xii. the smart one

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"I'm sorry. You're staying where?" Kie asked John B or practically yelled at him. John B sighed, walking over to the booth the group sat in at the Wreck. "Tannyhill." John B sighed, flopping into the side of the booth Quinn and Pope were in, putting all his weight on Quinn.

"So you're living with Sarah Cameron." Quinn groaned, pushing John B off of her to have him sit normally. John B sighed, rubbing his eyes as he looked across the table to Kie and JJ. "Okay, look, the only reason I'm living there is because her dad bailed me out, right? And it's way better than foster care, which, by the way, is where I was about to go if Ward didn't-" "Hey, so do you have a membership to the clubs now?" Pope interrupted, a small smirk on his face.

"I don't know, Pope." John B groaned out. JJ smirked, leaning forward across the table. "What about those golf carts they drive around? You get one of them?"

"Does it come with a sweater-vest, or do you have to buy one on your own?" Pope asked, popping Quinn's collar of her shirt.

Kie glared at the two boys, turning back to John B. "Look, you promised. You said you weren't with her." John B rolled his eyes as Quinn sighed, turning to him. "Dude, just own it. She got you."

"Look, if you wanna hang out with her, that's fine. But I'm letting you know now that I'm not doing anything with Sarah." Kie said, shrugging her shoulders. John B opened her arms, looking around the restaurant. "Do you guys see her here? No, right. Okay. A little focus would be fantastic."

Quinn sighed, turning to John B. "We've got the map, right?" John B nodded, pulling the map out of his pocket, opening it on the table. JJ groaned at the map, hitting it with the back of his hand. "It's out of whack 'cause the guy was ganja'd when he drew it."

"It's 'cause the coast has changed." Quinn said, slowly looking up at JJ with a 'really' look. "So we just have to look for landmarks that haven't changed." Pope said, nodding in agreement with Quinn. "What about the old forts?" Kie asked and Quinn looked back at the map, her eyes going wide as she pointed at it. "Battery Jasper."


The Pogues stood in Battery Jasper, looking over the edge of the cliff as they looked down at the map. "We're in Battery, right here. So if this is parcel nine, then it's somewhere northeast of here." Quinn said, somehow being the one that had to carry the map. "Somewhere there." Pope said, gesturing to his left. JJ immediately shook his head, turning to the other Pogues. "Over there? Guy's, that's not Tannyhill, that's a subdivision."

"Tannyhill Plantation was the entire island. It got sold into smaller pieces over time." John B said as Quinn sighed, reading over the map. "So we're just looking for an old stone wall." She muttered, lowering the map slightly to look off the edge.


"Okay, so the road should split up here." Quinn said, leaning in between the drivers seat and the passenger seat John B and Pope were sitting in. "Okay. All right. You're gonna take a left." Quinn announced, looking back and forth between the road and the map.

John b sighed as he pulled up to a stone wall. Pope let out an airy chuckle, turning to Quinn beside him. "That looks like a stone wall to me." Quinn chuckled, turning to Pope, there faces inches apart. Quinn's smile fell slightly as her eyes fell to Pope's lips. Before the pair could do anything, JJ grabbed Quinn's shoulder, shaking her. "This is it."

Quinn shook her head, looking up at where they were at as they got out of the car, her eyes wide at where they parked. "Ho-ly shit."

"Not the Crain house." Kie muttered as Pope groaned, walking around the car to stand beside Quinn. "Are you kidding me?" He breathed out as JJ started hopping over the stone wall to get into the backyard. "Worst-case scenario." JJ groaned as he jumped over the wall.

"Why'd it have to be here... of all places?" John B muttered as Kie chuckled. "I heard that Mrs. Crain buried her husband's head on the property." Quinn scoffed at Kie's words, rubbing her eyes. "Thank you for sharing. Really made me feel better."

"Look, you guys know whose house this is, right?" JJ asked as Kie moved in front of him to walk towards the house, JJ and John B behind Kie and Quinn and Pope in the back on the line. Quinn let out a dry laugh, nodding her head as she ran a hand through her hair. "Oh, yeah. No, I do."

"Honestly, I don't really believe the stories of this place." John B muttered, making JJ scoff, leaning forward towards Kie. "Which stories did you hear?" Kie instantly laughed at his words.

