Ch. 6: One Sided Battle

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A few days Later, Eda, King, and Luz were at the Market, Luz was reading her Azura book... much to Eda Chagrin.

"Why does the literal princess of hell, like something so flowery and gross?" Eda asked.

"Because everyone needs a little light in their life and this is mine." Luz said without shame, "Besides, my dad got it for me."

"Wow, your dad just lost his coolness in my opinion." Eda said.

"Don't let him hear you say that." Luz said, not looking up from her book, "He's butchered people for less."

"Seriously?" Eda asked.

"Seriously but just don't insult my mom. That is enough to make dad want to go to war." Luz said.

"Hey, Eda, is there something going on today?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

"Because there isn't a fucking person near us." Luz said, closing her book and putting it in her bag, "Something is going on."

just then, two voices spoke up.

"Luz!" Willow and Gus said, walking up to the stand.

"Friends!" Luz said, jumping over the stand, "What's up?"

"You're not going to believe what's going on today." Gus said as Willow showed Luz a poster.

"What's this?" Luz asked before reading it. "The "Covention?" I think this poster has a typo in it, it should say convention."

"No, it's spelled right. Today is the yearly Covention." Willow said.

"Okay, explain." Luz said.

"The Covention is an annual gathering where witches get to see all types of covens before they get placed into one. Not just the main nine covens but hundreds." Gus said in excitement.

"So basically a magic job fair?" Luz asked.

"Yeah, do you have those in Hell?" Willow asked.

"Uh, I don't know, I already have a job, when I turn 18, I take over hell." Luz said.

"So you're basically set for life. No need to check out that dorkfest." Eda said, finding another thing to like about Luz. "You don't need to learn about a crooked system that strips you of your magical freedom."

"Oh, now I'm interested." Luz said, "Eda, I want to see how this government is compared to the 'Monarchy' my mom and dad have."

"And the quotation marks around Monarch?" Eda asked.

"More of a dictatorship, but whatever, some of my greatest babysitters were dictators." Luz said.

"Seriously? How many dictators does humanity have?" Eda asked.

"Hahahahahaha! The real question is when will humanity stop making dictators?" Luz asked with a chuckle. "Either way, I want to check out the Covention to see exactly what level this dictatorship is."

"Luz, we don't live in a dictatorship." Willow said.

"Willow, I'm the princess of a dictatorship, I've met the worst dictators in the world, I've been at dinner, with said dictators at my dad's castle, trust me, you're under a dictatorship." Luz said.

"Yep. She gets it but I still don't want you going to the Covention. Devil girl or not." Eda said, crossing her arms.

Luz turned to Eda, slowly smiling nefariously as she glanced at King.

"King, read Azura. LOUDLY." Luz said to him.

"What?" Eda asked, before King started reading.

"You shall not shan't doeth no more harm," Azura callethed out. Hecate could only screech, screech as did she, for the screeching did worseneth." King read.

"So flowery, so horrible." Eda said, opening the portal and walking through.

Luz grabbed King, who was still reading, and threw him in the portal as it closed. A second later, it reopened and Eda came out.

"Okay, stop!" Eda said, "If I take you will you get over the eating your foot thing?"

"I'll consider that."

"Wait, what?" Gus and Willow asked in confusion.

"What was that about Eda eating your foot?" Gus asked with wide eyes.

"It's a long story, and she was under some kind of... mind control." Luz said, lying only a little bit, "Besides, it grew back."

"Can you refocus on making King stop?!" Eda shouted, pointing to King as he still read Azura out loud.

"King, you can stop now."

"I can't! You've sucked me into your terrible fandom!" King shouted as he kept reading.

"See what you've done! You have infected him with your flowery garbage."

"I am simply doing my job as the antichrist and gaining followers." Luz said.

Eda groaned as she took King off her head and closed up the shop for the day.

"Come on, let's go to this damn Covention." Eda said bitterly.

"Woo!" The kids cheered.

"Hey, Eda, think about it like this." Luz said, "You can rob people there. That will show those fools who's boss."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean that coven guards won't rush at me since I'm a wanted woman!" Eda said, reminding Luz of her criminal record.

"And? You can just tear them a new one. Plus, you can just put on a disguise." Luz said to Eda.

"Like what?" Eda asked.

Luz pulled out her Devil Tome and flipped through the pages.

"Hm... do you like the Oni disguise or the bloodthirsty cannibal one?" Luz asked, "The cannibal really works well with you, in fact, I think you would-"

"I think I'm just going to wear a cloak." Eda said.

"Really? But a cloak is so flimsy." Luz said to her.

