Chapter Seven.

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/// Trixie ///

I got in my car, sighing. Today had been a mix of, not only downright boring, but also straight up baffling.

On the boring side, a lot of it was just observing pack politics with Mitzi, and putting those exercises Desiree gave me into use. At least I got to witness Easton getting into a tussle with a wimpy Benjamin. That was by far the most entertaining part of my day.

On the baffling side, the thought of Laurel with some strange boy confused me. For as long as I've known her, she wasn't one for wanting a boyfriend. Was that who she met up with the morning.

I groaned to myself, starting up my Corolla. Just as I turned the keys, I heard a dinging noise come from my phone. I picked it up. It was a text from Mitzi.

"Hey, are you busy tonight?"

I quickly texted her no. I did have a couple questions from biology, but those would be easy enough to complete. Not waiting to see what my Alpha's response would be, I switched gears, and started driving home.


I came inside the house, dropping my backpack onto the floor. Immediately, I noticed Stephanie and Laurel talking eagerly together. Suspicion crept over me.

"I didn't realize you got home before me," I spoke up to Laurel, who glanced over at me. She didn't seem too interested in whatever I had to say. "The bus leaves before you do," she said simply, turning back to talk to Stephanie.

I grabbed my bag and got out my lunch kit. I found myself continuously glancing at the two girls as they giggled to each other. What were they,
a bunch of kids?

"...I'm so glad you were able to make friends, honey," I could make out Stephanie's proud words. I squeezed the container in my hand. There was no way those people she was referring to, whoever they were, weren't packmates.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Laurel get up from the table, and head upstairs. I need to find out what the hell is going on with her, since Mitzi was unable to.

I started following her to the stairs, when Stephanie speaks up. "How are you doing with your new friends?" She asks, a small smile on her face.

I scowl at her. "They're fine," I reply, annoyed.

Stephanie looked concerned. "Are you sure? I hear that Desiree girl was really nice. Is someone giving you trouble?"

"No, Stephanie," I retorted, walking away. "Everything's fine,"

She didn't try to interrogate me further. I walk upstairs, determined to get to Laurel's room. Once I got there, I leaned in the doorframe. Laurel had her back to me as she sat at her room desk, working on homework by the looks of it.

"So," I spoke up. "Who was that boy?"

Laurel visibly flinched, and she refused to face me. "He's none of your business," she said simply.

I continue. "No no, I think it really is, considering how Mitzi noticed how close the two of you were,"

I could sense Laurel was getting nervous. She shifted in her chair. "Why do you care?" She asked with a quiet, sweet pitch to her voice.

"Because you're my step-sister," I explained. "And it's not like you to fall for a boy so quickly-,"

"Since when have you ever cared about being my sister?" Laurel interrupted, finally turning around. "You haven't given one single shit about me since we transferred. You've been spending all your time with that Mitzi girl and her cronies and haven't given me a second thought until now, the one time I find friends who genuinely care about me, is when you come to take them away again,"

She stopped, her gentle brown eyes fostering anger. Her cheeks had a redness that was spreading to her nose and ears. I stared at her, speechless.

Then, I found all of the right words.

I walked further into her room. "Fuck you," I growled. "You're lucky I can't tear you apart where you stand. Not yet, anyways,"

I hovered over Laurel, who cowered into her chair. "If you ever try to argue again, you'll fucking pay big time. I'm only trying to help you learn a little confidence you know, you ungrateful piece of shit,"

Laurel was blinking rapidly now, probably trying to hold back tears. "Please go," she whispered, a little shrill in her voice.

I snorted. "Gladly," I say, heading toward the hallway.

Before I could fully exit, I hear Laurel's quiet voice speak up. "Why didn't you tell me about the wolves?"

I sighed, refusing to look at her. "You don't need me as a crutch to survive socially, you know," I say sourly, stomping off to my room.

I didn't hear what else Laurel had to say. I half-flop onto my bed, pulling out my phone. I wasn't entirely lying; she definitely lacked confidence, and everyday I was growing tired of Laurel depending on me to help her out all of the time. I won't always be here for her to use.

Tough love, as they say, I thought to myself.

I checked the message Mitzi sent, and my eyes widened.

"I need to see you in the woods outside of school tonight, approx 10:30. Can you make it?"

What was this about? For the most part, Mitzi and Desiree have practically set up my schedule for werewolf training.

Then it clicked. I remembered exactly what this was. Stephanie and Dad might just kill me if they see me sneak out, but fuck them. I have a job to do.

"I can make it,"

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