"The one where she killed her husband with an axe and that she's been holed up ever since. On certain nights, when the moon is full... you can see her in the window!" Kie chuckled from the front of the group, turning around to see her friends and immediately laughing at Quinn's scared face. Quinn whacked Kie's hand that was pointing at her as she let out a childish whine. "No, it's not funny. At Kook Academy, they'd always say shit like that. It'd freak me out so much, my pops had to make me transfer."

"And thank God for that. Now you're with us." Pope mumbled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. From right in front of them, John B turned around with squinted eyes. "I'm sorry. You got scared of those stories? Don't you watch The Halloween movies every time there's a thunder storm?"

"Yeah, but that's different." Quinn said almost instantly. From beside John B, JJ nodded, pointing at Quinn. "Shortstack's right. 'Cause this is all true. The movies aren't. I swear to God, guys, this is all real. I knew Hollis."

"Jeez!" Quinn breathed out as John B grabbed JJ's shoulder, stopping him from walking. "Wait, you knew Hollis Crain?"

"Yeah, dude." JJ said, nodding his head as Pope went to stand in front of him. "Dude, how do you know Hollis Crain?" JJ shrugged, turning to him as all the Pogues circled him. "She was my babysitter, man. She told me all about it. Told me the truth... about her mother and what happened in this house."

"And what truth is that?" Quinn asked, her eyebrows raised. JJ nodded, bending down so he was shorter in height as all the group looked at him with wide eyes, waiting to hear what he wanted to say. "So as a kid, she heard all the stories that her mother killed her father, and... she was a murderer and all. Hollis didn't believe it. Until that night." "What night?" Pope asked, shaking his head slightly.

JJ sighed, looking at the house before turning back to the Pogues. "It all came back to her. When Hollis was six years old, she heard her parents arguing downstairs. So she goes downstairs to see her mom washing her hands in a sink... full of blood. Her mother just says that she cut her finger. The next morning, she says her father and her split up. But then, Hollis noticed something. Her mother going into the parlor constantly, in and out and in and out with plastic bags. Weeks pass, and Hollis decides to use the outhouse. And as she's using it, she looks down, and there, in the outhouse, is her father's head, looking straight back at her."

"Jesus Fuck." Quinn mumbled, shivering slightly at the story, walking passed the group with Pope following after her as Kie smacked his arm. "God, you are so full of shit."

"Dude, I swear to God, man." JJ yelled after his friends. Pope turned around, shrugging. "Did she call the police?" JJ shook his head, walking to stand on the other side of Pope. "She didn't have time."

"You know... She's an axe murderer. We're going into an axe murderer's house and John B has a fucking cast on." Quinn mumbled, crossing her arms

"I don't give a shit if she's an axe murderer, okay?" John B whispered into Quinn's ear from behind her, catching her by surprise, making her jump as he continued. "I got nothin' to lose, right? You comin' or what?"

The group all huddle behind an row of bushes, staring at the house as John B looked at them. "Hey, so here's the plan. We need to look for the wheat near the water like it said in Denmark's letter."

"Okay, like, what kind of water?" Quinn asked as Pope squinted his eyes at John B. "Like, pond water?" JJ chuckled, making everyone turn to him. "Bong water?" Quinn rolled her eyes, pushing his head as John B shook his head. "No. It... it just said look for water, okay?"

"That's the shittiest secret message ever." Kie scoffed out, making John B turn to her, slightly offended. "You wanna complain a little more, Kie? Nobody said it was gonna be easy."

Pope turned to JJ and Quinn. "I'll search the northeast quadrant, you two search the northwest." Quinn groaned, shaking her head. "Pope, just say left or right." JJ chuckled at Quinn's words, looking down at her. "Aren't you supposed to be one of the smart ones here?"

"Do you see me with a fucking compass, JJ?" Quinn snapped, looking up at JJ. Pope rolled his eyes, sighing as he grabbed Quinn's hand. "Quinn, just... follow me. You. That way." Pope said, pointing with his other hand where JJ needed to go. "The decapitation quadrant." JJ muttered, running off into the direction Pope told him to go.