"It's better than getting my face rearranged, possibly painfully." Eda said blankly.

"It would only hurt for a second." Luz mumbled.

"One second could be EXTREMELY excruciating." Eda said as she summoned a cloak to hide herself.

Luz looked upset.

'I'm never gonna get to change someone into something else.' Luz thought with a pout, shutting her demon tome.

Her dad got to change people into horrific looking creatures and Luz wanted too as well. She kept pouting as they made their way to the Covention, walking right past some coven guards that didn't even know Eda was with the group.

'Uncle, they wouldn't last a day in my dad's guard.' Luz thought, knowing that the Devil's Guard is trained to be the toughest force in all of Hell.

"Welcome to the Bonesborough Covention, Luz." Willow said, gesturing towards the Covention center.

She looked around, seeing several stands and banners.

"Huh... cool." Luz said.

"Boring." Eda said.

"As you should already know, the main nine covens are plant, bard, illusion, abomination, beast keeping, healing, oracle, construction, and potions." Willow said, acting as a guide. "But there are actually dozens more covens you can join outside of them."

"Is there any coven for someone that can snap and realign their own neck?" Luz asked.

Everyone stared at Luz for a moment, wondering if she was really serious until they all conclude she is.

"No. There isn't a "Zombie" or "Reanimation" coven." Willow said to Luz.

"Oh, so this." Luz reached up and snapped her own neck, which would've killed a normal person, "Wouldn't fit anywhere?"

".....Maybe the Oracle coven but they could just use you for demon lord summoning offerings." Willow said.

"Bitch please, why summon a demon lord when you already have a demon princess?" Luz asked as her neck fixed itself.

"Yeah, she's far more powerful than any demon you can summon!" King said, boosting his demonic friend.

"I hate to think so but yes." Eda said with a nod.

Luz and her friends went around a few of the stalls when Luz saw something out of the corner of her eye.

'Well, well, well... looks like Blight is here.' Luz thought, before getting an idea, 'Oh, I need to follow her.'

"Willow, Gus, I'm going to check on something, I'll be back soon." Luz said.

Luz walked to a corner no one could see her and became a snake, a reticulated python, a little trick her dad taught her.

'Maybe one day I can take other forms.' Luz thought.

She slithered and wrapped around a support beam in the building. She looked down at Amity, who was training with Lilith.

'Ah, so she's finally moving again, huh?' Luz thought, seeing Lilith again.

Luz remained silent as she listened to Lilith and Amity converse as the younger witch was working on her abomination magic.

"Very good, Amity." Lilith said, "We shall meet up again after the demonstration."

"Yes, ma'am." Amity said with a nod.

'A demonstration, huh? Interesting.' Luz thought with a snake grin.

"Is something troubling you, Amity? I can tell by your posture." Lilith said to her student.

"It's nothing." Amity said, "Just... someone caused me to get in trouble at school, and they cost me my top student badge."

'She's still on that?' Luz thought.

"Ah, a classic self doubt scenario but don't let it get you down. It is but a badge, a mere symbol for the power you already possess." Lilith said as she put a hand on Amity's shoulder. "You don't need it to prove you're one of the best in your school because you and other already KNOW. Now, I have to go get ready for the demonstration."

Lilith left while Amity walked away. Luz slithered back down the post and turned back to normal. She walked back to Willow and Gus, who began dragging her to the Emperor's Coven demonstration.

"So what makes this coven so different from the others?" Luz asked.

"Well the Emperor's Coven allows you to be able to study ALL types of magic from the other covens without getting in trouble for it." Willow explained.

"And it's different from being a wild witch because you don't have to worry about getting arrested." Gus said, with an autograph from a coven member on his forehead.

"So... basically it's a wild witch with a special tattoo." Luz said, "You guys really don't see the hypocrisy from this, do you?"

She got no answer, of course she didn't.

'Okay, I don't trust the government here, this 'Emperor' sounds way too much like some of the dictator's I've spoken to in hell... though he might not be of much help on my history essays like them.'

Luz found a good spot and walked over to sit alone from her friends, she wanted to think more about the Emperor's Coven and this obviously "FLAWED" dictatorship they all just seem so happy to not break.

"Don't see Eda anywhere." Luz said, "Probably either left or got arrested."

Principal Bump walked out with a microphone in hand.

"Greetings everyone and welcome to the Covention." Bump said with a microphone that had bat wings in his hand. "You all must be wondering, "what is the pinnacle of magical achievement?""

A kid stood up.

"Is it this?"

He made a spell circle and enlarged his head, before it fell onto the kid next to him.

