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You were alone, left out in the cold
Clinging to the ruin of your broken home
Too lost and hurting to carry your load
We all need someone to hold
You've been fighting the memory, all on your own
Nothing worsens, nothing grows

Someone To Stay
- Vancouver Sleep Clinic

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Jeongguk wasn't a deep sleeper. He was quite the opposite, actually. But when the first chill branched across his spine and shook him from sleep, he froze, too nervous to acknowledge whoever's in the room.

Perhaps it was the ravenhead's state of body that caused this. No one cries out with glee when they feel a pair of eyes staring at them in their slumber. So Jeongguk stayed still, leading the ravenhead to believe he was still asleep when he wasn't.

Heat rushed to his cheeks when he realized ghostie was trying to make him more comfortable, tugging the blanket cozy around his shoulders. Luckily, the dark kept his blush hidden.

He focused on breathing, but his ears were high on alert. Ghostie was quiet. Too quiet, even for a ghost. For a second, Jeongguk even believed that he had left because he couldn't pick up on a single sound.

Until he heard it.


More than a few seconds was needed for Jeongguk to comprehend what was said. When he did, he couldn't help but jostle into a sitting position, eyes wide with shock.

The ravenhead was gone. The room was vacant.

Taehyung rang in his ears like a mantra, taunting him.

Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung.

Jeongguk's fists sank into the pillow the ravenhead had graciously provided him with.

He had just given him his name. Taehyung. His name was Taehyung. Taehyung was his name. Taehyung.

Jeongguk couldn't help but feel like it was another fraction of his imagination. But the name suited the ravenhead perfectly. The sculpted edge to it. The way his tongue clicks against the roof of his mouth when he recited it. The name was jagged but softened at the end, and the image of the ravenhead matched flawlessly.

"Taehyung," he said aloud, tasting it.

Jeongguk had spent his entire life dissecting things. But never a name. Perhaps the significance of it made it worth dissecting.


He pursed his lips and walked out to the hallway, just to check if the ravenhead had stayed. He didn't. But he abandoned him with the gift of trust.

Jeongguk grabbed a marker from his pencil case and rolled up his sleeve.

He will not take this lightly.


Mankind was birthed out of nature's womb. It's simply a form of alchemy, the kind of magic that required no explanation. The sun spun gold threads in its free time, the soil was your first home and puddles were your first mirror.

If you stretch your arms out like the wingspan of birds, you'll feel the energy surge from the branches to your bones— a bond choreographed by the wind.

Taehyung did so. He held his arms out in an unperceived embrace. But he felt nothing. No thrill. No warmth. Was it death that stood in his way? But if that were the case, it was certainly ironic to bury the dead six feet underground.

The ravenhead lowered his hands curtly, jaw set, familiar with the feeling of defeat. Even the universe rejected his presence. He belonged nowhere.

Even the trees seemed to pivot away from him. But at least he wasn't alone.

The smell of pine sliced through Taehyung like a needle, piercing his lungs. "Oh," he coughed, "Wow."

"I know." Jimin did a full three-eighty to take in their earthy surroundings and smiled. "You'd think that we can't smell but we can." They nudged Taehyung forward with an elbow. "C'mon. We're almost there."

"You know," Taehyung began as they continued their hike uphill, "You could've just floated us up here." He kicked a pebble across the path and watched it skip down the slope.

"Oh please. I can carry you up a building. But an entire mountain? No way. You can't even float."

A pause was followed by a throaty noise from Taehyung.

"I floated last week actually," the ravenhead admitted quietly as if he half-hoped the breeze would carry his confession far away from Jimin's ears.

They halted in their footsteps, a short huff escaping their open mouth. "You floated and you didn't tell me?" Jimin cried, circling their friend, "That's incredible! Finally! How'd you do it?"

Taehyung exhaled deeply, his fingers sprawling out against his hips. "Je— Jeongguk."

He expected the baffled eyebrow Jimin cocked at him.

"Jeongguk made me..."

"He made you float?"

"I didn't know what happened really." That was the truth.

Jimin ran their fingers through their hair, licking lips as if in deep thought. A pinecone scrunched under their foot.

"Are you gonna tell me off again?" Taehyung asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"No," they replied, challenging him to a dead stare, "But I'll tell you this— you sink when you're burdened or negatively overwhelmed. You're a spirit, Taehyung. Your spirit carries emotions the way your body used to carry physical weight. You float when you're lighthearted, stress-free, and— dare I say— happy."

The ravenhead grimaced at the word— that word that was so often thrown around like a useless bandaid on a salted wound.


He wondered if Jeongguk's cut was healing. He wondered if he looked after himself properly since the last time he saw him.

Jimin caught his attention again. "Now, the only time you've floated is when you were with that boy," they continued, "Other than that, all you've done is sink into oblivion. I'll let you figure out what that means." They flicked dismissively at the ravenhead and carried on up the trail.

"That I'm a depressed piece of trash," Taehyung deadpanned.

