Nya's ashamed

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"I still don't see why we have to do this" Nya complained
"Because sensi is making us and so is Dareth" Jay said
"Uh well Dareth is going to be dead when I get my hands on him" Nya said raging with fire
"Why do you care so much about doing this show Nya" Zane wondered
"Because, because well I can't tell you even Kai dosent know" Nya said ashamed
"Nya I'm your brother you can tell me anything" he asked
"Nope" Nya said as she ran out the door only to crash into the person she wants to kill
"Dareth" Nya said
"Nya my sweetie, boys good news I have found your partners for the show and instead of being a competition between you guys it is now a charity event so this might end up being a yearly thing" Dareth explained
"Ooh now I'm really going to kill him, doing this once is bad enough now we might have to do it every year" Nya said raging with fire again
"Nya calm down why are you so upset about this" Kai keeps traying to say to his sister
"Kai it's just, well it's I'll tell you later" Nya said
"Yes finally" Kai said celebrating
"Maybe" Nya said smircking walking out the door
"Now lets go see who our partners will be" Cole said.

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