xiv. pants on fire

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"He said it looked something like this..." Quinn mumbled, pointing at the drawing that roughly showed how the inside of the well looked. Quinn snickered at the stick figure on the drawing, making Kie and Sarah laugh with her as she continued. "So... That's 50 feet down, and they're using 100-feet rope. So I guess this little wagon will go... straight to the gold room." Quinn, not being able to control her laughter anymore, letting it out.

Kie and Sarah laughed with her. "Who drew this?" Sarah giggled out, making Quinn laugh more. "Who do you think?" Quinn asked, looking out of the van to Pope, the boy already looking at her. Pope smiled and Quinn, making her smile back and wave as JJ came over.

"Kie! This better work. We can't pawn this if there's a giant wheat symbol on it." JJ said, throwing the chunk of gold in a pot. Kie ripped the gold out of his hand and lifted a blowtorch. "It's gonna work."


After Kie melted down the gold, Quinn kept it in her jacket pocket. As John B drove to the Pawn Shop with Sarah in the passenger seat. Quinn sat next to Kie with Pope and JJ across from her. JJ let out a whistle, opening his hand out as if saying he wanted the gold. Quinn dug into her jacket, pulling out the gold and handing it to him, to afraid to toss it since they were in a moving car.

JJ laughed at the gold as John B got out of the car. "Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein." JJ sang as he hopped out of the car. Kie groaned getting out after him. "Like you could've done better."

JJ turned to her with raised brows. "I could have. I took a welding class." JJ said in a matter of fact tone as Pope got out of the van. Pope turned around to Quinn, holding his hand out to help her down as Kie and JJ continued to bicker.

"Thanks." Quinn mumbled, making Pope smile, feeling a small flutter as he nodded. "Anytime."

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off!" JJ snapped at Kie, making Quinn finally listen to the conversation. When JJ saw Quinn was paying attention, he pointed at her, turning to John B. "How did we get this job anyway?"

"Cause you two are the best liars." John B shrugged out, making Quinn laugh. "Liar liar pants on fire, baby." She laughed out, fist bumping JJ. Pope sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's weird. You come up with some lie..." Pope said, pointing at JJ who gave him a childish smile as he continued. "And you back him up." Pope said, pointing at Quinn, making her recreate the same smile.

Sarah laughed, wrapping a playful arm around Kie. "God, it's like they're the same person." Kie scoffed, walking into the Pawn Shop, pulling Sarah in with her. "I swear, when she first joined the group, I thought she was JJs long lost kook sister."

Quinn still smiled after the girls words. Pope sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder, making her turn to him. The pair didn't realize how close they were until Quinn turned to him, their noses were practically touching. "You got this." Pope whispered. Quinn smiled softly, feeling a small pull in her stomach as she nodded. Pope nodded, sending her one more smile before walking in with John B.

Quinn and JJ had to wait a couple of seconds before entering so it didn't seem suspicious, giving JJ enough time to taunt her. "And what was that, little sis?"

Quinn rolled her eyes. "What was what?" JJ chuckled at her words, pulling her into the Pawn shop. "Ah... nothing."

The pair walked into the shop, a bell ringing as the door opened, making the woman at the desk look up. JJ nodded to her, he and Quinn walking right up to the desk. "Afternoon, ma'am."

"Afternoon." The woman replied as Quinn smiled. "We saw you buy gold." The woman turned to Quinn, raising her brows sarcastically. "That's what the sign say, don't it?"

Quinn tilted her head at the woman's attitude, biting her lips to hold back a comment. JJ looked down at her from how quiet she was, when he saw the look in her face, his eyes went wide, turning to the woman so he could talk. "Well, I sure hope you buy a lot of it, because I'm about to blow your mind." The woman sighed, shaking her head. "I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it."

JJ pulled the gold out from his shorts pocket and putting it on the table. Quinn put her hand on the table, making an explosion movement. "Boom." She said as JJ smirked at her. "How about them gold apples?"

The woman looked at the gold with wide eyes before shaking her head, looking up at Quinn and JJ. "That ain't real."

"That ain't real?" JJ asked, his brows raised as the woman continued to shake her head. "It can't be." Quinn's eyes went wide before peeking up, pointing at the gold. "Feel how heavy it is."

The woman lifted it up, her eyes going wide at the weight before she cleared her throat. "Let's get some light on that."

After the woman put some light on the gold, she hummed, shaking her head. "Spray-painted tungsten." JJs brows raised. "Spray-painted tungsten? Really? Okay. Why don't you see how, uh, soft it is?" The woman looked up at JJ, raising her brows daringly. She reached under the counter and pulled out a small hammer, she looked back and forth between the pair. "You mind?"

Quinn immediately shook her head. "No, go for it." The woman let out a huff, hitting the gold. Her face scrunched when it didn't break, making JJ chuckle. "Wow. Would you look at that?"

"Hold your horses. We ain't got to the acid test yet." The woman said, walking away from the counter. Quinn let out a loud laugh, rubbing her hands together. "Ooh! The acid test." JJ smiled, looking around the store to look at the Pogues. "My favorite, guys."