As Quinn and Pope walked around the backyard, John B whistled, making them turn to him. "Hey, psst! Hey, come on. It's the only place we haven't looked." Quinn ran over to where John B and Kie were, Pope right behind Quinn and JJ on his way over. Quinn skidded to a stop as John B opened the doors to the basement. "Oh, shit..."

"Let's just do it." John B muttered, climbing in. "Yeah, we have to." Kie whispered, climbing in after John B.  Quinn waited for Pope to get in before going in after him. "Here we go." Quinn muttered as she climbed into the basement. As she walked in, JJ climbed in after her, mumbling a tune. "Down came Mrs. Crain And cut off all our heads. Up came the sun And dried up all the blood."

"Can you stop?" Pope whisper yelled at JJ, making the blond shut his mouth. "See any water?" Kie asked, as she looked around the basement. "Any dead bodies?" Quinn asked, genuinely scared.

"Quinn!" Kie yelled, making Quinn turn to her, shrugging. "What? I want to know."

"There's not even water on the pipes." Pope whispered as Quinn shined her flashlight arund the edges of the walls. "There's no water here." She muttered as JJ hummed, coming up behind her, making her jump. "Not a dropamino." "Asshole." Quinn snarked.

"Know why we didn't find it? Bad karma." Kie said, making Quinn groan, throwing her head into Pope's shoulder. "Oh, God. Here we go."

"You know, we had a good thing going. And then you decide to rope in Barbie, and now the trail's gone dry. Coincidence? Probably not." Kie said and John B groaned. "This is exactly why I didn't wanna tell you about Sarah."

"Yeah?" Kie asked, tilting her head as John B nodded. "Yeah. What the hell's the deal with you two? Quinn's fine with her." John B yelled, pointing at Quinn who instantly straightened up, shaking her head. "Don't bring me into this." John B sighed, turning back to Kie with raised brows. Kie glared at John B, shrugging as she shook her head. "Nothing."

"Nothing? Is it because I kissed you? Is that the problem?" John B yelled, making Kie quickly slap him. "Oh, shit!" Pope whisper yelled, grabbing onto Quinn's hand at the sudden noise. "That echoed, dude!" JJ whispered, turning to Pope and Quinn. "I felt that!" Quinn whisper yelled, holding onto her cheek as if she was the one that was slapped.

"Stop treating me like I'm some girl that's obsessed with you instead of your best friend who's actually trying to look out for you." Kie yelled as John B stared at her in shock. "Did you, uh... hit me?"

"Skeeter." Kie said, making John B raise his brows. "Skeeter?" Kie nodded, opening her hand to show the bug. "Yeah, you see it?"

"Yeah." John B muttered, slapping Kie back, making Quinn shake her head, pointing at him with a dropped jaw. "Okay... No."

Kie bit her lip in anger slightly, turning to John B as she shrugged. "Where's your proof?" John B gave her a childish smile, showing her the palm of his hand. "Skeeter."

As John B and Kie started hitting each other, Quinn waved the air around her ear, hearing the faint buzz of skeeters. "These things are a freakin' swarm!" She groaned, waving her arms around.

"Why are there so many mosquitoes in a basement?" Pope whispered, walking away from JJ and Quinn as JJ groaned. "Dude. I know, seriously. Tiny vampire bats, just leave me alone."

"Oh, my gosh!" Kie snapped, hitting her arm. "Okay, can we leave? 'Cause I'm already itchin' to leave." JJ said before laughing, making Quinn roll her eyes, turning to him. "Haha, Punny."

"All right- Ow!" Quinn yelled in pain, feeling a hand slap her back, she turned around and saw JJ, one hand open to show the skeeter while the other held a freaky looking doll. "I just found Mrs. Crain's voodoo doll." Quinn chuckled, grabbing it out of his hands. "Oh, shit. Lemme see."

"Hey, guys." Pope whisper yelled. Quinn turned around to look at him as he waved, making her wave back. "Hey, Pope!"

"No! Quinn!" Pope whispered again, making her turn back to him as he pointed to a flat on the ground, making her eyes go wide as she sped towards him. "Oh!"

Quinn quickly went to help Pope lift the flat but as she was walking over, she tripped on a table leg, making a loud bang. "Sh!" John B yelled at Quinn as she composed herself and stood by Pope to lift the flat.

