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   "My task this season cannot be exceptionally difficult," Anthony says from beside me. My gaze is out the window, watching the buildings pass by as we make our way to the palace. I turn to look at him, though, as he speaks. "Hastings did it after all. How hard can it be?"

"Ah," Benedict mutters, holding a gloved hand over his heart. He and Gregory both turn to face one another as the second eldest brother mock pouts. "Spoken with such feeling, too."

"What I need is what I have, and that is a list."

"You made a list for your future bride?" I chime in, sighing. I wonder how the girl's carriage ride is going. Is Eloise in a complete state of panic? Has she attempted to jump out and flee yet?

"Of course," Anthony's eyes flit from me to the folded-up piece of paper in his hand, as he begins to recite. "Tolerable, dutiful, suitable enough hips for childbearing, and at least half a brain. And that last part is not so much a requirement but a preference, in fact."

Both of his brother's nod. It seems neither of them desires to get into an argument over this or question their brother's ridiculous list of requirements, but I allow the moment to brush away, questioning Anthony. "And what of your happiness?"

"Pardon me?"

All of their eyes are on me; Gregory stifles a laugh, amused someone dares speak up to his eldest brother, while Benedict watches me curiously, "Don't you wish to find someone who will make you happy?"

"I will be quite pleased to find a suitable enough woman to be my Viscountess." He informs me that the look in Anthony's gaze tells me he didn't always feel this way about love. He doesn't need to tell me, but it's clear as day Anthony has been in love before and surely gotten his heartbroken as well.

"Such a romantic, brother." Benedict rolls his eyes.

"Well, I hope you will find someone you love," I smile at Anthony sadly, shaking my head. "Because life is far too miserable already to have to go through it with someone your heart does not truly sing for."

"And does your heart sing for someone, Lydia?"

I'm shocked when Benedict addresses me, my gaze moving from Anthony over to him. Curiosity swims through his gaze as he turns the subject around, focusing on me. Something rises inside of me as Benedict's gaze captures mine, making it hard to turn away.

"No," For a topic I seemed so passionate about, I had no previous experience to back it up. I'd never felt the sensation of falling in love. I'd read about it and see the way my father's eyes would light up whenever Mother entered the room, his heart singing with love for her.

But I'd never experienced it myself, and I was beginning to doubt I ever would.

"But that doesn't make it any less real," I add, turning back to Anthony. I can feel Benedict's gaze watching me as I speak to his brother. "I believe you can find someone who has all of these attributes and makes you happy. You do not have to settle, Anthony."

"You have not yet seen my options, Lydia," Anthony chastises, "but if you wish to prove me wrong, no one is stopping you. I will surely need all the help I can get."


When the paper arrived, interrupting Eloise's debut as the queen, she'd be downright joyous. She grabbed my arm and dragged me into her carriage, forcing one of her sisters to ride with her brothers. Our heads ducked together as we read. She'd told me of this Whistledown in a previous letter, a writer known for sharing scandal around the Ton. She somehow knew everything about everyone, and yet... no one knew who she was.

Eloise had been downright grateful for her at that moment.

Now, I sat in the drawing room beside Hyacinth, watching as Eloise's dance instructor counted their steps, her youngest brother scowling as they danced. "I do not think she's very good." She turns to say to me, grimacing as Eloise steps on Gregory's foot once again.

"I believe she can hear you." I stifle a giggle, a smirk tugging at my lips. "Though you're not wrong."

"Oh, as if you are any better," Eloise mutters, stepping on her brother's foot once more. He whines, complaining, as Eloise drops his hand, turning toward her mother, "Might we be done?"

"Perhaps you can show Eloise how the steps are done?" Violet asks me, sighing tiredly, "If she is to catch the queen's eye after that interruption, she must be perfection. She must not miss a step."

"I believe it was the interruption that was perfection," Eloise huffs, gesturing widely toward me as she steps away from her youngest brother, "but please, Lyds. Do me the honour of showing your perfect dance skills."

"I haven't danced in a while," I say, though I stand regardless, not wanting to say no to the matriarch of the house.

At my words, Gregory steps back, holding his hands up defensively, "I don't think my toes can take any more stomps to them."