'Oh, wow, I think he just killed someone.'

"Wow, I failed you as a principal." Bump said.

"No kidding, Bumpy." Eda said, sitting down next to Luz. "He's still a big softy since becoming principal after I left."

"He's been principal since even YOU were a student?" Luz asked.

"If you're calling me old, I'll try to kill you." Eda said without looking at Luz.

"Try because you know you can't." Luz said, smirking.

Eda glared at Luz as Bump continued his speech.

"The true pinnacle of magic is joining the amazing and wondrous Emperor's Coven!" Bump said as three scouts appeared in front of him.

They made spell circles and fired a water spell, Lightning spell, and fire spell in the air, which resulted in them combining and forming a fire work.

"All flash, not substance." Eda said.

"Not that impressive either. I could make better fireworks from my ass with some spicy food and a LOT of hot sauce." Luz said with a grin.

Eda gave her a look and scooted away a bit.

'Not to self, DON'T serve spicy food to Luz.' Eda thought.

"As you have seen, the chosen members of the coven among covens are granted to study and use not just one but ALL forms of magic." Bump said as the crowd "oooed" and "ahhed."

"Pfft. Please, these tools are just wild witches with fancy ass tattoos." Luz said with a scoff.

"And now, for our special guest, the Head of the Emperor's Coven, Lilith Clawthorne!" Bump said.

The crowd looked up, seeing a giant white raven illusion flying to the ground, before exploding in a wave of magic, revealing Lilith, wearing a mask and cloak.

"Hey, Eda, got another one of those barking potions?" Luz asked, "Bet I could hit her from here."

"Sadly, no."

"Great. So we gotta sit through a boring speech." Luz said, before a crazy thought came to her mind. "Actually...."

Luz made sure Willow and Gus weren't looking.

"Eda, I'm going to sneak out." Luz said.

"What? Why?" Eda asked.

"Just wait, trust me. You'll love it." Luz said as she got up and walked away.

Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one, as she was followed by someone.

'Alright, time for some demon magic.' Luz thought with a devil grin.

"What do you think you're doing here?" A voice said.

Luz turned around and smirked.

"Hey, Blight." Luz said.

"You... you're that... thing." Amity said, "You're the one that helped Willow cheat!"

"Yep, pleasure to properly meet you." Luz said, grabbing Amity's hand, "Luz Noceda, at your service, Blight."

Luz kissed Amity's hand, which made Amity blush, whether it was anger or embarrassment was beyond knowledge. Luz felt Amity take her hand away from her grip... and then felt it against her cheek. Luz was stunned by the slap.

"I don't know what you think you're doing, but you have to be an idiot to do something like that to-"

Amity was cut off when her cowl was grabbed and she was held a foot above the ground... with Luz only using one hand.

"Listen here, Bitch, I tried being nice, but if you're going to act like that, then two can play at that game." Luz said, "I challenge you to a duel."

Luz dropped Amity, letting her fall on her ass. Amity stood up and grabbed Luz's hand, making an everlasting oath.

"Fine, when I win you will admit that you are nothing but a low life cheater, and that you don't belong here, that you're not a witch." Amity said.

Luz smiled and held her other arm behind her back.

"Fine, but when I win." Luz leaned forward and whispered, "I get your immortal soul."

The spell circle turned black and faded, which is when Luz pulled away and revealed her other hand, holding a contract that was signed by both her and Amity. Amity was still so shocked by Luz's win condition, that she almost didn't even notice.

"I'll see you on the battlefield." Luz said, as the contract rolled up and disappeared.

'Never make deals with the devil... or the devil's daughter.'

Luz walked away, and Amity stood there, until Lilith touched her shoulder.

"Is everything alright, Amity?"

Amity blinked a few times.

"Y-y-yeah, just... have to battle some... human?"

"A human?" Lilith asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it was weird." Amity said, "But... I-I-I think I can handle her."

'Why am I stuttering? I'm not afraid of her, she's just a human!' Amity thought as Lilith put a hand on her shoulder.

Luz on the other hand was smiling, how could she possibly lose? She's literally immortal.

"Eda, I'm back." Luz said, walking up to the witch as she walked out of the arena

"About time. Where the heck did you go anyway?" Eda asked her.

"Nothing much. Just challenging Blight to a witch's duel and if I win, I get her soul." Luz said with a shrug. "No big deal."

"Wait. Blight? As in Amity Blight?" Eda asked.


"Oh, kid, this is amazing, I can't wait until you wipe the floor with my sister's annoying student." Eda said.

"Yeah but I don't think she's annoying. She's got some interesting sins in her soul." Luz said with a small grin, her eyes flashing red.

