Chapter 69 - Intel

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      "Times up! This is... this'll be a little tough to clean up..."

   Jason looked around at the eight other people. They were at the trial. Seto was looking at a picture of the  knife on his tablet, Lee was staring at Monoman, Stampy was carving something else into his stand, Mitch was staring at his stand, Sqaishey was leaning over Stampy's shoulder to see the drawing, Hannah was looking at the photo Seto took, Bodil was examining his pen, and Brice was staring into space. Mitch looked up, "It's easy to see who did this." He stated. "Who?" Hannah asked immediately. "Lee." He said simply. Lee spun to face Mitch, "Wh-what? I-I didn't do anything!" The bear cried in protest.

    "Who was it again who was so very willing to distract Brice so he wouldn't give away the location of further evidence? And wasn't it you who told me you had been practicing with knives after a near death experience?" Mitch questioned, "That knife was thrown, you can tell by Sub's wound." He explained. Lee took a step backwards. Stampy looked up from his drawing, and at Lee. He was clearly contemplating if this could be true. "I didn't do anything!" "Likely story." Hannah crossed her arms.

   "You've got to believe me! I-I didn't do it! Did it ever cross your mind that I'm not the only one who know how to throw a knife?!" Lee said in disbelief of the accusation. Mitch narrowed his eyes, "Give up the innocent act."
      "This is unbelievable! How dare you accuse me of killing Sub!" Lee exclaimed.  "I accuse you because it's true." "No it's not!" "Yes, I do believe it-" "I couldn't have killed him!"

    "Why not?" "He... He.... uh.... I just couldn't have! For crying out loud I bake cake for a living! I'm a baker!" "More work with knives, I see." Mitch replied. "You really are branching this accusation off of nothing, Mitch." Bodil said flatly. "I can tell by his face that he did it."

    "Wha- You don't know anything about bear faces! You can't base your accusations on that!"  "It's obvious that it was you." Mitch replied. "Mitch, are you alri-"

   Jason was interrupted by Lee, "Ok. It was me. I wanted out, alright?" "L-Lee?! What are you doing we didn't even have solid evidence!" Jason suprised himself by sounding... disappointed. It was Lee? How did Mitch know that? Jason pondered what Mitch wasn't telling everyone. Did he have Intel on who a murderer was?

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