"Benedict," Her second eldest son, had been sitting on the other side of the room, slouched on the settee as he drew on his sketchpad. His gaze flies upward as his mother addresses him. "Would you mind helping Lydia show Eloise how the steps are done?"

"Of course, mother." He hardly looks at me as he places his sketchbook down and comes over. He'd changed out of his formal suit since arriving back at the house, sporting a vest and white shirt, the top few buttons undone lazily.

Benedict holds his hand out to me, and I place my own in his. His hands are shockingly calloused for a man who doesn't bear any physical responsibilities, and I can feel smudged charcoal against his thumb, surely staining my own hand.

"I am a little out of practice," he admits, with a lopsided smile as Francesca begins playing the pianoforte once more. Eloise's instructor counts us in, though Benedict doesn't need it, elegantly leading us. He keeps his gaze on me, our feet moving in time with one another.

If Benedict is truly out of practice, it does not show, his hand reaching for my waist as I rest my palm on his shoulder, turning to face him. "Oh, wow, she is much better than Eloise," Hyacinth murmurs to Gregory, who's taken my seat beside her.

"I can hear you."

"Shocking that Eloise Bridgerton was not named the season diamond, was it not Lydia?" Benedict raises his brow at me, a teasing edge in his tone as he refers to his sister.

"Well, if I were the Queen, I'd choose her," I say as he grabs my hand once more, turning me out and pulling me in so my back lays flesh against his chest, his arms wrapped around me to hold my hands. If almost his entire family were not watching us right now, the position would seem almost intimate.

I can feel Benedict's heart beating against my back rapidly, and I must resist the urge to look back at him. I long to lay my palm against his chest and feel his heart beating beneath my fingertips, the rhythm soothing in a way I can't quite explain.

"Well, thank heavens you are not then," Eloise mutters.

"Was anyone else aware that dear Colin decided to add Albania or some such place to his itinerary as he gads about the world?" The pianoforte comes to a stop as Anthony enters the room, our dance halting. As quickly as Benedict pulls me close, he lets me go, clearing his throat awkwardly as he steps away from me.

"No. But how happy for him that he can simply decide to do that." Eloise flips the pages of her book bitterly. Benedict moves over to the empty settee across from Hyacinth, and I follow, taking the seat beside him.

Neither of us looks at one another as we sit. It seems as if Benedict is the only Bridgerton sibling for whom things haven't gone back to normal. It's as if there's a wall built between us that he does not intend to tear down.

I have to do something about this.

"Joining us for tea, Anthony?"

"Uh, I'm afraid I must pass. Too many calls on my funds today." Anthony explains to his mother, "Now that the season has started, I need to fill your coffers at the modiste and oversee the hiring of extra staff. And your ring, when you get the chance, I shall need it." We all share a look at his request, though Anthony continues chatting, listing off his responsibilities. "The fields by Ferryhallow, I was thinking we might hold off on leasing them due to the hard frost."

"I beg your pardon?"

"The frost hardens the soil, saps it of nutrients."

"That is very well, but you requested my ring?"

Benedict raises his brow at his brother, a smirk forming on his lips, "Did someone catch your eye at the presentation, Brother?"

"I thought all the young ladies looked beautiful." Hyacinth chimes in, looking back at her eldest brother.

"Not particularly. And all the young ladies looked the same. Like ladies." Anthony's tone is under-interested, as if all the ladies in the Ton are the exact same. My brows pinch together, displeased by his words. "I'd simply like to be prepared for when the opportunity presents itself. I have compiled an index of the season's eligible misses and arranged interviews."

"Interviews?" I question, giggling. I wait for Anthony to crack a smile to indicate he is merely joking, but he does not. "Oh, you're serious..."

"Dearest, I shall be more than happy to give you my ring when you find someone whom you're very much in love with." His mother adds she moves behind the sofa Benedict and I are sitting on, "Besides, it is in safe keeping at Aubrey Hall."

"Very well."

"See that he is quite well," Violet mutters to Benedict, concerned.

"I do not need coddling," Anthony reassures before his brother can say anything. "I assure you all, everything is in order."

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