"I'm going to have fun playing with it." Luz said.

"Well, let's go get ready then." Eda said.

Luz smiled at this and rolled her neck, eager for the witches duel already. Less than thirty minutes later, the two stood on opposite sides of arena. Lilith looked at Eda and just knew she would be behind this thing.

'Oh, I had a feeling.' Lilith said, slipping something on the back of Amity's neck.

"People of the Isles, today we bring you a wonderful demonstration of a true, future, Emperor's Coven member." Lilith said, "Amity Blight!"

The crowd cheered for her, while Luz just rolled her eyes and checked her nails, slowly changing them into claws.

"Versus... some human girl." Lilith said.

Luz just smiled, enjoying the crowds complaints, expecting a short fight.

"You sure you don't want a cheat?" Eda asked.

"I'm dead, I'm cheating at life." Luz said, before pulling out a katana, "Besides, I'm a highly trained demon."

The two walked towards the middle of the arena.

"You know, I'll expel the oath if you surrender now." Amity said.

"Not happening, Blight." Luz said, blowing a kiss at her.

Amity blushed and huffed. Luz smiled and pulled out her Katana from its sheath.

"Begin!" Lilith said.

Luz rushed at Amity as he blade dragged against the ground in a trail!

"Abomination, rise!" Amity said, quickly summoning a large abomination in front of her.

"Wow, he's big! But I've seen bigger!" Luz shouted, jumping into the air!

She cleanly sliced through the magic mud, winking at Amity as she did, making the green haired witch blush.

'Why did she do that?!' Amity thought as Luz charged at her next!

Amity put her hands out and called the abomination goo to her, forming a shield to block Luz's strike, which happened just in time, as Luz's katana was just inches from her head. Luz smirked.

"Huh, looks like this will be more fun than I thought." Luz said, pulling the sword out, "Come on, Blight, show me what you got! I'll even give you a free hit!"

The crowd was surprised by Luz. Not only was she taunting Amity, but she fought like she wasn't afraid of losing.

"Mmmmm!" Amity growled, her face turning red as she made abomination goo wrap around her hands to form two swords!

Fueled by anger, Amity slashed at Luz and took her head off!

"AAAAAAAH!" Everyone screamed in horror, seeing the human head fly into the stand!

"AMITY!" Lilith shouted, even she was shocked by this!

It landed on a child's lap as Luz's blood splattered all over then, making the child scream louder as she pushed it off.

"HEY! Watch it!" Luz shouted, making all the screaming stop as the child looked at her head. "Do you know how much hitting your head hurts more when it's detached?"

Luz's head melted as a new one took its place on her body. Amity dropped her weapons in shock.

"Not bad, Blight." Luz said, holding her Katana up, "But I doubt you can regrow your limbs!"

Luz charged at Amity, before jumping and trying to slam it down on her head. Amity barely managed to dodge it. She landed on her butt and looked up at Luz in fear, as the demon girls eyes started glowing red, and her teeth sharpened.

"Come on, Blight, fight back!" Luz said, before running at Amity, "After all... your soul is on the line!"

Amity called the abomination swords back to her and put them up, blocking Luz's attack. Amity forced the sword away from Luz and it stuck into the ground a few feet away. Amity thought that she was starting to get the upper hand... until Luz held her hand up and summoned her classic red fire.

"Say Hell-o to my Hell Fire!" Luz joked before firing at Amity!

Amity ran, barely avoiding the fire being thrown at her.

"You're right, Blight, I'm not a witch, I'm a demon! I'm the spawn of Lucifer, the King of Hell!" Luz said, with a demonic cackle, "And I'm one pissed off Princess!"

Luz clapped her hands together, sending a wave of flames all around the area as Amity covered herself in an abomination dome!

'King of Hell, demon princess?! This can't be happening!' Amity thought.

This gave Luz the perfect chance to run at Amity and throw a punch, destroying the abomination dome and making Amity shake in fear. Luz grabbed Amity by the cowl and lifted her up.

"Are you going to fight back Blight?" Luz asked.

'You've done enough.' The angel side said, 'You've won, you don't need to go any further.'

'End this, take her soul, she's a filthy cheater.' The demon side said.

'Wait, a cheater?' Luz thought, confused by her devil side. 'What do you mean she's a cheater?'

'Look at her neck!' The demon side shouted.

Luz dropped Amity, and then flipped her over.

"Huh, what is this?" Luz asked, pulling the glyph off her neck.

"What's what?" Amity asked as everyone gasped, making her turn and gasp in shock herself.

