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Evil ran through her veins. Pure, unstoppable, toxic evil that granted Dandelionshade the energy to run through the forest until dusk, and sprint back to camp only then.
ThunderClan was sat in a circle around something.
That can't be Starflame; it's grey.
Realisation hit her like a rock.
It's grey...
"Thorntail!"she yowled, leaping into the cluster of cats. For a horrible moment, Dandelionshade thought her mentor was dead, then the faint rise and fall of his chest told her that he was fine.
"What happened?"she rasped, the power of her team vanishing like powder.
"They came back,"Frostedrose meowed hoarsely,"They killed Frostbitewhisper, Tallpine, Bugfrost, Stonebrook, Kiterose, Underforge and Nightfur,"she paused,"Thorntail's dying and they...they killed..." she moved away to reveal Lightstar's body.
Dandelionshade gasped.
"Looks like they got Starflame, too," Mothnose padded into camp, Starflame's body on his back.
Did...did I really do that?
She began shaking violently.
"Dandelionshade,"Thorntail meowed weakly.
"I...I'm here, Thorntail,"she whispered.
"I need to talk to you,"
Thorntail's body was damp with blood and tears,
"The light of day and the darkness of night will destroy this Clan if not destroyed. Darkness will spread to day but the amber feather will win,"
The prophecy...
With that, Thorntail let out a final shuddering breath. No grief tore at her heart, only familiar hate and anger. "Frostedrose,"she meowed, recovering quickly,"We must go to Mothermouth,"
"What?"her sister exclaimed, genuine panic alight in her eyes,"I can't! Someone else!"
"But you must, Lightstar chose you,"
Frostedrose bowed her head, fear showing on every hair of her pelt.
"Okay,"she meowed,"Let's go,"

"Touch your nose to the Moonstone," Dandelionshade ordered quietly.
Still in shock, Frostedrose obeyed.
Her breathing slowed as she did so.
Dandelionshade sighed. Oh, Starflame, please come to me.
Heart heavier than a stone, she let sleep take her.

"We are proud,"Ashwing's growl jerked her awake.
"Yes,"One-eye added,"You fought well,"
Dandelionshade stood with her head low; she couldn't bare to look at them. She felt they'd betrayed her. She could only meet Hickorypelt's sorrowful gaze, though even his eyes shone in quiet triumph.
"Dandelionshade!"Frostedrose- no Frostedstar- 's gasp woke her up.
"Y-yes, Frostedstar?"
"Did you see any StarClan cats?"her sister demanded.
Dandelionshade tactfully avoided the question,"Why?"
"I didn't!"Frostedrose began pacing around the cavern,"Should I waited until after the Moonstone stopped glowing? What do I do?"
"Calm down,"she wasn't surprised. Her dream had proved it: StarClan wasn't real.
"What we do is we pretend to the Clan that you have nine lives, Frostedstar,"
Frostedstar shook her head in dismay,"I can't lie to them!"she hissed.
"Frostedstar, ThunderClan will fall if you do not, now let's get home and you can choose your deputy,"

"Frostedstar! Frostedstar!" ThunderClan chanted as Dandelionshade and her sister enteres camp. Frostedstar shot her an uncertain look,"Are you sure about this?"
"Yes,"she sighed irritatbly.
The leader lept onto the Highrock and yowled,"ThunderClan!"
The Clan fell silent.
"It gives me great honour to lead you I swear- I swear- I will make ShadowClan pay and I will make. ThunderClan. Strong!"
"Frostedstar! Frostedstar!"
"I shall appoing my deputy now," Frostedstar declared,"I say these words before Lightstar, that his spirit may hear and approve of my choice,"
The whole Clan seemed to hold their breath.
"Mothnose will be the new deputy of ThunderClan,"
Everybody turned to the silver tom. Surprise shone on his face,"I-I wasn't expecting this. But I'll do everything I can to make ThunderClan strong again,"he stammered, though Dandelionshade caught a twinge of ambition in his tone.
Frostedstar- who either hadn't heard or was ignoring his voice- continued, "Since I was not here last night, me and Dandelionshade shall sit vigil tonight. You are dissmissed,"
The cats finished sharing tongues and retreated to their dens, Softheart and Heartbrook on watch. Frostedstar settled in the centre of the clearing, although the bodies had already been buried. Dandelionshade sat there for a while, but restless guilt clawed at her.
I killed Starflame. It's offical: I'm a cold-blooded murderer and a traitor.
Tears dripped from her eyes and she wished she could leave the world behind, she wished she were dead.  Even if she were to join Ashwing in death, she did not care, she just had to be free of the pain.
By moonhigh, she could no longer stand herself. She got up and crept past her sister- who was now asleep- and headed for the ravine. There was a high rock there. She recalled all the times that Starflame had climbed that rock to gaze at the sky, and how she'd scrambled after her and made her jump. Now she clambered up without a problem, her larger form making it easier. She stared up at the stars, longing clawing at her throat. In all her life, she'd never felt so alone. In all her life, she'd never felt so...cold.
Her tears smugged her visiom and swirled the stars.
"Are you up there, Starflame?" Dandelionshade whispered,"I'm sorry!"
The stars didn't glint a reply, so she sighed and waited for dawn to come.

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