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Four days had passed. The Clan was hungry, weakened by leaf-bare. Dandelionpaw was nervously hunting with Junipertooth, Acornbelly and Tallpaw. So far, Acornbelly had caught a shrew, Tallpaw had got two mice and Junipertooth had a vole.
"Come on, Dandelionpaw. Find something!"Junipertooth hissed.
You're alerting all of the prey!
She wanted to retort, but the impatient air around her mentor suggested that it would be an awful idea. She sniffed the air. She froze. Mouse!
Staring around, Dandelionpaw spotted the grey prey nibbling on a nut. She stalked towards it, remembering her training. I can't miss this...
Suddenly, a twig snapped, causing the mouse to dart away.
"Fox dung!"she growled, diving into the ferns after it.
Where did it go?
Dandelionpaw sighed, embarressment being exchanged with anger in seeing Tallpaw staring smugly at a stick, and Acornbelly cuffing her playfully.
"Dandelionpaw! You should be more careful,"Junipertooth scolded, but the glint of humour in her eyes made Dandelionpaw suspect that she knew exactly what tbe older apprentice had commited,"Since you cannot hunt, you will spend the day gathering moss. Enjoy,"
Annoyance rippled through her, especially in knowing that it had been Tallpaw who had made her miss it. The other three walked back to camp and Tallpaw shot her another dirty look. He'll pay...He won't be happy once I've destroyed ThunderClan...
Dandelionpaw froze, paw still gripping her third load of moss. Great StarClan what am I thinking? I'm not gonna destroy ThunderClan!

Once she'd collected tons of moss, Dandelionpaw escorted herself back to camp. A strangely large number of cats were in the clearing. "What's going on?"she asked the nearest cat, who was the recently retired elder Voltleaf.
"ShadowClan raid!"he exclaimed.
"ShadowClan raid?"she gasped in excitment. Maybe I'll get to fight! Oh wait, I don't know any moves...
"Nightfur's patrol will come with me and so will Garlicwhisker, Acornbelly, Tallpaw and Goldenpod,"Lightstar arranged the preperations.
Dandelionpaw's fur twitched with jealousy in seeing that Breezepaw was on Nightfur's patrol.
"Move out,"Lightstar ordered,"If we're outnumbered badly, Breezepaw, you run back to camp,"
Breezepaw nodded, eyes wide at the thought of being in charge of the numbers. She sighed, wishing that Junipertooth would teach her to fight. Just then, she remembered the moss. When she'd picked it up, she gazed uncertainly around, unsure where to put it.
Ah ha! The medicine cat den! Thorntail keeps a supply of moss; I think it's running low.
As she headed over, Starflame pushed her way out, a distant, wild look in her blue eyes.
"Hey, Starflame! Wha'supp?"
"N...nothing,"the unfocoused stare she gave her gave the impession that she had forgotten who she was. Then, the intelligence came back to her eyes, "Nothing,"she repeated, swiftly stalking away.
Dandelionpaw shrugged and continued to approach. In the den, Thorntail stood, rigid with horror, staring at a weed.
"Hey, Thorntail,"she greeted, unnerved by the unwavering terror in his scowl.
Thorntail let out a shriek as he spun towards her. Dandelionpaw wondered what could cause any cat to seem so distressed.
"Are...are you o...o...okay?"she stuttered, more uneasy with ever moment that passed.
"You see this flower,"Thorntail screeched, pointing his tail yo the weed which, up close, was recognised as a dandelion,"How did it grow here? How does it cast a shadow? There is no sunlight in here!"
She reeled back,"I don't know!"
"It's an omen!"Thorntail yowled, "Dandelionshade will destroy ThunderClan!"
"Who's Dandelionshade?" Dandelionpaw gasped, dreading the answer with every itch of her paws.
"You! A...and there's more!"the crazy old tom yelped,"It's in the medicine cat den; you have to be a medicine cat!"
"What? No! I'm a warrior!"she exclaimed.
"But you must be a medicine cat,"in that instant, Thorntail calmed down. Dandelionpaw placed down the moss, then burst out of the den, gasping with horror.
She only felt fear creeping through her veigns, fear and...anger.

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