Chapter 25

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I'm Just writing a fanfic of an anime and my favorite YouTubers and their untimely demise.... I'm just an average Fan. Btw Happy New Year! 10 minutes to 2016!

"Jason has an alibi, and so does Lewis. Seto?" Quentin turned to the ultimate Alchemist. "This is going to sound really bad... but I was wandering around. I passed the kitchen. Maby they saw me...?" Seto turned to Bodil, "Okay 'Creepy Stalker', did you see me?" "Uh... I think I did. But that was like right after lunch." Bodil replied. "Right after lunch? And we don't know when the two murders happened?" Jason asked. Why did it always have to be the nice people? "Wait- no!" Seto exclaimed.

"If you don't want to be suspected, give us a proven reason that proves you're not the culprit." Quentin said. Seto paused, then a frightened expression came over his face, "B-but I can't!" He stuttered. "Then you're a suspect. Simple as that." Quentin replied. "Everyone else has an alibi, Seto. No use playing dumb." Nick sighed. Seto fumbled for an alibi that he would find didn't exist, while Jason thought for a moment. "Slight miscalculation. You haven't, Nick." Jason interrupted quietly. "I what? Uh, ok. I was taking a nap. It's been a long week.." Nick trailed off. He was right about that. It had been a long week. "Ok. Can anyone prove that?" Quentin asked. Quentin was good at this.

"Yeah. I told Lee I was going to. You know, just in case I didn't come back, I guess. I don't know. This place is really freaking me out, guys. But I told Lee where I was going." Nick said tiredly. Lee nodded, "I remember that." He piped up. "So that's an alibi. Then the only person who's left is Seto-" "Somebody must be lying! I didn't do anything!" Seto interrupted Lee. "Name someone who has a fault in their excuse." Quentin demanded. "I-I don't know! Nick? No one can prove that Nick took a nap! He could have lied to Lee! Lee isn't a lie detector!" Seto exclaimed. "I find that offensive." Lee said. Quentin ignored Lee, "I guess that could be true. Nick? You need to give a better alibi." Nick hesitated, and looked at Lee, "Lee saw me go into my room." He said smoothly. "I did. That's true." Lee said matter o factly, possibly mimicking a lie detector.

Seto panicked and waved his hand in front of him, and pointed at Lee, and a Lie detector appeared. "You can do that?" Monoman asked in shock from his throne. "Yes." "No, you can't!" Monoman laughed after a moment. Jason noticed a little antenna had appeared for a moment on Monoman's head. Strange. A panel swung out from the ceiling and stopped just above Seto's head. "Agh! What is that!?" Seto asked in shock, starting to back away from it. It shot out a splash potion that was Orange, and it landed right on Seto's face. "Oh dear. That wasn't supposed to hit your face. Don't eat that." Monoman said, trying not to laugh, "That's just a potion to stop your magic. It's normally Clear, but I added some dye. Good luck getting that out of your cloak!... or your hair. It may or may not be hair dye." Monoman laughed hysterically.

"Wait, for how long?" Seto said, shocked, waving and pointing at various points in the room. "Only permanently. Kind of like that dye! Ha-ha!" Mono man stood up, "Now I'm just going to get rid of this." Monoman said, and the panel flipped over and a retractable claw came out and grabbed the lie detector, then the panel flipped over and disappeared into the ceiling. "Wha- permanently?!" Seto cried. "Yep. Continue the trial, people! You have a case to solve and I have a punishment to watch!" Monoman clapped his hands. "You can't do that!" Jason exclaimed. "Excuse me? Do you make the rules? The last time I heard, you weren't the one operating this place." Monoman said flatly, sitting back down.

"Wait, didn't you say you were talking with Seto?" Jason asked Quentin. "He just stopped by to say hi. He was hardly there for five or so minutes." Quentin replied.

"Whatever. Seto, we know you did it." Quentin said, booting up his tablet to vote. Several other people were doing the same. "What if they're both lying? What then? it's your fate you're screwing up. I didn't do this! I don't want to die and I don't want you all to either!" Seto exclaimed. "I really wish you still had that lie detector, Seto." Quentin sighed. "Lee? Prove what you're saying is true." Quentin said. "I can't, but I saw what I saw. He went into his room." Lee said. "What if he snuck out of his room after Lee left?" Mitch suggested. "Hm. I suppose that's plausible." Quentin said. "That would make sense." Stampy spoke up. "How so?" "I saw him looking at me when in was baking. I didn't think anything of it at the time." He said. "You did? When?" Jason demanded. "Right when I put the cake in the oven. About an hour or so before the announcement went off." Stampy said. "...You were right by the stairs, weren't you?" Jason asked. "Yeah." "He's the only one that went that way?" "Yeah." "Then Nick is guilty as charged." Jason said. He was right, of course. (I think you knew that) "Explain yourself Nick." Mitch crossed his arms. Nick smiled Slyly, "What can I say? Nick is my name, Killing is my game. I got bored. This place is really boring, you know that?" Nick said. Exactly. "Some sunshine and fresh air would be nice. That was my thinking. Jess was the obvious target. Then Jin... He kind of saw me kill Jess, and he freaked, yelling at me and crying... I killed him too. I didn't know about his little computer program. That would have probably been able o sneak me out of here." Monoman looked surprised at the mention of another cheating device, but didn't say a word. Uh Oh. "Yeahs! With Jin's help its probably could'ves!" Barney exclaimed, upset. "I'll shut up now. Let's give execution a whirl." Nick said, kicking his feet up, smiling. Smiling.

'Well, you're correct. It was Nick." Monoman said without his usual enthusiasm.

Nick's Stand and the area around it sunk into the ground, and he stared directly at Monoman, "This is gonna be fun, isn't it?" Nick asked. Monoman frowned.

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