Chapter 49 - Unseen Crimes

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"I-I didn't do anything!" Shelby panicked. "Tell it to the judge. Or... uh... us..." Bodil said. "I- It was Sub! I didn't think it was worth mentioning, but h-he went up the stairs before I did! I just saw him when I came around the corner!" Shelby tried to explain. Sub was so shocked be jumped backwards from his stand, "What?" He was startled by the accusation. "You would have mentioned it earlier." Jason pointed out. Shelby looked around the room at everyone. She saw anger and a hint of disbelief in each set of eyes. She had been found out.

After a moment, she smiled, "You really are convinced it was me?" She asked. Everyone nodded. "It was a good shot, I suppose" she shrugged, "You know, it's so fun acting! Although I suppose this means someone else will need to look after Barney's goat... but in would have been able to buy so much recording equipment..! I guess I've been caught red-handed! Or, uh, pink handed," Shelby giggled, taking off the much too big jacket. Below her neck she was completely pink. Covered in blood.

"Wh-wh-why?!" Quentin gasped, "Why are you still covered in blood?!" He demanded. "I didn't have time to wash off anything more than my face, of course! I got impatient, you could say. For a well seasoned murderer, you would think I'd have more patience-" "What?" Hannah interrupted. Shelby paused, "Let's just leave it at the fact that I have the blood of seventeen people on my hands, Kay?" Shelby smiled. "Ok you're all in agreement it's her?" Monoman said hurriedly. Everyone nodded. Even Shelby.

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