Chapter 22 - A Shocking Suprise

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Quentin, Seto, Barney and Bodil went to investigate Stampy. As soon as they went down the hall, Jason facepalmed. "Someone go get them.." He pointed at Lewis, who shrugged and ran off down the hall. He came back a few moments later with Quentin ,Seto ,Barney and Bodil.

"It was one of these two. One of them saw the other dead and that counted as someone having seen them. It's part of your rules." Jason pulled out his Tablet-thing. "Three people have to see a body before it's announced."

They continued to investigate, not finding anything. "Let's check their rooms. There might be a note or something. You know, like with Ross." Mitch suggested. "Yeah, sure. Sounds like a plan." Quentin replied. They passed Aphmau's room, an unspoken agreement to avoid going into the dead girl's room if at all possible hanging in the air.

They got to Jin's room, luckily finding it unlocked. Stampy was there, sitting on the floor, talking to a laptop. Yep. Definitely gone off the deep end. "...hey guys! You've gotta check this out!" He said cheerfully. "Why are you in Jin's room?!" Mitch asked. "Well, it was kind of obvious that it was him that got killed, I saw him go up there. And he never did come down. So I looked around his room, and found this underneath the nightstand! Look." Stampy stood up and handed Jason the computer.

Jason looked at the Screen, almost dropping it when he saw Jin staring back at him. "Hello! I'm AlterBop! Pleasure to meet you," The Virtual Jin looked at Jason for a moment, "Minecraftuniverse, The ultimate Reporter." AlterBop chimed. It looked around, "I see all but three of the people Master told me about. Where are Aphmau, Skydoesminecraft, and Master? Master has been absent for longer than he usually is," AlterBop asked. "They're all dead." Mitch said flatly. "Oh." Was all AlterBop said.

So Jin created a Digital AI on a computer no one else even knew existed? Jason's head was spinning. The amount of coding... when did he do this? "So.. what do you do?" Quentin asked the computer. "I analyze data. Master created me to find information on the mansion in which you all and him were and are trapped." AlterBop replied. "So... Jin created you?" Nick asked. "Of course, SgcBarbarian, ultimate aim. Master JinBop, ultimate programmer, created me." AlterBop said gleefully. "Guys this is most certainly worth looking into, but we have to investigate and find out who killed Aphmau and Jin." Quentin said, looking around the rest of the room. Jason set the computer down on the bed, "Did you find anything before you found this?" Jason asked Stampy. "Uh, no. I didn't. Sorry." Stampy replied. They all searched the room, finding nothing. "Time's up! Please come to the dining room immediately!"

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