Chapter 42 - Glimpses Of Lives

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What do you mean I've already done something like this? (The picture above was supposed to be for Chapter 36.... Oh dear I'm a slow drawer.... ) Do you guys think my new drawing style looks ok? It was kind of bothering me a while back that I wasn't drawing necks on people. Oh, and sorry that I can't set any sort of plan for uploading at all... I keep getting in trouble for the dumbest reasons. Like my little sister stealing my Pokemon cards. How exactly is that my fault??? Lol whatever...

    Bodil walked down the hall to look for anything. Anything at all. He hadn't the slightest idea what exactly they were looking for. "Hey." Bodil waved to Simon, who was looking at a picture frame. It was a little picture frame with what looked like a silhouette of an arrow. As he walked up to Simon, he realized that Simon wasn't just admiring the painting. He was reading something. "Did you find something?" Simon nodded, pointing to the silhouette. It wasn't a silhouette at all. It was an outline made of words.

        Mitch kicked back at the desk in his room. He smiled. He was getting better at this whole deceiving thing. He couldn't very well look for clues if he knew where they all were. "Mono, what next?" Mitch said, seemingly to himself. The robot appeared beside him, "Well, I don't know. What do you think? Any suggestions for the next motive?" Monoman replied. "Hm. Those ones with time limits seem to work rather well," Mitch suggested.

        Hannah stood in the kitchen with Stampy and Lee. The three planned to make a cake to surprise everyone. "So.... flour? One and a half cups.... let's see....." She grabbed a measuring cup out of the cabinet. It hadn't been her idea to bake a cake, but she was just going to go with it. It would be a distraction from thinking about what happened to Sips and what had apparently happened to Simon.

       Lewis studied a large walk in closet he had found on the second floor in one of the rooms. He noticed something amid the cloths hangars. A rope. A Noose, to specify. Lewis had read up on witch trials and such before. He knew what the knot used to hang someone looked like. He looked at a mirror in the closet. And he saw someone with a wicked smile looking back at him. "Target. Spotted."  They smiled. Something was... off. Very off. Their clothing was soon stained pink.

Lewis didn't even have time to react.

Jason could have sworn he heard a scream. He looked around, but the source wasn't to be found.

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