"Hey. Help us move this." Pope whispered to JJ who quickly nodded, going to help. "Hey! Sh! She's probably right upstairs." Kie yelled at the three, her and John B walking over to help. Once the five got the flat off the ground, they stared down at a well.

"Well, well, well." Pope let out, making Quinn snicker as John B turned to him. "That was a good dad joke."

"We're just full of puns today aren't we?" Quinn let out, a sarcastic smile on her face as John B stared at the well in shock. "They built this part of the house right over it."

"This is where she hid the bodies." JJ muttered beside Quinn, making her whack his arm. "Oh, dude, come on. Stop."

JJ shook his head, turning to Quinn. "No, I'm dead serious." Quinn shook her head at his words, pointing into the well. "Stop it or I will push you in!"

"Lemme just switch places with her..." Pope muttered, grabbing Quinn's shoulders and moving her to where he was once standing beside Kie so he would be next to JJ.

"It was never an outhouse." Quinn mumbled and Kie slowly nodded, turning to her. "She probably doesn't even know it's here."

"So... we found water." Pope said and John B nodded. "We're gonna need a really big rope."


"So we all got called here?" Quinn asked tiredly as she walked onto the porch of the Chateau where Kie, JJ and Pope already were. "Yep." Pope said, popping the 'p'. "He said it was an important meeting." JJ said and Quinn sighed, leaning back into the couch leg Pope sat in.

The door opened from inside the house and John B came out with Sarah Cameron, making the Pogues eyes going wide. Kie scoffed, leaning back into the he pillar of the porch as John B and Sarah sat in the couch. "No effing way! You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now?"

John B sighed, turning to Quinn, JJ and Pope. Pope immediately shook his head. "I dunno." John B turned to Quinn who laughed, raising her hands. "Don't look at me." John B sighed, turning to JJ who instantly shook his head. "Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share."

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing. A Pogue thing." Kie screamed and Pope nodded from the loveseat. "I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this." "Thank you!" Kie yelled, pointing at Pope as JohnB glared at him. "When are you not?"

"I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably." Pope announced, shrugging his shoulders as JJ nodded. "It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him." Quinn let out a playful scoff, turning to the two boys beside her. "Is that why I had to walk here?"

Pope looked up at Quinn, gulping but before he could speak, Kie started to talk again. "You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her." "Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah yelled, making Kie get right in her face. "Then leave."

Sarah scoffed, wiping the corners of her mouth as she turned to John B. "I told you."

"Told him what, exactly? That you're a liar?" Kie asked, crossing her arms as she leaned towards Sarah. "No, that you're a shit-talking bitch." Sarah snapped, making Quinn shoot off the couch, standing beside Kie.

"Oh, shit!" Pope whispered as JJ pulled out a five. "My money's on Kie."

"Now I'm gonna stop you there." Quinn yelled, getting in front of Kie as she pointed at Sarah, making JJ and Pope sit on the edge of their seats, Pope pulling out a five aswell. "Oh! My money's on Quinn."

"She didn't lie about shit!" Quinn yelled, defending Kie. "Everybody shut up!" John B yelled, making Quinn bite her lip to keep her mouth shut. "Kie, you are my best friend, right?" John B said before turning to Sarah. "And Sarah, you're... you're my..." John B started to stumble over his words, making Sarah grab his hand. "Say it."

John B looked at Kie and Quinn before turning back to Sarah, sighing. "You're my girlfriend." JJ started gagging from his seat as Quinn turned to Pope with raised brows. "Ohh... that's new." Pope whispered to Quinn as she nodded. "Yep."

"She's your girlfriend now? What was all that talk about you were just using her for information? Get a map, cut her loose." Kie yelled, making Quinn's eyes go wide, whipping her head to Kie before looking at John B and Sarah. "You said you were using me?" Sarah asked quietly and John B quickly shook his head. "No."

Quinn scoffed at his words, making Sarah turn to her. "Oh, come on. Don't fucking lie to her. Yeah, you did." JJ nodded in agreement, pointing at Quinn. "You said those things."

"Look, love just walked in, okay?" John B said, making Quinn open her mouth and stick her tongue out as she pretended to gag. "Oh, vomit." Pope mumbled as John B continued to defend himself. "I didn't expect it. It just... it kind of happened. And I'm not gonna deny it."

