Chapter Four.

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/// Trixie ///

The bell rang, and students quickly got out of their seats. "Remember to get your parents to sign the form!" Our history teacher shouted to us.

I grabbed my books, and immediately walked over to Desiree and her boyfriend, Colby. They seemed to be talking about something pack related, so this was a perfect opportunity. Mitzi had been encouraging me to observe our packmates, in order to learn what I could about the lifestyle before my turning.

"-Mitzi's heading to his place after school. She wants you to come as backup, in case Ben's parents start bitching to her again," Desiree was instructing Colby. The boy nodded, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Anything for you, my precious beta~" he flirted.

Desiree rolled her eyes playfully. "Just get it done, please. Your Alpha will be waiting for you at the front of the school,"

Colby made a face at Desiree before leaving the classroom. The beta sighed, and turned to face me. "He's a piece of work, I tell you," she smiled.

"You're pretty lucky to have someone like him," I told her. "Lots of girls struggle to get a boyfriend or girlfriend,"

Desiree gave me an odd look. "Trust me, that's just one flaw of having power in a pack. People admire you in more ways than one," she shivered as we walked to our locker bank.

When we got to the lockers, Easton and another pack member named Harley were already there. I opened my locker, switching my books for my backpack.

Desiree leaned up against the locker next to me. "Trix, Mitzi also wants me to come to your house. You think you can convince your parents to let me come over to your house for at least an hour?"

I blinked. Mitzi already wanted her pack members to scout my home? It must be some kind of pack thing.

"Why?" I asked. Desiree's voice was stern. "She wants me to see if your living in good conditions. The turning can be a painful experience for those who are unfit and lazy. If you are wanting to participate in the turning, you must be living in good conditions," she explained.

Ohhhh. That made sense. I grabbed my phone, and immediately texted Dad. "I'll ask my Dad," I told her. "He's more likely to say yes,"

"Good," Desiree seemed satisfied with that.

I groaned. "If you're coming with me, then Laurel's gonna have to come with us too. I drove us to school this morning, so we'll have to deal with her antics,"

Desiree stared at me. "Is there any way you can ditch her? Us pack wolves don't tend to hang around with pack-less wolves unless absolutely necessary,"

I grumbled as I shut my locker. "No. Stephanie, my step-mom, would kill me if I made her walk home,"

"Damn," Desiree said, opening the door to outside. "Guess we'll have to deal with her then,"

I sighed, annoyed. "Yeah,"

Just then, I could see Laurel waiting beside my Corolla. She had been looking at her phone, but glanced up and frowned as we approached her. "Does mom know?" She asked.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Dad says it's fine. Back seat," I instructed her. Laurel glanced at Desiree with worry. She mumbled something to the beta before climbing into the back seat.

"What did you say?" I questioned sharply as I got in the drivers seat. I heard the click of Lulu's seatbelt as she settled in. "Nothing," she mumbled.

"It doesn't matter," Desiree explained quickly. "Are we going, or no?"

"We are," I turned the key, and the car rumbled back at me. Something told me that this was going to be a long car ride.


It wasn't so bad. As soon as the radio came on, Laurel was quick to put in her headphones. Desiree, on the other hand, seemed very interested in my taste in music.

"You must be pretty brave to listen to MCR in 2022," the redhead had snorted. I smirked proudly. "Believe me when I say that this is some top tier shit,"

Desiree didn't seem to be too interested in whatever Laurel was doing. Occasionally she would glance behind her to check what my step-sister was doing, but overall she didn't seem to give a shit.

Once I parked, Laurel seemed very eager to get out of my car and run inside. I rolled my eyes. Was she really going to be this afraid of Desiree?

"What's up with her?" Desiree asked me. "Does she think I'm going to shift here and now or something?"

"No clue," I admitted. "Lulu's always been paranoid easily. She jumps at the smallest of things,"



"A nickname," I explain hastily. "Everyone at the house calls her that,"

Desiree nodded. "I see. Let's go inside, I don't want to stand around here like a weirdo,"

I let out a breath. I can't believe I fucked up as easily as that. I can't let my guard down. And that means no nicknames like Lulu unless Mom or Dad are around.

Speaking of which, Dad was already talking to Laurel as soon as we came inside. He turned to smile at us. "Welcome home, Trix. And you must be Miss Desiree Hoffman, correct? I think I work with your Dad,"

The beta nodded. "Yes, that's me. You must be that John Castillo who's always coming up in his conversations, right?"

Dad seemed to be pleasantly surprised. "I'd better hope so," he joked. "Anyways, any kid of Gary is welcome here. If you need anything, I'm one shout away," he winked.

I smiled. "We'll let you know, Dad. I'm gonna show her around the house before heading up to my room, okay?" I was careful to leave out any details about wolves or the turning.

"Sounds good," he sat back down in his favourite chair in the living room, while Laurel headed to the dining room, probably to do homework.

Desiree seemed pretty impressed with my living conditions. She didn't have many complaints, and suggested some easy exercises that I should do before and after school.

"Did it hurt?" I asked her at one point as we practiced together.

"The stretches?" Desiree was confused.

"No," I clarified. "Your first turning,"

"Not as much as most people. It all depends on how fit you are. If you don't take care of your body, it can be hella painful and even deadly. But if your fit, it doesn't hurt too much. Only at the beginning," she explained, adjusting the position of my arms. "In fact, it can be kind of a... well..." she trailed off, sounding unsure.

"What?" I piped up. "You can tell me, I promise not to be rude,"

She shook her head. "It's not that. God, sorry, it's just weird talking about it," she looked away, blinking rapidly as she was likely trying to find a way to phrase what she wanted to say.

Finally, Desiree continued. "Well, for many of us, it's actually kind of... pleasuring? Some people get off to the euphoria of the transformation, and enjoy losing control to their wolf instincts..." she visibly cringed.

Oh my god.

"You guys don't really talk about it much, do you?" I spoke up, sounding a little awkward myself. Desiree forced a nervous laugh. "Yeah, sorry. It's considered to be an awkward subject, kind of like sex,"

I looked up at Desiree with a quirked smile. "That's fine. Look, we don't have to talk about it if you aren't comfortable with the topic. You can always tell me about... oh I don't know... best tactics for scaring local villagers?"

That joke cracked a chuckle out of Desiree. "You bitch," she laughed.

"It's what I do for a living, honey," I grinned. "Be the biggest bitch in every way I can,"

Desiree was snickering, struggling to speak. "A-and s-soon... y-you will... q-quite liter-rally... b-be a-a..." she didn't need to finish the sentence for me to fall on my ass laughing.

Pack life was going to be fun, no doubt about it.

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