The woman came back to the counter, placing a few drops of the neon green liquid on the gold. When nothing happened, she sighed. "Well, it ain't plated, and it ain't painted."

"Ma'am, I'm telling ya, this is as real as the day is long." JJ said. The woman squinted at the gold, rubbing her fingers over it. "It looks like somebody tried to melt it down."

"Our mom." Quinn suddenly spoke, making the woman and JJ turn to her. She let out a small sniffle and pinched her leg to have tears prickle in her eyes. JJ looked down at her with wide eyes as Quinn sniffled, wiping her eyes as she continued. "She had all this jewelry laying around the house, and she thought it was best to... to melt it down. To consolidate it or something."

The woman looked at Quinn like she was crazy. "Seven pounds? That's a lot of earrings." Quinn let out a fake sob. JJs eyes went wide, rubbing Quinn's shoulders as he cleared his throat, leaning towards the woman. "Okay, to be honest, ma'am... it's really hard to see my mom fall apart with Alzheimer's." JJ whispered and Quinn let out another exaggerated sob.

"Alzheimer's?" The woman asked, Quinn sniffles loudly, making the woman turn to her as Quinn nodded. The woman looked over the crying girl before sighing. "Give me a minute."

"Take your time, ma'am." JJ mumbled and the woman nodded, walking away. As soon as the woman entered the back room, JJ chuckled, wrapping an arm around Quinn's shoulder and shaking her as she laughed. "That was a quick thinking, shortstack. And nice work with the tears, they really bumped up the act." Quinn smiled proudly. "I try."

"She's coming out!" John B whispered yelled as he looked at a shelf from across the room with Pope, making Quinn go back into her crying act, now only acting like a sniffling mess instead of sobbing.

The woman sighed as she looked over the pair. "So, I, uh... I talked to my boss." Quinn sniffled, looking up at her. "And?" Quinn asked, her voice cracking.

"And, uh, this is what I can do." The woman said, pushing a check towards Quinn and JJ. The boy looked down at the check and and shook his head. "Fifty thousand? You think we walked in here not knowin' the spot price? Ma'am, I know for a fact this is worth 140, at least." The woman stared at him blankly, shrugging. "Well, sweetie, you in a pawnshop. This ain't Zurich. Do I look Swiss to you?"

"Ninety, or we walk." JJ said and the woman's brows raised, leaning over the counter to get closer to the pair. "Seventy. Half price... and, um... I don't ask questions about where you got this." Quinn swallowed the lump in her throat from fake crying, she looked around the store and locked eyes with John B and Pope, both boys sending her a thumbs up. She cleared her throat as she looked at the woman. "We're gonna need that in large denominations, please."

The woman pursed her lips at Quinn, letting out a small hum. "Well, here's the snag. I don't have that much denominated, not here anyway. I can write you a cashier's check." JJ groaned, shaking his head as he hit the counter. "No, ma'am. We want the cold hard. That's what that sign says. Cash for gold. And that's what I expect. We're gonna get it in cold hard."

The woman squinted at JJ before sighing. "Well, I have to send you to the warehouse. I have the money there. Is that all right?" JJ smirked at her words, his brows raising slightly. "Where's this warehouse?"


"So they keep money out here?" Sarah asked and JJ nodded, lighting his blunt. "That's what she said." Quinn snickered. "That's what she said." She mumbled and Pope rolled his eyes, slapping her arm. "Stop."

"I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive." Sarah said, making JJ scoff. "Cause you're rich." Kie rolled her eyes, turning to him with a slight glare. "You've never heard of it either." Sarah turned to Kie, sending her a small smile. "Thank you."

Quinn sighed, leaning her head back on the wall of the van as she looked at the window, a small sigh passing through her lips. "There's nothing but weeds back here."

John B sighed, shaking his head. All right, just 'cause it's just weeds, doesn't mean it's, like-" John B was cutoff by sirens sounding behind them, blue and red lights flashing through the window. "Cops? Out here?" Kie asked, making Quinn straighten up. "Shit! Shit! What did we do?"

"Why are we getting pulled over?" Sarah asked as Quinn whipped her head to JJ, nodding at the gold in his hand. "Stash that."

"Chill, guys." Kie said and Quinn turned to Lie, panicking slightly. "I'm still on probation!" "We did nothing wrong!" Kie whisper yelled. Pope suddenly grabbed Quinn's hands to calm her down as Kie turned to JJ. "Did you bring the gun?"

JJ looked at her with wide eyes, shrugging and shaking his head. "No. Okay? Everybody told me to leave it back at the place." Quinn sighed, mindlessly resting her head on Popes shoulder. "Thank God."

Kie turned to Quinn at her words. Kie's eyes trailed down Quinn before she noticed a ziploc of weed in her shorts pocket. "How much weed do you have on you, Quinn?"

Quinn's eyes went wide, her hand flying to her pocket, pulling out the ziploc and throwing it in the same hidden spot as the gold.

"He's walking up." Kie whisper yelled when the sound of a click of a gun sounded from drivers side of the car. Everyone froze, slowly looking towards the window, watching a man in a skull bandana point a gun at John B.