"Oh! That's corny." JJ said, making John B glare at him. Kie sighed, crossing her arms as he looked to John B. "Look, cut the bullshit, John B. If she's in, I'm out." Quinn shook her head, turning to Kie. "Kie-" "No. I'm not doing this. I can't!" Kie yelled, interrupting Quinn before turning back to John B. "You are gonna decide. I'm very interested, actually. Me or her?"

John B shrugged, smiling slightly. "Both." Quinn scoffed at his answer, rubbing her eyes. "Oh. Bad idea."

Kie rolled her eyes at John B, stomping off the porch and towards the docks. Sarah let out a sarcastic hum, turning to John B. "It'll be cool, right? I'm gonna leave." She muttered, standing up as John B reached out for her. "Sarah, don't."

John B sighed as Sarah left. Quinn leaned up against the post as JJ stood up, groaning slightly. "I'd just like to say, you handled that beautifully." Quinn looked behind her to Kie sitting on the dock. She pushed herself off the porch and went to go after her. "I'm gonna go talk to her. Nice fucking job by the way." She snapped at John B as she walked away, making JJ let out an 'ohh'. "Wow... You got all three of them mad at you in... 2 minutes."


"I hate John B right now." Kie muttered, her voice wavering slightly. Quinn nodded, taking a spot on the beam across from Kie so they were face to face. "I know." Quinn said, making Kie continue. "Look, it's just because I know how this ends. I've seen this movie. I starred in it. We did."

Quinn's brows furrowed, sitting up slightly as she looked at Kie. "What do you mean?" Kie sighed, rubing her eyes before pushing her hands into the ground. "I mean, freshman year, it was my first year at the Kook Academy. I mean, I didn't have anything in common with anyone, and just as I'm about to slit my wrists, the queen and her little side kick asks me if I wanna go save baby sea turtles with them." Kie said, motioning to Quinn across from her when she said, 'little side kick'.

"Do you remember our first day together? We walked to the beach." Kie asked, making Quinn smile, nodding her head. "We waited for the hatch, and we kept the seagulls off so that the turtles could get to the water." Kie smiled at the memory before looking back down at the ground. "It was the best day of my life. And then she turned on us like she does with everyone."

Quinn slowly nodded along with Kie, raising her brows slightly. "That's why you're mad at her. Because she left?" Kie slowly nodded. "Look, I know you're good with her now but I'm not doing this with her. He's gonna have to choose."

Quinn sighed at her words, shaking her head. "You know he can't do that." Kie let out a dry chuckle, tilting her head at Quinn. "Why not?" "Because he's a guy and an idiot." Quinn laughed out before sitting up and walking on her knees to sit in front of Kie. Quinn rested her elbows on Kie's knees to look at her. "If it were me... I know who I'd choose. I'd never choose girlfriend over a friend."

Kie stared at Quinn for a few seconds before nodding, pulling her into a hug. "Thank you." Kie muttered, making Quinn smile. "No problem." She slowly got up, wiping the dirt off her knees as she sighed, looking down at Kie. "I'll leave you alone." Quinn mumbled, wlaking back towards John B's house.

"What'd she say?" John B asked as soon as Quinn walked back into the Chateau as Pope threw her a water bottle. She quickly caught the water as she answered. "That you're an idiot. Well... I said that. She said she hates you." Quinn mumbled the last part, taking a sip of her water.

"It's a no-brainer. You're picking Kie." JJ said, making Quinn point at him in agreement.

John B sighed, shaking his head. "Look, I can't make a decision." JJ scoffed at John B, pushing himself off the counter he was leaning on. "So what? We're just dead in the water because you're pussy-whipped? We can't do this without Kie, and you know it."

"And I can't do it without Sarah. Okay? They both have to be in on it." John B snapped back, making Quinn snicker as she hopped onto the counter Pope was sitting on. "Yeah, good luck with that."

John B groaned at Quinn's words, running a hand through his hair as he paced his kitchen. "You know what? I know this was my fault, all right? But it's our problem. I've got a plan. And you three shitheads are gonna help me out." Quinn scoffed at his words, crossing her arms. "Well, if you insult me, I don't want to help."

—we kinda got quinn moments with everyone this chapter and i'm kinda loving it

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