Jimin audibly groaned. "Sure. Yes. Absolutely."

The pair fell into silence for the rest of the journey, reaching the peak of the mountain that overlooked the city landscape. They weren't here without a mission.

"Ready?" Jimin asked just above a whisper, lifting their arm limply for Taehyung to hook his around.

He did. "Are you scared?"

Jimin shrugged, lips jutting out. "It's not like we can fall to our deaths."

"Doesn't make it any less terrifying."

His friend's hold on him tightened. Taehyung turned to face the fierce, steady look on Jimin's face.

"I got you," they said, each word lathered up with determination, "I got you, okay?"

Taehyung nodded slowly. "Okay."

And they were off.

From an aerial view, the city seem flattened. The pavements and roads acted as arteries, hosting the blood flow of noisy vehicles. It was the dreamscape of those who believed in dreams, those whose dreams unveil under subway stations and kitchen florescence.

Taehyung scanned the city for his own dreams as he clutched onto Jimin, who flew him over the buildings.

"Anything?" they said, keeping their head high.

The ravenhead squinted, holding desperately onto that hope that maybe— maybe he could recognize something. A place. Somewhere he can retrace his steps and find that damn ticket.

His eyes darted in all directions, growing increasingly impatient with each structure they passed by. None of them clicked in his brain. None of their shapes fit his boxes.


He swallowed harshly.

That one? No.

How about that one? Nope.

"Taehyung," Jimin called again, "Say something."

Taehyung's throat tightened, losing hope. "There's nothing," he whispered brokenly.

Jimin couldn't hear him. "What did you s—"

Suddenly, it was as if air had solidified, Taehyung's weight yanked both of them a few feet down. Jimin gasped.


But it was too late. The torment had crumpled the ravenhead's peace, no longer lighthearted. They fell further away from the sky.

Jimin's fingers curled around his arm so tightly, they may leave marks as they fought to keep them afloat.

"Think happy thoughts!" they begged.

Taehyung could feel the heaviness of his body, he could feel them dropping lower and lower at an alarming rate. But his panic only caused them to plummet faster.

Closer. Closer. Down. Down. Down.

"Jimin!" he shouted, kicking wildly as they neared the ground.

"Happy thoughts, Taehyung, please!"

The ravenhead screwed his eyes shut. Happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts—


The air around them stilled instantly. They had stopped in midair, merely a few feet above the ground.

He could hear the massive sigh of relief from Jimin and the ground meeting the soles of his feet gently. Taehyung didn't realize he had tears streaming down his cheeks until he collapsed against the wall and opened his eyes.

Jimin was panting, propping themselves against the wall as well. They looked up and met the ravenhead's eyes. "Oh Taehyung..."

The first sob heaved through his chest and up his throat painfully. And the next thing Taehyung knew, he was blubbering uncontrollably, curling into himself.

He hated himself. He hated himself for not remembering. He hated himself for allowing himself a slither of false hope, just to burn it to the ground again and again and again until every ounce of it is drained and wrung dry. Till all his fighting strength is demolished.

"I'm sorry," Jimin said, hesitantly wrapping their arms around Taehyung's frame.

God knows it was the most awkward hug to ever grace the Earth, considering that neither of them had dealt with affection in a long time. But Taehyung appreciated it nonetheless.

He suppressed the lump in his throat to speak, each syllable strained with pent-up emotion.

"I just want it all to stop," Taehyung sniffled into his friend's shoulder under the illumination of streetlight, ducked under an alleyway, "I just want to go home."

"I know, I know," Jimin consoled, "You will."

"I won't."

He didn't even know where home was.

Jimin pulled back, nothing but sympathy and sadness in their expression. "I'm sorry. I wish I could do more," they paused before picking out a piece of pinecone that was caught in their cape.

Taehyung watched them silently as Jimin pulled a loose piece of string from their damaged cape. He didn't recall seeing it rip. It must've happened somewhere between the fall.

They secured it around the pinecone chip, creating a makeshift necklace. Taehyung stiffened when they tied it around his neck.

"It's not the evidence you're looking for, I know," Jimin spoke solemnly, an apologetic smile showing, "But consider it evidence anyway."

The ravenhead glanced down at the necklace resting against his chest. "Evidence of what?"

"That I have you."

Taehyung reached up to touch it.

"And that you have me."


i've always found the relationship between Kieran (tae) and Autumn (jimin) very special
mainly because you can tell they have differences. Autumn is more realistic and practical. they're set towards a goal that i haven't revealed yet. whereas Kieran is beginning to seek a greater purpose and is a lot more unsure of himself and comes to Autumn for advice.

i love that their friendship is rocky and once in a while they have big disagreements. but since they're the only two ghosts around, there's an unsaid bond and loyalty between them. it's like 'you're literally the only person like me that i can befriend, so we might as well get along'

they remind me of class partners that are forced to work on a project together and later on become reluctant friends hahah

i might actually get a pinecone necklace just cause i love these two characters so much

thank you for reading!
i hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night
- hay

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