Chapter 53 - Unlocked

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Jason yawned and got out of bed. Another day in this place. Great. He stepped out into the hall, stretching. He wasn't really much of a morning person. He went to check on Mitch, who he found was still ill. He walked down the other way in the direction of the Dining room when the smell hit him. No. Not again. Not so soon.

It was the iron smell of blood. Jason paused. Where was it coming from? He was standing in between Bodil's room and Pat's old room. Behind him were Sky's and Ross's rooms. Behind that, his and Jerome's rooms. In front of him, Hannah's room and Amy's room on either side. Where? Jason didn't really want to know. He took a deep breath. This was important. For the love of God they might be alive! Jason started at Sky's room, then Ross's, then Pat's. Jason closed the door to Pat's old room. Empty. Maby he was just imagining this smell.

Maby he was. He pushed open Bodil's door. It was unlocked. Why was it unlocked?! Jason looked inside the room. It had Yellow and Orange striped walls. But what made Jason look away was the body. He looked back after a moment, expecting to see Bodil's bloody corpse.

W-wait a minute.

That wasn't Bodil.

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