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That night, Dandelionpaw went to the place of no stars. She'd gotten used to it there, and was fully acquianted with them. She liked Hickorypelt the best. Violetslash was snappy and annoyed, One-eye seemed always bored and angry. Ashwing...was just cruel while Hickorypelt was more cheerful and less sinister.
"Okay, Dandelionpaw,"Violetslash meowed,"We came up with a plan!"
"We launch attacks every now and again. We do it unexpectedly on each Clan,"Violetslash explained.
Dandelionpaw stared at the white she-cat for a moment,"Are you serious?"
Three of them nodded; Ashwing had an unamused look on her face like she had a death wish.
"That's the dumbest thing I ever heard!"she exclaimed.
"What?"One-eye hissed.
"She said 'That's the dumbest thing she's ever heard', One-ear,"Ashwing growled. One-eye shot her a glare, "That is what I said. 'Oh no! We created your reputation so we're better than you!'"Ashwing added.
"Fine. What do you suggest?" Hickorypelt asked, looking genuinely curious.
Ashwing gazed at Dandelionpaw. Her stare bored into her pelt, cold and unwelcoming.
"I...I don't know now. Give me time; I'm sure there's a better way,"she stuttered.
"Okay,"Hickorypelt purred. Her eyes locked onto his and she could not look away.
'He's the least evil of us all and my mate,'
'Now that, my great grandaughter, you will never know,'
Dandelionpaw snapped out of her thoughts. If Ashwing was her kin and she and Hickorypelt were mates, it made her and Hickorypelt kin!

Dandelionpaw was collecting herbs with Starflame.
"Alright, Starflame. It's newleaf so it shouldn't be too hard to gather the following herbs: Marigold, borage, catmint and poppy seeds,"
"Okay! Should we split up?"
"Good idea. I'll get the marigold and poppy seeds, you get the catmint and borage. Break!"they set off in two teams. For the first time in ages, Dandelionpaw was content; it had been four moons since she'd discovered she was related to Hickorypelt. After only a few pawsteps, Dandelionpaw found a cluster of poppies. Carefully, she pried the seeds out of them. After a moment's thought, she littered a few on the floor.
The more poppies that grow, the more poppy seeds there are.
Once she'd found the marigold, Dandelionpaw headed back to were she and Starflame had parted. The white warrior was pacing with the herbs.
"Hi,"she greeted.
"Hi..."Starflame's meow was giving her a restless vibe,"Dandelionpaw, I found something, come see,"
Curious, Dandelionpaw followed her best friend. She led her to Sunningrocks.
"Yeah? What?"
"Smell,"Starflame ordered.
She did as told. What?
"Those fish-faces have stolen our territory!"she snarled.
"They'll pay!"Starflame agreed.
"What are you going to do?" Ravenwing of RiverClan sneered.
"Sacwifice yourswelf for your wittle Cyanmawtes?"Snowhawk laughed.
Dandelionpaw strode forward, outraged.
Starflame pulled her back, but uncontrollable rage was already bubbling inside of her.
Fight, whispered a voice in her head, Fight like a warrior. Fight like a gladiator. Fight like a god.
Ha...with pleasure.
Unsheathing her claws, she launched herself at the whole patrol.
I'll whipe those smug expressons off their soon-to-be scarred faces. They'll wail and run back to the nursery were they belong!
She screamed, in a trance of anger. Anger was usually a weakness, but it was now an advantage. The scar on her chest throbbed with the impact.
"Fox-hearts! Cowards! Fish-faces! Mouse-brains!"she screeched every insult she knew at them. She felt three sturdy pelts beside her, matching her blow for blow.
Violetslash, One-eye and Ashwing. This must've been Hickorypelt's Clan.
The RiverClan warriors had never experienced the rage that she threw at them; they seemed to stagger at the force of it.
She raked her claws across Ravenwing face, Bristlelight's flanks, Snowhawk's eyes, Flowernose's stomach and Maltpaw's muzzle. The five of them wailed and howled but Dandelionpaw wouldn't stop. All the anger, all the pain, everything went into those blows; she no longer needed the dark forest cats fighting with her because was alone on this. She was alone, but alive.
"Please! Please let me go!"Ravenwing choked as she pinned him by his throat, ready to tear it out.
"Don't even try it,"she spat, and let him up.
She turned around. As soon as she did, she swivled back, opening her jaws just in time as Ravenwing lunged at her. Her teeth met their mark in the tom's throat, and he went limp with a terrible, gurgling sound.
Flowernose stared at Ravenwing's body for a long moment as if he couldn't proccess the abilities of the medicine cat apprentice.
"Retreat!"he called, grasping Rabenwing's scruff in his jaws as he ran.
"Yes! You run! Run like the cowards you are!"Dandelionpaw yelled.

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