In Luz's hand, was a Power Glyph patch from the Construction Coven! This shocked everyone in the audience as they began talking, pointing, and accusing!

"Amity cheated!"

"I can't believe it!"

"But the human isn't human, so she cheated first!"

"Everyone." Luz said, trying to get the crowd's attention, "SHUT UP!"

That got everyone to stop talking.

"I think it's safe to say, that I'm not human, but let me say, I never said that I was, you all just assumed that. Secondly, I don't believe Blight is the one that put this on the back of her own neck... isn't that right... Lilith?"

The crowd turned to the Emperor's Coven leader.

"Me? Why would I do that to my own student? What proof do you have that I even did such a ridiculous thing?" Lilith asked, glaring at Luz.

"It's more of a hunch but who else could've slipped this on Blight before the match without her even knowing? Hasn't she been with YOU ever since we issued the duel?" Luz asked, holding up the power glyph.

Luz walked up to Lilith and grabbed her sword. She pointed it at Lilith's neck and glared at her, in a way that made Lilith go pale.

"So, would you happen to know how that got on the back of Blight's neck?"

Lilith gulped at the blade, seeing it gleaming with intent to kill as Luz's eyes gained a red glow.

"Y-You are threatening a coven head. Do you know the repercussions of this heinous act?" Lilith asked, trying to look brave.

"I don't give a shit, all I care about in this moment is the truth." Luz said, pushing the katana to poke her skin. "So fess up. NOW."

Lilith felt a small stream of blood fall down her neck.

"O-o-okay! Okay, I put it on her neck!" Lilith said, "I only wanted to ensure that Amity won!"

Luz pulled the Katana away, but then backhanded Lilith into the wall, cracking it and making her groan in pain as she laid on the ground.

"Well, this is what the leader of the most prestigious Coven resorts to? Cheating." Luz said, "Congratulations... you just showed everyone your real colors, and you just cost Blight her soul, since you lead her to cheating, while I didn't, I win this battle."

Amity went pale and gulped. She started breathing heavily and ran out the door.

'Fine, I'll give her a head start.'

Luz rested her katana on her shoulder and leisurely walked after Amity as Lilith rose to her feet, glaring at Luz.

"Grrr. You vile human halfling!" Lilith shouted, summoning her staff and aiming it at Luz. "For assaulting a coven official and threatening a young witch's soul, I place you under arrest!"

Luz quickly turned around and backhanded Lilith again, sending her flying into the other wall, this time making Lilith spit out a few teeth.

"Listen you bitch, don't try it." Luz said, "A weak mortal like you will die a slow and painful death. Let that be a lesson for everyone watching!"

Luz went to the exit, seeing it blocked by two guards.

"Really? I beat your strongest witch with one strike, do you want to see what I can do with two?"

The two guards stepped aside, letting her pass. She smiled and walked out, while Eda was laughing the entire time.

"You just got your shit rocked, Lily!" Eda said, "That's MY demon you tried to mess with!"

Lilith growled and grabbed her staff. There was going to be a true witches duel. In the hall, Luz walked down and looked for Amity.

"Oh, Blight, I have your soul to reap, come out and I'll make it painless." Luz said, before hearing crying.

She turned the corner and saw Amity, huddled up, crying.

"Blight." Luz said.

Amity went rigid, she didn't want to look up. Luz got a bit annoyed and put a finger on Amity's chin, forcing her to look up.

"A deal is a deal, remember?" Luz said.

Amity looked scared. She didn't want to die. Luz held out her hand and summoned the contract.

"We agreed, it's legally binding." Luz said.

"Please, I'm sorry, is there anything I can do to stop this?" Amity asked, near tears again.

"No..." Luz said, before ripping the contract, "But I can."

Amity watched the paper fall to the ground and burn to ash. She looked up at Luz in confusion. Luz grabbed Amity wrist and Amity felt a burning sensation.

"I will cancel the contract, but in exchange, I want a favor, one that I will cash in at anytime I wish." Luz said, letting go of Amity, "That mark will only appear when I come near."

Amity looked at her wrist and saw a red pentagram.

"W-w-what is this?" Amity asked.

"A special tool, one that you don't need to know of yet, just know it will be there until I cash in on my favor." Luz said, before walking away, "See you around... Amity."

Amity looked back at the pentagram as Luz left, wondering how and when she will need this "tool" on her wrist. Luz walked away, and the mark faded, proving that Luz was telling the truth. Eda ran past Luz and grabbed her arm, with King in her other arm.

"Uh, Eda, why are you running?"

"Let's just say, I found another Barking potion."

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