked at her.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" Amity screamed, making everyone flinch before they went back to eating.

'Pride, wrath, envy, and a small bit of lust for revenge? Oh grandpa, she's full of sin!' Luz thought, sensing Amity's sins as she watched her leave via X-ray vision, 'Huh, there's a large amount of guilt... why's that?'

Luz made a mental note of that as she went back to mentally conversing with Gus and Willow. Willow was worried that something bad will come of this. She had known Amity for a LONG time and she knew most of her threats could be backed up... And it did come back to bite them on the ass.

"Okay, Luz. You can come out now." Willow said, back in the abomination classroom at the end of the day.

Luz jumped out of the cauldron and smiled.

"So, that was a fun day." Luz said.

"Yeah, with only small amounts of horror." Gus said with a positive smile. "And thanks for telling me a bit about the human world."

"It's the least I could do since you're such a big fan." Luz said before holding her hand out. "High five."

Gus and Willow paused, looking confused by this.

"Really? You don't have this? It's where you slap your hands together to say hi or to celebrate." Luz said, still holding her hand out.

"Like clapping?" Gus asked.

"Nope. Nothing like that. Try it." Luz said, having her hand out to him.

Gus slapped her hand and you would swear that he just won the mega millions.

"Oh." Gus said, slapping Luz hand again. "Oh my! What a rush!"

He kept slapping Luz hand, going harder and faster each time but she didn't mind. She hardly felt it anyway.

"Told you nothing would go wrong." Luz said to Willow.

Right as she got done saying that, the door opened. Acting fast, Luz became limp and collapsed on the ground like she was dead. The principal walked in, followed by Amity. Her smug and arrogant grin was enough for Luz to assume that this was some sort of payback for embarrassing her twice.

"Principal Bump!" Willow said in surprise.

"Ms. Park, Mr. Porter, it's come to my attention that you have a rather unique abomination." Bump said, his hands behind his back.

He saw Luz and hummed a bit.


Bump kneeled down and began to move Luz's body, in angles that normal bodies shouldn't but Luz's body wasn't normal.

"Abomination, rise." Bump said, standing back up.

Luz obeyed as she rose to her feet like a snake. Bump was very interested in this. It was so unusual.

"Such smooth movement, it almost seems beyond that of an abomination." Bump said before gazing at Willow. "You've really outdone yourself, Ms. Park."

"T-t-thank you, sir."

"I am curious to how you managed to make it so lifelike." Bump said, rubbing his chin.

"Oh! I can show you her ingredients right now." Willow said, reaching into her pocket.

"No no, I think a more up close examination should be done." Bump said before gesturing to a table. "Abomination, lie".

Luz nodded slowly as she walked to the table and laid down on it.

'I think I know where this is going.' Luz thought, 'Eh, wouldn't be the first time I've been cut open. Though... should I put up with this? If it means embarrassing this Amity girl then I'm all for it.'

"Since she is your project, I believe you deserve the first cut, Willow." Belos said, pulling out a knife and handing it to Willow.

'Luz, can you survive being cut open?' Willow thought, nervously taking the knife.

'Yes, I can.' Luz thought to Willow, 'Buuuuut...'

Luz used the abomination goo and made a whip. She used the whip to knock over the cauldrons of abomination goo, which caused Principal Bump to slip and land on the ground. Luz grabbed Willow's hand and pulled her out of the room.

'Woohoo! I love messing around with things!' Luz thought.

"Hey, get back here!" Amity screamed, running after Willow and Luz.

"Luz, what are you doing?!" Willow asked.

"Having a little fun!" Luz said, before red marking formed over the walls, "Uh... what's that?"

"Oh no." Willow said, "Principal Bump activated the security system!"

The "security system" was an array of Magic fault lines spread throughout the school, projecting containment shields to keep intruders both IN and OUT!

"Run faster!" Luz shouted, rushing to pull Willow instead.

"Luz, it's too late to run faster!" Willow said, before seeing multiple abominations coming towards them, "You don't happen to have anything that could help, do you?"

Luz put her hands in her pockets and pulled out the spiky ball that Eda gave her.

"Can this help?" Luz asked, revealing the spiky ball to Willow, "It's some kind of... slime ball that Eda gave me."

"Spike ball?" Willow asked, taking the ball and looking it over, before gasping! "Luz, this isn't a spike ball! This is a seed pod!"

"A seed pod? Oh! That's perfect since you are a monster of plant magic!" Luz said with a smile, "Do your thing, Willow!"

Willow nodded as she drew a spell circle and focused her magic on the seed pod.

"Alright, little seedlings, it's time to grow!" Willow said with a smile.

That small seed grew and became a massive bundle of vines, spreading all over the entrance area of the school. They also entrapped anyone that got in their way, meaning that Amity and Bump were now tangled up in the vines as well!

"Ugh! What the hex?!" Amity shouted in surprise, looking around.

"Amazing." Bump said in awe, looking around as well.

"Luz, you need to get out of here." Willow said.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Luz said, "I think you'll be moved to the plant class after this. I'll see you later!"

Willow nodded to Luz as the security system shut down around the school, allowing Luz to leave without anyone trying to stop her.

"Might as well go back to Eda before someone else tries to dissect me... I might not be as happy next time."

After leaving the school, Luz walked to the owl house without a care in the world. Like she was just going on a Sunday stroll. No, a Saturday stroll since technically a demon should be cautious on a holy day. Though the "Holy Day" is her grandfather's day, and her grandfather loves her, so it's not like she needs to worry. Once Luz arrived back at the owl house, she looked around to see a large mess was around the area!

"What the home did I miss?" Luz asked.

"Don't ask." Eda said, carrying King.

"Why are you covered in purple and red goo?" King asked Luz.

"I impersonated and abomination and added some of my blood to it." Luz said with a shrug. "Got into Hexside with a new friend to see what the school was like, VERY boring to be honest. But could be fun to go there and cause chaos."


"Oh, speaking of friends." Luz said, before turning to see Willow and Gus coming to her.

Both of them rushed and hugged Luz, making her stumble a bit before she hugged them back.

"Not that I'm not glad to see you guys but how did you find me?" Luz asked.

"You left a trail of abomination footprints." Gus said.

"Huh, guess I did." Luz said, looking past them.

'Note to self, clean up and make sure nobody else picks up trail.' Luz thought as Willow and Gus pulled away.

"Luz, you'll never believe what happened after you left." Gus said.

"I got banned?" Luz asked.

"Well, yes, but that's not all." Gus said, "Willow, would you take it from here?"

"Gladly." Willow said, "Principal Bump was so impressed with my plant trick that I've been switched over to the Plant Track!"

To prove her point, Willow snapped her fingers and spun as her uniform changed from mauve for abomination to green for plants.

"Nice. Happy to see you're in your dream track. Plus, green is more your color." Luz said as she rubbed her chin.

"Thank you." Willow said, "Oh, we also brought you something."

Willow handed Luz a rolled up piece of paper, that Luz unrolled, revealing a banned poster with Luz, covered in Abomination goo, putting up two middle fingers.

"When the fuck did this get taken?" Luz mumbled, "I don't even think I flipped anyone off today."

Eda took the poster.

"Ha ha! That's my demonic princess!" Eda said, "Ah, baby's first wanted poster, not bad kid."

Eda patted Luz's head. Maybe next time she'll do a little more than property damage.

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