Chapter 17

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Skydoesminecraft's Execution - Lost friends

Sky stood in The small-ish 'Budder' Room. Then the door opened. That's when it got confusing. Jin, Tyler, and Ty walked in with bright smiles. Sky jumped up, "Ty! Tyler! Jin they're alive! They're ok!" Sky shook 'Jin' by the shoulders. Meanwhile, the real Jin watched on the monitor. Confused. So confused. That wasn't him. "Dude what are you talking about? Of course they are! Are you ok?" 'Jin' asked. The real Jin Noticed now that all three of the newcomers had bright red eyes. Robots. "I- Ty! You were dead! Boy have I got a story to tell you! I must have been dreaming! Where are we, if this isn't my execution room? Where have you guys been?" Sky spoke so fast Jin barely caught some of the words. "You don't remember...? Wait, Dead? Guys I think The doctors were right, he's lost it." 'Tyler' remarked. "Lost it? What are you talking about?" "Sky... you freaked out last Wednesday morning. Me and Ross carried you to the hospital. We thought you were having a seizure or something. The doctors sent you here. It's... it's the loony bin." 'Jin' said slowly. "I'm not crazy! I don't remember any of that!" Sky exclaimed. "Hey, we're working on getting you out right now. Right guys?" 'Ty' elbowed 'Tyler' in the ribs, "Y-yeah!" 'Tyler' blurted out. How was this torture for Sky? Waking up to see your two dead friends just fine. If Jin could wake up and have Ross be fine.... even if Jin was crazy, it'd be better than now.

Then it happened. The fake Jin snapped his fingers. "This has been fun, but our time is just about out. Any last words?" The fake Jin asked. Fake Tyler produced a pocket knife from his pocket. Sky's eyes widened, glancing from the knife to Fake Jin and back, then he took a deep breath. "Ty what's so special about your headphones?" Sky asked. Why would he waste his last words asking about headphones? "They're specifically designed to record and send data back and forth between them and Headquarters. The password is 8 10 11 5. I'm not Ty, by the way. He died two weeks ago. So did MunchingBrotato." The Fake Ty answered. Sky didn't seem shocked, but he still flinched at the mention of his friends' deaths. He must have figured out that the three people standing in front of him weren't real when fake Tyler pulled out the Knife. That knife caught Jin's eye as it shot forward with impossible speed, and, thankfully, the rest was blocked from view by a splatter of magenta blood. There was a scream, a cough, then silence. Jin felt something wet land on his cheek, and wiped it off, looking at his hand. Tears. He was crying. "Goodbye, Adam." He whispered.

Whilst walking back, Jin remembered what Fake Ty said about the headset. He pulled the neon green headphones from around his neck and looked for some sort of secret compartment. He found it on the back of the left speaker, in what looked like a battery compartment. Jin clicked play.

'Hello, this is Agent Lox, reporting for the...'


Do you think my drawings are getting any better?

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