"All y'all's hands up in the air now! You, out of the car! Let's go!" The man screamed. John B slowly got out of the car, his hands raised. "Out of the car! Let's go! Hurry!" The man screamed.

"Let them out!" He yelled at John B and the boy slowly walked towards the back door of the van. "What are you waitin' on? What are you waitin' on? Let them out! All y'all! Go on! Go on! Let's get out the car! Let's go!"

John B opened the sliding door, one by one the group getting out. Sarah getting out first, making the man nod. "There you go, pretty girl. Here we go! Get out the car, let's go! Hurry up!" Kie got out next, Quinn right after her, her nerves making her shake uncontrollably.

After Quinn, Pope got out. He turned to Quinn with wide eyes as JJ got out. JJ turned to the armed man, shaking his head. "We're broke-" "Shut the hell up!" The man screamed, raising the gun higher at JJ.

Quinn's eyes went wide, shaking her head. "All right! Just relax! JJ just back the fuck up!" Quinn screamed

"Shut the hell up! Shut up!" The masked man screamed at Quinn, turning to point the gun at her. Or I'll blow your damn head off!" Quinn felt her feet stop, her heart stopping as she nodded.

"Lay down in the ditch! Lay down in the ditch! On your goddamn hands and knees! Down! Put your face on the ground!" the Pogues all started to go down on the ground; the order being John B, Saarh, Kie, Quinn, Pope and JJ.

"Stay here just like that! Put your head down! Don't let me see you look up! All right? That's all y'all gotta do." The man said, climbing into the van. Quinn slowly lifted her head and watched the man search the car. Quinn shut her eyes tight in her. "It's a setup, guys." She mumbled, making JJ sigh. "That old bat shanked us." JJ yelled, hitting the ground in anger.

Quinn tries to control her breathing, face the ground when she heard a small whimper from her left. "John B... No..." Sarah cried out, making Quinn immediately turn to Sarah's direction, watching as John B got off his spit on the ground, walking towards the fake police car.

"John B." Quinn whisper yelled, making Pope and JJ turn to see what she was talking about. Pope's eyes went wide, shaking his head. "Don't be a hero, man."

"Sh." Kie whispered as the man got out of the van, holding the bag with the gold in his hands. "All right, y'all stay like that. Unless you want your brains blown out all over this road, don't move your goddamn heads, okay?"

The Pogues watched as the man walked towards his car and as soon as he sat down in the drivers seat, John B popped out from the backseat, fighting the man for the gun. A loud groan escaped from the car and John B suddenly let out a loud laugh " Guys, I got the gun!"

The man tumbled out of the car as everyone on the ground shït up, running towards him. Quinn was the first to attack the man, jumping on his back and sending punches to his head.

"I got the gold!" She could hear Pope yell. The man suddenly grabbed Quinn's arms, flipping her off of him. Quinn let out a cry if pain from her back hitting the ground. "You son of a bitch!" Kie yelled, kicking the man in the stomach, sending him back into the car. JJ got in front of the man, punching him in the face as Kie helped Quinn up.

The man fell to the floor and Sarah was quick to hit the drivers side door to his head, making him fall down again from his crawling position. Quinn let Kie carry most of her weight, her back burning in pain as she watched JJ remove the mans bandana. JJ glared at the man, wiping the corners of his mouth. "I know this piece of shit! He's a basehead!"

"Probably knows my brother." Sarah mumbled, running a hand through her hair. JJ let out a dry chuckle, pointing at the man. "He sells coke to my dad."

"Listen, I couldn't hurt any single one of y'all..." The man breathed out. JJ shook his head, grabbing the gun and slamming the butt of it into the mans face, making Quinn's eyes go wide as she backed up into Kie. "JJ!" Kie yelled as John B pried the gun out of JJs hands.

"Dude, chill, man." Pope said as John B turned to JJ. "Come on, let's get outta here."

"We got one last stop." JJ said, pulling the man wallet out of his pocket, making the man sit up. "Hey!" JJ opened the wallet, showing the man license. Quinn leaned over his shoulder to read it, the name 'Barry' sticking out.

"Let's go see where this son of a bitch lives." JJ said, walking towards the van. Quinn watched him go with wide eyes, she turned to Pope and saw the same expression on his face. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her towards the van, Kie and Sarah going after them.

"I'm gonna remember this shit! You can't hide from me! I know exactly who y'all are!" Barry yelled as John B picked up the mans keys, throwing them into the nearby forest.

"Huh? You're gonna see me again! You hear me? I'mma see you again!" Barry yelled after the Pogues but it was too late, they were in the van and driving away.

—ok so this might be a little confusing but i did the math in my head and i wanted to explain it since it was a little confusing.

Quinn first met the Pogues when she was on Kook Academy's math team and was going against Pope at the pogues school. He thought she was cool and invited her to hang out with his friend group after school thus her becoming a pogue but she still went to kook academy sophomore year (kie's kook year) and introduced her to sarah but she still hung out with the pogues after school unlike kie did and then she didn't like kook academy anymore and transferred to the school the pogues go to(idk the name of it sooo) but yeah👁👁

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